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Training Bra

Page 3

by J. W. McKenna

  “What a wild ride that would be,” she said aloud.

  She quickly got dressed in a navy blue skirt and white camisole top, covered by a matching navy blazer. Normally, this outfit made her feel very professional, but she just felt ordinary today. Marti hurried off to catch the subway.

  Once again, she walked past the shop and peered in, trying to figure out how she might afford another set. Then she could wear one set Mondays and Wednesdays, and the other set Tuesdays and Thursdays, and wash them in between. She wondered if too much washing might be harmful to them. Perhaps she should stop in and ask Dave about it. Yes, that would be a good idea.

  She was at her desk when Mr. Harris came in. She smiled and said hi and he nodded back at her in his perfunctory way before disappearing into his office. It was as if yesterday had not happened. She was back to being the invisible secretary.

  Well, shit.

  Marti tried to concentrate on her work, but her mind kept returning to her bra and panties for some reason. Her bra made her feel like her breasts were swaying around far too much for a workplace environment and her panties, well, her panties were just boring. She missed the caressing that left her feeling sexy and more attractive.

  At lunch, she made a beeline to Dave's shop and went inside. She was not surprised to see another woman there, a beautiful black woman she didn't recognize. The woman clearly had on a set of Dave's miracle undergarments on under her clothes, because she was standing up straight, her breasts out, a big smile on her face. Dave was handing her a sales slip and said, “So glad you like them, Barbara. Tell your friends!”

  “I will, Dave, I will!” She practically strutted as she walked past Marti.

  “I see your business is starting to pick up,” she told him.

  He smiled. “Yes, I had a feeling it would. It just takes patience.” He paused. “Would you like to try on another bra today, Marti?”

  “Uh, no, I really can't,” she said, even as her mind told her it was a very good idea. “I just came in to ask about washing. I worry that too much washing might, uh, you know, affect the fit and all.”

  “That's a good question. No, as long as you follow directions on the label, the bra and panties should be fine. And that is, never wash them in hot water. Always cold. And I'd recommend using the gentle cycle. Oh, and use a cool dry or gentle setting on the dryer. Or you might even hang them up in the bathroom.”

  “I'm glad I came by! I think most women don't really pay attention to labels and I might've just tossed them in with my other bras and panties and maybe ruined them!”

  Dave frowned. “Yes, that's a good point. I'll put up a sign to remind women. Thank you for that.”

  “You're welcome.” She knew she should leave, but she found herself really wanting to try on another set. Maybe a light blue bra? Her current bra suddenly felt tight.

  “I really can't afford another bra, but I would like to take you up on your offer to try one on, if I may.”

  “Of course! I'm happy to let my customers get the full effect from my designs because I know they sell themselves.”

  Marti went to the racks and quickly picked out a light blue bra that would go well with two of her tops she had in mind. She hurried to the dressing room and slipped it on. Immediately, she felt better. These bras were worth the price he asked for them, she decided. The way they supported her made her feel young again. But it was more than that. They made her feel more confident, even as they brought her breasts up and out for men to admire. If she didn't look at herself in the mirror, she'd think she had B-cup breasts the way she was supported. Opening her eyes, she saw a very sexy, well-endowed woman looking back. What man could resist?

  “How does it fit?” Dave's voice was right outside.

  “Good.” She looked in the mirror and frowned at the bulges at the tops. Did the bra seem too small now? “I think...”

  “May I see the fit? I can tell you in an instant.”

  “Yes, okay.”

  The curtain was pulled aside and Dave stepped through. It was a tight fit for both of them in the room but Marti felt at ease with the man. He ran his fingers along the edge of her bra, tsking as he tugged at it.

  “Hmm. You know, you might want to try on the next size up, a thirty-six D, just to compare.”

  “Why would I need a larger size in one and not the other?”

  “I don't really know. I'm going to have to check with my manufacturer. Either this particular color was made a shade smaller or your breasts are growing!”

  She laughed. “That's all I need! My boss is flustered enough already as it is!”

  He chuckled. “Well, that's good, isn't it? Unless he's ugly.”

  “No, he's very handsome—and married.”

  “Ohh.” Dave changed the subject. “Hang on and I'll get you the next size up.”

  He left, but he didn't close the curtain. Marti turned back to the mirror and looked at herself. Was she really getting bigger? Nahh, that was silly!

  Dave returned with another blue bra and handed it over. “Slip that on and let me check the fit.” He stepped back and slid the curtain closed.

  Marti exchanged bras and stared at herself. The larger size did fit better.

  “May I see?”


  He came in and tsked over her bra, tugging at it as before. “Yes, that's really the best size for you in this color. I guess there's just a fraction of a difference between the blue and the white.”

  “Okay. Well, I can't afford it anyway, so I'll come back when—and if—I get my raise.”

  “I should tell you, your friend Darlene from your office was in here yesterday after work and she bought a bra, so your next purchase will be ten percent off.”

  “Really?” That would mean her next bra would cost just ninety dollars! Gosh, she could afford that, couldn't she?

  No, she scolded herself. You haven't gotten the raise yet!

  “I really must be going,” she said, shaking her head. “Thanks, I'll remember your offer.”

  Dave nodded. “Of course! Come back anytime!” He retreated and let her put on her clothes. Her breasts seemed to bounce around even more now that she had the direct comparison between the two bras. Marti doubted her current bra would really be acceptable for the workplace. Too bad! It was almost as comfortable as Dave's designs were. Idly, she wondered if Steve would notice if she took off her blazer and let her breasts run free. The thought made her smile.

  “Well thanks,” she said as she quickly left the store before her resolve weakened. “I'll be back!”

  “I know you will!”

  Marti returned to the office and eased her blazer off without even thinking about it. Her breasts encased in her lightweight bra seemed untamed underneath her camisole and it almost embarrassed her. It's just an experiment, she told herself. I'll put my blazer back on after Steve sees me.

  Steve returned from lunch and Marti made an excuse to stand up and felt her breasts bounce. Steve glanced at her chest and flushed red and gave her a thin smile and hurried into his office.

  Well, damn, he noticed, but he didn't seem to appreciate them!

  Marti looked down at herself as she sat down and noticed how they seemed to flop around. Not very sexy. She made a mental note to burn this stupid bra. What's comfort without support? At least she could wear her Stunner again on Thursday.

  That evening, she pulled her Stunner bra and panties out of the hamper and washed them gently in the sink in cold water and very little soap. Just enough to get them clean but not enough to disturb the magic fabric. She hung them dry over the shower curtain. She had a brief desire to dry them with the hair dryer before she remembered Dave's caution about heat. These undergarments take a lot of care!

  Friday morning, she was pleased to see they had dried overnight. She showered and put them on, giving a small sigh of satisfaction when they were in place. She looked in the mirror and noticed at once how they lifted and supported her, even as they gently aroused her. And
her panties! They felt really good too, they way they slid against her clit.


  She frowned and looked down. Her curly pubic hair bunched up against the front panel, keeping the material from her skin. That would never do. She'd let herself go since Danny had been in her life! She stripped off her panties and picked up her small grooming scissors and began to trim. She snipped off the excess hair but noted it really had gotten too thick along the edges. Marti ran into the bedroom to check the time and decided she had a few extra minutes. She returned to the bathroom and ran the water in the sink until it was hot and used a washcloth to dampen her crotch. She squirted a small amount of shaving cream onto her fingers and spread just a line of it along the outsides of her bush.

  Taking a razor, she began to shave about a half-inch from the edges and top, being careful to keep the shape symmetrical. She washed off the extra shaving cream with the damp washcloth and admired her work. Better. Drying off with a towel, Marti slipped her panties back on and noted at once the difference. Oh yes. That felt better—much sexier.

  She got dressed quickly in a red skirt and white blouse, thinking how good it would feel to have on a set of red underwear. Then she could wear that pink blouse she had bought but had never worn to work before. It would drive Steve crazy! Shaking her head, she dismissed the idea and hurried off to catch the subway.

  At work, she liked the new feeling of her panties caressing her clit. With the hair trimmed, it was a bit more arousing, although that was hardly a need in the workplace! She concentrated on her latest report. But when the phone rang, she found her voice dropping an octave when she said, “Mr. Harris’ office.”

  “Wow, did Steve get a new secretary?” a voice said.

  “Uh, no, this is Marti.”

  “Oh! Well, your voice sounds terrific today, Marti. This is Bill from HR. Is Steve available?”

  “Oh yes, I'll put you through.”

  She flipped a button. “Mr. Harris? I have Mr. Allen from HR on the line.”

  “Okay, put him through.”

  She connected them and hung up. 'My voice sounds terrific'? Did he mean sexy?

  In the back of her mind, she wondered if this was about her raise. She found out a few minutes later when Steve called her into his office. She went in, her stomach fluttering with excitement.

  “Close the door, please.” He seemed surprisingly neutral and Marti feared her request had been turned down.

  She closed the door and went to sit in front of Mr. Harris’ desk.

  “I talked to HR about your raise,” he said, his face frowning and Marti's heart fell. “And you got it!” His face suddenly lit up and she realized he'd just been teasing her.


  “Yes. Three percent! That's the most I could get you, you know.”

  “Oh, that will be wonderful! Thank you so much!”

  “There's one caveat, however.”

  She settled down and waited for the catch.

  “You can't tell anyone else. I mean, among the secretaries. HR has done the calculations and, frankly, we can't afford to give everyone a raise right now. But for a selected few, who have worked hard and proven themselves invaluable to certain execs...” he winked at her, “...HR has given permission for a raise.”

  “Well, thank you so much!” She said again, and jumped up and ran around the desk to hug him, although he remained seated. “I promise I will do everything to keep you happy with me.”

  Including fucking you, if you ever want me to, she thought.

  He smiled and blushed at her actions. She noted his eyes once again fell to her chest and she unconsciously straightened her shoulders to give him an eyeful.

  Go ahead, look! You've earned it!

  He looked away, seemingly embarrassed by his actions. “The raise won't kick in until your next pay period, in two weeks, okay?”

  “Sure, that will be fine!”

  “Well, uh, try to maintain your composure once you leave the office. I wouldn't want others to get the wrong idea.”

  “Oh, of course, Mr. Harris. Thanks again.” She left and had to fight hard to keep her face from breaking into a huge smile. She glanced around and noticed a few of the girls eying her. Had they heard her shouts of joy? She forced a frown and returned to work.

  Meanwhile, her head was spinning. She quickly did the math. At her salary, a three percent raise meant a thousand-twenty more a year—or eighty-five dollars a month. She has practically paid for her first bra already! So she'd have to wait six more weeks before she could buy a new bra.

  That didn't set well with her. She sat and stewed, thinking about how hard she worked and what a great job she had done in asking for a raise. Why wait? Just put the next set of Stunners on her credit card and use all of her raise every month to pay it down. She'd have it paid off in no time!

  That idea made her feel a lot better.

  Marti was back in the shop shortly after five, trying to decide which bra she needed next. This time, there were two other women in the store and a glance at the dressing room curtains showed one was occupied. Business was picking up. Dave, as usual, was thrilled to see her. “Marti! How are you!”

  “Fine! I'll just look around until you're free.”

  “Go ahead and try some things on. I'll be with you in a minute.”

  Marti looked through the racks for fifteen minutes before Dave was able to come over to talk to her. One of the women was still in the dressing room, but two others had made their purchases and left.

  “So what brings you back into my store? More trying on?”

  “No! I got that raise I had asked for!”

  “Congratulations!” He smiled. “I'll bet you'd like to splurge a little?”

  “Yes. I'm just trying to decide which bra would be best. I really like the black and red ones, but I think I should buy another ‘office bra’ first, don't you think?”

  “It depends on how many business outfits you have that would allow you to wear black or red, hmmm?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, not too many. I don't work at a strip club!”

  “In that case, I would suggest you try on the ivory. That's a safe choice.”

  He was right, although she secretly had hoped he might talk her into one of the more sexy ones. She went to the rack and found a thirty-six C among the ivory bras and went to the open dressing room. She had to peel off her white bra and, as usual, it left her nipples tingling. In the dressing room adjacent, she heard Dave and the woman talking about fit and smiled. He was ever the professional.

  She slipped on the ivory bra and fastened it in back. She looked at it in the mirror and tipped her head. Some of the flesh of her breasts seemed to bulge at the top, just like they did with the blue bra she had tried on. And yet her white bra, a 36-C, fit perfectly.

  The conversation next door ceased. “Dave?”

  He came at once and opened the curtain. “Yes?”

  “Do you think this fits?”

  “Hmm.” He stepped closer and ran his hands over her breasts, his fingers reaching in front the top to tug at the cups. “This seems to be a bit tight. Let's try a 36-D.”

  “Thirty-six D?” Her breasts couldn't have grown, could they?

  “I know. Maybe you need a thirty-eight C instead. I'll bring both.”

  As before, he didn't bother closing the curtain. Marti's jaw dropped when she saw the other woman walking up and down the aisle dressed only in a bra and skirt! And yet, she had wanted to do that herself once she had her new bra on. She averted her eyes before the woman caught her looking.

  Dave returned with two more bras and handed them over. “Go ahead and see which one fits while I take care of this other customer and I'll be right back.”

  She tried on the 38-C first and noticed it felt a bit loose on her. Except for the cups, which were still tight. She tried on the 36-D next and it fit much better. How was that possible? Marti heard Dave ringing up the other woman's purchase and was silently grateful she was leav
ing. She wanted the man all to herself because she had some questions about her fit.

  When he came back, he pulled the curtain without a word and she didn't think anything about it, either. “So, how's the fit?”

  “You were right—the thirty-six D is better. But how can that be?”

  He smiled. “That's a side effect of my bras—once a woman's breasts are fit properly, they often swell a little. They aren't being constricted, you see.”

  Marti nodded. It did make sense. “But what about the first bra I bought. That's a thirty-six C. Will it be too small now?”

  “I wouldn't think so. The bras are forgiving. It will stretch a little to mold to your breasts. I'm sure you'll be fine.”

  “Okay.” She admired the ivory bra. “I'll take this one.”

  “Great. And you're a size six panty?”


  He brought her the panties and said, “Since you're already wearing one of my sets, want me to just wrap these up for you?”


  She quickly got dressed and joined him at the counter. “So business is doing well, huh?”

  “Yes, indeed. I knew word of mouth would get out sooner or later.” He looked at the total on the register. “With your discount, that comes to ninety-seven, forty-two.”

  Marti handed over her credit card, happy now to have two sets of Stunners. She could wear them nearly all week! She wanted to kiss the little man goodbye as she left the store, her spirits lifted and a song in her heart.


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