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Training Bra

Page 9

by J. W. McKenna

  “Sure, lady,” the cabbie replied. “That street is only about two blocks long anyway.”

  Once they reached Piedmont, Marti spotted it in an instant. “Dazzlers” the store was called now, but even from the street, she recognized those bras anywhere.

  “Stop here!” She paid him and got out.

  Once again, Dave had chosen a tiny shop, barely twenty feet wide. No doubt he would be in there with few if any customers, just waiting like a spider in his web. She steeled herself and went inside.

  The store was deserted. Dave was sitting on tall stool behind a counter, reading a paperback. He looked up—and did a double-take. His face seemed stricken.

  “Aren't you going to say hello?”

  “Uh ... Hi, Marti, what, uh, brings you to Boston?”

  Marti exploded. “I might ask you the same thing! What is going on here? Why did you abandon a successful business in New York, only to open another tiny store here! It makes no sense!”

  “Uh, well...” He had the decency to look guilty.

  “You abandoned your customers! How could you?”

  “It's hard to explain...” His hand dropped behind the counter and for a moment, Marti thought he might be reaching for a gun. But what he pulled out was far worse—a riding crop!

  Her mouth fell open and her body quivered with need. “Uh...”

  “How does your underwear fit? Okay?”

  She nodded, her eyes locked onto the crop in his hand. She wanted nothing more than to have him strike her breasts with it.

  “Why don't you unbutton your blouse so I can see which color you're wearing today.”

  She obeyed, her anger suddenly forgotten.

  “Ohhh, blue. Nice color. Although I do like the red best, don't you?”

  She nodded.

  He stood and came around toward her. He flipped the sides of her blouse apart and Marti stood up straighter and thrust her tits out toward him. Her eyes begged him to hit her.

  “I'll give you a choice, Marti. Which would you prefer? I can spank your tits until they are red, and then whip your bottom. Plus I'll even throw in a good fucking. Or...” he paused and rubbed the flap of the riding crop over her bra and her knees went weak. “Or I can tell you why I moved my store.”

  She stared at him. Suddenly, her questions seemed unimportant.

  “Whip me. Fuck me.”

  He smiled. “I thought you might say that.” He motioned to the front door. “Go lock it.”

  She nearly ran to obey, flipping around the Closed sign as well. She returned to stand in front of her tormenter. He reared back and slapped her left breast. She cried out but didn't move. Her body shook and her loins burned. He hit her again and again, covering her breasts with welts until she could barely stand it.

  “Now your ass,” he said.

  She turned and bent over the counter, reaching back to flip her skirt up out of the way. He spanked her until she hovered on the verge of climax, but couldn't quite come. It was as if the next strike would push her over, but it never did, making her want more and harder blows.

  When she was gasping, her head spinning, he grasped her arm and dragged her to the dressing room in the back. He pushed her against the wall and unzipped himself. He pulled her panties aside and thrust himself into her.

  Marti exploded, her orgasm nearly causing her to fall unconscious. She managed to stay upright while he fucked her hard and fast until he erupted inside her. When he pulled out, he growled, “Now clean me up.”

  She turned around and dropped to her knees and began to suck his softened cock, wishing it would grow hard again.

  Now that he had come, Dave seemed to be in a better mood. “I know I don't have to, but I'll tell you anyway, seeing as how you came this far.”

  She looked up and his cock slipped from her mouth. He tucked it away and zipped up. She stayed on her knees, not wanting to do anything that might cause him to change his mind.

  “You see, it's like this. I know how addictive my design is. If I stayed in New York, I'd be swamped with business and that would soon draw some unwanted attention to me. Like from the authorities. So I have to do some guerrilla selling here and there. I started in Miami a year ago and have been working my way north. I've been so successful, I had to hire guys to do the same thing in the Midwest and West, all under different names, such as ‘Sensations,’ ‘Amazers', ‘Wow!’ and ‘Dazzlers'. Ultimately, though, I like the name Stunners best, don't you?”

  “But why? Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I want to turn women on to my designs, but carefully, slowly. Once I have pockets of women clamoring for my bras and panties, I can switch to mail order only and not bother with stores at all.”

  “But what about your current customers? Don't you owe them some consideration?”

  He shrugged. “They have their bras and panties. They can wear them or not, it's up to them. And by the time they've worn out, I'll have my mail order business up and running.”

  “You have women standing outside your store in New York right now, dying for your products! How can you just turn your back on them?”

  “Like I told you, it was getting too crazy—too much attention. That's why I only stay a couple of months in each city.”

  “You're ... you're diabolical!”

  He smiled. “Yes, I am.”

  “What's in these bras that makes women act like this?”

  He patted her head. “It's complicated. You wouldn't understand.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because look at you! You're nothing but a sex object! A man's wet dream. How many men have you fucked or sucked in the last two weeks?”

  Marti's face burned but she knew he was right. She hung her head. “Will I ever be free of this?”

  Dave laughed. “Honey, you can be free right now, if you want. Just take off your bra and panties! Go ahead. I'll wait.”

  She got to her feet and thought about it. It would be easy, wouldn't it? Her hands went to the clasp of her bra and she hesitated, just as she had done that day when she started showering with them on. She tried to slip her panties off with the same result.

  Her face darkened. “You know I can't! None of us can!”

  “Sure you can. No one is stopping you.”

  The door rattled out front. Dave winked at her. “Well, looks like I've got a customer who is just dying to get in. You'll be able to get yourself together here all right?”

  He left her there, dressed in her tormenting underwear, helpless to stop him. She knew she should get dressed and go warn the customer, but what good would that do? There would be another and another after that and soon women would be lined up outside Dave's store. Once he got them hooked, he'd move to the next city and the next.

  And with each closing, he'd leave behind women desperate to get their hands on more Stunners—or Dazzlers or whatever he was calling them this month. Marti pulled on her clothes and left the dressing room. She paused to watch Dave show the elegantly dressed businesswoman a black bra and knew, if she bought it, she'd be back again and again, becoming more slutty with each purchase. Soon she'd be just like her, wearing them all the time and helpless to stop herself.

  For a moment, she thought she might warn her, but the words caught in her throat. What was the use? Women were doomed.

  She picked up her purse by the counter and left, hearing Dave behind her saying, “Once you try my design, you'll never go back to an ordinary bra!”

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  * * *

  Chapter Nine

  “We're fucked,” Marti told the group of Stunners victims after she had emailed them and asked to meet outside Dave's old shop in Chelsea at lunch on Monday. She outlined how she had found the man and what he had said.

  The women looked appalled. Claire was there and she said, “Surely there must be something we can do! We can sue or something!”

  “Sure, we can sue. But he'd probably just disappear,” Marti said. “Or mayb
e he'd tell us to stop wearing them. He might even refund our money. But who's going to believe us when we tell people they turn us into sluts? Do we even want to admit to that?”

  Several women shook their heads.

  “Look, it's simple. We just have to stop wearing them. Dave said the effects should fade after that.”

  It was simple. Just go home and take them off. Throw them in the trash, burn them. They would be free. And yet, just looking from one woman to the other, Marti knew she felt the same way they did. Their underwear made them feel alive and confident and sexy. How could they give that up?

  “But...” the tall redhead spoke up. “But what if we want more?”

  Marti knew exactly how she felt.

  “How could you want more?” Claire asked her. “Look what they're doing to us!”

  “I'll bet Steve likes it,” Marti blurted before she could stop herself.

  Claire's face swiveled around. “That's ... that's none of your business!”

  “I'm sorry—I don't mean to be nosy. I'm just betting he likes the new you—am I right?”

  Her face gave her away.

  “So if you took them off, how would he react?”

  “I ... I don't know.”

  “Exactly. I'm a lonely secretary, lost in the big city. And my Stunners make me more attractive. More so than a makeover or a new dress...” She shook her head and blinked away tears.

  “So where does that leave us?” A woman named Rachel asked. She was wearing black Stunners, Marty could tell.

  “I guess that leaves us to our own devices. We can wear them and accept the consequences ... or take them off and live normal lives,” Marti said.

  “Well, fuck.”


  The women began to drift away. Claire followed Marti as she headed back toward her building.

  “How do you know Steve likes it?” she asked accusingly.

  Uh oh, she thought. “It was just a guess. I know it makes men pay more attention to us.”

  “Does Steve pay more attention to you?”

  “Uh, a little. I mean, I know he's happily married and all. It's pretty innocent,” she lied. “Don't worry—I'm not trying to steal him away from you or anything.”

  Just fuck him now and then.

  Claire calmed down. “Well, okay. I know how it is with secretaries and their bosses.”

  “Have you told him about us?”

  “God no!”

  “I think he has more to worry about me stealing you away than me stealing him,” she joked but it fell flat.

  Claire seemed suddenly nervous. “Uh...”


  “I took your advice. I'm not sure I should've.”

  “You mean...?”

  “Yeah. I wear my Stunners in the shower and quickly put on my other set when I get out so I don't have to be without them for more than a few seconds. But it feels strange, you know? Like I'm some kind of drug addict.”

  “We are, in a way.”

  “But I can't keep this up! I wear them to bed and Steve ... well, he thinks it's weird.”

  “Yeah, but I'll bet he's getting a lot more action too, huh?”

  Claire blushed. “Well, yeah. I mean, you know how it is.”

  Marti wondered if she had started giving Steve regular blowjobs yet. She probably had. Anything sexual was good.

  They rounded the corner toward Marti's building.

  “Well, I'd better get back.”

  “We still haven't figured out what to do. Not about Dave ... or even us.”

  Marti turned toward her. “Do you like meeting with me?”

  Claire nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Do you want to stop because you feel guilty?”

  She shook her head. “That's just it—I don't feel guilty. I should, but I don't.”

  Marti nodded. She felt the same way about her relationship with Steve.

  “Maybe we should try.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The next time you come over, say Tuesday at lunch? We'll try an experiment: We'll take off our Stunners. Just for a little while. See what happens.”

  Claire nodded. “Okay.”

  Marti was nervous when she went upstairs. She hoped Steve wouldn't find out that she was having an affair with his wife! And she hoped Claire wouldn't find out she was having an affair with Steve. Fuck! Life was getting complicated.

  That night, she experimented. When she got home, she peeled off her clothes and when she reached her underwear, she forced herself to keep going. It was hard, very hard. She had to pretend she was just going to go to the bathroom. She pulled them down then without too much trouble, right? Sitting on the toilet, she managed to pull her panties down to her ankles and then off. Her body seemed to cry out for them. She tried to undo her bra, but her willpower faded. When she stood up, she grabbed her panties and pulled them back on.

  Maybe the two of them would have better luck.

  Marti knew Steve had a lunch appointment, so he was going to be gone a good ninety minutes. She quickly went to the subway and rode back to her apartment. Claire was already waiting outside. They went upstairs.

  Inside Marti's apartment, they stripped down. Marti wanted nothing more than to devour this gorgeous woman and whip her tits and ass until she screamed. And she knew Claire felt the same.

  She sucked in a deep breath. “Last night, I tried, on my own, to take them off and couldn't do it. I want you to do it. But I want you to whip me first.”

  Claire nodded, licking her lips. “I understand.”

  Marti lay on the bed, face up and Claire grabbed a belt that Marti kept nearby for this purpose. She really laid into her tits, making her squirm and cry and beg for more. She thought she might actually come.

  “Roll over!” Claire barked and Marti obeyed at once.

  She struck her bottom and before Marti could react, she felt Claire's hand on her bra strap, unfastening it. The bra fell loose. Marti grabbed it with both hands, turned on her side and cried, “No!”

  “Give it to me! You know you want to!” Claire struck her bottom and Marti gasped and let her grip slip. Claire snatched the bra and yanked it free.

  Marti felt like ants were crawling across her breasts. She looked down at herself to see her tits growing red and blotchy.

  “Oh my god! Look!”


  “Hit me! Please hit me!” Marti thrust her breasts out at her.

  Claire hit her with the belt and Marti screamed. It really hurt! Claire stopped at once and looked stricken. “I'm sorry!”

  “No, it's not your fault.” She rubbed her breasts, trying to make the itchy feeling go away. “God!” She looked up at Claire. “Can you take yours off?”

  “I don't know if I want to, looking at you!”

  “Please, try. I don't want to be the only one.”

  Claire reached back for her clasp and hesitated. “I can't.”

  “Let me.” Marti pulled her hands away from her breasts, trying to ignore the buzzing she felt there, like a hundred tiny electric shocks. Her hands shook as she reached out to unclasp Claire's bra and pull it free. Claire gasped and grasped her breasts with both hands.

  “No, let me see them! I want to see if we're having the same reaction!”

  She pulled her hands away and Marti could see the same red and blotchy marks appearing. She looked down at her breasts and thought they looked horrible, but at least the feeling wasn't getting any worse.

  “Give it back to me! I have to put it back on!”

  “No!” She tossed it into a corner. “Give it a few minutes. My tits don't hurt as much now.”

  They only throbbed and ached and made her miserable. They held each other until Claire calmed down.


  “Yeah, a little. I guess.”

  “Okay, let's do the panties now.”

  “Oh god, Marti—I don't think I can.”

  “Come on! Don't be a wimp! We're so close now!”
br />   Claire didn't stop her when she tugged the woman's panties off her legs. Immediately the same blotchy pattern appeared. She flung them aside.

  “Do me!” she cried before she could change her mind. Claire yanked her panties off and tossed them in the corner.

  “My god! It's like ants! A thousand ants!”

  “I know! Just hang on to me!”

  “Oh, fuck!”

  “Maybe we could distract ourselves,” Marti said, gasping. “Want to kiss?”

  “No! I'm not a lesbian, remember?”

  “Right. Neither am I.” So it was the Stunners. They made any kind of sex seem right.

  They clung to each other for several minutes. Finally, the torment seemed to ebb and they were able to talk. The redness also faded as well.

  “Better?” Marti asked.


  “I thought I'd never survive it.”

  “Me too! If you weren't here, I'd never be able to do it.”

  “Maybe that's the secret—get the Stunners’ girls to pair up and help each other out.”

  Claire suddenly laughed.


  “I'm thinking most of them will probably wind up whipping and fucking each other into a frenzy instead.”

  Marti had to laugh. “But this proves we can be free of them. If we really want to be.”

  “Yeah, they aren't all that addictive! We can be strong.”

  They got up, suddenly embarrassed now that they were naked. “I guess I should get dressed,” Claire said.

  “Yeah, but...”

  They both looked at the pile of undergarments on the floor.

  “I can't go outside without underwear,” Claire said.

  “If you put them back on, you'll be under their spell again. You don't want that.”

  “No, of course not,” she responded without much conviction.

  “I can loan you a pair of my old ones. They should fit you.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Marti found a pair of cotton panties and an old bra. “Here,” she said, tossing them to her. “You'll feel much better.”

  Claire pulled them on. “Yes, much better.”

  “Well, I'd better get back to work. Wouldn't want your husband to fire me!”

  They both offered a hollow laugh and Claire began to pull on her clothes. She stopped and pointed at Marti, who was still naked.


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