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Ashley: Little Girl - Book Two

Page 10

by Carter, Rebel

  "Oh?" Natasha asked with a grin.

  Ashley shrugged and looked away. "Look, maybe her thigh bobbed when it should have weaved. Who can say, really, in the grand scheme of things? If she was stuck, which she most certainly was not, then I am not to blame for it."

  "Yeah, uh-huh." Natasha didn't look convinced, but the smile on her face said that she was entertained at least, and Ashley would take it. "You are planning on coming out tonight, right?"

  Ashley nodded and shut her case with a snap. "Yes, are you?"

  "I am, and I'm glad you are, too. I don't," Natasha waved a hand and tilted her head back as she searched for the right word, "I don't go out often, so it'll be nice to have you there."

  "It should be a lot of fun. I heard he's taking us to a VIP event."

  "I wonder what kind. You don't think it's just a club, do you? That would be boring."

  "Knowing Tony, he's got something up his sleeve." She paused, seeing the man stride into the hall and nodded at him. "Speak of the Devil."

  "All right, my little darlings! Time to go out on the town. Out front, all of you, and on the double." The man held his arms out and beckoned them toward the front of the building. A ripple of excitement went through the room, the production crew and dancers unable to hide their curiosity. The man's energy was infectious, and Ashley found herself swept up in the power of it as she hurried after her colleagues and emerged from the building to see a long black limo waiting for them.

  "Now, you all might be thinking oh, great, Tones is taking us to a club, right?" The man asked, walking ahead of them and opening the limo door. He looked back at them with a smirk and gave a little tsk-tsk. "Wrong! You should know me better than to assume I would do something so basic as that. We are going to a night of debauchery and mayhem, bloodshed even awaits us, and all done at our pleasure."

  "What?" Natasha bit her lip, wondering what it could be. "What's he talking about?"

  "I'm talking about a fight. An exclusive fight, my little dancer," he pointed a finger at Natasha. "We are about to take a walk on the wild side, with one of New York's premier underground fighting circuits."

  "I have a bad feeling about this," Natasha murmured, giving Ashley a concerned look.

  "Why?" Ashley asked, following the crowd forward and into the waiting limo. "Isn't this just one of those UFC events? I'm kind of relieved we won't be at a club."

  Natasha worried her lip and slid into a seat next to her friend. "I just…you don't think this is the circuit Silas and James fight for, do you?"

  Ashley paused in lifting the glass of champagne she had just been handed. "No, no way." She shook her head. "That would be too much. There has to be more than one circuit in the city, right? What are the odds?"

  Natasha nodded, but she didn't look convinced. "Right, what are the odds?"

  "Don't worry. Just relax." Ashley handed her friend a glass of bubbly and gave her an excited smile. "It'll all be fine. You'll see."

  And for a while, things were fine. They pulled up at a perfectly nondescript building in Queens, one that had Natasha squinting at it in confusion but saying nothing as she downed her glass of alcohol in one long pull that impressed Ashley. She'd never known her friend to drink whatsoever, but she supposed people changed, and she hurried to follow suit, downing her glass in a similar fashion before exiting the car after Natasha.

  The second they hit the door, things became a little less fine, and that was because Natasha was suddenly groaning and yanking at Ashley's arm. "We have to get out of here," she whispered to her friend with a frantic look on her face.

  "What? Why?" Ashley asked, accepting a glass from Tony, who was now going around handing out drinks to everyone in attendance. You had to give it to the man. He knew how to host an event, and she smiled as she sipped her drink.

  "Because those odds you were talking about are not in our favor! We are neck deep in shit right now, and we need to get out of here before they see us.

  "They? Who is they?"

  Natasha swore and then nodded behind Ashley's shoulder to a massive stage that was smack dab in the middle of the chic interior of the building. "Them."

  Ashley turned, following the nod, and paled when she saw James and Silas standing in the center of the ring and staring back at them with similar expressions. "Oh."

  James's eyes narrowed, and suddenly, Ashley felt the pressure from his gaze in a new way, in a way that made the air in her lungs feel constricted, like every part of her was on display and she was unable to move. "Fuck."

  "Yeah, big time. Double time, really, if you think about it." Natasha laughed and then took the drink Tony was handing her with a shrug. "Forget it. They saw us, so we are already in deep shit. May as well earn it."

  "Earn what?"

  "You know what."

  Ashley shook her head in confusion, but she was unable to look away from James, who was glaring at her, his jaw clenching and hands curling into fists as he continued to watch her. "I don't know what."

  "Our punishment," Natasha replied, seemingly unbothered by their situation or by the fact that her fiancée was shooting an angry look her way. "Silas is going to put me over his knee doubly for this one, so I may as well enjoy myself."

  "His knee?"

  Natasha hummed. "It's okay. I like it, and you will, too. I'm in big trouble for bringing you down with me, so drink up, will you?" The redhead nodded at the drink in Ashley's hand and polished off hers with a satisfied sigh.

  "Is Silas spanking me?" Ashley gasped, hating the thought. She didn't want him to spank her, even if it did go along with the new dynamic she was trying to explore. In all of her time with the couple and them answering all of her questions, it had never come up that Silas might ever do that to her.

  Natasha held up her hands, now that they were drink free and waved them at her friend reassuringly. "Oh goodness no, don't even think that. I promise that's not what I meant. Booze goes right to my head and I'm not explaining myself clearly." She winced and shot Ashley an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry."

  Ashley relaxed slightly, but only slightly, and sipped on her drink in relief. "Good. I don't, well, I wouldn't want that from him."

  "I totally understand. That's why James will, and by the look of him, you're in for it, too."

  Ashley choked on her drink and gave Natasha a panicked look. "What do you mean, James will?"

  "You're learning from him, and we, my little friend," she pulled on the word a little and gave Ashley a wink, "are being very naughty. Daddies don't like their little girls to drink. It's bad for them, you know?"

  "I don't want to get spanked. By anyone."

  Natasha gave her a wicked grin and snatched up a glass from a tray that was being passed around. "You say that now, but just wait. I promise, it only sounds scary."

  "Wait for what? And of course, it sounds scary; it's getting hit!"

  "You're not getting just hit. You're being spanked, disciplined for something that you earned."

  "You make it sound good."

  "Well, it certainly isn't bad. Sometimes, I want it."

  "Why?" Ashley breathed, genuinely interested. She stepped closer to her friend and shot a furtive glance around them to see if anyone was listening, and thankfully, she didn't notice anyone paying them much attention. There were a few men giving them looks, but she assumed it was because Natasha was a beauty. Thankfully, their attendance with the dance crew was doing them favors, with the large group insulating them against the general patrons of the fight night.

  A slightly dazed look settled over Natasha's face and she got a faraway look in her green eyes. "Knowing that my Daddy is paying attention enough to my needs to correct my behavior, to know that he cares so much about me that he's willing to hurt himself to do it. Daddies don't like spanking their little girls."

  "They don't?"

  Natasha lifted a shoulder and thought hard for a minute. "Well, Silas doesn't. He hates it. But he does it for my own good."

  "And you like it?"

  "I like knowing that he loves me that much and that's why he's doing it."

  That word 'love' hung between them, and Ashley swallowed, looking away from her friend and back toward the ring, where time seemed to have not moved and James caught her eye with a stern look that made her clutch her drink tighter. Was that something that might, could, ever bloom between the two of them? He certainly wanted more from her, but she wasn't so sure she could let her guard down long enough to nurture it to maturity. She wanted him. That was plain to see. Her eyes moved over the length of his muscular body, and she squirmed, rubbing her legs together at the sight he cut in the middle of the ring. He was beautiful in a brutal way, but she couldn't shake how gently he'd touched, how softly he'd kissed her and spoken to her, but now, in this place, James seemed different.

  Was it because of the fight, or was it because she knew what he aimed to do to her later? That he was going to spank her. She hadn't been spanked as a child, so why would she consent to it as a woman? But the words wouldn't come out because, as shocked as she was by it, she was also intrigued. She rubbed her now sweaty palms against her thighs and tried not to flinch under the unwavering stare she was getting from James. The fight announcer was strutting around both him and Silas and building up the tension in the arena, but her work was already done for her. The air felt thick and heavy, like you could cut it with a knife with the focused and intense energy that was practically rolling off both men and filling the space around them.

  "You like the way it feels when he spanks you?" she asked, side-stepping all thoughts of love when it came to James.

  Natasha gave an enthusiastic nod. "I love it. I didn't think I would at first, but Silas never does it without a reason, and the sex after is amazing. Besides, the next day," she wiggled her eyebrows and grinned, "the next day, you have that delicious burn. God, that ache is enough to send a woman to her knees just knowing her Daddy was there. It's like having a part of him with you wherever you are." Natasha sighed wistfully and gave Ashley a knowing look.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrow at the grin on Natasha's face.

  "Oh, you'll find out soon."

  "I don't like the way that sounds," Ashley replied, but she didn't think her friend heard her, not with the way she was licking her lips and winking at Silas where he was glowering in the center of the stage while being introduced to the crowd by a beautiful, brunette woman.

  Natasha shot her a smirk. " Relax, Ash. It'll be good, you'll see, because Daddy makes you feel so good and safe after, and you know that anything he gives you is what you need, what you earned."

  "He isn't my Daddy," Ashley told her, and she hated the words as soon as they escaped her mouth.

  "No, but he could be. Just because he's not right now doesn't mean he can't be. You can have a lot of good with James if you trust him."

  Ashley's mouth opened and closed and she swallowed hard. Her first instinct was to protest to say she didn't want that, not with him, but she kept her mouth shut and gave a mumbled reply that Natasha didn't seem to hear. And that was because she was staring at the ring with a mischievous look on her face. She was up to something and had succeeded in catching the attention of both men for whatever it was.

  "Natasha?" Ashley moved toward her friend, but before she could get her attention, Natasha was wiggling her fingers at the men. Their focus should have been on one another, but for now, it rested on the two women in the crowd. Ashley shivered under it and wished she could hide, but Natasha positively preened and lifted her glass in silent cheers at Silas.

  "What are you doing?" Ashley cried, grabbing her friend's hand and yanking it down. "You're making it worse."

  "Eh, in for a penny, in for a pound, right?" Natasha downed her drink and snatched another from a passing tray. "That's the saying, isn't it?"

  "I, well, yes, I mean, it is but—"

  "But, what? We are going to have to answer for this later, which I'm quite looking forward to, so why not really earn it?"

  "That does make sense…" Her voice trailed off, and she glanced back at the center ring to blessedly see that James wasn't looking at her now. Now he was staring straight ahead at Silas, who was stalking the length of the ring on his end with a scowl on his handsome features. There was nothing of the blond man that exuded the easy charm that had always set her at ease. Now, he was barely containing energy and fire as he waited for the fight to start.

  "They aren't going to actually hurt each other, are they?" Ashley asked, grabbing onto Natasha's arm.

  The redhead sipped her drink and raised a shoulder. "They have before."

  "What?" Ashley squawked.

  Natasha snagged another drink from Tony and held it out to her. "Here, drink this. It'll make you feel better. I promise."

  Ashley eyed the drink cautiously. She did enjoy a cocktail, but it had been quite some time since she had drunk to not be nervous. Once upon a time, she had relied a little too heavily on the stuff to calm her nerves but now… Now, it was looking pretty damn good.

  "A little liquid courage, huh?" she sighed and took the glass from Natasha, who kissed her cheek in encouragement.

  "Exactly." Natasha bumped her shoulder and grinned happily. "Have fun now, and have even more fun later."

  Ashley blushed at the tone in her friend's voice. There were implications in that tone that was both throaty and wrapped in velvet, in a way that only brought to mind what the crack of James' hands on her ass would feel like. Her skin prickled in anticipation, and she quickly downed half of her drink with a wince. She turned back to the ring and wondered how it was that she was suddenly warming to the idea of going over James' knee—of being punished. Thinking of doing that, having it done to her by another person, giving over that power, would have normally had her refusing to take part. But when it was James? Then, her misgivings vanished in the face of excitement at the unknown. She was nervous, but it had to be worth it to put such a longing and lustful look in Natasha's eyes.

  Ashley couldn't help but join in smiling with her friend, who was normally reserved and collected, but now was in full revelry mode. Her cheeks were flushed with drink, eyes bright and laughter ringing as she swayed along with the cheering crowd.

  Right, crowd. They were here for a fight. She'd forgotten where she was in all of her daydreaming about spankings and whether or not James would see fit to use his hand or a belt. She clenched her thighs together and had to drown her almost moan in her drink. She had to get it together. In a crowd of people thirsty for James' blood wasn't the place for her to be entertaining these kinds of thoughts.

  But as she watched him move, his powerful body colliding with Silas' in a dance that spoke more of control and grace than most ballets she had been a part of, she felt a familiar heat begin to pool in her stomach. She gasped when James exchanged a series of blows with Silas, each man absorbing the hits with barely muffled grunts as the crowd surged around her in excitement. The people gathered for the fight were transfixed by the men battling in front of them, and so was Ashley, but for different reasons. She wasn't here to see bloodshed or for a win, but for the beautiful way James' muscular body moved under the lights of the room, all shadows and sharp planes that she wanted to explore with her mouth and fingertips. She wanted to devour him, to be consumed in turn by the man with storm gray eyes that burned bright with fire. He would take her later, she knew that, his hands rough and gentle on her all at once while he undressed her and pushed her down on the bed, his big body forcing her thighs wide as he settled close to her, breath ghosting over her skin in a butterfly light touch. Those stormy gray eyes she loved would be intent and hot on her as he devoured her and left her begging for more.

  It would be amazing. It would be exactly what she wanted. Ashley drained the rest of her glass in time to the screaming crowd that was now going wild at the submission that had just happened. She swallowed hard, seeing James' arm raised in triumph. but he wasn't looking at the ref or smiling in vict

  No, instead, he was searching the crowd, and she froze when his eyes landed on her and flicked to the empty glass in her hand. He tilted his head to the side and gave her a slight shake of his head before he raised a hand and waved one finger in her direction. It was slight and would have been overlooked by the average fan in the crowd, but Ashley couldn't miss it. That one quick flick of his finger could only mean one thing. No.

  Glancing to the side, she saw Natasha laughing and impulsively reached out, catching another drink from Tony, who was now making a fresh pass among the crew.

  "I knew you were a wild one," he said, tipping an imaginary hat to her when she took the drink. Ashley gave him an impish smile and shrugged, sipping her drink before she turned away and looked back toward the ring. James wasn't watching her, though. His back was turned, and he was striding out of the ring, Silas was hot on his heels, and the blond's eyes were locked on Natasha.

  "Maybe we should get out of here?" Ashley asked, poking her friend in the ribs.

  Natasha's green eyes lit up and she clapped her hands. "Oh, like a chase?" She glanced to the side and grinned slyly. "I like making Daddy work for it. Come on." She laughed, catching Ashley's hand and moving to the side of the crowd. "Let's get out of—"

  "Out of where?" a deep smooth baritone voice sounded at their elbow, and both women yelped.

  "Sam?" Natasha jumped and clutched a hand to her heart, her nearly empty glass almost falling to the floor in the sudden motion. "You scared the hell out of me."

  Ashley stumbled back in a similar fashion, taken off guard by the man standing in front of her. The handsome, six foot four of pure muscle and good looks, man was giving them both a disapproving look. He had smooth, dusky skin and pillow soft lips that drew her now slightly tipsy attention to the frown he was giving them. He crossed his arms and sighed at them with a shake of his head, and Ashley couldn't help but notice that despite his frown, he had kind brown eyes—they would be sensational when he laughed, Ashley decided.

  "Good." The man arched a dark eyebrow at her and shook his head at them. "It's come to the attention of a pair of certain someones," his eyes cut to Ashley, and she froze in where she had been edging away from Natasha and the man, "that the two of you little girls are acting out tonight."


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