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Jake: A Southern Crime Family Novel

Page 19

by Carla Swafford

  After a few minutes, he glanced her way again.

  She looked relaxed in the plain top and black pants. No leather coat. He couldn’t help but feel satisfied with how she hadn’t argued with him about the damn coat. He would find a way to hide or throw away the thing. He liked how every day she dressed more like an average young woman. Not that he thought of her as anything but extraordinary. He suspected Jimmie Sue and his mom had a lot to do with it. He’d noticed how Angel used the goth crap as some type of shield. He didn’t want her to be that way. If she wanted to wear it because it’s her style, fine. But not to hide who she was. Her granddaddy suppressing her sexuality hadn’t been good for her. Every person needed to be desired, wanted. What he knew of Mac, the man probably kept a firm thumb on Angel, and in turn, his grandson. She rebelled by changing her name and dressing like a vampire.

  Remembering her earlier question, he said, “The trip is twofold. I have some of the men looking through the cabins around Smith Lake for Sen. I wanted to check in with them personally. Though most have been loyal to me and the old man for years, I can be missing something. Seeing what I want to see.” He looked her way for a few seconds. Her gaze still remained on her backpack, but her hands rested on top, unmoving. She was listening to every single word. “It’s a beautiful day and I thought you’d enjoy going with me and being, you know, my second set of eyes.”

  She lifted her head, nodding. “Oh, I see.”

  Unable to hold it back, maybe he was drunk on sunshine, he chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” She tilted her head, staring at him.

  “Your answer.”

  Her face went blank and then lightened up. She laughed, too. “I guess it’s a good thing I see, since you want me to be your second set.”

  “Yeah.” It was a good feeling to have a woman with a sense of humor. Knowing they would be spending a lot of time together was sounding better every day. He chuckled again.

  Sure, he worried about Sen, but he kept reminding himself of how much sense his brother had, and Sen knew how to handle any situation. He was probably holed up somewhere. Damn. He hoped to hell it wasn’t with Tessa.

  Jake shook his head. Whatever happened between Sen and Tessa, his brother could handle Quinn.

  “That was only one part? You said two, or did I miss something?”

  He lightly hit the brakes and turned onto a small paved road. In between the trees, the sparkling water gave away how close they were to their first destination.

  “Nah. You’re right. I thought after we took care of business, we’d stay at one of the cabins I keep on reserve.”

  When she slanted him a knowing look, he smiled big.

  “No. The cabin was used to decompress after the old man rode our asses—” He stopped his explanation on seeing her head snap back and horror widen her eyes. Holding up one hand, he chuckled and then tried to regain control, to sound serious. “Don’t worry. I was referring to the old man chewing us out for doing or not doing something. Really, woman, you need to quit watching porn.” He was relieved when they finally reached the lodge’s parking lot. His howls of laughter caused his sides to ache. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so carefree.

  Hell, looking for Sen was merely an excuse. If anyone could take care of himself in the wilderness, it was his middle brother. Even as a kid he’d proven that. Jake guessed he needed some time away from all of the crap in Marystown.

  “Like you don’t watch them with me. Are you high on something?” Her concern brightened his day even more.

  “No. I’m just more tired than I thought. It felt good to laugh. Let’s go and see what the guys have found and then we’ll head up to the cabin. Some of the men are staying here, and I need to pick up the key at the front desk.” He parked the car in front and stepped out. Reaching behind him, he checked on the holster at the small of his back. Frightening the staff wouldn’t be the way to go. His Glock was secure.

  Checking in took a little longer than he’d hoped. While they waited, he made sure Angel met each of the men. After their impromptu meeting, the men dispersed, some headed out, starting their search, a few would hang around and watch the perimeter of the lodge, and the last two men would follow them to their cabin. If anything strange happened, they would immediately notify Jake.

  After giving final instructions, he walked along the wide porch, passing the dozens of rocking chairs, looking for his wife. When he reached the end, he stopped in his tracks. Angel had stepped onto the lawn in front of the lodge to make a quick call to check on Damien.

  The afternoon sun rays scattered over the section of grassy area she stood in. Eyes closed, she lifted her face with a wide grin, enjoying the warmth and light breeze.

  He liked seeing her so relaxed, and the crimson top he’d bought her accented creamy skin along her neck and across her collar bone. Her slim, long legs, encased in black pants, ended in motorcycle boots. Female and savage. He found the view sexy. Not exactly beautiful, she was an exotic temptress by far. Just what he needed. His possessiveness could stem from knowing she had never belonged to anyone else. Or that when she was in his bedroom, the wild woman turned into a sex kitten who loved doing whatever he wanted. Fuck, he was hard just thinking about spanking her perfect ass and having her suck his dick.

  He needed to buy her red more often. Maybe he’d get her to wear the red corset again and nothing else. The thought of her bending over and his hand slapping a rosy globe made his breathing quicken.

  Damn, he needed to keep his mind on business.

  Regaining control of his senses, he tapped the old-fashioned key he held against a post to draw her attention.

  “You ready?” Without waiting for her answer, he headed toward the car. Just as he reached for the handle, a loud crack resounded behind him. “Everyone get down,” he shouted. As soon as he dropped to the ground, he pulled out the Glock and looked around for Angel. He blinked in surprise. Hands fisted her own gun as her gaze searched the trees nearby, she was stretched out beside him. How had she moved so fast? “You good?”

  “Yes. Just surprised to be a target way out here. Do you think whoever wounded Sen is looking for him and spotted us?”

  He grinned. He liked how her mind worked. The same as his, calm and appraising the situation.

  “Chances are good. We must be getting in their way.”

  “I guess so.”

  Pride swelled in his chest. Her awareness as she continued to check out the surrounding landscape once more reminded him of how much they had in common. She fixed her stare on an area across a small slough. His gaze followed hers. A thick stand of trees ended on a cliff. The uppermost limbs swayed with the breeze. Then he noticed one limb closer to the ground shake. Not close enough to be a deer. Whoever hid in the tree was unused to working in the wilderness and revealed their location. They were probably preparing to run for it.

  Jake waved over one of his men. “Did you see him?”

  Dan nodded. He’d been raised out in the middle of nowhere by his grandmother. With no grocery store nearby and poor, he’d grown up on game. So he was familiar with tracking.

  “Go and get him. Alive. Pick two men to help. Take him to the barn. Let me know when you have him talking.”

  The tall blond man nodded again. In seconds, he disappeared into the tree-line with two men trotting behind.

  “Come on. Whoever was shooting is on the run now.” He helped her to her feet and slapped at the dirt on the back of her pants. Being shot at was becoming a daily thing.

  “What are you doing?” She stepped away.

  He looked up and then straightened. “What?” His mind hadn’t really been on what he was doing. How long would they have to worry about being shot?

  Her eyes twinkled in a flushed face. “You’re so funny.” She brushed his lips with hers. “Keep the spanking to the bedroom,” she whispered.

  What was she talking about? “I have no idea what you mean. Come on.” He opened the car door for her.
/>   Before she ducked inside, she leaned over and said, “You better finish what you started.”

  He laughed. Then he realized she referred to his hands slapping the seat of her pants a moment earlier. Unable to resist, he leaned down and took her mouth. His tongue slid inside and licked along hers. She groaned as his hand cupped a hard tipped breast. The thin bra didn’t hide her reaction at all

  She arched into his touch. Damn, he loved her instant responsiveness.

  “Jake, please, not in front of the guys,” she said against his lips.

  He threw a glance over his shoulder. His men stood around, guns hidden at their sides, but their gazes everywhere but toward the SUV. Smart men.

  “Let’s go.” He closed the passenger door and walked around.

  Never had a woman made him forget himself as often as Angel did.

  Angel watched the line of cars break up as they came to a four-way stop. Some traveled to the other side of the lake, others along the same side, while the last car followed the SUV to provide security for the weekend.

  She glanced over to Jake.

  “Did you pack a change of clothes for me?”


  That was it? No explanation?

  “I can wear this outfit back home, but what about tomorrow?”

  “What about tomorrow?”

  Why was he being so obtuse?

  She narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out his game. If the cabin had a washer and dryer, she could easily launder her clothes each night. For that matter, she could wash them out in a sink. Wouldn’t be the first time she’d done it.

  “Is this cabin one your brothers used often?”


  Good. It could have all types of clothing left behind. Then again, with three men, it might not even have running water. Oh, no. She hoped it had most of the modern conveniences.

  Jake turned the car off the main road onto a small paved one. They continued to climb through an open gate and then passed a large barn. She’d been afraid at first it was the cabin. Talk about relieved when they continued on, and then cut to one side as their car leveled out. The cabin didn’t look like a one-room shack, but not as fancy or huge like others she’d seen before. Mid-sized, it looked plain, but well-maintained. Trees blocked the view of the water on both sides.

  She stepped out of the car and waited for Jake to give the two men instructions. Once the men got back into their car and drove back down the hill to the gate, he unlocked the door.

  “Stay behind me. I need to check inside before we can relax.”

  Who was he talking to? She could handle an intruder as efficiently as he could. He knew that. Instead of protesting, she stood back as her gaze followed his movements. Hand at his back, ready to grab his gun, he carefully hugged the wall, being cautious as he entered each room. He looked so sexy being the big, bad protector.

  Her chest lightened, and she knew her grin was lopsided. Yes. She kind of liked it.

  The cabin had the expected large living room–kitchen combination with floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing the valley. A loft above their heads held a pool table and air hockey table. The large bedroom on one side came with a large jet tub. What she hadn’t expected were the four bedrooms below with a media room in the center, cool and dark, and two more baths. A wide deck jutted out from the living room and a smaller one downstairs had a huge hot tub that took up one end and hung over a cliff above the water. The entrance of the building had been misleading as to how big it was inside.

  “This is great,” she said as they returned to the main room.

  “The best part is that we have it to ourselves for two nights. Alone.”

  “Alone? With guards outside?”

  “They’re halfway down the drive. With orders to not disturb us unless it is life or death.” He lifted his eyebrows. “The place is wired with cameras around the exterior along with motion detectors. Most of the time, animals trigger the cameras. No one can see in unless they’re a bird and can fly into the top of the trees.”

  “And that’s important, why?” Oh, he was a little devil. She knew what he was about to say, and she had no problem with it. To have him alone. No responsibilities to tend to in a moment’s notice. No one to walk in unexpectedly, no knocks on the door, no one to hear her scream with the pleasure-pain he loved to inflict, and besides, they loved to experiment. Just the two of them enjoying their time together.

  He merely grinned.

  They deserved the time to get to know each other. Sure, sex was important. A person could learn a lot about a partner with the physical act, but they needed to talk, too. What better way to build on a relationship than to be alone together.

  She closed her eyes for a second.

  Truth be told, did he want to know her? Really know her? Was she interesting enough for him? She’d never felt comfortable talking about herself, especially anything positive. She was more apt to tell about her goof ups. How would he react when she finally did or said something stupid? Would he regret marrying her even more than he already did? When they solved their current situations, would he leave her?

  She shook her head. That wasn’t the way to think.

  Worrying never stopped things from happening. Taking one day at a time, enjoying what was offered, tomorrow could take care of itself. How many times had Mac said that to her?

  With a deep breath, she followed him over to the kitchen area. He opened the fridge. Lifting his hand to the top of the door, he gazed into the upper section. Several beer bottles and soft drinks lined up waiting to be taken. The muscles on his back shifted as he reached for one.

  Goodness, she looked forward to running her hands over each shifting muscle. Her fingers curled.

  “Want a beer?”

  “Sure,” she said in a breathless voice. Reaching for the bottle, he pulled back.

  “Wait. Is Bud for vegans?”

  “Yes.” Not once had he teased or acted put out by her lifestyle. He needed to do something to piss her off before she found herself totally and deeply in love with the man. It would kill her if he left her behind.

  She took the offered beer and turned away. Looking at him hurt too much. She wanted him to love her too much. Tilting the bottle, she groaned. Her eyes drifted closed as she savored the cool liquid, stopping after several swallows. When she opened her eyes, facing a window, she caught Jake’s reflection behind her. He stared back at her.

  She wished she could read his mind. Was he disgusted by her unladylike manners, guzzling down half of the bottle?

  “Sorry. I was so thirsty.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about. That was sexy as hell. I’ve never seen a woman do that.”

  Her face warmed. “I like beer.”

  In two strides, he stood in front of her and his mouth took hers. When he pulled back enough for his breath to mix with hers, he said, “I do, too, especially when it’s on your lips.” He licked her mouth and slipped his tongue inside to caress hers. “So much better than from the bottle,” he said, his voice low and husky.

  She blinked up at him. The bottle disappeared from her hand, and she heard a thud as he set it on the nearby counter. His nimble fingers slid beneath her T-shirt and unclasped her bra. She inhaled deeply. He cupped her breasts. Her back arched as he massaged their fullness.

  Oh, that felt so good. Bras were a classic Catch-22. To not wear one, her breasts would sag before she was thirty, but to wear one properly, the support restricted her breathing. The way he handled her breasts and rubbed her ribs showed how much he knew what she needed. She found out so much about her own body every time he touched her.

  “Go and strip completely. Get on the bed, stomach down with your feet on the floor,” he whispered into her ear.

  The orders in his husky timbre sent a fabulous thrill through her body. She understood he planned to punish her for handling the restaurant manager without backup. He didn’t care that she’d done it alone for years now. Mac had trusted her to be careful. Jake w
asn’t as sure of her skills.

  Just as well. She would’ve found something for him to punish her for, if not for that.

  By the time he’d entered the bedroom, her heartbeat had picked up speed. The air-conditioned room wasn’t the solitary reason for the goosebumps popping up on her arms and legs. Hearing his footsteps tightened her nipples to the point of pain. Her breathing quickened.

  “Spread your legs.” His deep voice washed her with need. “Wider.” He tapped the inside of her thighs.

  Shifting her feet to the desired width apart, she closed her eyes and sank her teeth into her bottom lip. She wanted to say hurry, but her dry mouth refused to let one word out. Anticipation tightened every muscle in her body.

  His large warm hand stroked down one cheek to thigh. She jumped.

  “Easy, sweetheart. You know you want this. Wasn’t it just yesterday we talked about us looking out for each other. You need someone bigger and stronger to take care of you.”

  One part of her still wanted to protest his assumption she couldn’t take care of herself. While another part loved knowing he could be counted on to look after her. She was tired of being alone. Her brother would be leaving for college in a few short years, and even at home, he had his friends. He wasn’t much for hanging with his big sister. Actually, when he was around, she worried he would offer to help or become involved in the work she handled.

  Jake’s fingers skimmed over her folds.

  “Please, Jake.”

  “Yeah, baby. We’re two peas in a pod, heh? We love control. I love controlling you and you love how I do it.”

  She gasped when his palm slapped her fleshy rear end. No gentle tap, but a good bit of his strength behind the smack. Her shocked nerves shot pain direct to her pussy. A long moan escaped her lips. Why did she enjoy this? She didn’t know or care.

  “That’s my baby. You can’t get enough.”

  Warmth seeped into her bones and her clit throbbed. A few more smacks, spread over both cheeks, had her panting. Her nails dug into the comforter. With each jolt, her nipples rubbed against the material, and she yearned for more. Her soft pleading changed to whimpers. She craved his body on top of hers, entering her with the forceful strokes exhibiting his wild desire for her.


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