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Gamer Girl Caught in the Game

Page 1

by Cat Wilder


  An Erotic LitRPG Adventure


  Cat Wilder


  Smokin' Hot Press

  Copyright 2017 by Cat Wilder

  Cover my Willsin Rowe

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  List of Cat's Other Titles

  About the Author

  * * * * *

  Gamer Girl Caught in the Game

  An Erotic LitRPG Adventure

  "Die, goblin!" I screamed as I charged down the hill.

  The goblin did a double-take. I got that a lot. I might be a warrior-mage, but that didn't mean I couldn't turn some heads. Virtual heads? Anyway, my avatar was a gorgeous brunette in all black. My breast plate was molded to my body, and was actually a steel bustier. It looked great on me, but didn't cover much above my boobs. My avatar also wore a black leather skirt, fishnets, and thigh boots. Nothing was practical, all over the top, but it was a game.

  And what a game.

  That was just my third session at the new full-immersion virtual reality center. Battle for Glory was the best game offered, too. It felt, smelled, tasted, and sounded one hundred percent real. Kicks and punches hurt, and I assumed knife and sword wounds hurt even more, but I hadn't been stabbed. Yet. I didn't look forward to experiencing that. Hell, I even had to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom.

  Battle for Glory was a Player vs Player game. Hell, it had vicious NPCs, too. It was PvP on steroids. With magic. I loved having magic.

  Slamming into the goblin, I knocked him back against a tree. He came bouncing back swinging his crude little sword. Our steel clashed loudly, even as I heard others in my Red Death Warrior's Guild engage the enemy to either side. We were going to take that dark tower today, no matter what.

  It only took a moment to cut the goblin down, and start up the hill. The evil wizard's minions fought to the death, but they were no match for us. Goblins and liches compromised most of his army, but word was his last line of defense was orcs. That was a little worrisome, since I'd not faced an orc yet. Duke Corvan warned us the orcs in this game were bigger, stronger, and fiercer than anything we faced in other games.

  "Nice tits, toots," a lich said after leaping out from behind a bush. "Gives me a boner just looking at them."

  I scowled at the living skeleton. He was armed with a cutlass and round shield. The red flames in his otherwise empty eye sockets were kind of creepy.

  "Who was the wise guy that gave liches a sense of humor?" I replied. "And a bad one at that."

  "I got another bad joke for you, wench," Mr. Skeleton said. "You with a sword. Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

  I cried out and attacked. Thrust, parry, spin and kick. I drove him back, back, back until a tree stopped him. And then I went wild on his bony ass. It took ten seconds to reduce him to a pile of broken bones.

  "Looks like the joke is on you," I said as I stomped onward.

  Activating my Head's Up Display, my eyes were drawn to my avatar's face in the upper left. It looked like an elven version of me in real life. God, I loved the way I looked in that game. My name, race, and class were shown in the bar to the side: Carly. Elf. Warrior-mage. Below the image were listed my Skills, and the level I'd attained in each. Nothing impressive, but I was working on them. I noticed I'd leveled up on Swordsmanship. The map in the upper right showed my location with a red triangle, and yellow dots showed other members of my Guild. The enemy warriors were all green dots.

  I checked my Health, Stamina, and Mana. Mana was still maxed out since I hadn't used any magic yet. I was trying to save that for the assault on the tower. You know, orcs. Stamina was down ten percent, but I still had ninety-eight percent Health.

  Spotting a horde of goblins assembled around the dark tower atop the hill, I pulled up my weapon cache. I had twenty slots, but since it was only my third session, I only had the sword in hand, a pair of elven fighting daggers, a dwarven battle sword, a spear, and elven bow rings. I exchanged the sword for the bow rings.

  Slipping the bow ring on the middle finger of my left hand, I put the arrow ring on my right hand. Then with a thought a magic bow appeared in my left, and an arrow in the right. I grinned as I started shooting arrow after arrow into the goblin horde. True, I had to use one mana point per shot, but it was still a virtual endless supply of arrows.

  "Carly!" Duke Corvan shouted from my right. "Help clear the gate!"

  I turned my full attention on the gate at the base of the tower. The gate was iron-banded wood, while the squat ugly tower was made of some black stone with streaks of gray. The wizard was atop the tower shouting commands and throwing lightning bolts at us. My arrows, despite being magically summoned, were just common arrows. Others with energy charged arrows were shooting at the wizard. His arcane shields were holding, but they were picking away at them.

  "It's time to grind," Ogge said to my left. He was a half-ogre member of the Guild. Seven feet of muscle. He would probably lead the charge into the tower. Nothing less than an orc warrior could stand before his onslaught. "I will eat that wizard's heart for dinner."

  "Not if I get to him first," I said. "I bet he drops something epic when I kill him."

  The Guild split any treasure, but if you killed another player or NPC and their avatar dropped something, it was yours. That's how I came into my bow rings. I had to kill an elven ranger to get them, and it wasn't easy.

  I started pumping arrows into the goblins guarding the gate. Others were also peppering them with arrows, javelins, and spears. The goblins around the tower were better armored, with small round shields, but the Guild was slowly decimating them. The Guild and goblins were already fighting up close and personal in other places around the tower.

  "I will kill you all!" Wizard Artimus shouted angrily. "I will permanently kill your avatars!"

  That made me pause. Killing our avatars just caused us to respawn. Other than the excruciating pain of being killed, there were no other repercussions that I knew about. Well, if another player killed me, then my avatar would drop my bow rings and my purse. That would suck. I'd keep the bow rings if a NPC killed me. I kept any money I banked, so losing my purse wouldn't be much of a hit.

  "What does that mean?" I asked Ogge.

  The big half-ogre shrugged. "Never heard of that. I guess if he killed your avatar permanently, then you'd have to create a new character."

  I could lose all of my banked money and all of my battle trophies. Those battle trophies were one and all my weapons. I hadn't purchased any weapons, since I won some in battles.

  "You'll also miss out on the victory party," he said, wagging his brows at me. He grabbed his junk and leered at me. "Your loss, beautiful."

  Victory party was a nice way to say drunken orgy. I'd only enjoyed one victory party so far, and I swear I was passed around so long my real world pussy ached for a week. Okay, I might be exaggerating. Just a little. But my Guild mates, turned victory party playmates, did things to me I'd never heard of before. They left me and every one woman in the Guild moaning, groaning, very sticky messes.

  Ogge, of course, was hung to shame a horse.

  "Ain't no way, no how, I'm going to get my sweet ass killed and miss that," I said. "But this time, I'm going to trash you."

  He just laughed and stomped away into battle.

  Yeah, that was big talk from the new girl. I was pretty low on the totem pole, but rising fast. People, including the Duke, were talking about me, watching me. The quest to conquer the Dark Tower was my chance to level up, power up with dropped items, and move up in the pecking order. With my cut of the treasure I could buy better, more powerful spells and weapons.

  The Guild's heavily-armored lancers came thundering down upon the goblins from their left flank. I shot arrows into that dwindling horde even faster, keeping them from turning to defend themselves against the incoming threat. The lancers hit them with a thunderclap of steel on steel. Easily half of the little buggers were slaughtered right off.

  "Wahoo! Victory is ours!" I shouted, and then charged forward while shooting arrows.

  The fight in front of the gate turned into a melee. Lancers remained mounted, riding around in circles as they swung long swords. Goblins danced around trying to stab the invaders or their horses with crude spears and swords. The Guild foot soldiers and archers quickly joined the fray. I waited to the last second to take up my sword again, but kept the bow rings on just in case I got a good shot opportunity.

  I attacked, sword a blur as I tore a path towards the gate. "Kill the goblins!"

  The Guild gave a bonus to the first person to enter the tower. Plus, there were bonuses given to the first person to reach each level of the tower, as well as one for reaching the evil wizard first. Of course, the person who killed the wizard got the biggest bonus of all. And that didn't even take into account what the wizard would drop after I killed him.

  I got all tingly just thinking about what the Wizard Artimus would drop. And it would be me that did the deed. I was that determined. The rewards his death offered were too great. There was a mage in the Guild that leveled up from Novice to Apprentice, and totally skipped Initiate, when he killed a Dark Mage.

  "I will eat your heart, wench," a goblin snarled when he appeared before me.

  Ducking under his attempt to decapitate, I faked right and rushed to the left. Totally fooled that stupid mob. I slashed open his belly, before thrusting my blade through his foul heart. He had such a surprised look on his monstrous face as he died. Poor NPCs don't respawn, so he was gone forever.

  "I am king of battle!" Ogge cried. He was the only Guild warrior between me and the gate. I jumped when a javelin came down from the battlements, plunging deep into his massive chest. Ogge stood straight, gawking at the five feet of shaft sticking outward from his heart. "Oh shit."

  Ogge toppled over. Dead. The battle would be over long before he could respawn and trek all the way over again. Hell, the victory party would probably be over, too. Shame. I was really looking forward to doing him proper.

  "I'm off to slay the wizard," I sang as I charged the open gate. "The evil wizard of the tower."

  Kicking, spinning, and darting to and fro, I cut a path to that doorway, while avoiding the javelins raining down from above. I wasn't going to make Ogge's mistake. Oh no.

  A pair of orcs guarded the entrance into the tower. The gate was actually a ten foot tall door of wood, with iron bands reinforcing it. I think they called it a gate because it sounded more ominous than calling it a door.

  The orcs were about seven feet tall, a dark brownish-gray color, with massive jaws and tusks. They wore leather armor, no helmet, and carried bronze khopesh swords. It was the first time I'd fought anyone using one of those sickle-swords. It was halfway between an axe and a sword, so had to be a slashing weapon.

  "Oh my god, you have to be the ugliest goblins I've ever seen," I said when I reached the orcs. "Did your mothers pork pigmen?"

  Boy did that piss off the orcs. I thought my questions rather clever. Even funny. Of course, orcs were notorious for their lack of humor. Fighting? Yes. Laughing? No.

  "We're going to carve you up, and eat you for dinner, wench," one of the orcs growled.

  "Alive," the other added.

  "Ew, do you kiss your sister with that mouth?"

  Now that made them go crazy. Note to self: I can talk about an orc's mother all I want, just don't disrespect his sister. Apparently, orcs really love their sisters.

  Both orcs charged me. As expected, they fought much like an axe-fighter. One of them even drew a figure eight before him with his weapon, while the other just wanted to chop me in half. I bet that would hurt big time.

  I backed away as they advanced, before I saw the hacker commit himself. I parried his blade aside, stepping in close and personal. His eyes widened, and I saw grim acceptance spread across his doomed face. My sword's tip found that gap between the breast and back plates of his hardened leather armor, and plunged in deep. I pierced his heart, which sent hot blood jetting out of the wound when I pulled my blade out.

  He dropped to his knees with a groan. His partner-in-crime tried to decapitate me, which I parried. Kicking the dying orc into the other, I tripped my adversary and moved in for the kill. An arrow ricocheted off his armored shoulder, and came straight at my face. My left hand swung, and struck the speeding arrow just behind the arrowhead. The arrow split my ear, sending pain spiraling down my neck. I hesitated just a second, but that was enough time for the orc to pull his belt knife and stab me in the thigh.

  "Aaiiee, bastard!" I cried, and promptly chopped his head in two. "Oh man, that hurts."

  I swear, the pain was the same as it would've been in real life. I had to take a healing potion, which immediately muted the pain enough to continue on. That was a still a serious hit on my health, which dropped to seventy-three percent. After the potion, my health started ticking back up. The battle would probably be over before my wound was completely healed.

  Charging through the open gate, I paused to look around. The ground level was empty. The walls were lined with racks to hold weapons, which were empty at that moment. To my left was the spiraling stairs that hugged the outer walls as they rose up to the top three levels above. It wasn't a very large tower, or very high.

  Racing up the stairs, I found the wizard's guardians halfway to the next level. Kobolds. Little half-dog, half-lizard critters. They were mostly not wearing armor, while being armed with short swords and spears. They were shorter than a dwarf, and rather scrawny. Yet, they were vicious pack fighters.

  I attacked with my sword, which drew more of the monsters down to the fight. In no time flat the stairwell above me was packed like sardines. I smiled. My plan was working.

  I've already earned the first through the gate bonus, I thought. Now time to earn the first to the wizard bonus, before I claim the ultimate prize.

  I stepped back and grinned at the bloodthirsty kobolds. Guild warriors were flooding into the tower behind me. The kobolds didn't stand a chance against our combined might, but I didn't want to wait for my friends. One of them might get in front of me.

  Can't let that happen.

  "It's magic time, boys," I taunted. I lifted my left hand, curling my fingers as a tiny ball of flames appeared. The flames quickly grew in size and intensity. And then I threw that fireball straight into the kobolds. And another. And another. They screamed and cursed, but mostly they burned. The super intense arcane flames consumed the kobolds in seconds and left the way to the wizard clear.

  "To the victor go the spoils," I cried, charging up the stairs.

  The next level was full of orcs, which I chose not to engage. I could hear my comrades following me up, so I figured they could fight the big, stupid orcs while I claimed all of the glory above.

  My HUD showed Health at eight-five percent by the time I reached the top of the tower. Good thing, too. There were five orc warriors with the wizard. All were armored and armed with razor-sharp khopeshes. I ducked and dodged, while my sword slashed and stabbed. I bloodied three of them before they backed me up against the battlements. The wizard was across the r
oof, throwing lightning bolts down upon my Guild friends.

  The fact Artimus didn't rate me enough of a threat to even watch was beyond insulting.

  I'll show him.

  "You're a pretty little thing, elfmaid," one of the orcs growled. He leered at me, and then grabbed his crotch. "Maybe I'll capture and get a son off you before I strangle you to death."

  "Shut up. I just ate lunch," I said. "I just threw up a little in my mouth. That's how ugly you are, shit-for-brains."

  He screamed a battle cry and charged me. I parried his slash, before thrusting my sword through his heart. My blade got lodged inside him, so I released it and summoned my bow and arrows. One, two, three orcs died before they realized I was shooting at them. The last of the orcs charged me with a blood-curdling scream.

  Yeah, I froze for a split second.

  Leaning back between the battlements, I lifted my feet and let him run into them. Even as he swung his khopesh to cut my head in two, I caught him on my feet, bending my knees to my chest as I leaned almost all of the way out, and then used his momentum to flip him up and over the side.

  I amazed myself with that one.

  "That was impressive, elf mage," Artimus said, suddenly right there.

  I pulled a knife and tried to stab him, but his magic shield deflected my blade. Before I recovered, Artimus hit me with a percussion spell that blasted me across the roof to slam into the stone battlements. I lost all of my breath, which left me on all fours gasping desperately.

  The smug bastard strode confidently over to me, grabbed my hair, and yanked my head back. My head was still spinning from bouncing off the stone battlements, so I couldn't concentrate enough to call up a spell. He gave me such a contemptuous look.

  "Pathetic," Artimus said. "I almost feel bad about what I'm going to do to you."

  He reached down and yanked off my breastplate. The bustier-like piece of armor went clattering across the stone pavers, leaving my naked boobs jostling before his leering eyes.


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