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Taming His Wolf [Dark Knights 3] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

Page 2

by Lynn Hagen

  He had no idea. “I guess I do.”

  They arrived at Lenny’s and found two unoccupied stools. A basketball game was on one of the overhead televisions, but Kivani wasn’t into sports. That was the reason he’d left Henry’s party and gone for tacos.

  “Hey, Lenny,” Joelle said when the bartender walked over to them.

  “Hey, Joelle,” Lenny said. “What can I get for you?”

  Kivani would have snarled at the friendly way Lenny was talking to Joelle, but he didn’t see any flirtation on Lenny’s part. Joelle, on the other hand, gave the bartender a dreamy look.

  “I’ll just have a club soda.” Joelle turned to Kivani. “You?”

  “Same.” When Lenny walked away, Kivani looked at Joelle. “You could crush my feelings by flirting with another guy while I’m with you.”

  “Oh.” Joelle quickly shook his head. “I wasn’t flirting. I know Lenny’s wife. I used to cut her hair until I was promoted.”

  Even so, Kivani leaned closer to Joelle, letting everyone in the tavern know his mate wasn’t available.

  “So, what’s your story?” Joelle asked. Their legs bumped and Joelle started to move away, but Kivani placed a hand on one of Joelle’s knees to stop him.

  “What do you want to know about me?” Not that Kivani could tell Joelle much until he claimed him. His job was to kill Hunters. His career choice wasn’t something he talked about. And his living arrangements weren’t something he wanted to talk about, either. Kivani was living with Declan until he could find a place that suited him. Though Declan wasn’t wrapped too tightly in the head, he was a decent roommate.

  “What you do for a living?”

  Fuck. Kivani didn’t want to lie. “I work in trash disposal.”

  “You’re a garbage man?” Joelle nodded in approval. “City workers make good money.”

  Kivani made damn good money disposing of Hunters. He’d been given a list of Hunters, seeing that the Ultionem was paying him handsomely for each of those fucking zealots he killed. And he did work in the city.

  Lenny brought their drinks, then moved away to take care of some guy waving at him.

  Kivani lifted his glass as Joelle did the same. “Here’s to getting to know you better.”

  Joelle blushed as they clinked glasses. The redness made his freckles more pronounced and Kivani was damn tempted to lean in for a kiss.

  Just as Kivani dipped his head a little closer, he heard the tavern door open. He turned and cursed as Hunter strode into the tavern.

  Chapter Two

  Joelle had no idea what he was doing. His social awkwardness shined through as he sat there trying to think of something witty to say. He wanted to ask more questions but didn’t want Kivani to feel like Joelle was interviewing him. He rarely went on dates, and now he remembered why he avoided them.

  The fact Kivani was checking out a guy who’d just walked through the door made Joelle feel even more unsure. But Joelle had to admit the newcomer was handsome and a bit roguish, with dark hair and even darker eyes that made him look mysterious.

  But Joelle wasn’t interested in anyone but Kivani, and the guy was downright disrespecting him. Joelle slid off the stool and headed for the door. Going out for a drink had been a bad idea and he regretted agreeing to it.

  “Whoa.” Kivani slid his arm around Joelle’s waist and pulled him close. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “You crushed my feelings by flirting with another guy while I’m with you.” Joelle wiggled and shoved at Kivani, but he wouldn’t let go. “I have to work tomorrow anyway.”

  Kivani looked at his watch. “But it’s only five.”

  “I like to get to bed early.” Joelle didn’t like the fact that he felt as if he had to explain himself? Why wouldn’t Kivani take the hint and release him? “Get your arm off me.”

  Kivani stared past Joelle’s shoulder before returning his gaze to him. Had he just checked out the hottie again? Joelle shoved harder, curling his lip.

  Kivani released him. “I wasn’t checking anyone out.”

  “Tell that to someone who’ll believe your bullshit.” Joelle headed for the door, so embarrassed and hurt that he wanted to run back to his apartment. How could he have been foolish enough to think someone like Kivani was interested in him?

  It had been obvious since meeting Kivani that all the guy wanted was sex. Joelle wouldn’t have objected to the idea, but after Kivani had proved he was a piece of shit, Joelle was so done that he quickened his pace as he hurried out of the tavern.

  He was standing at the corner, waiting to cross the street when Kivani caught up to him. Joelle looked left then right, seeing if the street was clear so he could cross against the light. “Get away from me.”

  “I told you I wasn’t checking anyone out,” Kivani argued. “Why won’t you believe me?”

  Joelle spun and scowled at him. “Maybe because I caught you staring when that dark-haired man walked in.”

  Kivani scrubbed a hand over his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. I wasn’t looking because I was interested in him.”

  “Go screw yourself.” Joelle turned and stepped into the street. Kivani grabbed his arm and yanked him back just as a car screeched to a stop not two feet from him.

  The driver laid on the horn and cursed at Joelle before zooming away.

  “Are you fucking nuts?” Kivani shouted. “You didn’t even look before you tried to cross. You could’ve gotten killed.”

  Joelle pulled his arm free. He was shaken, but not enough to thank Kivani for saving his life. If the guy hadn’t tracked him down in the first place, Joelle wouldn’t have been rattled enough to try to get away from him.

  He should’ve just stayed home today. It had been his first day off in a week. Joelle would’ve been happy with a book and a hot cup of coffee. Instead, he’d gone to a party where he’d felt invisible, and now this gorgeous jerk was harassing him.

  “Look.” Kivani waved a hand between them. “We got off on the wrong foot. Can we start over?”

  The sincerity in Kivani’s voice made Joelle waver. He folded his arms over his stomach, shrugging. “Just as long as starting over doesn’t involve you putting the moves on me.”

  He had to be insane not to want to have sex with Kivani. When would Joelle ever get the chance again with such a hot guy? Joelle was far from a virgin, but his sexual encounters had always been brief and unfulfilling. No one ever wanted to stick around, so Joelle simply assumed he was that dull.

  And Kivani wouldn’t stick around, either. He probably had handsome men throwing themselves at his cock. How could Joelle compete with that?

  “How about I take you on a real date?”

  Joelle didn’t trust Kivani. Not when he couldn’t understand why the guy was so interested in him. He would more than likely stand Joelle up for someone more interesting. “When?”

  He was a complete glutton for punishment.

  “Tomorrow night,” Kivani said. “I’ll pick you up around six.” Joelle was taken aback by how devilishly handsome his grin was.

  “Don’t you need my apartment number?”

  “I’ll get it from Ryan.” Kivani winked at him. “Wouldn’t want you to think I’d stalk you later.”

  He had a point. “But you could call Ryan after I leave.”

  “True, but I give you my word I won’t bother you until tomorrow night.”

  Joelle usually wasn’t so gullible, but for some strange reason he trusted Kivani’s word. Something about him made Joelle want to ignore common sense, which told him Kivani was a player.

  In college, Joelle had run into guys like him. They talked a good game, made him feel special, then got him into bed, only to forget he existed ten minutes after the sex was over. But none of the men who’d used Joelle looked half as good as this guy did.


  “Just okay?” Kivani bounced his brows playfully, making Joelle chuckle.

  “What else do you want me to say?” Yep, a fucking g
lutton for punishment. Joelle couldn’t stop blushing as he shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

  “Nah, that was a good answer.” Kivani kissed his cheek, making Joelle’s heart soar. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, boo.”

  Joelle stood there sighing as he watched Kivani walk away.

  Kivani went back to the tavern and damn near ripped the door off its hinges as he entered. When he spotted the Hunter at the back, Kivani walked over, grabbed the guy’s arm, and hauled him to the back door. He shoved it open and stepped outside, dragging Ethan out behind him.

  “Are you fucking nuts?” Kivani barked, slamming the door behind him. He threw Ethan against the brick wall and curled his fist around the front of his cousin’s shirt. “Why the hell are you here?”

  Kivani had given him too many passes. Out of guilt? Out of loyalty? The reasons had become less and less important every time he ran into Ethan. If anyone found out that Ethan was a Hunter and Kivani was related to him, Kivani didn’t want to think about the consequences.

  Ethan’s father had mated a human, and so had Ethan’s grandfather. Ethan’s lineage was diluted to the point he couldn’t even shift, and Ethan had always resented that. To make matters worse, when Ethan was five, his father had been killed and his mother turned to alcohol to deal with her loss. Kivani’s parents had been awarded custody of Ethan after she’d tried to drown him in the tub because he looked too much like his father.

  Talk about birth of serious issues.

  Still, as soon as Ethan had become a Hunter, Kivani should have ended him. He knew that his cousin had killed nonhumans. But he hadn’t put a bullet in the guy’s head because…shit, Ethan was family.

  Kivani released him and took a step back. “Answer my damn question.”

  “Sightseeing.” Ethan righted his shirt. They were standing in an alley, but Kivani still felt too damn exposed as cars drove by and people passed by the mouth of the alley.

  “I hear you joined some knighthood,” Ethan said with a curled lip. “Now you get paid to kill Hunters.” He raked his eyes over Kivani, complete disgust in his expression. “The Hunters know who all of you are. They think one of you knights killed Hephner. The loyalists want the knights dead, but Kovachi is the one you need to worry about. One of you killed his cousin.”

  That had to hit home for Ethan, since he was Kivani’s cousin. Family was more complicated than life itself. “What do you know about Aleksei Kovachi?”

  Ethan shook his head. “I’m not giving you information. Kovachi is too smart. He’ll figure out who betrayed him, and I’ve seen his methods of punishment. I’d rather get my nuts cut out by a rusty razor than get on his bad side.”

  “You need to leave the city.”

  Ethan’s eyes took on an edge Kivani had seen too many times. A spark of insanity that said he wanted to play a twisted head game with Kivani.

  “Why would I leave when I know you have a boyfriend?” Ethan asked. “Why didn’t you introduce us?”

  Kivani snarled as he slammed Ethan into the wall. “You stay the fuck away from him!”

  Ethan smirked. “Interesting.”

  Kivani had fucked up by letting Ethan see that Joelle meant something to him. He curled his hand around Ethan’s throat, squeezing with his inhuman strength until Ethan turned red in the face. Fuck it. Since Ethan already knew all about Joelle, he handed him the threat. “Go anywhere near him and all bets are off. I’ll end you, Ethan. Don’t try me.”

  Ethan stood there glaring at Kivani, as though being choked amused him.

  Kivani released him, baring his canines. His gut had told him he’d regret letting Ethan live. Kivani’s twisted-ass family loyalties were gonna get him killed.

  He walked away, leaving Ethan in the alley. Kivani had promised Joelle he wouldn’t show up until tomorrow night, but with Ethan in town, and with his cousin knowing what Joelle meant to him, he had to change his plans, so instead of going home, Kivani headed toward the apartment building.

  Joelle had read the same sentence at least a dozen times. He usually enjoyed getting lost in a book, but his mind kept wandering back to Kivani. The guy was a straight-up jerk, and fuck, Joelle wanted him. He couldn’t stop seeing those pretty eyes and all those muscles, and remembering just how good Kivani smelled—musky and all man.

  He tossed his book aside, sighing. Why hadn’t he just invited Kivani back to his place? Why had he gotten scared? Right now he could be having mind-blowing sex instead of staring at the small fishbowl on the shelf by his couch.

  “I swear, Bubbles,” Joelle said to his goldfish. “I always find a way to screw things up.”

  Joelle got up when someone knocked at his door. He already knew who was there. It was the only person who came over. He swung the door open and smiled at Ryan. “Come on in.”

  Ryan entered, looking around. “Where’s Kivani?”

  “How should I know?” Joelle closed the door. “We went to Lenny’s for a drink, but I left.”

  Too bad he couldn’t rewind time. If he could have, he would’ve pulled the stick out of his own ass. Fuck, he’d nearly gotten hit by a car trying to run from Kivani. How much more anal could he be?

  “We need to talk.” Ryan wandered to the kitchen. He always made himself at home whenever he came over. Joelle had complained multiple times about the intrusion, but honestly, he really didn’t care. He liked the company.

  “Talk about what?” He joined Ryan and put on a pot of coffee, hoping Ryan wasn’t about to lecture him about Kivani. He was already beating himself up enough.

  They did have a dinner date for tomorrow night, but Joelle wasn’t holding his breath that Kivani would actually show.

  “What I’m about to tell you will blow your mind, but I don’t like you being in the dark. You should know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  Joelle frowned. “Are you about to give me dating advice?”

  For reasons he didn’t understand, Ryan had become protective of him lately, even defending Joelle against his best friend. It was sweet, but it made Joelle feel even more insecure. He didn’t need Ryan fighting his battles.

  “Not dating advice.” Ryan took two mugs from the cupboard and set them next to the coffee machine. He pursed his lips, staring at the brewing pot as though the drips were the most fascinating thing.

  “Then what?” Joelle grabbed the container of sugar from on top of the refrigerator and set it next to the mugs. He loved the smell of freshly brewed coffee. It reminded him of his parents’ house. Every morning Joelle would wake to the smell, then find his mom and dad in the kitchen, both reading a section of the paper. Now that he had his own place, Joelle followed that morning routine.

  It wasn’t morning, though. It was early evening, and Joelle was afraid the caffeine would keep him up all night. But he liked sharing a cup of coffee with Ryan, who loved the stuff as much as he did.

  “You have to promise to keep an open mind.”

  “I’m open-minded.”

  Ryan turned and stared at him. “A really open mind.”

  “Will you get on with it?” Worst-case scenarios played in Joelle’s head.

  Ryan let go of a long sigh. “Kivani is a wolf shifter and you’re his mate.”

  Joelle heard the words, but his brain wasn’t processing them.

  “I wouldn’t have said anything, because I’m not supposed to give away their secrets. But since you belong to Kivani, it’s okay if I blab.”

  “Their secrets?”

  Ryan gave Joelle his back as he poured coffee into the mugs. “Devil’s a wolf shifter, too. Nyx is a bear shifter.”

  Joelle burst out laughing. For a moment, he’d taken Ryan seriously. “Good one. Thanks, I needed that laugh after the day I’ve had.”

  Ryan gave him a solemn look over his shoulder before turning back around. The guy wasn’t laughing. He hadn’t even cracked a smile. He made their cups in silence, and Joelle’s gut started to twist into knots. “Ryan, that can’t be possible.”
  “That’s what I thought, too.” He handed Joelle his cup. “But it’s true.” He took a sip. “Tell me you don’t feel a deep connection to Kivani.”

  “It’s called lust.” Joelle refused to fall into Ryan’s lake of madness. Not only was what he was telling Joelle impossible, but he was saying that Joelle belonged to Kivani. The player. The smooth talker. The guy who had checked someone else out while they were having drinks.

  “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.” Ryan pulled his phone from his back pocket. “So I’m just gonna show you. But you have to swear you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone, not even your folks.”

  Ryan knew how close Joelle was with his mother. “Okay, I swear.”

  Not that Joelle took Ryan seriously. He moved next to Ryan to see whatever his friend was about to show him. It was a video.

  “Cross your heart?” Ryan said.

  “For fuck’s sake, I promise.” Joelle leaned against the counter, one arm wrapped around his stomach, the other holding his cup of coffee. When Ryan hit Play, Joelle saw Devil in Ryan’s living room. He was stretched out on the floor, watching television.

  “Please don’t tell me this is a sex video. We’re cool, but I don’t want to see your boyfriend get naked.”

  That was a damn lie. Devil was hot as fuck. Not as good-looking as Kivani, but all the men who hung out with Devil were gods.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Ryan said. “And be quiet.”

  Joelle rolled his eyes, then squinted when Devil turned onto his stomach, then…then… “Is this a hoax?”

  No fucking way had Devil just changed into a large wolf. That wasn’t possible.

  “I have to erase this after you watch it,” Ryan said. “But I recorded Devil’s shift to prove that I’m telling you the truth.” He deleted the video. “Now do you believe me?”

  The skin under Joelle’s eye began to twitch and his grip on his mug loosened. Coffee poured to the floor as he blinked so quickly his eyelids should’ve gotten whiplash.

  “You’re not gonna faint, are you?”

  Joelle spun and set his mug in the sink. He was breathing too damn fast. The room spun. “I don’t faint,” he snapped. Like hell. He was seconds away from passing out.


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