Page 31
Skakel, suspicions about Michael, 108
Skakel’s close boyhood friend, Michael, 25
Skakel’s drinking, Rushton, 27
Skakels superior than others in neighborhood, 24-25
trial, the, 253-54, 259
Pulire, Mike, 192, 193
Quinlan, Susan W., 32-33
Reeves, Richard, 15
Renna, Andrea S., 63, 72, 109-10, 146, 224, 231, 251-52, 258, 259-60
Reporter, role of a, 167-68
Reynolds, Harry, 84
Ricci, Joe, 173-74, 193
Robbins, Peter, 234
Robertson, Cliff, 200
Robertson, Marilyn, 37
Rogers, Dorothy, 110-12, 173, 187, 192, 259
Roosevelt, Christopher, 68, 71
Safer, Morley, 15
Santos, Hubert J., 284
Schaap, Dick, 12
School records of Tommy Skakel, attempting to get, 68
Search warrant for Skakel home, no issuance of, 45-46, 53-55, 76
Season in Purgatory, A (Dunne), 184, 201
Seedman, Al, 78
Seigan, Chuck, 175-76, 181, 192, 231, 262
Senator, The, 184
Sentence, the jail, 270-71
Serpico, Frank, 85, 87
Shannon, Gary, 269
Shaw, Jay, 22,86
Sheridan, Tom
background on, 133
behavior disorders, Skakel brothers evaluated with, 29
drunk-driving arrest for Michael Skakel, 115
family, evaluating the Skakel, 4
Garr-Levitt meetings, 163
Great Lakes Carbon, Rushton Skakel at, 26-27
Kennedys and Skakels, relationship between, 26
Levitt, interactions with Leonard, 139-40, 274-77
memoirs/manuscript, Michael Skakel’s audiotaped, 217
parenting skills, Rushton Skakel’s, 28
post-trial assessments, 274-77, 285
Solomon’s obsession with Ken Littleton, 122
Sutton Associates report, 133-35, 139-40, 145-46
Sherman, Michael
biggest case of career, 235
blacks from the Bronx (NY) as murder suspects, 282-83
Coleman, Greg, 251
criticized for how the case went, 274
final arguments, 257
Garr-Skakel interactions at trial, 242
jury deliberation, 274
jury selection, 237
Littleton, focus on Ken, 244
media friendly individual, 236, 274
Skakel arrives at police station, Michael, 233-34
strategy, courtroom, 237
verdict, the, 268-69
Zicarelli, Larry, 254
Shriver, Sargent, 12
Simpson, O. J., 4, 5, 7, 8, 206
Skakel, Anne (mother), 24, 27, 30-32
Skakel, David (brother), 4, 39, 63, 223, 268, 269
Skakel, George, Jr. (uncle), 26
Skakel, George, Sr. (grandfather), 25-26
Skakel, Georgie (son), 280
Skakel, Jimmy (uncle), 26
Skakel, John (brother), 28, 41, 63, 222, 223, 279-80
Skakel, Julie (sister), 42, 63, 144, 224, 256, 258, 260
Skakel, Kathleen (cousin), 56-57
Skakel, Michael
abuse, suffered, 31
alcohol/alcoholism, 33, 107-8
animal abuse, 33-34, 75-76
arrest warrant for, prosecutors reluctance to issue, 182-87
behavior disorder, evaluated with, 29, 30
case file, police, 63
childhood memories, 30-31
control, lack of self, 5-6
“Dead Man Talking: A Kennedy Cousin Comes Clean,” 30-31
depression, diagnosed with, 32-33
diary, Martha Moxley’s, 39
discounted as a suspect by police, 52
drunk-driving arrest, 115
fighting with brother, 28
Garr-Levitt meetings, 159, 160-61, 165
grand jury inducement, 231-34
Hale Report, 41
masturbation explanation for any DNA findings, 138, 153, 226
medical records at Elan, officials seeking, 192-93
memoirs/manuscript, audiotaped, 215-28
mothers’ illness/death, 31-32
newspaper story (1995) on murder case, 152-53
reopened case bring in many tips on
Elan School, 105-6
Greenwich Hospital, 107-8
Ix, Cissy, 107
Pugh, Andy, 108
Shakespeare, Andrea, 109-10
St. Mary’s Catholic School, 106
Zicarelli, Larry, 112-14
sentence, the jail, 270-71
Sutton Associates report, 138-40, 145-47, 154-55, 168, 187
trial, the, 5, 241-42, 254, 258-60
Unsolved Mysteries brings in tips on, 172-76
verdict, the, 267-68
See also Confessions, Michael Skakel’s alleged; Trial, the
Skakel, Rushton, Jr. (brother), 4, 30, 41, 63, 222, 223
Skakel, Rushton (father)
abuse, claims of child, 31
alcohol/alcoholism, 27, 69
case file, police, 63-65
death of, 278-79
Garr-Levitt meetings, 163
generous and kind to others, 24
Great Lakes Carbon, employment at, 26-27
Hale Report, 14 15
jeans found outside Skakel home, 115,116
memoirs/manuscript, Michael Skakel’s audiotaped, 217, 219
parenting skills, 27-29
possibility of Michael’s guilt, 188-89, 259
school records, Tommy’s, 68
search warrant for Skakel home, no issuance of, 54
sponsored the Moxleys at different clubs, 24
Sutton Associates report, 133
trial, the, 253
weapon, murder, 14 15
wife, death of, 24
Skakel, Steven (brother), 63, 269
Skakel, Tommy (brother)
behavior disorder, evaluated with, 29-30
case file, police, 63
diary, Martha’s, 39
fighting with brother, 28
Garr-Levitt meetings, 157-60, 165, 262
Hale Report, 41-47
Levitt, first contact with Leonard, 73
Littleton used to get information on, Ken, 52-53
medical/school tests/records, 68, 69-70
memoirs/manuscript, Michael Skakel’s audiotaped, 222
mothers’ illness/death, 32
newspaper clips of the case, 20
newspaper story (1995) on murder case, 152-53
polygraph tests, 120
school records, police attempt get, 68
Solomon’s obsession with Ken Littleton, 120
suspect, beginning to be focused on as a, 36, 50-52
Sutton Associates report, 137-40, 143-46, 168
Terrien, remarks implicating Jimmy, 107
trial, the, 5, 258, 263-64
violence, history of, 45
Skakel family and accountability/responsibility, 279-80
Smith, Steve, 26
Smith, William K., 90, 105, 170
Solomon, Jack, 58, 91, 104, 118-19, 134, 163, 182-83, 244, 247-48
St. Mary’s Catholic School, 106
Stamford Advocate, xiii, xiv, 9, 21, 22, 62, 86, 90, 91, 133, 149, 152, 185, 209
State (NY) Commission on Judicial Conduct, 83
Steiner, Frank, 17, 198-99
Stewart, Michael, 78
Sutton Associates report, 133-40, 143-47, 154-55, 162, 168, 187, 199, 204, 224
Sweeney, Margaret, 28, 30
Talk, 236
Tanzania, 12, 19
Television crime shows, nationally syndicated, 171-76
Terrien, George, 222, 223
Terrien, Georgeann (aunt, Michael’s), 28-29, 43, 68, 256
Terrien, Jimmy (cousin, Michael’s), 28-29, 41-43, 52, 63, 219-23, 255-56
nbsp; Terrien, Paul, 203
Thayer, Alice P., 55-56
Thim, George, 231
Time, 13-15, 87
Time of death, 43, 159-60, 169-70, 257
Times-Mirror media conglomerate, xiv, 9, 22, 81, 85, 86, 149
“Trail of Guilt” (Dunne), 207, 212
Train, Barbara, 51
Transient killer theory, 20, 57, 60, 63, 65, 76
Trial, the
Coleman, Gregory, 237-40
final arguments, 258-61
Higgins, John, 250-51
Ix, Cissy, 248-50
jury deliberations, 4-8, 263-65
jury selection, 237
Littleton, Ken, 244-48
locale decision, 242
media coverage, 242-44
memoirs/manuscript, Michael Skakel’s audiotaped, 251-52
Michael-Levitt interactions, 254
Pugh, Andy, 253-54
Renna, Andrea S., 251-52
Skakel, Julie, 256
Skakel, Rushton, 253
Skakel-Garr interactions, 241-42
Solomon, Jack, 247-48
Terrien, Georgeann, 256
Terrien, Jimmy, 255-56
verdict, the, 265-70
Zicarelli, Larry, 254
See also Post-trial events
“Triumph by Jury” (Dunne), 243
True Confessions (Dunne), 199
Two Mrs. Grenvilles, The (Dunne), 198-99
Unsolved Mysteries, 172-76, 180, 181, 269
Vanity Fair, 199, 201, 207, 243, 273
Verdict, the trial, 265-70
Versailles, May S., 107
Violence at the Skakel house, 28-29, 45
Walker, Marjorie, 222
Walker, Mort, 23
Ward, Benjamin, 78
Weapon, murder, 20, 43, 44, 60, 64, 65, 76, 168
Weeks, Steve, 206
Wetenhall, Jackie, 39, 41, 222
Whitby School, 68
Wirths, Paul, 198
Witnesses, reluctant, 3
Wittine, Franz, 112, 221
Woodward, William, 17, 198-99
World Trade Center, terrorist attacks on, 162
Zicarelli, Larry, 112-14, 187, 254, 258, 261, 262
Ziminsky, Victor, 24, 27
I would like to acknowledge the following people, whose help was invaluable to me over the years in fitting the pieces together:
First, Dorthy Moxley, who became an inspiration to me and others. Our lives will be forever intertwined.
Frank Garr, my mirror image, whose struggles and personality I saw reflected in my own.
The late Steve Carroll, whose remorse over what had occurred allowed me to see that there was no cover-up by the Greenwich police.
John McCreight, who recognized from the outset there was a problem and provided my first lead.
Chief Jerry Hale of the Detroit PD: It really happened, as you said it could.
Tony Insolia, whose honesty on reading my first article gave the lie to the claim that “legal problems” prevented it from being published.
Joe Pisani, who always tried to do the right thing.
Don Forst, who was there when it counted.
The unnamed source who provided me with the Sutton report: The world should know how important you were to solving this case.
Jimmy Breslin for his encouragement.
Dominick Dunne, who shared the same goal and whose disagreements with me I hope are in the past.
Cissy Ix, who was kind enough to share her insights about the Skakels with me.
Tom Sheridan: Ditto, although we’ll never agree on who was responsible for Martha’s murder.
Sean Crowley, who planted the seed.
Bernie Kerik, who brought me to Judith Regan.
Alice McQuillan, who gives new meaning to the term “undying devotion” and whose literary tough love salvaged this manuscript. Although I knew what I had to do in writing this book, I couldn’t shake off thirty years of journalism that had taught me to keep myself out of my stories. Alice struggled for months to force me to unlearn those old habits. I finally got the message.
Editor Aliza Fogelson took it from there. Aliza got so deep into this story she was right there inside my head.
John Mancini, who allowed me some slack.
Sean Gardiner and Rocco Parascandola, who covered for me. I will make it up to you guys.
Susan, Mike, and Jennifer Levitt for tolerating an author’s self-centeredness. This last year was rough.
About the Author
LEONARD LEVITT writes the widely read “One Police Plaza” column for Newsday. His work has appeared in Time, Harper’s, Esquire, and the New York Times Magazine. The recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation Humanities grant, he was also a member of the Peace Corps in Africa. He lives in Stamford, Connecticut.
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Other Books by Leonard Levitt
An African Season
The Long Way Round
The Brothers of Attica by Richard X. Clark, edited by Leonard Levitt
The Healer
“Mbeya Dreaming”
in Going Up Country
Photography Credits
Some images that appeared in the print edition of this book are unavailable in the electronic edition due to rights reasons.
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was made.
Interior: Photographs on page 2 courtesy of Dorthy Moxley; page 94 courtesy of Frank Garr; page 132 by Susan Levitt; page 196 courtesy of the Greenwich Library; page 230 by the State’s Attorney’s Office, Judicial District of Fairfield.
Insert: Photographs on pages 1–5 courtesy of Dorthy Moxley; pages 6–7 courtesy of the Greenwich Library; pages 8 and 9 (top) courtesy of Tim Dumas; pages 9 (bottom) and 12 (top) courtesy of Frank Garr; pages 10, 11, and 14 (top) by the Greenwich Police Department; pages 12 (bottom) and 13 by Susan Levitt; pages 14 (bottom) and 15 (bottom) courtesy of the State’s Attorney’s Office, Judicial District of Fairfield; page 14 (top) courtesy of the Connecticut Post; page 16 by Southern Connecticut Newspapers, Inc. Copyright © 2002.
A hardcover edition of this book was published in 2004 by ReganBooks, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
CONVICTION. Copyright © 2004 by Leonard Levitt. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this ebook on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins ebooks.
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
Levitt, Leonard, 1941–
Conviction : solving the Moxley murder : a reporter and a detective’s twenty-year search for justice / Leonard Levitt.— 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-06-054430-9 (acid-free paper)
1. Moxley, Martha. 2. Levitt, Leonard, 1941– 3. Garr, Frank. 4. Skakel, Michael. 5. Murder—Connecticut—Greenwich—Case studies. 6. Murder—Investigation—Connecticut—Greenwich—Case studies. I. Title.
HV6534.G765L48 2004
* * *
ISBN 13: 978-0-06-054431-7
ISBN 10: 0-06-054431-7
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