Love Again

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Love Again Page 9

by Kelly Elliott

  Chuckling, I replied, “I’ll buy three…just in case.”

  “Perfect. Seven sharp! Not a minute later.”

  “Wait! Is Aunt Vi gonna be there?”

  “Yes, of course, it’s family dinner night.”

  Perfect. I needed to talk to my aunt in private. I was positive she would know what it was like to date a younger man and would be able to give me advice. I’d already had one person make a comment to me at Lilly’s when I ran by earlier for breakfast.

  “Great. I’ll see ya tonight,” I said.

  “Love you, sweetheart.”

  “Love you back.”

  Hitting End, I glanced up to see Randy watching me.

  “You heading out?” he asked.

  “I’ve got a few things to take care of. I’m sure Jonathon will be stopping by in a bit to check up on things.”

  He looked down at the tool in his hand and then back up at me. “This may be forward, but I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner sometime.”

  “Dinner?” I asked, completely taken aback.

  “I know I shouldn’t be asking, but it sounds like we have a lot in common.”

  Giving him a friendly grin, I replied, “Thank you for the invitation, but I’m actually seeing someone. Jonathon, to be exact.”

  His eyes widened. “Really?” Then he laughed. “Isn’t he a little young for you?”

  I swallowed hard. “Last time I checked he was out of college and a grown man who owned his own company. Do you have a problem with a woman dating a man a few years younger?”

  “A few years? Don’t get me wrong, Waylynn, you would pass for twenty-five, but I’m pretty sure you’re around my age.”

  Folding my arms across my chest, I asked, “And how old are you, Mr. Leman?”


  “If you want to continue putting in the wood floors of this dance studio, I highly suggest you take a few steps back and think about your choice of words the next time you speak to me, or any other woman, for that matter. This isn’t 1950, Mr. Leman, and a six-year difference isn’t mind-blowing.”

  He held up his hands. “I’m sorry if I overstepped.”

  “Overstepped? You took a fucking leap off the building.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Jonathon’s voice caused my rapid breath to settle a bit.

  “Mr. Leman here thinks I’m too old to be dating you…darling.”

  “Now, wait a minute. I didn’t say that.”

  Tapping my finger on my lips, I repeated his words. “Let me think, what was it you said again? Oh, that’s right, ‘isn’t he a little young for you’ were your exact words.”

  “Randy, what in the hell?”

  “Listen, it was a mistake to ask you out.”

  “You asked her out?” Jonathon asked in a raised voice. “Are you out of your goddamn mind? Do you do this on all your jobs?”

  “No! I thought she was giving me the signal.”

  My mouth fell open. “The signal? Being polite and talking to you is your signal? Holy shit, dude, maybe you should—”

  Jonathon stepped in front of me. His hands cupped my face, lifting my eyes to his.

  “Why don’t we go to your office?”

  I closed my eyes and let out a breath before agreeing to go. Jonathon guided me through the room and into the back hallway that led to my office.

  The moment the door shut, I spun around. “I was not leading him on!”

  “I know you weren’t.”

  “He actually told me I was too old for you!”

  “Fuck him.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Asshat.”

  “He is. Don’t worry about what he says or thinks.”

  Leaning against the desk, I let out a sigh. “That’s twice today someone has brought up our age difference.”

  “Waylynn, if it was reversed and I was older, no one would bat an eyelash. I don’t care what people say or think…and neither should you.”

  My head dropped back as I let out groan. “I’m trying not to, Jonathon. I am! It’s just so hard.”

  His lips touched my neck and the stress left my body. I swore the man had magical lips and fingers. As well as another very magical tool of his.

  “Is that better?” he whispered, hot breath spilling onto my neck.

  “Almost,” I panted, every single sense seduced by his touch.

  “What will make it better, babe?”

  My body flooded with warmth, and my brain fogged. “Um…ah…oh, God.”

  His fingers pulled and teased at my nipple through my shirt. “Lie down on the desk, baby. Let me fix this.”

  I laid back on the desk as he pulled my ass to the very end and lifted my skirt up.

  Note to self: wear skirts always. Easy access.

  Jonathon’s fingers quickly moved my panties to the side. A low growl from the back of his throat caused my heart to quicken. One movement of his tongue had me letting out a soft moan as my orgasm built.

  Lacing my fingers in his hair, I pulled him close. I couldn’t get enough of this man and his ability to make me forget everything but us.

  The knock on my office door made me jerk, but Jonathon kept on. Moving his fingers in and out of me while his mouth and tongue did a number on my sensitive clit.

  “Wait!” The word was low and breathy.

  Jonathon didn’t hear me and continued, even as the person knocked again. The idea that someone was on the other side of the door fueled the fires. Covering my mouth, my body shook with an all-encompassing orgasm. Every single nerve ending in my body sparked.

  Lifting his head, Jonathon smiled as I stared at him, my chest rising and falling with deep breaths.

  A piece of paper slipped under the door. Jonathon and I looked at it and then lost it in a giggling fit.

  Adjusting my panties, Jonathon pulled my skirt down, then stood. He reached for my hand and pulled me to an upright, seated position.

  “Good job keeping it quiet there, Ms. Parker.”

  I scoffed. “It was harder than it looked, Mr. Turner. That tongue of yours should be a patented sex tool.”

  He winked. “Feel better?”


  His placed his hand on the side of my face. Leaning in, I closed my eyes. “I promise it won’t bother me the longer we’re together. It’s just hard right now. I hope you’re not angry with me for lashing out at Randy like that.”

  “Waylynn, nothing on the face of this Earth would have me thinking an ill thing toward you. I’m here, by your side, through everything. Don’t forget that.”

  “Everything, huh?”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “Everything.”

  “Okay, let’s test that, shall we?”

  Pulling back, he stared. “Give it to me.”

  “Dinner at my parents’ tonight.”

  “That’s easy. I’ve been there a hundred times or more.”

  “It’s family dinner night.”

  The grin vanished.

  “Family dinner night? So, Cord will be there…and Tripp?”

  Laughing, I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him close. “You still by my side?”

  “Yes…and inside you after dinner.”

  I sank my teeth into my lip at the delicious thought.

  “I think today just became my favorite day.”

  Jonathon laughed. “You said that yesterday.”

  Tracing my finger along his stubble-covered jaw line, I gazed into his eyes. “I have a feeling I’m going to be saying that every day for a long time.”

  “I do too.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I stopped at the gate and looked at the sign above the massive rock entrance.

  Frio River Ranch.

  Growing up in Oak Springs, it was no secret that the Parker family was the wealthiest in the county. Hell, all the surrounding counties. The thing I admired was that none of them acted like it. Cord and his brothers were always either working t
heir father’s ranch or one of the local ranches hauling hay, plowing fields, or some form of manual labor. Nothing was ever handed to those kids. They worked alongside me on my own father’s ranch from time to time.

  Glancing down, I stared at my father’s college ring. I put it on the day he died and hadn’t taken it off since. I couldn’t help but smile. He’d have loved Waylynn. Just like I knew my mother and Rip were going to love her.

  With my window down, I punched in the code I’d known since I was little and watched the gate swing open.

  I’d driven this driveway a million times, but this time felt different. Everything felt different since Waylynn and I had started dating.

  A horn honked behind me and I glanced in the mirror to see Cord. I lifted my hand and hit the gas to go a little faster. I pulled up and parked next to the row of trucks.

  After a few deep breaths, I climbed out of my truck and started toward Cord, who was waiting for me.

  “What’s wrong, Turner? You nervous?”

  With a half-hearted laugh, I replied, “Slightly.”

  “Why? It’s not like you’ve never been over to dinner on family night.”

  After placing my hat on my head, I shook his hand. “Yeah, well, I didn’t have all your brothers wanting to hit my face then. And I certainly wasn’t dating one of your sisters.”

  Cord let out a roar of laughter. The bastard was enjoying this. “You know we weren’t really going to kick your ass.”

  “I know you’re a damn liar.”

  “True, we were going to kick your ass. My sister saved you from another black eye and possibly a broken nose. Trevor likes going for the nose.”

  Reaching up, I rubbed my nose. “I like my nose. It’s one of my favorite features.”

  Cord slapped my back. “Pussy. Come on, let’s get on inside. I’m sure my parents are chomping at the bit to get to you.”

  “Aw hell,” I mumbled, following Cord up the front porch steps. The door opened and there she was. My beautiful girl dressed in a long black flowing skirt, black cowboy boots, and a white, off-the-shoulder shirt. I loved it when she wore shirts that exposed her neck. I also loved it when she wore skirts and she was wearing them more and more often, for a good reason. My dick jumped in my pants thinking back to earlier in her office, wondering if she was going commando under all that black fabric.

  “Hey there, beautiful!”

  Waylynn’s eyes lit up as they swept over my body. I knew the Parkers tended to keep things casual, but not too casual on family dinner night. I was dressed in new jeans, boots, and a shirt that showed off how damn hard I worked out in the gym.

  “Hello there, handsome.”

  Before I got to the top step, she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.

  “Gross,” Cord said. “Do you not even care how this freaks me out? Hello? Um…does anyone remember Cord is standing here?”

  When our lips parted, Waylynn looked at her brother. “Oh, hey Cord. Good seeing ya.”

  Taking my hand in hers, Waylynn guided me to the front door.

  “Asshole. Stealing my sister from me.”

  “I didn’t steal your sister from you.”

  Cord shot me a dirty look. “Yeah, ya did.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Did too.”

  “Did not.”

  “Oh, for the love of Christ, are you two five or something?”

  We both turned and faced Waylynn, unsure what she was talking about. “Do you hear yourselves? Cord, stop being a dick.”

  “Hey! I’m not being a dick. You just sucked face with my best friend in front of me, Waylynn. Can you at least let me get used to the idea that you’re together without advertising it.”

  Waylynn folded her arms across her chest and stared at Cord. “So, I shouldn’t tell you we had hot sex this morning in the shower?”

  Scrubbing my hands down my face, I groaned. “You’re trying to get my balls cut off, aren’t you?”

  “Seriously, Waylynn? I need to wash out my damn ears,” Cord said.

  “Then I really won’t tell you what happened in my office this afternoon…” Waylynn teased.

  “Waylynn!” I said, covering her mouth with my hand. “I would like a chance to live, so please stop talking.”

  Cord poked his head over my shoulder. “Yes! Please shut the fuck up.”

  I was pretty sure Waylynn was saying, “Fuck you too,” but my hand was still covering her mouth.

  “I’m going to get a drink. Get all the damn touching and feeling over with before you walk any farther into the house so I don’t puke.”

  When he turned the corner, I dropped my hand from her mouth. “Please tell me you know what you’re doing. I’m pretty sure if you keep this up I’m going to end up in a dark alley and my ass is going to be kicked by people who know people who know the Parker brothers.”

  She winked. “I just like getting them all riled up. It’s fun!”

  “For you! My face isn’t going to be having any fun when it gets broken.”

  Her fingers traced the outline of the barely visible black eye. “Sure did take a long time to go away.”

  “Cord’s strong.”

  Waylynn grinned. “I don’t want this handsome face to get a scratch on it, so I’ll be good.”

  My hands landed on her hips, pulling her close. “Waylynn Parker, you don’t know how to be good when it comes to teasing those brothers of yours.”

  “That is the God’s honest truth right there. Trust me, one day you’ll appreciate it, and it will be funny.”

  “I hope that day comes soon.”

  “The last two weeks have been…amazing,” she said. “Please tell me this isn’t the new relationship high, and in four months were gonna be on the sofa with bowls of popcorn watching stupid reality TV shows.”

  I laughed. “I have a feeling I’m always going to feel this way about you. You’ve ignited my heart, Waylynn.”

  Our eyes met and it felt like we were totally alone. Completely lost within each other.

  “Promise me you won’t be reckless with my heart.”

  My chest tightened to hear her voice shake. “I swear to you on this day, I will hold your heart in mine and never let it go.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, speaking volumes more than words would ever be able to. “Kiss me.”

  Smiling, I did as she asked. The tenderness of that kiss would forever be ingrained in my heart. It was in that moment I knew…

  I was in love with Waylynn Parker.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The large table in the dining room looked the same as usual. The color on the walls was the same. The people sitting around the table were the same, expect for a few additions.

  “So, when can I call you Uncle Jonathon?”

  I looked down at Chloe. She was a sweetheart and adorable to boot. Those Parker blue eyes stared back up at me. The way she batted those eyelashes told me she knew exactly what she was doing. Oh, yeah, she had her family’s blood flowing through her.

  Little stinker.

  “Well, I guess you could call me that whenever you want. I feel like your Uncle Cord is my own brother, and I’ve always loved your family like it was my own.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Does that mean you’re gonna marry Aunt Waylynn?” Chloe leaned in closer and shielded her mouth in an attempt to whisper. “Aunt Meli told me what to ask and say, so that’s what I’m doing.”

  I nodded. “I see. What else are you supposed to ask me?”

  Chloe glanced around the table to see if it was safe to keep going. I did the same. Everyone was lost in conversation except for Melanie. She was grinning from ear to ear watching Chloe and me.

  “Okay well, you have to promise not to tell cuz I’m a good secret keeper.”

  “I see that,” I said, crossing my heart in a promise.

  “I’m supposed to find out if you like kids. Do you?”

  Leaning in closer, I replied in a hu
shed voice. “Very much so. I have five younger siblings. The youngest is almost seven.”

  She pulled back. “Really? I’m six.”

  “I know. He’s in your class. His name is Rip.”

  Her mouth opened in shock. “Rip is your brother?”

  With a nod, I added, “He sure is.”

  Leaning back in her chair, she frowned as if she was in deep thought. When she started to tap her chin, I had to hold back a laugh. “What are you in such deep thought about, young Chloe?”

  “If Rip is your brother, and he’s already cute, and he grows up to look like you, he’s gonna be even more cute. I need to add him to my list of possible husbands.”

  I nearly choked. I made a mental note to talk to young Rip in a few years about Chloe Parker. Clearly, she had a lot of her aunt’s blood flowing in there. Poor Steed was in for the ride of his life with this one.

  “I’m sure he’d be honored to know he made your list.”

  She smiled. “You’re on Aunt Waylynn’s list. I heard her telling Grammy that y’all had only just started dating, but that she felt something deep down in here…” She pressed her hand to her chest. “She said it was unlike anything she’d ever felt. I don’t know what that means, but I think it’s good and probably means you’re on her list.”

  My gaze drifted over to Waylynn. She was deep in conversation with her Aunt Vi. “That’s a very good thing, Chloe, and I hope you’re right.”

  “So, back to kids. You like them, so we can check that off the list.”

  “We have a list going?” I asked.

  Chloe giggled. “There is always a list, Uncle Jonathon.”

  This time I did laugh. If I were blessed with a child half this amazing, I’d consider myself the luckiest damn man on Earth.

  “I like you, Chloe Parker. You make me laugh.”

  Her cheeks blushed. “I like you too, but only as a friend.” Her head tilted with a concerned look.

  “Oh, same here. I mean, I’ve given my heart to Waylynn, and only her.”

  Chloe gasped and covered her mouth. Then she quickly stood on her chair. “Uncle Jonathon just said he loves Aunt Waylynn!”

  Nearly everyone at the table, myself included, cried out, “What?”


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