Love Again

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Love Again Page 10

by Kelly Elliott

  My eyes snapped over to Waylynn. “I said I had given my heart to you. That’s all.”

  Melanie cleared her throat. “Chloe Lynn Parker, we do not burst out like that at the dinner table. Sit down, please. And we certainly do not spill the beans when someone says they love someone.”

  “Mother!” Waylynn gasped.

  “I didn’t say that,” I quickly added, taking note of all the death stares I was getting from Waylynn’s brothers.

  Melanie raised a brow. “Of course you didn’t, Jonathon. Anyone for dessert?”

  The room started to spin, but quickly righted itself when Chloe pulled on my arm. “Sorry, Uncle Jonathon, for outing you. I got a little excited.”

  “Chloe, I didn’t say I loved Waylynn.”

  Reaching for her glass of water, she half-shrugged. “Oh, you did. You just don’t know it. Momma says boys say things all the time that they don’t know they say ’cause they say ’em in a different way, but what they say is really what they mean, but they just don’t know they mean it yet.”

  I stared at her. “I have no clue what you said.”

  Chloe took a drink and set her glass down. “That’s another thing Momma says. Boys don’t understand girls. It’s okay, Uncle Jonathon… It took Daddy awhile to figure it out too. You’ll get there.”

  When she patted me on the shoulder, I sat back in my seat.

  I had just been schooled by a first grader.

  Damn, I want to have kids.

  I glanced across the table and caught Waylynn’s gaze. I smiled, and she returned it with a smile of her own. We must have sat there a good two minutes, staring at each other.

  The doorbell rang, and Chloe jumped up. “I’ll get it!”

  “Sit back down, young lady,” Steed ordered.

  Trevor stood. “I’ll grab it.”

  “Chloe, are you talking Jonathon’s ear off?” Waylynn asked, folding her hands and resting her chin on them.

  “No, ma’am. I’m just asking him some questions for Aunt Meli’s list.”

  “Oh crap,” Amelia said as Waylynn turned to look at her.

  “List? What list, Meli?”

  “Huh? A list?”

  “Yeah, the list you’re having our niece ask Jonathon about.” Waylynn stated.

  Amelia’s eyes bounced back and forth from me, to Waylynn, to Chloe.

  “I know of no such list. Chloe? Do you know of a list?”

  Chloe looked confused. “The list we made earlier. Remember? I’m supposed to keep it a secret!”

  “This is when Amelia will swear, then Chloe will jump up and run around the room cursing as well.” Wade chuckled as he raised his drink to me.

  “No, she will not!” Paxton said, pointing to Chloe who covered her mouth and giggled.

  “I’m so lost,” I admitted.

  Waylynn shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Jonathon. The less you know, the better.”

  “Ah, Waylynn, can I speak with you for a second.” Trevor asked.

  Glancing at Trevor, Waylynn asked, “Why?”

  “I need to talk to you in private.”

  I could tell Trevor was hiding something.

  “Seriously, Trev, what is it and why can’t you just tell me now?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “You need to follow me to the library.”

  “The library?”

  “Trevor, who was at the door?” John asked. By now, everyone’s attention was on Trevor.

  He blew out a deep breath and looked at the floor. “Jack’s here. He’s waiting for Waylynn in the library.”

  The air from my lungs whooshed out in one quick breath. What did Jack want with Waylynn? Maybe to tell her he’d changed his mind about starting a family.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Slowly standing, Waylynn stared at me, a look of complete darkness in her eyes. I had no idea how to read her in that moment. Was she angry? Scared of her feelings for him? The thought that she might still have feelings for him made me sick to my stomach.

  “If you all will excuse me.”

  She forced a smile, but it didn’t come anywhere near her eyes. They were void of any emotion at all.

  Sitting back in my chair, I blew out a frustrated breath. Cord hit my side, and I looked at him.

  “Dude, don’t even worry. I know Waylynn has no feelings whatsoever for that asshole.”

  I nodded.

  John tossed his napkin on the table. “That sonofabitch had the nerve to show up at my house? I’ll rip him apart piece by piece.”

  Melanie cleared her throat. “Sit back down, John Parker. This is Waylynn’s issue and each of you will let her handle it. Trevor, come sit down and let your sister take care of Jack.”

  Trevor looked like he wanted to disobey his mother, but he didn’t. He walked over and took a seat. “This is bullshit. He shows up one day and asks to talk to her. I almost beat his face in the second I saw him.”

  “Looks like the heat’s off you for a bit,” Wade said to me.

  I tried to laugh, but I could only muster a fake-sounding version of humor.

  Melanie stood and motioned for us all to do the same. “Let’s clear the table, y’all, and then cut into some of that pie Corina brought.”

  “That sounds like an amazing idea. Lord knows I’m craving apple pie!” Corina said, trying to make light of the heaviness that had settled in the room.

  Walking over, Tripp hit me on the back. “Don’t worry, Jonathon. Waylynn would never let him back in. Ever.”

  With a nod, I attempted to keep my voice even and calm. “I know she wouldn’t. It was just a surprise, as I’m sure it was to her, as well.”

  I wasn’t so sure I believed that. Waylynn hadn’t seemed all that surprised that her ex-husband was waiting for her in another room. In fact, Amelia and Melanie didn’t seem surprised either.

  Amelia walked by, and I reached for her arm. “Amelia, can I ask you something?”

  She looked around everywhere but at me.

  “Did Waylynn know Jack was coming over tonight?”

  Her eyes snapped to meet mine. “What? No, of course not.”

  “Then why did she not seem surprised? And neither did you, and your mother.”

  “The only thing I can say is that none of us knew he would be showing up, but Waylynn mentioned he has been calling her cell phone. She’s been denying the calls, so I guess that’s why we don’t seem surprised he’s here.”

  I sighed, my hand pushing through my hair. “She didn’t tell me he’d been calling her.”

  “I’m sure it was only because she didn’t care.”

  Glancing back over my shoulder, I looked at that hallway that led to the library.

  “I know you want to go bursting in there, but you have to let her handle this.”

  My stomach rolled and I felt sick. I needed air, a distraction, an escape. “I’m going to head outside for some fresh air.”

  Amelia nodded. “Okay, I’ll let Waylynn know where you are.”

  As I headed toward the living room, a sinking feeling hit me. Everything had been going too well. Too well. Waylynn had moved past her fears and was giving us a shot.

  And now? Now one of her biggest fears was in the room with her, and everything felt wrong and out of place…and I was helpless to stop it.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I stared at the fireplace for the longest time before I finally spoke.

  “Why are you here, Jack?”

  “You wouldn’t take my calls. I was desperate to talk to you, sweetheart.”

  He touched my arm, and I jerked away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, pumpkin.”

  Spinning around, I looked at him with nothing but pure anger. “Do not call me that. I’m not your sweetheart, your pumpkin, your baby. I’m no longer your wife. I’m nothing to you but the woman who stood by your side for years like a damn fool.”

  “Don’t say that. Waylynn, we had some amazing t
imes together.”

  I scoffed. “Whatever good times we shared vanished when I saw you with your whore of the month.”

  He flinched.

  “I’m going to ask you again. Why are you here?”

  “I want you back.”

  His words played in slow motion. When they finally sank in, I laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You paid me a hefty little price tag to disappear from your world—or did you forget? Never mind the fact that your lover is carrying your baby.”

  “I don’t love her. She’s not you, Waylynn.”

  “No, she’s about ten years younger than me, Jack. What’s wrong? Can’t keep up with her?”

  “You’re the one I want. Now that I’ve lost you, my eyes are open. I was a fool, wrong for thinking I could ever live without you. Please, come back to me.”

  “I have a life here. This is my hometown, and I’m starting a new business.”

  “The dance studio. I know, I know. I’ll give you ten dance studios in New York if you’ll come back.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I studied him. “Why are you so desperate for me to come back? Does your new toy not look shiny enough on your arm? Or are your friends turning their back on you, Jack, for what you did to me? Is it not good for your image to have a child out of wedlock?”

  He looked away, and I continued. “This is all about your image. This has nothing to do with your feelings for me.”

  “That’s not true. I miss you and the life we had. Things were…easy with you. We knew each other inside and out.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  With a sigh, he sat on the sofa. “Waylynn, I’ll get down on my hands and knees and beg, if that’s what it will take. You want a baby? We’ll have as many as you want. Hell, I’ll fuck you right now without a condom and get you pregnant, if that’s what you want!”

  Tears threatened to spill over my anger. “How dare you think you can come in here and say these things to me! In my parents’ house! You think I’ll jump back into your arms and fly off back to New York? Why couldn’t you give me a child when I asked for one, Jack? When I begged you for one? You got your whore pregnant. Why her and not me?”

  “It was a mistake. I got drunk one night and apparently we fucked without protection. I mean, I remember it…I just lost control.”

  “Nice. Way to sit there and explain how you got your lover pregnant while at the same time trying to win me back. You are such an asshole. I don’t know what I ever saw in you. Jonathon is ten times the man you ever were.”

  Jack stood. “Who the fuck is Jonathon?”

  My chin lifted as I crossed my arms over my chest. “My boyfriend.”

  He laughed. “Boyfriend? You’re dating someone?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Wait, you mean the construction guy who’s working on your studio.”

  My hands dropped to my sides. “How did you know that?”

  He gave me an evil grin. “I hired a P.I. to do a little bit of digging around since our divorce. He’s been keeping tabs for me.”

  I covered my mouth. It felt like my dinner was about to come back up.

  “Don’t be so dramatic, Waylynn. It was harmless.”

  “Harmless? You’re spying on me, you sonofabitch!”

  “If my memory is right, isn’t that boy younger than you?”

  I didn’t answer, and he started to laugh again. “What, did you seduce the poor boy and get him to fuck you so you could get pregnant?”

  Anger raced through me as I slapped Jack as hard as I could. “Get out of my house. Now.”

  Jack rubbed his face as he glared at me. He crossed the room and sat back down, crossing his leg over his knee.

  “Last I checked, this was Mom and Pop’s house.” He looked around then back to me. “You never were good enough, Waylynn.”

  I sucked in a breath of air. “W-what?”

  “At dancing. I saved you the embarrassment of making a fool out of yourself. The only reason you danced at the Radio City Music Hall was because of how beautiful you are. Rumor has it, though, you and the director had a thing. Maybe that’s how you got up on that stage.”

  “Shut up, you asshole.”

  Jack chuckled. “He was older than me, wasn’t he? You went from older guys to younger, huh? All in the hopes of getting knocked up.”

  Walking over to him, I kicked his leg, causing the other to fall to the floor.

  “I have never hated you more than I hate you right now. I would rather die than be back in your bed or carry your last name. And as far as your little private investigator goes, when I find out who he is, I’ll have him arrested for harassment. I’ll slap a restraining order on you that I guarantee will be plastered all over the New York Times, The Post, The Journal. You name it, Jacky boy, and it will be there. I’ll spend the rest of my life being the thorn in your side that you can’t pay off with money or sex. I left quietly once. Don’t test me a second time.”

  “You always did like to play hardball.”

  “I’ve grown up a lot, Jack. I don’t play games anymore. Now get the fuck out of this house and off this property. I swear to God if you ever reach out to me again you will be sorry.”

  He stood, straightened his tie and looked me up and down.

  “You look like a goddamn hillbilly. Let the little peckerhead have you. You sucked in bed anyway.”

  Before I knew what was happening, I saw Jack spin around and Trevor was throwing punches.

  “Trevor!” I screamed out.

  Jack stumbled back, gripping his jaw and groaning.

  “He can’t talk to you that way and get away with it, Waylynn.”

  Steed grabbed Jack by the back of the shirt and pushed him toward the door. “Time to go, asshole.”

  “I’ll sue your ass for this, Trevor Parker.”

  Steed gave Jack a good push. “I don’t think so. If you don’t want to be looking around every dark corner for the rest of your life, I suggest you leave our property and never fucking look back.”

  Jack glared at Steed and then shot me a dirty look. “You’re not fucking worth it, and one of these days you’ll realize the mistake you made by turning me away.”

  “Get out!” I shouted.

  Jack walked out of the library and hopefully out of my life for good.

  Trevor pulled me into his arms. “Are you okay? Did he touch you at all?”

  Burying my face in his chest, I fought to hold back tears and lost. “N-no. He d-didn’t touch me.”

  “Fucking dick. We shouldn’t have let you come in here alone with him. Don’t listen to a word that asshole said, Waylynn.”

  Drawing back, I wiped my tears away. “I know, Steed. I’m more upset that I let him get to me with harsh words and memories that are best left buried.”

  Steed hugged me. Kissing me on the forehead, he said, “Let me get Jonathon. He stepped outside.”

  Jonathon. I couldn’t see him right now. Not when I was this upset.

  “I need to go back to my place…without Jonathon.”

  Steed stopped short. “What?”

  “I need to be alone and sort all of this out in my head.”

  “All of what out? Waylynn, whatever Jack said to you, don’t listen.”

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhaled. “Let me go back to my place alone, will you?” My hand dropped and I gave my brothers a silent plea. “I need to be alone.”

  I walked past them and out of the library.

  “Waylynn? Waylynn?”

  My sister’s voice grew louder.

  “Not now, Amelia.”

  “Waylynn, where are you going?”

  “I said, not now!” I screamed, running down the hall to the front door. I could still see Jack’s taillights as he drove away. Getting into my car, I left in a rush to my house.

  My house. Fucking hell. It was my parents’ guest house, for fuck’s sake. Even though I paid rent, it still felt like I was living off my parents. Jack’s words replayed in my head.
  You were never good enough. I saved you the embarrassment of making a fool out of yourself.

  Tears streamed down my face as I drove. The full moon lit up the pastures on either side of me. Any normal night, and I’d drive with the lights out to let the moon lead the way. But tonight, tonight I wanted to get out of my own head and away from everyone and everything.

  Tonight, I wanted to forget Jack ever existed.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Another beer?”

  Glancing over my shoulder at Cord, I shook my head. “Nah, I’ve already had a couple and I need to head home.” I sat in Waylynn’s parent’s home surrounded by her family.

  “You’re not going to Waylynn’s place?” Mitchell asked as he gave Corina a look I couldn’t decipher.

  I shrugged. “No. She told Steed and Trevor she wanted to be alone.”

  “Then that means you need to go to her,” Corina said.

  I closed my eyes. “Corina, that makes no sense.”

  Mitchell let out a chuckle, “Dude, don’t question it. Just follow the advice.”

  “But it doesn’t make sense. She talked to her ex, then she decided she needed to be alone to think things through. What kind of things?”

  “That’s what you need to go ask her!” Paxton said.

  “Paxton’s right, Jonathon. I think the worst thing you could do is leave without at least stopping by and checking on her. Show her you care enough to at least do that, even if you don’t understand why she pushed everyone away.”

  Amelia sighed lightly. “She’s hurting, that’s why she pushed everyone away. After what Trevor overheard, Jack got into her head. Jonathon, you need to go get him back out.”

  My hands went into my pockets, and I looked at the ground. “I don’t know how, Amelia.”

  She stood and walked over to me. Placing her hand on my heart, she smiled. “Yes, you do. Just follow it. You told Chloe today you’d given your heart to Waylynn…now listen to it.”

  I nodded, knowing they were right. The least I could do was go check on her.

  “Alright. I’ll drive over there before I leave.”

  Everyone smiled, and it wasn’t lost on me that three of Waylynn’s brothers were giving me advice to go to her house. Alone.


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