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All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)

Page 4

by Jackie McMahon

“Go to sleep Angelina, I love you so much,” I whispered and she nuzzled her head against my chest.

  “Say it again,” she mumbled while yawning and I laughed.

  “I love you.”

  Chapter Three

  It’s been about two blissful weeks since we’ve been here at Isle Angie, and I still didn’t feel like going back home; it was paradise here. Dennis was right, it’s like we’ve been living in our own little bubble. It was just the two of us and I absolutely loved the thought of it. This morning I found Dennis working on his laptop on the balcony. He has been on it a lot for the past few days; he said had to check in at work but I knew he was checking that the CIA was not tracking us. He looks stressed, it’s like he’s aged from all this bullshit that I put him through.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I asked as I sat across from him.

  “Yeah,” he said as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. I hate seeing him like this.

  “I know you’re just telling me what I want to hear,” I said. I got up and walked behind him and gently started to massage his shoulders, he was tense. I felt the stress roll off his shoulders as I touched him. “Maybe I can help ease your mind,” I whispered into his ear.

  With that said, he closed the laptop and pushed the chair away from the table. Without saying a word he motioned me to sit on his lap. As I sat on his lap I raised my skirt up a bit just to entice him. I sat down on his leg and began running my fingers down his chest as I leaned over to kiss his neck.

  “You know you’re very distracting,” he murmured while slightly turning his head to give me better access to his neck. “And I love it,” he said as I licked the side of his neck up to his jaw line to the base of his ear.

  “I like keeping you distracted,” I whispered into his ear before gently nibbling on his earlobe. He moaned from the pleasure as I felt his growing erection under my ass.

  “Drop your panties,” he said husky and I complied not even thinking twice, I needed this as much as he did.

  As I sat up to sashay my panties down as I heard the sound of his pants being unzipped. The thought of him taking me like this was making me all hot and bothered. I looked over my shoulder and I met his gaze as he licked three of his fingers. A small moan escaped past my lips as he rubbed his fingers over my clit and into my pussy. I bit down on my lip at how sexy he is, he makes my pussy quiver from just his touch. He quickly pulled out his fingers and positioned me to his awaiting erection. I took a sharp intake of air as he slid the tip of his cock inside of me. He slowly inched himself inside of me until he pushed all of him in me. It was so much deeper this way. He reached over to cup my chin as I closed my eyes at the slow and steady rhythm he produced. He grabbed my hip with his other hand and guided me up and down, in and out, deeper and deeper till I felt my pussy tremble and let go. I let my head fall back and rest on his shoulder as he too found his release while whispering my name…


  Today marks the day that we’ve been at Isle Angie for a month. I know he has a lot on his mind and I for one hated feeling helpless. I had an idea, I knew he wouldn’t approve of it but I still had to try. I sat down across from him at the kitchen table and laying his dinner and a glass of water in front of him. He gave me a smile and turned his attention back to his laptop. I took a deep breath and decided that it was now or never.

  “We should go home,” I began to say as he looked over his laptop then eyed me, as he shook his head no.

  “We don’t have to,” he said and I sighed, he was thinking of me again. He knew I loved it here and he would never leave me on an island alone to take care of his own matters.

  “You don’t understand I want to leave,” I said then he looked at me baffled. “I think it’s time we faced Colin and the CIA. I have an idea,” I added. His eyebrows rose and he closed the laptop. I guess I got his attention.

  “Let’s hear it then,” he said as I took another deep breath.

  “I was thinking that maybe I should become an agent too,” I said while watching him closely. For a moment he looked like he didn’t hear me then his eyes widened in shock at the thought of what I just said.

  “What?” He asked staring at me in disbelief.

  “I said I should become an agent too,” I repeated patiently even though I knew he heard me right the first time I said it.

  “NO!” He yelled as he stood up. “That’s out of the question Angelina. I tried to protect you from this shit and now you want to dive in, head first nonetheless? No fucking way! Have you lost your mind?” He shouted. I waited patiently for him to get it all out. I knew he was strongly opposed to it so I wasn’t surprised of his outbreak. I held up my hands in defense to calm him down.

  “Just hear me out and if you don’t agree with me on it then I’ll never bring it up again,” I said looking at him as he sat back down and eyed me cautiously. “Let’s be realistic Dennis, we can’t be apart but being together is still just as dangerous for the both of us. What if I wasn’t as vulnerable? Wouldn’t that make things a lot easier? For you and for me,” I said. He was about to protest but I stopped him with my hand. “I’m a weakness to you and a liability to the CIA, but if I’m an agent too, you wouldn’t have to worry about me and I would be an asset to them and then they can leave us alone. Plus your position at the agency would not be jeopardized,” I said with pleading eyes. He thought about it for a second then he shook his head stubbornly, I groaned in defeat. “Put your feelings for me aside for just a second and just think about it. It could work and you know it will.”

  I saw the frustration in him as he ran his hand through his hair and started pacing. I saw my chance to exercise whatever power I have over him. I got up and went over to him, with his back turned away from me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back.

  “Ang, this is crazy.” He turned in my arms. “Do you know what you’re asking me to do?” He asked in a strained voice as his blue eyes searched mine for some answers. I rested my head on his chest as he held me in his arms.

  “I’m asking for you to trust me and trust me that I can do this. I told you that I wanted to fight by your side and I meant what I said.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t really think you actually meant it,” he said as I tried suppress a giggle.

  “Please let me do this. I want to do this,” I pleaded while looking up at him and batting my eyelashes. He let out an uneasily laugh while looking at me. “Please?” I tried one last time, and then he let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Fine,” he said and I faintly screamed as I hugged him. “You know the agency could still say no, you have no idea what goes in to becoming an agent,” he cautioned me but I wasn’t going to let him rain on my parade, not right now at least.

  “But they could still say yes, besides I have one of the best agents at my disposal. Surely he could show me a thing or two?”

  “Hell no! If you’re going to be an agent I won’t be training you,” he said pushing me away.

  “Oh come on Dennis.” I tugged at his arm to look at me, which he did comply. “You said it yourself that I didn’t know anything. Well you could teach me then,” I said staring into his gorgeous blue eyes then grabbing his face in my hands. “Please?” I asked. Okay, maybe I was pushing my luck this time, but I did say that I wouldn’t bring it up again so it was now or never, NO EXCEPTIONS.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” He asked. I dropped my eyes down to the floor. His overprotective nature made this very hard for him to meet my demands. I knew that, but he couldn’t protect me forever. Me being vulnerable means he is too and I couldn’t have that sitting in the back of my mind nor on his. I looked at him again with puppy dog eyes, silently pleading with him. “Ah, fuck it. Okay you win,” he said and I kissed his cheek. “Curse this thing they call love,” he said bitterly as I laughed. “I can’t believe I agreed to this to this shit.”

  “Bless this thing that they call love and I promise you won’t be sorry.”

  I grab
bed his hand and pulled him along to follow me. Of course he came willingly. I led him towards the back of the house to the little beach that was out in the back. Maybe some fresh air will get him to open up to me and teach me a few moves; it’s just a thought besides what can really happen? So what if he tells me no, no big deal. We could do other things?

  “Becoming an agent is a very tough task. Are you sure you can handle it?” He asked and I nodded. There was nothing I wasn’t willing to do in order to reach this goal, for Dennis and for myself.

  “You’re underestimating me you know that,” I said as I flashed my ring at him and he just rolled his eyes. We stopped just before the water as he lets go of my hand and took a few steps away from me.

  “Secret agent 101,” he proclaimed and I giggled at the thought of him training me. He said he won’t but I guess I changed his mind.

  Chapter Four

  “Secret agent 101,” I announced and she giggled. “Now the most important aspect of being an undercover agent is being able to adapt to any given situation and become anyone when required to,” I stated. “We have to be chameleons, blending in with our environment.”

  Angelina nodded in understanding as I started to explain more in depth of being an undercover agent. I still can’t believe I’d actually agreed to this fucking madness. Unfortunately being helplessly in love with her had its side effects on me, one of them being that I couldn’t refuse her in anything that she wanted. I don’t doubt Angelina’s ability to do this, but I am worried about her. I was good at my job but even I had to face death more than I could even bothered to keep track of. Just imagining Angelina in those kinds of situations disturbed me the point that I wanted to back out of this agreement but it was already too late. She knew what she needed to do and I couldn’t stop her decision. I shook the thought out of my head and tried to clear my throat.

  “So chameleons, huh?” She asked.

  “Yes, we have to always be one step ahead of everyone, physically, mentally, you name it. That’s why our training is more rigorous than any other government agency out there, not just on the body but the mind as well. You basically have to know how to defuse a bomb in your sleep,” I teased and she let out a giggle.

  “Is your training similar to the military?” She asked curiously.

  “A little, though our training is subjective. It doesn’t just focus on one aspect only,” I said as she nodded.

  “So what will I need to learn then?” She asked.

  “Hand to hand combat, weapons training and everything in between,” I replied then gestured her to come closer. I don’t like this part but she said she wanted me to train her; it was hard on me to physically teach Angelina how to fight without actually hurting her, so I decided to show her some simple moves, just to take it easy on her. “Take your best shot,” I said and her eyes widened.

  “You mean, like hit you?” She asked and I nodded. She looked puzzled for a moment; she knew this was part of the ‘training.’

  “I want to see what I’m working with here,” I said then eyed her suspiciously. “Are you having second thoughts now?” I asked; a little hopeful that she was.

  “No. I can do this,” she said and positioned herself in a fighting stance. She threw the first punch in my direction and I easily dodge it.

  “Huh nice throw,” I said and I actually meant it. She had nice form in the way she threw a punch. “Here, hit my hand. I want to see how much power you can put behind it.” Her fist was fast and firm as she made contact with my palm. “Good.” I nodded in approval as she beamed at my comment. “But a little sloppy, put both your fists up. Like this,” I said as I showed her how hold her hands in a fighting position. She complied, as I showed her how to throw a punch without hurting her own hand. “Alright again, successively this time. Hit the middle of my palm,” I instructed, and once again she complied without hesitating. She hit well against my hand, now it was the time to see if she could hit a moving target. “Okay now I want you to hit me this time,” I told her. She tried to charge at me but I completely stopped her in her tracks in a submission move. She started to get irritated when none of her shots hit me. I laughed. “Are you trying to kill me?” I teased while dodging a few more of her shots.

  “Yes, given that you keep dodging all of my punches that I keep throwing,” she muttered. I laughed then grabbed her wrists to stop her.

  “Rule number one; never let your frustration get the best of you. You have to be patient and tactful when attacking,” I advised and she nodded.

  I continued to show her the basics, she was a quick learner and much to my disappointment; she looked promising. Her drive and stubbornness was an advantage on her part, it would get her through the rigorous training. I didn’t dare to tell her that. My only hope was that Colin wouldn’t buy into her crazy idea and just turn her down immediately. I would gladly leave the agency if I needed to, nothing was more important to me than being with her.

  “Why are you stopping? Getting scared of a little competition?” She asked sarcastically.

  “That’s enough for one day,” I said as the sun was already beginning to set in the horizon. Besides, watching her work up a sweat was doing terrible things to my mind and body.

  “How was I?” She asked as we walked back to the house.

  “How about we discuss your review in a nice cool bath?” I asked as she eyed me then smiled.

  “Only if you plan on joining me in it?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” I said as I pick her up and cradled her in my arms and headed straight for the bathroom while she giggled in my arms. I knew in the back of my mind that life with Angelina would never be boring.


  Since she convinced me to head back home, after our adventurous play in the tub I told her to start packing up her stuff when we leave tomorrow morning. She cuddled up next to me in bed as I gently rubbed her back while thinking about how this day ended. She is so convincing when she has her mind set on something. I smiled to myself thinking about how crazy she is, she really wants to become a secret agent. I know she’s only doing this for us, so I can’t really blame her but still being an agent is not all that is cracked up to be. At times it can be dangerous. But then again I should underestimate her. She can do it if she puts her mind to it. She has a gift, not only very charismatic but also amiable, well in my eyes at least. I leaned down and kissed her hair just before I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

  So today I thought that I would take her to a party later on in the evening. I received an invite via email yesterday, nothing to fancy but then again she’s never seen this type of lifestyle that I live, where the rich and powerful all mingle in one room flashing their cash around. I loaded her suitcases back into the speedboat and headed back inside, only to find her getting ready in the bedroom. I leaned against the doorframe and watched her stand in the mirror in a pink bra and matching panties as she applied lotion on her body. She bent over giving me a nice view of her sweet ass as she ran her fingers up and down her sexy long legs. I let my eyes follow as she massaged the lotion into her skin. I was truly one of the luckiest men alive to have such a beautiful Goddess like her all to myself. She turned and smiled when she saw me standing here watching her.

  “Enjoying the show?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow. If I could watch her all day like this I would.

  “Do you have any idea how gorgeous you look?” I asked as I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Stop it,” she said with a giggle. “I’m just curious as to how this type of party works?” She asked. I know this is Angelina’s first time; I attended more parties like this past the point of fascination.

  “Actually, I was told that it’s a two part party celebration, the first part is a beach party at Ocho Rios and then the second half is an art auction at the Harmony Hall.” I turned her around to face me. “I’m guessing that’s where the ball-like party will be held,” I said as I caressed the side of her face then leane
d down to kiss her soft lips.

  “Sounds like fun,” she whispered as she turned back around. I bushed my lips across her silky smooth skin while inhaling her erotic scent. I always loved the way she smelled, she had such an alluring vanilla and strawberry scent that drove me absolutely crazy. The scented lotions and perfume she used only concealed her erotic scent.

  “Mmm,” I breathed. “Are you ready to go?” I asked lifting my head. Please say yes, I thought to myself; before I change my mind and carry her back to bed and forget about everything we had planned for today. She just nodded; I noticed she too was trying to keep her hands to herself. The level of intimacy between Angelina and me always astonished me, all I wanted to do was to fuck the living shit out of her every second of every single day. I was never satiated. “Good, because I don’t know how long I can stand here looking at you while you’re half naked. My mind is running wild,” I said as I laughed secretly. I pulled away from her and let her finish getting ready as I decided to wait for her downstairs.

  About ten minutes later, she came down the stairs looking as sexy as ever in a simple yet sophisticated looking baby blue sundress.

  “I’m really going to miss this place,” she said as we walk out of the house. I turned and locked the door. The memories I have here will forever be burned into my head no matter what happens to Angelina and myself.

  “We can come back here anytime you want my love,” I said but I was puzzled by her sadness. I knew she loved this place, but leaving was her idea, right?

  “I know, it was just amazing being here,” she said linking her arm through mine as we walked towards the speedboat.

  I smiled as I helped her in; I was glad she had a great time, as did I. We sped away from Isle Angie and back to mainland Jamaica. My driver Dillon was waiting for us at the docks; he helped me whenever I needed to travel in and around the city. I told him to take us to a hotel I booked for us. When we arrived at the hotel, the attendants brought our luggage up to our suite, I tipped them well, and they bowed and exited. I turned and looked at Angelina who was examining the suite in quiet appreciation.


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