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All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)

Page 13

by Jackie McMahon

  “Okay I’ll take a look at it,” I said. I closed the door behind me and followed her to her suite that was down the hall from mine.

  “Thank you so much Dennis,” she said as I walked in the living room of the suite. “The TV is in the bedroom,” she said as she pointed me in the right direction. “Can I get you anything since I inconvenienced you?”

  “Water please,” I told her as I walked into the bedroom.

  I spotted the flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall in front of the bed. I started analyzing it by trying to turn it on, the screen was black and I checked if there was physically wrong with the TV and that was a no. I glanced on the back of the TV where the HDMI wires plug into and noticed the wire was pulled out. I rolled my eyes as I plugged the HDMI wire back into the correct outlet. She walked into the room with a glass and bottle of sparking water then handed them both to me.

  “Oh you fixed it?” She asked.

  “It wasn’t broken, one of the wires in the back of the TV must have gotten unplugged,” I explained to her, feeling like I was teaching a small child what two plus two is.

  “Oh, silly me. I’m not good with stuff like that,” she said sitting on the edge bed. “Sit with me?” She asked while patting the space next to her on the bed. I looked at her carefully. I didn’t know what her game was, plus she has been drinking. I have to approach this situation reluctantly, I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.

  “I better get going. I have to finish packing and I need to call Angelina,” I told her and she frowned.

  “Come on, just for a couple of minutes. We can just sit and talk,” she insisted. I didn’t know what Stephanie was up to but I didn’t want to be rude, I did tell her that I own her some vacation time but I didn’t think she’d get drunk in the bar downstairs. So I nodded and sat next to her. She did make small talk with me as I drank the water out of the glass, it had a weird taste to it but I dismissed it because it was sparking water. Much to my surprise, she took the glass out of my hand and started kissing me on the lips. Disgusted and irritated with this woman, I gently push her away from me. What the fuck was she thinking?

  “God damn it Stephanie, how many times have I told you that I’m not interested in you?” I shouted angrily while standing up away from the bed. She seemed completely unfazed by my statement and tone in my voice. She stood up and started to take off her shirt.

  “Don’t you want me Dennis?” She asked as her shirt fell to the floor. She stood in front of me naked from the waist up while trying to take off my shirt too. Damn, I should be kicking my own ass for putting myself in this position, Angelina was right that she didn’t trust her. I turned my head to not look at her as I push her hands off of me.

  “No! I’m engaged. Can’t you get that through your fucking thick minded skull?” I said. My head started to feel heavy as I tried to turn and leave. The room suddenly started to spin, I became all woozy as I stagger backwards and fell onto the bed. I touched my head; it felt like I had been drugged with very strong sleeping pills or something to that effect. Then I remembered the water she gave me, FUCK! I gave her an accusingly look as she got on top of me and straddled me. “What fuck did you put in my drink?” I asked trying to push her off. She just smiled triumphantly as realization set in. I can’t fucking believe that I, Dennis Evers, top secret CIA agent aloud myself to be tricked and drugged by a woman my fiancée knew was trouble, fucking bitch! I didn’t get an answer from her as everything went black as I lost consciousness…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Amber and I sat in the living room looking at pictures of wedding dresses on my laptop. I didn’t official start planning my wedding because Dennis and I haven’t set a date yet. I’m just doing this to keep my mind off of him. It’s been three days today that he said that he’d probably be back, but I’m getting impatient. I miss him so much it’s driving me crazy. I laughed to myself, I’m the one who suggested that we wait to get married but yet the most anxious to have him return back home to me. Pam and Becca called me earlier asking me when and where the wedding is. I told them soon, but they didn’t want to hear that. So they emailed me pictures of designer gowns, already picking out which one I should wear.

  “What about that one?” Amber asked and I raised my eyebrows at her as we looked thru the pictures Becca and Pam sent.

  “I don’t know. It’s a little too low cut and it’s too much,” I said and she laughed while nodding.

  “I don’t get you. There just dresses,” Amber stated to me, but this is still far too new for me. I know there just dresses but with the money that it costs its how much I make in a year’s salary at Impressions. “Come on, I know you’re just dying to be Mrs. Dennis Evers,” she added nudging me on the shoulder. I smiled while nodding. I then stopped and narrowed my eyes as I thought I heard a car come up the driveway. “What?” Amber asked and I shook my head.

  “I thought I heard something,” I said to her. I think I’m starting to hear things now. Just then the front door opened and much to my surprise and delight Dennis walks in. “Dennis? Oh my god,” I said standing up and running toward him to give him a hug. He was finally home.

  “Hey beautiful,” he said smiling and kissing my forehead. Oh god, I missed his amazing masculine scent that lingers on his body, shit who am I kidding I missed every part of him. “Hello Amber,” he added to Amber who smiled and nodded.

  “Welcome back sir,” she said.

  “You’re home early,” I said and Amber left us to give us a little privacy. “I was expecting you later tonight.”

  “I wanted to surprise you,” he said. “I would have been home earlier but some things got in the way.” He grabbed my hand leading me to sit on the couch but pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped one arm around me while stroking my hair with the other. I nudged my head in the crook of his neck and sighed, I missed him so much.

  “Well you did,” I said. “So how was the trip?” I asked. He paused and tensed up.

  “It was a success,” he said and I kissed his neck. He seemed a little offish but maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck while gently playing with his shaggy hair.

  “You seem a little stressed, is everything okay?” I asked gazing into his eyes and he just laughed.

  “I’m just tired. I barely slept. All I did was think about you,” he replied. Now it all made sense, he was thinking me.

  “Aw my poor guy, you work too hard,” I said and he smiled.

  “Don’t I ever.”

  “You know what you need?” I asked.

  “A nice long hot shower with the love of my life,” he murmured and I smiled and shook my head.

  “How about massage then a hot shower,” I said while stretching my fingers and he laughed.

  “Okay, that sounds good to me.” I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him upstairs to our bedroom. I was overjoyed and thrilled that he was home.


  I got home from work earlier than usual. My boss called it a ‘one time deal’ treat for all of us busting our ass’s off over the company merger. I parked my Benz and headed inside and straight upstairs to the bathroom for a quick shower. After dressing in some casual comfortable clothing, I noticed the letter Betty gave me poking out of my purse. When I pulled it out it had my name on the envelope. I don’t know anyone who would use my work address to send me a letter but I didn’t pay any mind to the thought. Walking over to the bed, I sat down on the edge and tore it open. The first thing I noticed was a note folded up. When I pulled the note out a few pictures fell out and onto the floor. I bent down to pick them up; there were five pictures in all. I glanced at one of the pictures and my hand flew to my mouth as I tried to suppress a gasp at what I saw. It was Dennis and Stephanie, and they were kissing. As I flipped through the others, I seen them on the bed together, her on top of him with his shirt off…I couldn’t bare to look at another as I tossed them to the side. I suddenly felt nauseous. I can’t fucking believe this shit! Dennis…my
Dennis cheated on me with another woman? With that bitch Stephanie, after ever thing that we’ve been through, after what I told him about Taylor and he does me dirty like this. Even though I seen the evidence for myself I still can’t believe it.

  “My luck,” I whispered shakily to myself as the tears streamed down my face.

  In the beginning he has hurt me so many times but after all our differences we still fixed what was broken and tried to make things right, but now there was no fixing. My heart is broken to the point where it’s been ripped out of my chest and crushed into a million pieces right in front of my own eyes. He played with my heart as if it was nothing. And now I’m in the same boat I was in when Taylor cheated on me with Ryder, but this time the pain is worse because I have fallen head over heels for this man who said that he would never do that. I opened the note and read it:

  A player will tell you anything to be with you, but they won’t do anything to keep you. The game has just started and it’s only the beginning…

  Love Stephanie

  I tried playing the fierce fiancée with Stephanie but she’d found my weak spot, now the joke is on me, and in the end she got the last laugh. I couldn’t possibly beat her at her own game because I’m not devious and I couldn’t conspire something so evil like she did. It just wasn’t in my nature to be mean; I was too nice and trusting for my own damn good. In the long run I always was the one who ended up with a broken heart. With trembling fingers I reached for my cell that was in my purse and dialed the only person who can comfort me.

  “Isabella?” I asked with a shaky voice.

  “Ang? What’s wrong? What happened?” She asked in a concerned tone.

  “I need you to do me a huge favor, wait for me outside the estate and make sure no one sees you.”

  “Why? What going on?” She asked.

  “Please,” I begged. “I have to go.”

  I hung up on her while she was still trying to ask me what was going on. I couldn’t talk to her, not now. I had to get some answers for myself. I sat on the floor with my arms wrapped around my legs while trying to catch my breath. I had to get an explanation before I fell apart. Even as the pictures burned a hole into my eyes, as they lay right in front of me, I was still wishing that this was a sick fucking joke. What I knew for sure was that I couldn’t stay here, after what he did I don’t think I could ever forgive him. I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare. I wiped my face in the most unladylike way, grabbed the pictures, the note and my purse and walked out of our bedroom, probably for good. I sat on the couch in the living room and waited patiently for him. As I heard his car park in the garage I froze. I didn’t look at him when he entered.

  “You’re everything to me, my shining star and the reason for living. If you asked me to walk through fire I do it without even thinking twice about it. I love you more than you can ever imagine. To me the sun rises and sets with you,” I said blankly while staring at the floor. I repeated his words, words that meant the world to me when he proposed to me. Now those words are meaningless. He walked towards me without saying a word, when I looked up I met his questioning gaze and he froze as I pulled out the pictures and threw them on the floor in front of him. He narrowed his eyes at me then bent down to pick up the pictures, I watched his eyes slightly widen as he looked at them. “Say something,” I whispered.

  “Ang…” he said as the tears started to stream down my face again. I stood up and put some distance between us. If he got to close I would lose it and fall into pieces. I needed to be strong.

  “Say something!” I shrieked. The numbness that I felt earlier was starting to fade away and the gut-wrenching pain surfaced. “Tell me my eyes are deceiving to me.”

  “Please let me explain, this is not what it looks like,” He said with pleading eyes.

  “What is it then? Because what it looks like in these pictures is that you slept with Stephanie...” I choked out. Just the thought of them two together like that was making me sick. He walked up to me but I back up. For every step he took I took two steps back.

  “Angelina, I did not touch her. I swear to fucking God that I didn’t touch her. I don’t know how she…”

  “You don’t know how you got in bed with her? Kissing her? With your shirt off?” I said as anger rising in my voice. “A woman you said I didn’t have to worry about. How the fuck could you play me like that?”

  “Please Ang, I didn’t do anything. For some reason I can’t seem to remember any of this shit. All I remember is that she asked me to help her fix her TV. After that she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away,” he said. None of what he was saying added up, something didn’t seem right, but then again Dennis can charm a statue into moving with his alluring demeanor.

  “Are you kidding to me?” I whispered. I desperately needed some answers and I couldn’t tell if he was lying or not. He reached out and quickly grabbed my arm.

  “No, I’m telling you the truth. I love you Angelina, I would never betray you like this. Especially that I know you were hurt in this same type of situation,” He said.

  “Well you could have fooled me.” I snatched my hand away as I laughed darkly “How the fuck am I supposed to believe you when you’ve waited two god damn weeks to ‘tell me the truth.’ Were you ever going to tell me about this or just play it off as it never happened?” I asked. He paused and looked at me, I dropped my gaze. That was the confirmation I needed and feared. If he was telling the truth, if he really didn’t sleep with her, why would he feel the need to keep it from me? I felt my knees go weak and right then I knew I had to get away, run as fast as I could away from all this bullshit. “I can’t do this anymore,” I whispered. “Was it really worth it? I added shaky going passed him.

  “No Angelina,” he said as his arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground turning me to face him so I wouldn’t run.

  He held me tightly to his chest like if he’d let go I would disappear. I tried to break away from his hold but I couldn’t. Even as a secret agent I’ve been trained to take down an enemy in any situation, to get out of any hold or confinement or even prison, but at this very moment I was not an agent, I was just plain old Angelina. This was not the enemy, this was Dennis and I was in his arms. He was supposed to be the man I loved, to the point of insanity. I felt powerless as I let out a faint sob in utter defeat. I laid my forehead on his chest as I dropped my arms and gave up in fighting him off.

  “Just let me go Dennis,” I whispered.

  “I can’t, and you know that,” he said in a strained voice. “Please don’t ask me to let go.”

  “You have to, and you know it,” I said.

  “Please don’t go, I’m begging you,” he pleaded but I had to leave.

  “Don’t make this harder for me than it already is,” I said while shaking my head. “You could have told me everything the minute you walked thru that door, but you didn’t. With that said, it makes me second guess you and whatever you ever said to me,” I spat out and he froze. “Let me go Dennis.” A few seconds pass as I feel his arms slowly unhook from around my waist and I took a couple of steps back away from him.

  “You’re leaving me, just like that?” He asked with hurt in his eyes. I immediately looked away from his intense gaze, I couldn’t respond, as my lips couldn’t move to reply him. I needed space, from him, from this house, from everything and anything that reminded me of him. I started to focus on my core and used enough energy to build a shield between us. His gaze suddenly shifted to my ring, I guess it’s glowing. “Angelina, what are you doing?” He asked alarmed. He walked towards me but only to be stopped by an invisible barrier I put in between us. With my head bowed I lifted my sad eyes and watched him try to break through my shield. “God fucking damn it Angelina! I did not sleep with her. Don’t you trust me?” He shouted.

  “I did. With everything I had,” I whispered while touching the ring on my finger, one that he presented to me as a token of forever love…my engagement ring. His eyes darkened as
he registered what I was trying to do.

  “Don’t,” he pleaded quietly to me as fresh tears came down my face.

  I closed my eyes and said a silent plea, I’m so, so sorry Judy, I love your son with all of my heart but I can’t do this. When I opened them I took off the ring. It felt as though I was ripping my finger off, it hurt that much to me. I stared at the ring for a second before I placed it on the table that was near the front door. I turned to head out the door but froze as I glanced over my shoulder to get one last look of Dennis.

  “Please don’t follow me or try to contact me.”

  There was an unreadable emotion in his blue eyes. I don’t know if it was anger, pain or the fact that I didn’t want him to try to track me down. I had about a minute before my invisible shield faded, so I turned and ran out the door, down the driveway and away from the estate’s front gate. I ran as fast as I could while using my powers to enforce me to carry on. I was more than glad that there were no paparazzi pests hovering by the estate. I made it a little further down the road before I collapsed. I was emotionally and physically drained from this day I instantly dropped to my knees and began sobbing violently. Isabella’s car came shrieking around the corner and to a complete stop, the driver door opened and she came running towards me.

  “Angie?” She screamed. When she reached me she kneeled down next to me and engulfed me in a much needed hug. “Oh honey what happened?” She asked.

  “Dennis and Stephanie…” I choked out.

  The thought of saying their names together was making me sick. Isabella reached for my left hand to help pull me up and noticed that my ring was missing. The sun was fading away in the horizon as the night embraced us, I looked at Isabella and her dark eyes were showing remorse. She seen the pain I was in and took me into her arms, slowly rocking me back and forth as I cried my heart out. After a long moment, she helped me up and into her car. We didn’t speak another word to each other till we arrived at her house. She made us both a cup of tea as I started to explain what happened between Dennis and me. She looked confused and skeptical by my story.


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