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Playing for Keeps

Page 2

by Whiskey Starr

  “But, Uncle Hunter, one more game. Please?”

  “Come on, dude. Don’t make me the mean guy. I’m the fun uncle, remember?” Milo gave him a pouty face and then once again they were playing Mario.

  “Damn it. I mean dang it, Hunter. Sky is going to make me eat at home if Milo doesn’t go to bed on time. Hey, kiddo, teeth then bed,” Mickey snapped with just the right amount of tone to catch Milo’s attention.

  Milo let out a sigh before shutting down the game and heading upstairs.

  “Night, big man,” Hunter called out to Milo, making the kid smile.

  “Seriously? Why do I have to be the grownup here? Milo is a kid and has a bed time for a reason, you just can’t let him play games all night.”

  “Nah, wasn’t going to be all night, just until he fell asleep, and then I was heading out to a party in Beverly Hills,” Hunter said with a grin.

  “Man, we have to be in the studio in the morning. You are seriously going to head out all night then come in hung over? I don’t think so.”

  “Well sorry to disappoint you, but you’re not my dad. So back the fuck off, man! I’m serious. If I want to have some fun then I’m going to have some fun.”

  “Whatever, just don’t drink and drive okay.”

  Hunter cleaned up the mess in the living room before smiling and headed out. Mickey once again was the dad, the business aspect of the band. He knew the ins and outs and demanded everyone follow his lead and make connections. It wasn’t enough for him, Hunter could play just about every instrument, except for the drums. He could do a solid beat but the in-between stuff; nope, couldn’t do it.

  Jumping into his car, which was his baby—an Alpha Romeo Spider, he headed to the hills. Another band was throwing a welcome home party after a world tour and Chasing Tail was asked to come and celebrate. However, Joey and Sky were out and Mickey was on Milo duty; Booker, well he just wasn’t allowed to go to the parties. If Scarlett found out, she would raise holy hell. He was afraid of disappointing Sky but Scarlett could cause them a lot of damage. She seemed to have taken the manager roll to extremes. She and Sky seemed to get along real well, but it was Scarlett who would have their asses if something went wrong. It was funny actually because she was only two years older than he was. But it didn’t say much, he turned thirty last month and man had it been a party.

  Pulling up to the party he parked his car and headed inside. The music was blasting before he even opened the door and Hunter could feel the excitement. Men and women flooded the room with various drinks and clothing. Women dressed in nothing but short shorts and tube tops while the men wore pants as if they were painted on. Not his style at all, although he appreciated the view on the women and the fact he knew they were just here to get laid by a big rock star. Snagging a beer from the kitchen sink filled with ice, he went to find the host.

  Dale Kregger was the drummer for Bakers Man; the band by itself had been around for a good ten years and was still going strong. His bandmates had changed within the last four years and now had five new members. Hunter remembered running into them on tour and they said they were shocked there were only four of them. He sang when needed also. It was the one thing he could do better than the others. Hunter had a musical ear from an early age while living with his grandmother. She was nice enough but he spent a lot of time taking care of her between his piano lessons. Hunter had to grow up quick because of it. Did he know his parents, hell no. They’d dumped his sorry ass off at a firehouse with a note saying to contact his grandmother. But his granny never said anything about it, not even which one of her junkie sons he belonged to or that he should just be happy to be alive. Shaking off the bad memories, he chugged the beer before grabbing another.

  Spotting Dale out on the patio, he had to laugh. The man had a woman sitting on his lap dancing away. At first he couldn’t tell if they were fucking but small scraps of clothes indicated she was still dressed. Walking over, he smacked him on the shoulder.

  “Dale, my man, great party.”

  “Hunter! So they couldn’t keep you away, huh? Heard a rumor your crazy manager and bandmates were keeping you all locked in a basement somewhere. Keeping you away from all the fun. You wanna go, she’s totally wasted and won’t care.” Dale smacked the woman on the ass making her yelp with surprise but continued her dance.

  “Na, not my style at all. I don’t do sloppy seconds.” Hunter laughed.

  “Hunter Michael turning down free ass! Wow! Maybe the straight and narrow is rubbing off on you,” Dale joked.

  “That’s not it either, I can get ass, any ass I want. I just got here, give me five minutes and I can nail anyone who walks into the house.”

  “You do that, man, until then, I’m taking this one to the pool house.” Dale lifted the drunken woman into his arms as she laughed and off they went. Hunter went inside to see how things were progressing. He could do the whole walk around and act as a predator but it was easier to just sit and let them flock to him. It’s exactly what he did, he grabbed another beer and sat down to wait. It didn’t take long before a bleached-blonde woman came over to him.

  “OMG! You’re like Hunter Michael from Chasing Tail right?”

  “That would be me, sweet cheeks,” he answered with a wink, making her giggle before sitting down next to him. As she sat her too tight skirt rode up her overly tanned skin. She looked to be about a size two with overly large breasts. It seemed to be the normal thing for them out here and he was starting to understand the draw.

  “I totally saw your last concert with my friend, Sissy. You guys are totally hot. Are any of the others here with you?”

  “Nah, they had other things to do, it’s just me tonight.” He ran his finger up and down her arm.

  “Oh, that’s so cool though. I’m Kimmie, you know with an IE instead of a Y.”

  “So Kimmie with an IE, what brought you out tonight?”

  “Oh, see me and Sissy got an invite from a guy who cleans the owner’s pool. He said we should come and texted us the time. Please don’t tell the owner, I guess you can say we kinda crashed the party.” The pout she wore was ridiculous and made her look like a duck.

  “So where is your friend, Sissy, now?”

  “OMG, I totally forgot that part, see she ended up running into the owner and is working off her debt to stay here as his guest.”

  “Really?” Hunter raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Yup, but I might have to work on someone to keep me here. Do you know someone with enough pull to let me stay at the party?” Kimmie was now running her finger along his arm. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what she was getting at.

  “Well, I think I might know someone.” Taking her hand he stood and walked up the stairs. The house, even when filled with people, had several small rooms upstairs for personal use. Hunter was going to make the most of it, at least for a short time.

  Opening the door, he showed Kimmie inside allowing her to walk around looking at the things in the room.

  “So what will you do to stay at the party?” The woman looked at him then back at the door, coming to stand in front of him. Before he could stop her she dropped to her knees and started on his zipper. His dick was hard with anticipation. Her long fingernails seemed to have an issue with his button but he easily remedied that by freeing his cock.

  “Suck it, sweet cheeks.” The chick didn’t disappoint as she sucked all of him to the back of her throat. Closing his eyes he gripped her hair, moving her up and down his cock as she sucked him down. With her hands on his thighs she moved steadily, but he liked to have control. Holding her down on his cock, he moved his hips in and out of her mouth loving the sound of her moaning. With a quicker pace he fucked her mouth to his liking.

  “I’m coming, drink it down.” It was the only warning he would give her as he slammed into her mouth emptying his seed into her throat. He held still until his cock started to deflate and pulled out of her. Zipping up his pants he ran his hands through his hair before loo
king down at her.

  “You can stay and if anyone asks any questions, tell them to come see me. Thanks for the blowjob.” Then he left the room. He had no desire to fuck her, if he did, he would have taken the liberty before he finished. Heading down to the kitchen he found a bottle of Jaeger and poured a shot. Taking one he let the burn creep down before he did another one. Feeling pretty damn good he walked around to see what other trouble he could get into. However, the trouble he saw brewing was not the kind he enjoyed.

  Outside two guys were fighting like idiots then another jumped in. He saw Dale come running out of the pool house shouting something when he went flying backwards into the pool. As much as Hunter knew he shouldn’t jump in, all instincts kicked in and he went over to help. He tried to pull the larger man off the small guy but it only seemed to get him to focus on Hunter as a fist shot out hitting him square in the right eye. Hunter cussed but came back with a sucker punch to the gut. Over and over fists went flying and he could feel blood trickling down from his busted lip. Mickey would be pissed but right now Hunter didn’t give a shit. He went to punch someone when something heavy hit him on the back of the head, knocking him to the ground as the lights began to spin; red and blue flashing lights and people yelling as he lay on the ground. Great, now the cops are here. The guys are going to have my ass for this. Unable to stand the pain, he closed his eyes just before everything went black.

  Chapter Three

  Shelly McKnight was at her wits end. Getting a call in the middle of the night saying her stupid roommate, Nancy, had been picked up at a party in frickin' Beverly Hills really pissed her off, and to top it off, she had to bail her ass out. Growling at the phone, she pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt before heading out the door. Shelly also knew her roommate wouldn’t be dressed for breakfast by the time she got there. Looking in her backseat she was happy Nancy had her spare clothes still in the bag she left in her car. Stopping at Starbucks she was very happy they had a drive-thru and were open twenty-four hours. Ordering a White Chocolate Mocha Venti, she then drove to the station to check out the damage. The only reason Shelly still lived with her was because rent was cheap and she didn’t have to worry about coming and going with her odd hours for work.

  Taking one last drink of coffee she pulled into the PD parking lot before getting out. Lots of news channels hovered around the main entrance, but none paid her any mind as she walked up the stairs. Heading over to the front desk she was met by an older officer who glared at her.

  “Can I help you, ma’am?”

  “Yes, I am here to pick up Nancy Samson.”

  “Let me check.” The cop started clicking away on the computer before finding her.

  “She was part of the raid. She isn’t being charged with anything so you can pick her up around the back entrance. I will have her waiting.”

  “Out back? Is there a reason we can’t go out the front?”

  “There is and it has to do with the buzzards out front. So if you would fill this out and meet us out back.”

  Shelly filled out the papers before heading back outside. For once in her life she was happy she was average looking and no one paid her any attention. Going to get the car, she then made her way to the back where the officer had told her to go. Parking she climbed out only to bump into a woman in a smart suit and a man who looked familiar.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” The woman held onto Shelly’s arm, preventing her from falling.

  “Completely my fault,” she stated.

  “You picking someone up?” The woman indicated the door where a few cops had been helping people out.

  “Umm…yeah.” Shelly looked down at her feet, embarrassed by the fact she looked like shit and was picking up her drunk friend.

  “Your boyfriend?”

  This time Shelly snorted. “That would be a no. A drunken roommate who doesn’t know when to say enough is enough,” she joked.

  “Oh, well good luck with that. Seems to be a running thing tonight.” Just as she said it, a man with dark sunglasses on and fucked up hair came down the stairs. He seemed to be holding something on the back of his head as he started ranting and raving about stupid people and killjoys at a good party.

  Stepping to the side she waited for them to pass but instead the new man stopped in front of her, looking her up and down.

  “Do I know you?” he asked.

  Shelly’s voice, which normally was calm and cool, seemed to disappear as his voice, which was smooth like warm chocolate, hit her. “I don’t think so.”

  “You sure? You look very familiar to me. Did we get real comfortable at one time?” He was looking her up and down as he removed his sunglasses to get a better look.

  “Oh my goodness. Are you implying what I think you are?”

  “What, sweet cheeks? That you and I fucked a time or two while you screamed my name? Then yes, I am. I’m sure I would have remembered you though.” He went to touch her cheek and she smacked his hand away.

  “I don’t think so, you pig.” The woman who had bumped into her stepped between them before she could kick the prick in his family jewels.

  “Hunter. Enough. Leave her alone. Go with Mickey to the car before anyone sees you.” The woman turned to her. “I’m so sorry, he’s, well, a handful. Look I’m sorry about this but I would appreciate if you don’t say anything to anyone. I can arrange payment for his indiscretion.”

  “Wait, what? You’ve completely lost me. I don’t know who he is or who you are and now you want to pay me because the guy is drunken jerk. Thanks but no thanks. I’m good.”

  “Okay, well either way here is my card if anyone calls you or your friend about this incident, please call me. I don’t think the press got wind of your friend’s name or yours, but just in case.” Shelly took the card before watching the three of them get into an oversized black SUV and drive away. Not more than a minute later Nancy came stumbling out the door.

  “OMG, Shelly, I’m so glad you’re here. Please tell me you have clothes and then we can get food. I feel like someone ran over me with a bus and the cops totally ruined my dress.” Nancy grabbed her arm so she wouldn’t fall down the stairs and helped her into her car. Grabbing her bag from the backseat, she flung it to Nancy before driving off to an all-night diner. It was only three in the morning and the smell of alcohol was rolling off her roommate like a cheap perfume.

  “Well maybe you shouldn’t do these parties anymore. I mean you’re at the age it is getting sad. You need to grow up, Nancy. You have a job, bills, and responsibilities to worry about. Don’t you even care how this makes you look?” Shelly had had enough with all these women or girls acting like spoiled brats and drunken whores. Why can’t they leave the partying to the younger people and just grow up.

  “You’re such a stick in the mud, Shelly. I swear you’re like my mom. You need to loosen up and have a drink or four.” Shelly watched as Nancy changed into her gym clothes and started complaining about her being a square. Pulling into the diner, she sighed as Nancy got out of the car and headed inside—nothing like pancakes at three in the morning to calm her before she hit her roommate.


  Hunter felt like shit. His head hurt and even though the EMTs said he would be okay, he didn’t feel like it. Then there was the woman on the steps who had drawn his attention. She didn’t look like the women he normally went for. She was larger, with no make-up he could see, and she dressed like she just rolled out of bed—then again it was the middle of the night. But something about her grabbed him. Maybe he did have a concussion because right at the moment he wasn’t thinking straight.

  “I swear to God, Hunter, you’re lucky Booker was sober enough to come over and watch Milo, otherwise it would have been just Scarlett here.”

  “Hey now, I’m not that bad but yes, you’re lucky he was here to calm me down. I warned you about this, Hunter. You are not a teenager anymore. You can’t spend your days playing games then play with women at night. You need to grow up. Didn’t you
learn anything from Joey about the press? I’m sure you enjoy your face plastered all over the news but this time with fights and booze. I understand the whole concept of wanting to let go but I swear to you, Hunter, keep this shit up and I will put your ass away.” Scarlett went on and on about him needing to be responsible and blah, blah, blah was all he heard. Sometimes it was like he was living in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Mickey was itching to smack him upside the head and he was very grateful he had a nasty bump on his head already. The officer had asked if he wanted to press charges on the woman who hit him, but he declined. It was his fault as much as the others. Fighting was never a good idea, well unless you counted fighting with Booker. Booker, ever since his overdose, had gone back to boxing and he didn’t fight fair. He was ruthless and fighting his own demons. They all were.

  Pulling into his driveway, Scarlett didn’t get out but sat in the front seat while he jumped, or more like fell out of the car. The little bit of alcohol still lingering in his system made it hard to find his balance. Mickey came out, helping him off the gravel driveway and into his house.

  “Come on, man, let’s get you inside before someone gets an air shot or something. No idea what these hell hounds would do for a story now. Look what they did to Sky and Joey and there was no story there. You are just the man to stir the presses.” Hunter hated to hear it, but he knew Mickey was right. But damn if he just didn’t want to cut loose and forget any responsibility. He had enough for a lifetime and now this shit lecture from Mickey. Inside, Mickey helped him into his shower where he pushed him away.

  “I got it, man. Seriously, I will see you tomorrow at lunch. I’ll even apologize to Scarlett okay?” Seemingly pacified Mickey nodded and left. The sound of the door shutting let Hunter know he was alone—finally. His empty house echoed the fact he was hardly ever there, he really needed to get some furniture one of these days.

  Stripping out of his clothes he stepped into the hot stream of water and the warmth eased the ache in his body. He didn’t like it, but Mickey was right. Hell, his bandmates where his family, his only true family. Grabbing the soap he washed his body and then his hair. The soap hurt where he’d been hit, but maybe it would serve as a reminder to be more careful. He really should but when put into the position, he always picked fun. Women were easy prey for him at parties and men if he so chose, but in the end, he always came home alone.


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