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Playing for Keeps

Page 5

by Whiskey Starr

  “These plans are awesome. I may have to hire you to fix a certain room. Well in a couple months.” She put her hand on her stomach and Shelly couldn’t miss the look of joy on her face.

  “You’re pregnant?” Shelly whispered.

  “Yeah, don’t tell anyone okay. I just had it confirmed today with the doctor. I know Joey’s going to be happy but I want to wait until all the guys are here tomorrow. So I hope you can keep this a secret for me?”

  Shelly nodded and hugged the woman. She was so nice to her and Shelly felt for once in her life she could be friends with her. Last night after Sky had shown Shelly her room, she’d sat and talked with her. Even today when she got home, before she went upstairs to work, Sky had talked with her. She’d asked her about her project and about herself in general. It was abnormal for her to make friends with a woman, as many of them used her as the fat friend to make them look better. Once she caught on to their motives she didn’t speak to them again and it hurt.

  “I won’t say anything, I promise. Are you, you know, happy about it? I’m sure it’s hard having a family with the media circus hounding you at every given moment.”

  “Pfft, I’m thrilled about the baby, we have been trying and nothing until now. It’s nothing with the press. We just don’t let them get to us. I know and trust Joey with everything and he trusts me as well. Without it I don’t think we could handle this all.” Sky did a Vanna White impression of the room making her laugh.

  “Okay I get you.” Shelly spent a couple more minutes showing Sky her designs before they went downstairs where Milo and Joey smiled while ketchup covered their faces. It was so sweet and normal. Shelly sat down and ate enjoying their company.


  Hunter tugged on the dress jacket not liking the feel of it, but Scarlett didn’t give him a choice. He was happy she let him wear jeans, a simple dress shirt, and no tie. The jacket wasn’t him but Scarlett gave him the look of “do not mess with me right now” and he left it alone, at least it was unbuttoned.

  The limo arrived and the two of them climbed in except there was a small child and another woman in the limo as well. He looked at Scarlett in confusion.

  “Hunter, this is Emma. She just turned eight and this is her mom, Sara.”

  “Nice to meet you ladies.” Again, he didn’t see what was going on.

  “Hunter, Emma is your date. Remember me saying we needed to fix your image? Well I got a call from the Make A Wish foundation and Emma here asked to go to a big event with a rock star. Since we are going to a charity event that helps children with cancer, I figured no better way.” Hunter felt his chest tighten and then he looked at the sweet little girl again. She had on a headband, it housed a little tiara and a pretty dress. Her mom looked like she had been crying and he realized this poor child has been dealt a shit hand. Moving so he was next to her, he put on the silly personality he did with Milo.

  “Hey, do you like Mario Cart?” The girl looked up at him and laughed.

  “I play it with some of the kids at the hospital but I’m not good.”

  “Well I’m going to have to show you then. What else do you like to do?”

  “I like to sew and make things.”

  “You do, wow. What do you like to make?”

  “I like to make special pillows for the kids or my friend’s when they have treatments. I find out their favorite characters. Mommy has been helping me with it.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing, Emma. You should have a business from it. I know some people who would love to help.”

  “I made you one too.” He looked at the little girl as her brown eyes sparkled with excitement as she reached into the small bag she’d brought with her. He watched as she pulled out a small pillow with piano keys and musical notes on it as well as a patch with their band name.

  “Oh my, Emma, this is amazing. I’m going to have to put this on my bed and keep it close to me.” Her tiny giggle made him smile. On the car ride to the event her mom talked to Scarlett while he let her tell him about the music she liked and how she listened to the band when she sewed her pillows. He enjoyed Milo a lot, hell he loved that kid, but Emma’s sweetness was heartwarming. It was just what he needed after all the crap and self-loathing he had been doing. Once at the event door they waited for the car door to be opened and the light and noises could already be heard. Emma stilled, looking nervous. Grabbing her hand he held her while Scarlett climbed out.

  “Emma, I won’t let you go okay. Just smile your beautiful smile for me and hold my hand. If you get scared, you squeeze my hand and we will leave and head inside okay. I won’t let anything bad happen. This night is you and me. You’re my date and I’m yours, we are partners in crime.” It made her giggle and made it easy for him to climb out and hold his hand out to her. She grabbed it and instantly gasped at the amount of people snapping pictures.

  “Come on, Emma, let’s cause some trouble.” Winking at her they walked over to the news people who were covering the event. They asked him about the event and for once he was glad he listened to Scarlett and her advice. He made them aware this was a noble cause, and then they asked about his date. Introducing her to them they shook hands and he held on tight when they started asking about other things in his past.

  “Sorry folks but Emma’s my date, no story here, unless you’re willing to donate to a good cause and help some amazing and strong kids out.” This seemed to pacify them and, giving Emma’s hand a quick squeeze, he moved into the main room. Looking around he noticed assigned seats and found theirs. He was happy they sat them with Scarlett and Emma’s mother.

  A guest speaker came and talked a minute about the event and how the money would be used. He listened but he noticed Emma was slightly fidgety. He could imagine how boring this must be for her. He had pulled out his phone to try to find some movies when they announced dinner was served.

  His stomach growled and Emma looked happy as could be. However, when it was placed before them it was some type of bird and Emma looked sad. He couldn’t have her being sad. Leaning over he whispered his plan into Scarlett’s ears. At first she said she didn’t think it was a good idea until he pointed out Emma was picking at some carrots on her plate. Scarlett laughed and agreed.

  “Hey, Emma, I have an idea, do you trust me?”

  “Sure, Hunter.”

  “Good, come with me, I think we can have more fun elsewhere.” He stood holding his hand out to her and her mom looked confused but did the same as Scarlett stood as well. Soon he had them back into the limo but not before he told the Limo driver where to go.

  They pulled into a small bowling alley he knew served food. Emma looked at him in confusion.

  “I figured you might like this more. They have great burgers here and we can play while we wait for our turn. You game?” He raised his eyebrow in a small challenge he knew she would understand.

  “Really, this is awesome. I can totally kick your butt.” Her sweet challenge made him smile and soon the four of them made their way into the bowling alley. He was happy it was only one small group of people in the front lanes but the rest was empty. He went and paid for shoes and made sure Emma’s were nice and tight but Scarlett complained a little about the choice of color laughing the whole time.

  He set up everything, and Scarlett gathered the food order and came back with piles of it for all of them.

  “Let’s eat some food and then I’ll kick your butt.” It made Emma giggle some more and soon the four of them were pigging out on junk food and having a great time. This was something he loved to do, and for once in his life, he was happy he could act like a kid again.

  The evening ended on a high note when they drove Emma and Sara home. He told Sara to let him know on Emma’s progress and if there was anything he could help with to let him know. Emma had fallen asleep on his lap and instantly he understood how Joey felt for Milo. Something as simple and sweet as a small child could change your views on life. He helped carry Emma in and placed her on her tiny little
bed. Tiny little pillows and a small sewing machine sat in a corner of her room along with a small list of people’s names written on a small white board with various characters, colors, and shapes. He kissed Emma’s forehead and left. He also got a chance to talk with Emma’s father, Paul, who worked as a high school math teacher and seemed like a pretty good guy.

  Once in the limo he suddenly didn’t want to go back to his empty house, but Scarlett said it would be best for him right now. Following her directions like a good little boy he did. Well until he smoked a little weed to calm him down.

  He called Joey and talk to him about Sky’s cookout tomorrow and what they wanted him to bring. Sky told him to bring over dessert from their favorite bakery down the street. Sweet Tooth was sure getting a lot of business from them since they had moved into the neighborhood. Smiling at the various treats he wanted to get and asked if she wanted anything special. Sky just said their normal, which meant two apple pies and a dozen assorted cookies. However, he was in the mood for cake too. Something in his gut told him a change was coming over the band. Once he hung up the phone he went upstairs to the one place in his house where he felt normal. Going over to his guitar case, he pulled out the last of the weed he had and the e-pen making a note he seriously need to quit. Taking a few drags he started to feel calm and sleepy.

  After showering he crawled into bed but not before he placed Emma’s pillow next to him. No one had ever given him a gift like this. Smiling, he drifted off to sleep wondering what Shelly would think of the new addition to his bed.

  Chapter Eight

  Shelly woke to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Rubbing the sleep out of her tired eyes she realized she had fallen asleep on top of her work, again. Laughing, she yelled for them to come in. Looking up she saw Sky smiling at her.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. Sorry I didn’t know how late you were up last night. I thought I would bring you some coffee and see if you wanted to go to the store with me before the boys come over. I have a few more things to pick up.” Sky handed her the coffee mug, sitting down next to her.

  “Sure, just give me about ten minutes to find my feet,” she joked.

  “Oh take your time. Mickey is getting the drinks and Hunter has dessert. But I need some other things for the sides. Plus, I have the announcement to make if you get what I’m talking about.” Sky laughed, and Shelly followed.

  “Sounds good. Let me finish my coffee and shower, I can meet you downstairs if it’s okay.”

  “Oh yeah, sure. I need to make sure Milo is up and dressed too. Lord help me if I let Joey do it. He’s a great dad but if I leave the two of them alone they would hang around all day playing games in their pajamas.” Shelly chuckled at the thought of the two of them. Sky left and she downed the rest of the coffee before jumping in the shower. Making it quick she hurried to wash and get to the store with Sky. It was a sense of normality she had been missing.

  Looking around her room she wasn’t sure what to wear so she grabbed a sundress that was long enough, it helped to hide the extra rolls on her body but allowed enough curves to look pretty at the same time. The dark blue color with the crotchet back was perfect. Slipping it on, she tied her long hair back in a simple braid, before slipping on her sandals. Grabbing her purse she was out the door in fifteen minutes. So a little later than she told Sky, but with a shower like they had it was hard to hurry when it felt so good.

  “Wow, Shelly, you look so pretty,” Sky complimented her. Shelly looked down and thought she looked okay but she wouldn’t describe herself as pretty, at least not next to Sky.

  “Ha, maybe we should have your eyes checked,” she joked. But this made Sky frown at her.

  “Shelly, you are very pretty. I don’t know why you wouldn’t think so.”

  “Sky, I appreciate the comment but I’m not what people would call beautiful, not by a long shot. I’m at least twenty pounds overweight and I jiggle when I run.”

  “Well, I hate skinny bitches and I think you’re hot so shut up before I have to wash your mouth out. Got me,” Sky said in a joking tone, but for some odd reason Shelly felt she would follow through with her threat.

  “Okay, I’ll leave it be. I’m ready to leave when you are.” This seemed to pacify Sky as she went over and kissed Joey on the lips and Milo on the head before heading out. Shelly jumped into the small car while Sky climbed in.

  “Alrighty, let’s have some fun while we can. I’m sure once Joey finds out about the baby I won’t be able to leave the house.”

  “He’s that protective of you?”

  “He is and so are all the boys. What happened with Hunter really bothered us all. I’m sorry you got dragged into the mess, but in a weird way I’m glad. I love having someone to talk to, plus it seemed to have cooled Hunter down. I love the boy just like he was my little brother, but he needs to grow up.”

  “I think he is trying. At least when I talk with him he seems to be interested in what I have to say.”

  “He is. I think this whole crappy situation has woken up some issues with him he needs to deal with. All the boys do. They didn’t have the best start in life so their demons haunt them at times. Joey’s almost kept us apart, but in the end we talked it through and were better for it. I guess it’s hard when your dirty laundry gets aired for the public to see and read about. Hunter, he is an odd cookie but I have a feeling you will crack him.” A smiled played across her lips as she glanced at Shelly.

  “I don’t know what you mean. I like Hunter as a person but I’m just helping him decorate his place, nothing more. Oh, and speaking of his place, you’re right. It is kinda creepy without stuff in there. But I think by the time I’m done, the house will be awesome.”

  The two women talked for a while longer about ideas for Hunter’s house and Sky even asked for some ideas for her own house. They pulled into a grocery store and they both got out. Sky found everything she needed, including several steaks and stuff for side salads. Shelly had offered to make a special dish, one she had found from a neighbor who came over from Germany. A warm German potato salad was one of her favorite items to make. Sky sounded excited and soon they had everything they needed. Paying for the items they made a quick stop at a Starbucks and she ordered her usual White Chocolate Mocha while Sky went with a hot caramel apple cider, grumbling about not being allowed coffee while pregnant. It made Shelly laugh as she teased the poor woman until Sky smacked her arm. It was nice to have a friend who could take and give shit.


  Hunter pulled into the Sweet Tooth, excited to get some treats for all of them. He had already called Gabby, the owner, and let her know what he wanted. Opening the door to the small shop, Gabby smiled brightly at him. It was weird, he used to come in and flirt with her but now he didn’t have the impulse like before.

  “Hey, Hunter. I have your order ready.” Gabby was young—only twenty-five years old—but an extremely talented baker. She was self-taught and they all sure enjoyed the fruits of her labor. Her blonde hair was pulled in a side braid. She had one of her signature aprons on, which was a weird mix of a tutu and an old-fashioned one his granny would wear.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks, I’m glad you had everything.” She smiled and pulled out the bags and placed them on the counter. He ordered two apple pies, a dozen cookies, a black forest chocolate cake, which he knew was Sky’s favorite but she didn’t get often, and a dozen muffins for them to snack on later.

  “I always have the pies but you’re lucky with the cake. I made two yesterday and sold one before you called. They are a big hit.” He paid the bill and then headed out. She looked slightly disappointed this time. Maybe it was because he didn’t ask her out again or to share the treats with him. Normally it was his routine and she would respond with she didn’t date customers or something along those lines. But today he didn’t even think about it. He had only one woman on his mind and he wasn’t even sure if she knew he was interested in her.

  He went to sleep dreaming about her. Her soft milky
skin spread wide across his bed tied up to four posts waiting for him to do something. Her sweet moans and gasps played with his cock as he licked and sucked every delicious inch of her, devouring her like a sweet treat. Her curves now called to him, her bountiful tits made him ache for her. But those green eyes made him long for something more than a simple fuck. Damn, what was wrong with him? Maybe he just needed to sleep with her, maybe he could fuck her out of his system and she would go away. He had no clue. He never did relationships and he admitted it scared him some. Sure, one day he wanted what Joey had, but right now he wanted his dick to get his variety of flavors before settling down. Why this woman? What was it about her that drew him?

  Putting the bags in the front seat of his car he made the short trip to Sky and Joey’s house. Already he saw Booker’s car there as well as Mickey’s. Mickey walked outside the moment he turned off his engine.

  “Hey, man, you get some dessert?”

  “Yup, even got Sky’s favorite. Had to call Gabby and order it this morning to make sure we got it.”

  “Oh that’s great. How is Gabby?” Mickey asked, avoiding his gaze. Hunter knew Mickey had a small crush on the baker but he would never act on it. Many times, they would send Mickey to get the desserts and each time Mickey would come back quiet and not say anything. It could be Gabby was different from Mickey. Mickey was uptight and business all the time, where Gabby was a free spirit. She wore unique clothes, made sweets, and had a fun, perky attitude about her. Oh and she was younger than them all by at least five to six years.

  “She’s good, seemed kinda busy today, a lot of people coming in and out. But then again she is super talented.” Mickey nodded and grabbed one of the bags. As he opened the door a weird smell filled the air.

  “What is it?” Hunter couldn’t put his nose on it.

  “Oh Shelly is making something for dinner, smells pretty good to me.” Following Mickey into the kitchen he spotted Shelly and Sky over the stove and counter cutting and stirring various pots.


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