Book Read Free

Playing for Keeps

Page 7

by Whiskey Starr

  “Yeah, Hunter is just tired, guys aren’t used to shopping, plus he drank some tonight. Thanks for getting me. I can start driving myself from now on so I don’t bother you guys again.”

  “Oh hush and I know more went on, but I will let you deal with it for now. If Hunter is causing issues, I will deal with them.”

  Making it back to the house, Shelly excused herself and went to her room. Stripping out her clothes, she jumped in the shower, washing off the lingering scent of Hunter from her skin. Damn the man could kiss, but she couldn’t help but wonder why he liked her. Yes, she was insecure about her body but it was normal for her. Plus she remembered doing a google search of him when he asked to fix his house. She wanted to know him better and the amount of pictures with him and several women was amazing. Some were just him and a skinny girl or a group of several women. All of them models or model worthy. The only other pictures were of him and the band. After washing she jumped into bed determined to finish this job, use the money to get a small apartment, and start her life over. Closing her eyes she allowed a small fantasy where Hunter did like her and she was worthy of him.


  Hunter woke up in a pissed off mood. He didn’t sleep well the night before, all because of her. Shelly. She seemed to haunt his dreams. The way she looked so sad when she said he was only using her because he was horny. He knew it wasn’t the case but then he looked at himself and noticed he did it a lot. Maybe he could find someone to score him something to calm his ass down. The only problem was Scarlett was like a mad dog with drugs. But hell, it was just weed. The shit is legal in several states.

  Pulling into the studio with a large coffee in his hand, he saw Mickey already there with Booker.

  “Hey, man, you look like shit,” Mickey joked.

  “Fuck you, Mickey. You don’t know shit.” He spit back.

  “What the hell got your panties in a twist?”

  “It’s none of your fucking business, damn it. What it is with everyone questioning every fucking thing I say or do?” He was annoyed with this line of questioning.

  “Oh shit, you really do like her,” Booker said, sitting down.

  “I do not and fuck you too you prick.”

  “I’m a prick? Why, because I know how to keep it in my pants.” This time Hunter wasn’t having any of it. He jumped over a chair and socked Booker right in the jaw, sending them both to the ground. Booker came back with a hit in the gut. It was turning into a fight. Hunter was beating the shit out of Booker and Booker was giving back as much as he was taking.

  “Goddamn it! You fucking idiots, knock this shit off!” Joey rushed in and grabbed Hunter while Mickey grabbed Booker.

  “Fuck you! Fuck all of you.” Hunter spit blood out of his mouth as he shrugged off Joey.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Hunter? We are a family. We have always talked shit out, not beat each other up,” Mickey said as he handed him a towel to wipe his busted lip.

  “I have had enough shit from everyone not listening to me or questioning me.”

  “Hunter, man, look, we’re sorry okay. Why don’t you cool down and come back in. Joey can lay down the base and you can come in and add later,” Mickey offered. It seemed like a good idea.

  “Whatever.” He pushed out the door and found a small bathroom to clean up. He knew why he was pissed. It wasn’t Booker’s fault, well, not all of it. He wanted Shelly but she finally called him on his shit. He was the player; he had more women wrapped around his cock than he could count. But did it mean he wanted her because he couldn’t have her, or was there more to it. God, this was a fucked up situation. About an hour later, after walking around the building and getting more coffee, he found Joey taking off his headphones and putting his sticks away.

  “Great timing, man. I need you to lay down your background parts. Larry has it all set up for ya.” Hunter walked into the sound room, picking up his guitar, and put the headphones on. He watched as Larry nodded to him. The sound of a beep was heard in his ear and he started the steady rhythm, matching the base of the drums. Watching Larry and looking at the music to know when to start singing. It was important to get the backgrounds laid down before Mickey came in and did the lead vocals.

  Larry called time and he knew he had several more to go but it was lunchtime. Mickey walked in with giant cheesesteaks and Cokes for all of them. Even though Mickey and Booker went at different times, they made a pact, when in studio they wouldn’t leave each other unless they had to.

  “Hey, man, sorry about the crack earlier,” Booker said as he tossed him a Coke.

  “It’s all good. I know I don’t have the best reputation.”

  “Doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy, Hunter, just means you need to work harder to win the girl.”

  “You all talking about Shelly right?” Joey said in between bites.

  “Yeah, there is something about her I can’t get out of my head. I haven’t known her long but she makes me see things different. Then after the whole dinner thing with Emma, you remember the sweet little girl with cancer. Anyway, she made me realize I was acting childish and it’s time for me to grow up. Just because we have money and fame doesn’t give us the right to act like asses. I’m sorry. I am trying. But I don’t know what the hell to do. She doesn’t think I want her for her. She thinks I just want her because I’m horny. Yes, I admit I am but shit, I can get pussy anytime I want. Why would I hold out to only be with her? Fuck, man, how did you do this shit with Sky?”

  “Well, Sky wasn’t easy. Hell, I can’t believe how damn lucky I am to have her. I have Milo and now a new baby on the way. I worked damn hard to prove to her that I want her and only her. You just have to give her some time. Try going on a date. Maybe wait until she is done with the house. Be sweet, bring her coffee or flowers. Women like shit like that,” Joey suggested. Maybe the old man had a point. After all, he wasn’t twenty-five anymore. He was almost fucking thirty-one now and it was time for him to act like an adult, well, sometimes.

  “Alright, guys, we need Booker and Hunter to lay down some track,” Larry called into them.

  “That’s our cue.” Both he and Booker walked into the sound booth, put on headphones, and within seconds he was transformed into the music.

  Chapter Eleven

  After the first week, Hunter was gone from the house so she could work on it, and she was happy with the way the house turned out. The painters had come the first two days and she told Hunter he needed to say away so he didn’t breathe in the fumes. He said okay and ended up sleeping over at Mickey’s house. Then various pieces started to arrive. The living room was officially done today as well as the guest rooms, but the big item she ordered wouldn’t be ready until next week.

  Even though she saw him in brief moments, he still flirted with her. He would wait until she showed up at his house with her favorite coffee or a new magazine he saw she liked to read. All small, sweet gestures, and when he wasn’t around, she missed him. He made her laugh and joked about her getting him a gaming system in his house. Since he had a large house, she made sure to cater to all of Hunter’s needs and whims. A gaming room with a giant TV was set up along with a small freestanding popcorn machine you would see at the movie theaters. A small fridge stocked with beer and soda along with every game he mentioned. He laughed and hugged her, swinging her around. Then that moment of intensity she saw in his eyes, a spark of adrenaline coursed through them. She longed for him to kiss her again, to feel his soft lips on hers, coaxing her to open. But he didn’t. He simply kissed her cheek before letting her go and heading out of the room.

  The last of the furniture came and she was hanging up the last picture. It was one of the band during Christmas last year. Milo was even in it and all of them were laughing at something when the photographer snapped it. It wasn’t a posed picture, but it captured them perfectly.

  “Wow, that’s an awesome picture.”

  Startled, she turned on the small stool, slipping slightly, making her fall back
and landing on her ass and hand. She cried out as she felt stabbing pains in her wrist.

  “Shit, Shelly, I’m sorry.” Hunter was next to her within seconds helping her stand. “Do you hurt anywhere?” He was running his hands over her body, checking for injuries. When he lifted her wrist she winced. Ouch. Damn it hurts. “I’m not sure about this. I think we should have Sky look at it.”

  “I’m fine, Hunter, my butt hurts and so does my wrist but I’ll be okay.”

  “Still, let’s have Sky look at it. She used to be an ER nurse.” He didn’t seem like he was going to argue as he practically carried her out of the house, grabbing her purse along the way. Leaving her car sitting there, he put her in the passenger seat of his car and he peeled out of the driveway.

  “Hunter, I will be fine. Slow down.”

  “It will be okay, Red. Sky will make it better. Just sit tight for me.” Not wanting to argue with him since he seemed kinda freaked out. They made it to Joey and Sky’s house within minutes. “Come on, baby, I got you.” Hunter walked with her, putting a protective arm around her as he walked in the house. He called out to Sky who appeared within seconds after wiping her hands with a dishcloth.

  “What’s wrong? Oh crap, Shelly, are you okay?” Sky and Hunter both sat her down at the table.

  “I’m fine, just fell on my butt, I put my hand out to stop and landed on it funny.”

  “Well let me look, okay?” Sky smiled sweetly at her before taking her wrist, moving, and poking it in various areas. Some of it hurt and some were just tender. “Well I’m not a doctor but I think it’s just a sprain. I have an ace wrap we can use to stabilize it. We need some ice to keep the swelling down as well. She should be just fine in a couple of days. Nothing too big.” Sky offered a reassuring smile to both her and Hunter. She left to gather the items while Hunter took a deep breath and let it out.

  “See, Hunter, I’m okay. Just a sprain.”

  “I’m sorry, Red. I didn’t mean to scare you. Can you forgive me?” The look of pain made her heart melt. He looked tired and sad.

  “Hunter, I’m not mad. Shit happens, plus I’m a klutz, so we’re good. Don’t worry okay.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek but as she did, he turned to look at her giving just the right amount of movement so her lips touched his. A single spark of fire ignited a flame she had buried for so long. Hunter must have felt the same way as he reached up and cupped her cheek, holding her as he moved his lips against her. A sweet sensual kiss that spoke volumes. It wasn’t like the one they had a week before that was divide and concur, this one was filled with tenderness and longing. Someone cleared their throat and Hunter released her to find Joey and Sky looking at them. Joey had a shit-eating grin on his face while Sky had her mouth open and her eyebrows raised.

  “Umm, I’m sorry,” was all she managed to squeak out.

  “Looks like I get to keep you,” Sky said as she sat again and started to wrap her wrist up.

  “Umm, what?”

  “You’ll see. I think you need some pain medication and a good night’s rest. No heavy lifting and blah, blah. You know the rest.”

  Hunter couldn’t believe what was happening. He came home early feeling drained to find Shelly standing on a stool hanging a picture. It was really amazing what she had done to the house. She made it feel welcoming and inviting and he enjoyed coming home. But when she started to topple over, he was too far away to grab her in time. He did the only thing he could think of, which was to bring her to Sky. Then she went to kiss him and he went to do the same but the fates had other ideas as they both caught their lips. As much as he wanted to devour her, he wanted her to feel safe and cherished with him.

  “She can come stay with me, I can keep an eye on her,” he offered not letting his eyes leave hers.

  “Really, Hunter, she is fine here, but it’s up to Shelly,” Sky countered.

  “I need to pick up my car, plus I have some more things to hang up. I guess I can stop by tomorrow and do it.”

  “Or you can let me help. I’ll get us dinner, you point at what you want hung and I’ll do it. You can stay in one of my new fancy guest rooms. We could work together. If you want to. I promise I won’t do anything.” Well not useless she says she wants to.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I say it’s a great idea. I was going to take Sky and Milo to Disney this weekend.”

  “You were?”

  “I was but I hadn’t talked to you yet. Milo is on one of those three-day break things at school. Thought it would be fun to do something before the baby gets here.”

  “Oh, Joey, that’s so sweet.”

  “See, it’s settled, Shelly stays with me so I can watch her.”

  “Okay, I think it’s a good idea. But if the swelling gets worse take her to the doctor. It might be a hairline fracture.” Sky and Joey left the room so he and Shelly could talk.

  “Do you need help packing for a couple of days or do you have what you need?”

  “I can pack. Thank you, Hunter.” Shelly left to pack some clothes. He went to talk to Sky and Joey who were hiding out in the office.

  “So.” He left it open for them to finish what they needed to say.

  “Look, Hunter, I love you. You’re like a little brother, annoying and sweet at the same time. But, Hunter, I have to say, I really like her. I don’t want to lose her as a friend because you thought with your lower half. So think long and hard if you want something with her.” He knew Sky’s concern. She would always be upfront and honest with him.

  “He will be fine, baby. Hunter is a big boy now. He won’t hurt her. I think he likes her too much. Plus she seems to be good for him. Haven’t you noticed how quiet it’s been with him gone?” Joey joked.

  “Ha, man, I’m quiet because we work our asses off in the studio trying to find the right sound. But you’re right, I won’t hurt her. I just need her to trust me.” Joey nodded and kissed his wife before pushing him out of the room.

  “I’m serious, Hunter, be nice to the girl. My wife likes her and if you hurt Sky, I will break something you like, man. I’m a bastard, and even though I love you, I will hurt your scrawny ass if you upset her. Got it.”

  Hunter nodded and laughed.

  Shelly came down carrying one bag and informed them there were a few others. Both he and Joey walked up the stairs and grabbed the remainder. When they came down Hunter took the one she currently held from her.

  “Okay, honey, you have fun with Hunter and if he drives you nuts, Mickey is only a phone call away and so is Scarlett.” Joey helped them both outside, setting her things in the back seat before buckling her up. Hunter waved bye before he drove back to his place. As he pulled in next to her small car, he got out to open her door then grabbed her things. Opening his front door he was happy to not have the weird echo anymore. He sat her down on the couch pulling her feet up while removing her shoes.

  “Okay, baby, I’m going to get you some Tylenol and call in some dinner. Does Chinese work?”

  “It sounds great. And umm, Hunter?”

  “Yeah, Red?”

  “Thank you, you know for taking care of me. It means a lot. I’m not sure what to do. No one has ever taken care of me before.” He sat down and moved a red strand of hair lying across her face.

  “Well it’s about time someone has. I’m just sorry I didn’t meet you sooner to help you out. Now find something you want to watch since we have this wonderful thing called cable in the house now.” He laughed, kissed her nose, and left her. Moments later he returned with a bottle of water and some Tylenol. She was laughing at an old episode of the 70’s Show. He had seen it here and there but it felt good to just sit and relax after a long day. The buzzer sounded and he noticed the Chinese people were here. It was one place he loved because they did deliver. Going into the kitchen, he pulled out real plates and some cans of soda. As much as he wanted a beer he bypassed it.

  Laying out the spread of food, he put a little of everything on a plate for Shelly. So
on the two of them were eating and watching TV. When they both had their fill, he cleaned up and put the leftovers in the fridge. He returned to sit next to Shelly. He watched as she started to get tired.

  “Come on, baby, let’s head to bed.” Her big green eyes shot up looking at him.

  “No, Red. You in your bed, I will sleep in mine.” He chuckled and even though he really wanted to hold her all night, he didn’t think it would be all he would do. Taking her good hand he led her to the spare room. Once inside he gave her a kiss on the forehead and left. It was really hard to have her there so close and not wanting to act on his desires for her. He needed a cold shower before bed—a really long cold shower.

  Chapter Twelve

  Shelly had trouble sleeping. Her thoughts were scattered everywhere. Hunter had seemed to change within the weeks she had known him. From the first time she met him outside the police station and his drunk flirting, to his sweet and sensual side. He acted like he honestly cared about her, but how much of it was real and how much was he trying to get into her pants. Sure she brought up her weight, but maybe she needed to let go. She couldn’t use it as a crutch anymore. She was better than that and she knew it. Arrg, sometimes talking to herself was a pain in the ass. Sure she would talk to Sky when she was there but not about this. Hell the one time she tried to with Nancy, all she asked was if he was famous or had money.

  Throwing the covers off she padded around the room. Her wrist was still sore and the Tylenol was wearing off. Annoyed with her damn brain and body betraying her desire to sleep, she headed downstairs. She remembered he had placed the medicine in the kitchen. She didn’t need to turn on the lights since she knew where everything was in the house. Shelly kept a small giggle to herself as the thought of her knowing every creak and squeak better than Hunter would.

  However, when she reached the bottom she heard a noise coming from the game room. It wasn’t something she knew, as she walked into the room Hunter was sitting in one of the giant oversized chairs with a video controller in his hand and a beer next to him. He was only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with no shirt or socks on. It was cute and sexy. He didn’t hear her as he played his game. Looking at the TV it was some type of shooting game where you kill weird looking zombies. If she played anything like this at this time of night she wouldn’t be sleeping for sure. She was a chicken shit when it came to horror films and games. Nope, she just stayed with comedy, romance, and action adventure.


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