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Playing for Keeps

Page 10

by Whiskey Starr

  The rest of the day flew by. Shopping at the store was fun for him. Normally Sky would put some things in his fridge or he would stop by a gas station and pick up beer. But an actual store had so many more choices. Shelly made sure he had items he could heat up during the week along with fresh fruit. It was weird to see all the food being brought out to his small car, but in the end they made it work. Her carefree attitude helped him a lot. She called him on it when he was out of line, yet understood his way of thinking on things. Her wrist started to hurt her so he decided to spend the night watching movies while she relaxed. He made dinner for them, well he heated it up. Who knew you could get so many different things at the store. With the chicken Alfredo in the oven, he went to work on the small salad. Happy to see it was all in a bag ready to go, he pulled out two plates. Putting the salad down he cut up some tomato and soon the buzzer went off. Pulling it out, he dished them both up. Impressed with himself for actually making something for someone else he carried the dinner into the game room. Shelly was sitting on the couch with the remote sitting next to her. The TV showed the opening screen to the Avengers movie. His girl was a big action and adventure fan. His girl. For the first time in his life he was in unfamiliar territory.


  Shelly loved this. She had been fighting off the attraction for Hunter but ever since they had slept together, he had seemed to focus on her and only her. It could be because she was staying with him. Once she went back to stay at Sky’s or got her own place she felt the attraction might die. Well at least it would with him. Until then, she would do her best to try to enjoy the time. At least no one knew about her this time.

  Dinner done and movie over, they decided to call it a night. She walked up to her room when Hunter pulled her.

  “You are sleeping with me.”

  “Hunter, umm, I know, we haven’t really talked about what you and I are...” She waved her hand between the two of them. “But I think maybe we should try to slow down some.”

  “I don’t think so, Red. Look, I like you and it’s something new to me. I can’t say this is a forever type of thing. I have never done the dating thing, so can we try? I like you sleeping with me.”

  “Hunter, I don’t think…'

  “Red, just sleep. I’m actually tired. Plus I know you’re sore.” This time the bastard winked at her making her blush. “Come, sleep with me, plus my beds bigger and I put you hair up better too.” She hated it when he sounded like an adult and rationalized things.

  “Arg, fine…alright. But just sleep.” He nodded, leading her into his room. She sat on his bed while he picked up her brush and worked out the few knots she had and started to braid it down her back. He got up and found a large t-shirt, tossing it to her. Walking into his bathroom, she took care of business before pulling it on. Hunter was already in bed when she returned. Climbing in next to him, he held his arm out and she snuggled down next to him. Hunter leaned over and clicked off the light.

  “Good night, Red.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Night, Hunter.” Her eyes already heavy, she drifted.


  Monday had rolled around. Hunter had some errands to run then head into the studio to check some things out. Joey and Sky were coming back later today, so she would be spending the night back with them. As much as she enjoyed the weekend of playing house with Hunter, she knew it was only for a short time. So today, she focused on the special delivery she had been so excited about. Hunter didn’t know about this one. He had an empty front room with an amazing fireplace. She had some pictures she had hung of the band during a performance and some other awards he took home from the VMAs and the MTV music awards sitting on his fireplace. She dusted them as the doorbell rang. Running to the door she practically bounced with excitement when it arrived.

  “You Ms. McKnight?”

  “That’s me.” She smiled broadly at the delivery team.

  “Great, just tell us where to put it.” She took the guy to the room and pointed. He nodded then looked at the front door. She was happy Hunter actually had double doors in the back, it was the only way it would get inside. The guy helped push the couch over and left. Making sure they wouldn’t bump into anything as they brought it in. A large, sleek, black grand piano. She knew he was a rocker but he said the piano calmed him a long time ago when she first took the job. This was the last piece of furniture to complete the house.

  Once in place, an older gentleman smiled warmly at her and sat down hitting the keys one at a time. She knew he was tuning it. It was in the selling agreement. She wanted it ready to play when he got home. Soon he was done and he left. She had sighed, this was the end, at least she was getting paid and this was on her resume. Hunter was a bonus but her heart didn’t know that. Unable to help herself, she sat down and started hitting the keys. It was so pretty and the sound was amazing. Remembering a few things from chopsticks she played until she was giggling at her simple actions.

  Hunter walked into the house and the sound of notes hit his ear before Shelly did. Following the very wrong keys, he found Shelly sitting at the most amazing piano he had seen.

  “Shelly?” He was confused.

  “Oh, shit, Hunter. Um, surprise.” She stood and put the key cover back down.

  “What’s this?” He pointed to the piano. She raised her eyebrows with a “what does it look like” look.

  “A piano?” Wondering why she had to explain it to him. “Well, you said you liked to play and only had a keyboard. Your guitars don’t take up much room and you have like three. But your keyboard was crap. I saw this space and thought it might be nice. What do you think?” She seemed hesitant.

  “I’m not sure.” Because he really wasn’t. The piano was amazing, he never thought to get one.

  “Why don’t you try it first?” Her hopeful look made him sigh, she was right, he didn’t know if he would like it until he played it. Shaking his head he walked over and sat down on the bench. Lifting the lid he put his foot on the pedal below. The keys were sleek and smooth beneath his fingers. Unsure of what to play, he took a deep breath and exhaled. It was something his Granny had told him many times. Pressing down on the keys it sang to life as the notes filled the room and echoed off the walls. Shelly sat down next to him and he lost himself in the music.

  A sweet melody of Pachelbel Cannon in D sprang from his fingers. It was his Granny’s favorite so he’d learned it early on. Shelly seemed to be enjoying it and he hated to admit it sounded pretty awesome. He closed his eyes and let his fingers work. It had been so long since he played the piano. Sticking to what sells with the band he played guitar and anything they needed, but who needed a piano in a rock band?

  Over and over he played the song as it started build, pressing down on the pedal, increasing and decreasing the volume. As he slowed and finished the final note he looked over at Shelly and she had tears in her eyes.

  “That was amazing. God, I love the piano but no one has ever played anything like that before. That was, wow.” For once in Hunter’s life he didn’t know what to say, he felt a small shy smile creep over him.

  “Glad you liked it, Red. Thank you. I would have never thought of a grand piano but it’s perfect.” Leaning over he kissed her. Everything was going to be just fine.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Well fuck me! Nothing over the next two weeks went fine! Shelly had decided she wanted to stay at Sky’s house and even started to look for an apartment, which she found and was moving into tomorrow. Granted he still saw her between studio times and playing for a few TV spots. He wanted to wake up with her in his bed again. He enjoyed having her roundness cuddled next to him hogging the bed. They would get together, he would fuck her until neither one of them could think straight, but she would find a way to recover and leave him. She kept saying it was for the best but he'd had high hopes of wearing her down. Deciding he needed something to calm his nerves, he started playing the piano. The song wasn't something he knew but the notes sounded good to
him. He didn’t hear Scarlett coming in until she smacked him on the shoulder.

  “What the fuck, Scarlett!” he snapped at her.

  “What the fuck? I got a damn call from a damn lawyer saying they need to talk to us in the morning—but not us as in the band, us as in you and me. What the fuck did you do this time, Hunter? We have damn NDAs for a reason.”

  “Wait, what? I didn’t do anything I swear. I have been good. I haven’t been to a party in God knows how long, even though Dale has been bugging the shit out of me. And I don’t want to mess up with Shelly.”

  “Okay, well what’s going on with Shelly then?” She sat down next to him playing with his new toy.

  “Nothing, well something. Shit I don’t know. Scar, I know I like her a lot. She’s funny and sexy as hell, but she is keeping me at arm’s length. She wants to get out on her own and have a life. I know I’m not easy to be around but shit, this is just crazy. Why can’t I just fuck her and let it be. No I turn into a pussy around her.”

  “It’s because she doesn’t fall for your shit lines, Hunter. She is smart and independent. But get to know her and stay away from parties.” He took her advice before she left. Sending a text, he wanted to see her when she got the keys to her place. But instead of waiting for her response, he hopped in his car and made his way to Joey’s house. Oddly enough Booker was there. Pulling the door open he stopped when he saw Shelly sitting at one of the bar stools with his arm draped around Shelly whispering in her ear. Her laughing made him hard but also set him on fire. Shelly was his.

  “Red,” he said her name, standing directly behind her. She instantly spun her head around looking at him.

  “Hunter?” She seemed confused.

  “Booker.” He raised an eyebrow looking at her then Booker who just grunted and moved away.

  “Seriously? You’re jealous of him? Come on, Hunter, it’s nothing.” She stood and ran a hand down his chest trying to soothe him.

  “You’re mine,” he said as he snaked his arm around her waist.

  “Hunter, we talked about this. We are seeing each other, I promised not to see anyone else. Okay, now calm down.”

  Not wanting to lose the contact he had with her, he buried his noise in the crook of her neck breathing in the fresh scent of her.

  Shelly didn’t know what came over Hunter. She said she could see him later but she was helping Booker get some things squared away. The big broken giant was very smart and helping her with some investments. With Hunter’s paycheck, which she admitted was way too much, but he said it was well worth it. She even got some other clients because of his help. She didn’t want to get into another situation like she had a month ago. God, it seemed time went by fast. She had started to fall for the big kid rocker, Hunter. She knew she needed to keep him at a distance because no matter how she looked at it, he would be going on tour and women would flock to him like moths to a flame.

  Once he was calm, he offered to play video games with Milo. Grabbing her hand he pulled her until she sat on his lap while Milo laughed and together the three of them played Mario and shocking enough, someone had found her Donkey Kong.

  As the night came, she grew tired and wanted sleep. Milo was already in bed and Sky had fell asleep on Joey being in her first trimester at nine weeks. Booker, well it seemed he had a hard night as Joey and Hunter dragged his drunken self to the spare room down the hall. When Joey didn’t return it left her alone with Hunter.

  “So tomorrow’s the big day huh?” He nuzzled her neck kissing her softly. He knew this was a special spot for her. Her body instantly responded to his touch. “So does that mean instead of you staying at my very large and empty house I can stay in your tiny apartment?” She knew what he was getting at but she wasn’t falling for it, yet.

  “Hunter, your house is no longer empty and don’t make fun of my tiny apartment. It fits me—well it fits just a single person. I don’t need a big house. So no making fun of my apartment.” She smacked him but he pulled her hair back stopping her. She knew it wasn’t to silence her or cause her pain but to gain her attention. Hunter moved then, taking her lips in a tender kiss but once again someone threw gasoline on the fire and she exploded. He pushed his tongue into her mouth tasting all of her, leaving nothing untouched. This Hunter was the one who wanted her, all of her. He pushed her until her back was against the couch and though she could feel he wanted more, he didn’t do any more than kiss her. It was as if he was mesmerizing her. He kissed her neck and her eyes. Once he started to roam her body, she had already given in. She needed him. Her pussy was craving him and if he didn’t deliver soon, she was going to spontaneously combust.

  “Not here,” he said between kisses.

  “Huh?” That’s when she remembered they weren’t at his house, but at Sky’s. Hunter looked down at her and a wicked grin crossed his face.

  “Come with me.” He grabbed her hand and lifted her before she could even argue. She giggled softly as Hunter wiggled his eyebrows and he pulled open the back door. She followed him to the side part of the yard to the small playground Joey had built for Milo.

  She followed wondering what he was up to, until he pushed her against the slide and leaned over her. She clung to his neck as he took control, demanding she give everything she had. It was so unlike anything she had experienced. But the thought of the unknown with Hunter excited her as well.

  “Trust me?” She looked at him for a moment but deciding she did. Nodding, she saw him smile and he moved her until she was next to the swing. “Hold into the chains, but don’t sit.” Unsure, she did as he asked.

  Hunter couldn’t help but enjoy the way she responded to him. She was wearing another one of those dresses and he would have to buy her more. He enjoyed not having issues getting inside her. However, if he had his way, every time she wore one, it would be without panties. As he slid her panties down her body he could smell her arousal. Down already on his knees he was under her dress and couldn’t wait to taste her. She was sweeter than any candy or pie. Well maybe a peach pie. Opening her up he started to circle her clit with his tongue enjoying the taste and soft moans she made. He knew he wasn’t going to last to much longer. Slipping a finger into her he moved it in and out before adding another. Shelly started to move her hips and just as he could feel her start to build, he removed them. Standing, he looked at her licking his finger clean as she watched him. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a condom. Except Shelly surprised him and grabbed it from him.

  “Can I?” Since he had known her, she had gotten more brazen with her sexuality. Nodding, she shocked him yet again when she kneeled down and grasped his cock. She moved her hand up and down his length making him squirm. Her touch was something else. Then the little devil licked him slowly from base to tip. He about shot his load right then and there. Shelly took her time getting used to him, taking him into her mouth and sucking him as she bobbed up and down. Over and over she hollowed her cheeks taking his cock into her mouth. Grabbing her hair he used the opportunity to fuck her face. She held on to his thigh with one hand while the other held the base of his dick so she didn’t choke. When he felt himself getting close he pulled away from her.

  “Think we need this now.” He grabbed the condom, putting it on, covering himself completely before he moved her. “Sit on the swing with your skirt up.” She looked at him but followed his lead. God he hoped this worked like he planned. Once she was in position he got down onto his knees, grabbing her legs, making them wrap around his arms while he lined himself up to her sex. Pushing the swing back he readied himself as she came forward taking his cock into her pussy. Damn she felt good. He used the momentum of a child swing as a sex swing. Holding onto her legs he started to move making the swing start to sway. The movement was enough he could focus on her. Shelly held on tight to the chain as he pumped into her. Damn this was hot. Her quiet moans and whimpers pushed him on. He could feel her start to come as her walls started to contract around him but at the same moment she let go and
fell back.

  “Fuck, Red, are you okay?” he was next to her in an instant as she laughed hysterically. He couldn’t help but laugh too. “Well okay, not my best idea, but it doesn’t mean I’m not done with you.” He moved on top of her, taking her mouth in a heated kiss, sending her back into the sexual state they both had a moment ago. Her arms wrapped around him and he wanted to push back into her but held off.

  “Hunter, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want grass stains all over your back, get on all fours, baby.” She giggled and as soon as she did, he lined up and thrusted in. He was desperate for her and she seemed to feel it as well as she pushed back against him. “That’s it, baby. Take my cock into your sexy little pussy.”

  “Yes, Hunter, take me, oh take me.” He smacked her ass causing her head to fall forward. Not able to stop, he smacked her again.

  “That’s it, Red, fuck, you are squeezing me. You like your pretty little ass smacked. Shit, I left a handprint. God, I need you, baby.” He pounded into her, holding her hips for support. Her cries grew louder.

  “You have to stay quiet.” He smacked her ass again on the other cheek and he muffled a moan. “That’s it, baby. I know you are a screamer, let’s see if I can fuck you so hard you aren’t able to keep it in. Then Booker and Joey will come running out here to check on you. And what will they see? You bent over as I fuck your tight little cunt as you milk my dick. Oh, baby, yeah just like that.” Harder than he thought he could ever do he pounded her, gripping her hips hard he knew they would be bruised in the morning. Over and over he plundered her body but he couldn’t hold it any longer. Reaching around he found her clit and started to rub it. She was panting now and with a quick flick of his fingers on her clit she came crying into her arm as she laid her head down on the grass.


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