Playing for Keeps

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Playing for Keeps Page 12

by Whiskey Starr

  “I get it, Hunter, I do. You are doing the right thing but don’t expect me to be happy about you living happily ever after with your baby’s momma. I can’t. I deserve better.” Booker had come over and stood in front of Shelly blocking his view of her.

  “Go outside, Shell.” There was Booker, few words but he meant them. Shelly nodded and left the kitchen.

  “What the fuck, Booker. Are you screwing Shelly now?”

  “No, not that I don’t want to. Any man would be lucky to be with her.”

  “Fuck you and stay away from her, she is mine.”

  “Is she now? From what I see, you knocked up some ditzy chick who doesn’t know how to do simple math.”

  “She is the mother of my child.”

  “Is she, Hunter? She says she is but I think she is playing you.”

  “Fuck you, Booker, you don’t know anything”

  “Maybe, but I know not to throw away what you had with Shell.”

  Just then Jody walked into the kitchen.

  “Hunter, can we go. I heard there's this amazing party Mickey is going to. I asked to go with him but he gave me a weird look.” She turned and looked at Booker.

  “Oh hi, you are so much bigger up close.” Hunter watched as she ran her hands up Booker.

  “Wow, you have some nerve.” Shelly had stepped around Booker, putting him behind her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said you have some nerve. You’re going to be a mom and you are with Hunter, yet you ask to go to a party with Mickey and to flirt with Booker right in front of him. You need to grow up.” Shelly was raging mad for so many reasons.

  “Well, I will be a mom but until then, I can have some fun. Plus I heard both Booker and Hunter like to share. But then again it must be hard for you.”

  “Hard for me?”

  “Yeah, you may be smart and all, but you are the chunky, fat friend they keep to make them all look normal. They took pity on you like a stray dog. Have you not looked around you? These people are rock gods and you are what, like a bookkeeper or something they use when they don’t want to think. It’s sad, really. But maybe if you know, loose twenty or fifty pounds you might find a nice boring man who would want you.” Jody smirked. It took everything inside her to keep her from reaching out and smacking the skanky bitch.

  “Well maybe you’re right, I really don’t know. But I do know one thing, Jody, at least I know when someone is with me it’s because they want to be and not because I got myself knocked up trapping them into something they don’t want, especially with you.”

  “Well, I, umm…”

  Shelly wanted to say more but Hunter grabbed Jody’s arm, pulling her away.

  “I think we better go.” He looked at her one last time with sad eyes before he turned and left the house.

  “Hey, Shell, it's okay. He’s an idiot. I say we get drunk again and go skinny dipping,” Booker joked.

  “Booker, you big goof. Drunk is good but I need to go home. You need sleep. Can you say bye to everyone for me please.” Booker’s eyes studied her before he leaned over and kissed her. She gasped and it gave him the edge he needed as he pulled her close kissing her deep. Surprised by his actions she pushed him away.

  “Booker, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Come on, Shell, he’s not coming back. Can’t you try with me?”

  Unable to help herself she reached up and touched his scruffy face as he leaned into her touch. Getting on her tiptoes she kissed him softly on the lips.

  “Look, Booker, I like you, love you like a brother even. You and I, well, not that way.”

  “You love him, huh?”

  Unable to stop herself, she nodded.

  “Then its time you tell him you’re playing for keeps.” An evil glint came across his face making her wonder what it was all about.

  “What are you up to?”

  “Trust me,” he growled right before he left the room.

  “It’s what Hunter said too,” she said to absolutely no one. What else did she have to lose at this point?

  Chapter Nineteen

  Hunter made it home with Jody in tow. His life had gone to hell in a hand basket and there was not a whole lot he could do.

  “So, Hunter, I was thinking we could turn the room next to yours into the baby's room.” She kept chattering on and on making his head hurt. She just wouldn’t shut up and then she insulted Shelly. He needed a shower and for the first time in a long time, he wished he could go out to a party and score some weed or maybe something stronger.

  Jody kept following him even as he entered his room. He turned to say something but she sat down on his bed.

  “You know you have such a large bed, it wouldn’t hurt to share it.” To make her point known she opened her arms and lay down on his pillows. However, when she fell back she yelped. “Oh this is so not going to stay on the bed.” And before he could register what she was doing, Jody had taken Emma’s pillow and thrown it across the room. “That’s better.” She snuggled down kicking off her shoes.

  “What the hell, Jody? This is my room. Get out.”

  “But, Hunter, this is so much better than a hotel or even your guest room. I figured we could you know, reconnect again.”

  “Say what?”

  “Don’t you wanna fuck me, Hunter? Come on, you can ride bare back and it won’t matter, I’m already pregnant. Come on, Hunter, I can tell you need to release some stress.” The damn witch sat up and pulled her shirt up and over her head throwing it at him.

  “Jody, stop.”

  “Come on, Hunter. Fuck me, I know you wanna. I can make you forget everything for a few hours.” She started to unhook her bra before he could move.

  “I. Said. Stop.” He growled each word so she could understand him.

  “Don’t be a fucking pussy, Hunter. If this is about the fat chick at the house. Come on, Booker is with her. You’re with me. See, problem solved. Plus she isn’t the one who is carrying your kid.”

  “Don’t talk about her. I am doing everything I can to make this work, Jody, really I am, but what more do you want from me.”

  “Well we could get married and be a real family.

  “WHAT?” He was losing his damn mind.

  “You asked. I told you what I want. I’m done playing games. Marry me, Hunter.” Where the hell was the small shy woman he met at the lawyer’s office? He couldn’t do this. Picking up his phone he ran down the stairs and to his car. He could hear her yelling in the background but it seemed like static noise. Once in the car he called Scarlett to get Jody out of his house. He couldn’t do this right now.

  Pulling into a local dive he headed right to the bar. Ordering a double shot of tequila he was going to forget the whole night. It seemed as if he did the right thing and everyone was mad at him. He was so damn confused and now Booker was seeing Shelly. When the hell did that happen? Damn, this was a fucked up night. Maybe he should go crawling back to Shelly, beg her to take him back. But what would happen with Jody and the baby? Not the baby’s fault he couldn’t keep it in his pants. But it bothered him like hell she got pregnant. He always, always wrapped it. Taking another shot he needed some help. He knew exactly who to call, well in the morning, because right now if he called he would get his ass kicked.


  Shelly heard banging on the door, waking her from a drug induced sleep. Her head was hurting by the time she left Sky’s house and Tylenol PM was her best friend. Besides her wrist was getting better but it was still sore. Walking in a fuzzy state she opened her door while avoiding tripping on her shoes.

  “Hunter?” The once foggy haze was cleared within a split second.

  “Red, you’re home. I fucked up. I don’t want her, I want you, I need help, I need…” he went to say something else but stumbled into the apartment.

  “How the hell did you get here?”

  “Drove, I didn’t know who to go to.”

  “You fucking drove here, like this?”

  “Well yeah, no one would pick up the phone. Don’t blame them, I’m a screw up.” Grabbing him she pulled him inside.

  “You’re not a screw up, Hunter, but you fucked up driving like this. I should kick your ass, you dumbshit. Get in here.” He flopped on the couch, very unlike Hunter.

  “I don’t want this, Red.” He sounded panicked. Not sure what to do, she called Booker.

  “What?” Oh Booker, how he answers the phone every time always made her hesitant. Maybe she should’ve called Mickey or Scarlett.

  “Hunter’s here.”

  “You okay? I say call the cops on his ass.”

  “No, he’s not being a pain but he’s drunk. I think he passed out on my couch. Shit he’s puking.” She dropped the phone not listening. She ran to the kitchen and found a bowl but all she came up with was a large pot. The smell made her start to gag but she managed to get him to finish puking in the pot and not her rug. Damn, she wasn’t going to get her deposit back.

  God, she hated puke. She thought when she moved out of Nancy’s apartment she was done with it all. Damn Hunter. Heading to the kitchen she grabbed another pot and started to fill it was hot soapy water. She needed to clean the mess before it got worse. Hunter was lying on the couch on his stomach and there was no way in hell she could carry his ass to the bathroom. Arg, sometimes it sucks being a girl.

  She finished gathering the items she needed to try to clean her once new carpet when someone pounded on the door.

  “What is this, Grand Central Station?” Growling, she moved and once again opened her revolving door. However, Booker and Mickey both stood there looking pissed.

  “Hey, guys, come on in. Sleeping beauty is over on the couch.” She opened the door and Mickey stopped.

  “Did he seriously puke on your carpet, Shell?”

  “Yup, well before I got the pot.” She grimaced. The vomit consisted of the foul smelling liquor he consumed with bits and pieces of dinner. Gag! Even looking at it made her start to dry heave.

  “Shell, I’ll clean it up.” Booker was next to her in the kitchen taking the things she needed.


  “Yeah, puke doesn’t bother me anymore. Go take a shower while Mickey moves dumbass and I put on some coffee.” Booker seemed way to calm tonight, his usual gruffness was gone.

  “Thanks.” She went to wash, and she knew it was going to be a long night.


  Weird noises, people talking, sour stomach. So many things but he was unable to see or move. Wanting to yell at them didn’t seem to work. The darkness closed once again.

  He woke, or so he thought he had. Someone was yelling. The smell of something cooking and a growl. What the hell? This time when he opened his eyes, they seemed to agree but even that came at a cost. Damn his head hurt, and the light was too fucking bright. When he opened his eyes he wished he hadn’t.

  “Wake the fuck up, asshole.” Shit, Booker. Well this is weird to say the least. Normally this is the other way around. Where the hell was he? Looking around he saw very white walls and was he in the bathtub.

  “What the hell?”

  “Really, fuck nugget, you ask, you’re at Shelly’s place. Think, how did you get here?” Hunter didn’t need to say anything, he already knew. Damn, so many times he said he would never drink and drive, yet he did and ended up at Shelly’s apartment with Booker.

  “Sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say. Suddenly Mickey came in and handed him a bottle of water. He reached for it feeling like his head was in a vise as he chugged half the bottle before looking at both of them.

  “Yeah, you will be. It’s time you stop acting like an idiot and let us help you.” Blinking up at Mickey, he watched as Booker grunted his response and left the room.

  “Okay, fine, what do I do?”

  “First you will pay to have Shelly’s carpets cleaned. Booker cleaned up your puke but it still stained it. Then you will beg for forgiveness and then second, stay away from Jody.”

  “I can do all but the last part man. She is having my kid. Damn, Mickey, you know what it was like growing up with shit parents and no dad around. How the hell do you expect me to walk away when I know I can be better?”

  “Because we have a plan.” Mickey got a look in his eye, which let him know he was up to something.

  “Booker is bringing you clean clothes. Shower and get cleaned up. Coffee is in the kitchen. Oh and you really, I mean really, need to figure out how to win Shelly back. If you don’t, I know Booker wants her. Even kissed her last night. So let’s figure this shit out.” Hunter wanted to yell and scream and punch the wall. Yet again, all he could do was mutter thanks because nodding even hurt. Looking around he found he smelled bad, like really bad. God, how much did he drink? At least he was in a small bathtub. Standing, he pulled his pants and shirt off, tossing them on the floor before starting the shower. It didn’t take long for him to get clean.

  He was dressed, his head hurt but he could at least move without too much trouble. Shelly was sitting on what looked like a beanbag chair with fuzzy pants and coffee in her hands. She looked at him and instantly he knew how he felt. Though he had only been with her a short time, he knew what love was like. It was scary as hell, wonderful, exciting, and made you want to run the other way because it meant he could get seriously hurt. But this time he was the one who did the hurting. It was funny because his Granny always told him you only truly hurt the ones you love the most, but if it’s real love then anything is possible. When she first told him he just thought it was the pain meds, but now he knew it was true.

  “Red?” Her head snapped up looking at him.


  “I love you.” A sound of a cup dropping and her gasping was the only sound in the room. Maybe he should have waited.

  Chapter Twenty

  Shelly just ran out of the room. Not a word. Her coffee mug lay spilling on the floor and the once filled beanbag was empty. Did he fuck up again?

  “Smooth move, dumbass,” Booker said as he took a bite of what looked like a doughnut.

  “What? I had to say it. She needed to know I do.” Hunter rubbed his face, totally confused. He’d felt the moment and acted on it.

  “You should have at least said you’re sorry for something first. I said grovel, do something to win her back, not blurt out you love her. Shit, you scared the shit out of me and I’ve known your hairy ass longer.”

  “Fuck you, Mickey. I don’t have a hairy ass. It’s smooth like a baby’s…oh shit, I’m having a kid with a damn diva. What the hell am I doing?”

  “Already working on it, brother.” Booker was at his laptop working. Sometimes he forgot how scary Booker could be both in person and mentally.

  “Go talk to her.” Mickey punched him in the shoulder before he turned and tried to figure out her apartment. Three doors. Okay, one was the bathroom. Opening one, he saw a room with various boxes. Okay, so he was two out of three. Opening the last door, he found Shelly curled up on her bed facing away from him.


  “Not now, Hunter.” He didn’t need to see she was crying, the sound reverberated in the room. Going to her, he sat down moving the hair from her face. Even tear stained she was beautiful.

  “I do you know.”

  “Know what?” Her voice hiccupped.

  “Love you. I thought I might have earlier but then when I saw you sitting there, concerned about me, it hit me like a Mack truck. I know I will fuck up lot of times. But I know with everything in me, I love you. I don’t want Jody, and I can’t say I don’t want the baby, but I don’t know if it’s mine. I’m lost here, Red. But I want you beside me no matter what happens.” He looked down at blinking green eyes as new tears started to fall.

  “Shit, please don’t start crying again. I hate it when that happens. Please, baby, don’t cry.” She sat up this time.

  “Say it again?”

  “What, don’t cry?”

  “No, you dork, the other part.” A small
smile tugged at her lips.

  “I hate it when that happens?”

  “Hunter?” Her eyes narrowed. He knew what she was getting at.

  “Well, you are gonna have to remind me what it was, I seem to have forgotten.”

  “Really? I don’t think you did.” This time her tears stopped and she was laughing.

  “I am a dork, as you put it, after all.”

  “Come on, Hunter.” He did a sweet little pout.

  “Hey, that’s my move.”

  “It might be but I think it has its advantages.”

  “That it does, baby.”

  “Well?” Leaning over he took her lips. It had been a long couple of weeks yet the simple touch of her made him mad with desire. Releasing her lips, he wiped the last of the tears from her face with his thumb before running it over her bottom lip.

  “I love you.” This time he said it with every fiber in his body as he looked right at her. He wanted to make sure she knew exactly how he felt.

  “Ditto.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Red,” he growled and then kissed her lips long and hard. “Your turn.”

  “I agree?” Oh so the minx wanted to play. He couldn’t help himself, he grabbed both her hands and moving quicker than he thought possible, had her over his legs with her ass across his lap.


  “Are you going to say it, Red?”


  “Wrong answer.” He reached back and smacked her ass. Her yelp made his cock twitch with excitement of playing with her again.

  “How about now?”

  “Now? Come on, what exactly do you want me to say?” Two more smacks and her head fell forward.

  “Say it, baby, and we can really play.”

  Except she didn’t say anything. Smacking her three more times, he couldn’t help the sound echoed in her empty room.

  “Hunter.” Her voice was raspy. Needing to see her, he lifted her up. Shelly’s eyes where glazed over with desire. But it was her who suddenly took control and straddled him, taking him into a kiss as she started to rub against him gaining friction.



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