Playing for Keeps

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Playing for Keeps Page 13

by Whiskey Starr

Shelly was spinning in one of those whirlpools with no life raft. So much emotion played at her and now Hunter was actually here, picking her.

  Once she released him she knew he wouldn’t do anything without her saying it. Leaning over to his ear she tugged his ear making him groan before she whispered. “I love you too.” Her shirt was up and off as Hunter took her like a caveman took his woman. A whole new need bloomed, but before he could do anything, her bedroom door burst open.

  Booker stood looking at them both before speaking. “I got it.” Magic words. Booker had been working on something last night and it seemed he found something to get Hunter away from the bitch. But Booker kept looking at her and then she realized she was topless and showing her girls to him.

  “Damn, man, you’re lucky. Those are fucking fantastic tits!” He winked at her and then left. Covering herself, it made Hunter burst out laughing. Oh, she so needed to get a lock for the door.

  “Come on, Red, let’s get this shit figured out so I can lose myself in you completely.”


  Hunter had been on the phone with Scarlett who was yelling at Fletcher on her office phone. Everyone was steaming mad.

  “No shit, you fucking idiot, you fucked up. You had your damn head up your tight ass so far you never checked her story out. I was but I hadn’t been given all her information nor did you allow me to search. Well, dumbass, and yes you are a dumbass, we not only found out what was going on but we found the real father. No I will not stop yelling at you. Don’t you take that tone with me you prick! You put us all through hell because you were so damn hell bent on seeing her as something sweet and innocent. Well fuck you, asswipe. Yup, you heard me. If you weren’t the label’s lawyer I would fire your ass and bury you in so much legal mumbo jumbo you couldn’t shit without being questioned about the damn color. Yeah, well fuck you too!” Scarlett said as she slammed the phone down.

  “Great job, guys. Now I will meet you all at the hotel, it’s time we pay Jody a visit. And yes, I have the other party on the way.” Hunter knew when to keep his mouth shut and when to talk, and at this moment he didn’t say a damn word, just nodded.

  Arriving at the hotel he went up to Jody’s room with Shelly at his side. He needed to do this and control his temper. Knocking, he waited until it opened.

  “Hunter! Glad you changed your mind. Oh, you brought her.” Jody’s eyes moved to Shelly and back to him.

  “I don’t think this type of stress is good for the baby, Hunter, maybe you could ask her to leave.”

  “I don’t think so.” Except this time it was Shelly who spoke, pushing her way in, and he could hear the elevator door ping open. He waited just outside as he saw Scarlett walking with some large man. Scarlett patted him on the cheek, winking at him before she walked into Jody’s room with the other man and he followed, shutting the door.

  “Jody, I’m sure you know Grant. Your, what is the term? Oh yeah, your baby daddy.”

  “No this is a mistake. It's Hunter’s child.”

  “Jody, give it up. They know all of it.”

  “You see, Jody, we were able to get the medical records through, well, some sources and it turns out you were actually pregnant before you had sex with Hunter. The day you had the tests done, it sucks to send text pictures to people. Grant here was kind enough to tell us you sent them to him asking what to do. But then you went to the concert and slept with Hunter. So you figured if you lie about the due date or pretended the baby was, what, bigger than normal, you could pass it off as his. Too bad for you.”

  “I, um, well you see.”

  “No, Jody, you need to listen closely. You will pack up and leave without a word. You signed a NDA and if you violate any of it, I will have lawyers so far up your ass your kids will still be dealing with it when they have kids. Don’t fuck with me. This is an easy out. Grant will take you home, any word or your face in the paper, and all kid gloves are off. Understand?” Jody nodded, and finally it was over. He was free.

  Out in the hallway he hit the button for the elevator. Once inside he kissed Shelly, this time not giving a shit who saw. She was his and nothing else mattered.

  “I love you,” then he kissed her on the tip of her nose.

  “And I love you.”


  Three Months Later….

  After the craziness of dealing with Jody and the press, he had been able to maintain a normal boring life. Granted he still drank but not as much. Sky was turning into a beach ball, but she found out she was having twins. Shelly was thrilled. Her business was taking off and because of her odd hours, he hated her across town. After a long fight and several make up sessions, she had agreed to move in with him. Plus it was closer for her to hang out with Sky or even for Sky to come over and have cookies with them.

  However, tonight he was doing everything to seal her to him permanently. He had gone to Sweet Tooth and picked up some tiramisu, which was Shelly’s favorite. He had asked Mickey to pick it up but it seemed the man was leaving the desserts to them from now on. Maybe it was because Gabby had bright pink hair now and her knee highs showed off how short her shorts were under her apron. He personally thought it was hot, well not as hot as his woman. Gabby had something interesting about her.

  Wiping his hands over his jeans, he sat at his piano and started playing. He heard Shelly’s car in the drive so he switched to her favorite song, letting the notes fill the room. He had asked Sky to help him with the plan. Candles floated in various spots and flowers he had no clue what they were called, covered the areas not lit. It felt weird to him yet he knew Shelly would love it. She stopped at the entryway and looked at him. He moved his eyes up and down her body. Her red fuck me pumps screamed at him but he continued his journey to her black pencil skirt followed by a low-cut white silk blouse had some weird ruffles. Sky had taken her shopping and he was glad because it gave him a reason to tear everything off her. Her hair was up in a side braid. A small smile spread across her face. He held her eyes, never leaving her. Her green eyes sparkled with the candlelight. She took a step into the middle of the room.

  “Stay there.” He walked over to her. His heart felt like it was fluttering out of his chest. Crap, this was scarier than he thought. He got down on one knee.

  “Shelly McKnight. I know I am a pain in the ass and I have way too many issues, but I am hoping you will look past it and be mine. Be my wife and mother to my crazy hyper children.” Once again her mouth opened and closed.

  “Ask me again?”

  “What again?” He knew where she was going. Shelly wanted to play.

  “You know.”

  “Marry me, Red.”

  “Well, you did go through all this work and it’s not like I have a lot of plans…”

  “Woman, answer me, this is killing my knee.” This time she giggled.

  “Yes, you dork. Of course.” He jumped up, sweeping her into his arms, kissing her soundly.

  “God, I love you, Red.”

  “As you should.”

  “You know something I have always wanted to do?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I think it’s time to break in the piano.”

  “Really?” Her voice squeaked.

  “Really. After all, I like to play with things I tend to keep.” Her sweet laughed filled the room and finally everything was as it should be. He got the girl who could put up with him and all his childish antics, yet she made him a better man. Life couldn’t get any better, well maybe—if she could play Mario naked. Oh yeah, naked was good.

  The End

  Books by Whiskey Starr

  Surviving the Dream

  Beat to Their Heart

  Playing for Keeps

  Would love to hear from you!!



  Excerpt from Beat to Their Heart

  Surviving the Dream

  By Whiskey Starr

nbsp; “You want me to do what?” There was no way he wanted him to take his shirt off.

  “Listen, man, sex sells and since they can’t see you sitting behind the drums, they need to see something, so take off the shirt. The ladies will love it.” Joey glared at him, but it was Mickey who pulled him aside.

  “Listen, bro, just do it. No one can really see too much, and no one close enough can see the marks. All they will see are the tattoos. Come on, Joey.” Mickey was practically pleading with him.

  “Fine. But you f*****g owe me,” he grumbled as he pulled his shirt up and over his head. His back was covered in tattoos, and his chest had several ones that had a special meaning to him. Walking over to the bar, he got a drink after everything was set up to his preference.

  Time seemed to fly as they were given an introduction from the owner of the club. The club was located in a high trafficked area of LA that seemed to attract a lot of big names in music. Not thinking about that, Joey looked to his left that had the lineup of songs for the set, so he knew what was coming next. Looking out in the crowd he was surprised at how packed the club had become. Nothing like the small dives they had played in the past, this was the real deal. Giving everything he had to the music, he let Mickey take lead and when it came time for the drum fill, he let his sticks fly showing everyone what he could do.

  When the song finished he was shocked at the cheers and screams coming from the crowd, but it was time for a break. He sure needed it. Not used to actual lights, he found himself thirsty. He could use another shot, but drank some water first, making sure he didn’t get sick and screw up his kit. He took a breather and actually found a seat at the bar to rest for a minute.

  A young girl, who wore a, “I’m Twenty-one Today,” sash and crown walked over to him.

  “Hey, you guys are awesome. Do you guys take requests?”

  “Thanks for the compliment, but we don’t do covers, we are all original,” he said as he went about drinking his water. He wasn’t going to touch her. He needed to keep a clear head if he wanted to finish this set and see what would happen next. He spotted Marty talking with Mickey and some guys in expensive suits. Looking around the club, he noticed a larger younger crowd. Typical for this part. He was about to leave when he looked by the door to a woman who was definitely not twenty-one. Starting with her shoes, working his way up, she wore some type of boots with skintight jeans that showed off all her natural curves. Such a contrast to the skinny women who looked like toothpicks. Continuing his journey up her body, she wore a black tank top with no crazy designs or colors. It was a very simple outfit, but given her shape, it made his c**k pay attention to her. A cute face that wasn’t covered in make-up, at least that he could see, and brown hair that was clipped in the front to keep it out of her face. She was definitely someone he wanted to talk to. Watching as she and her friend, whom he glanced at but didn’t give much thought, followed alongside.

  Watching under hooded eye the two women asked for rum and cokes before turning and talking to each other. He had to get on stage soon, so he figured why not talk to her. The worst that could happen is she ignored him.

  “Hi, ladies,” trying to remember what manners he did have.

  “Umm, hi,” said the friend, while the beauty who captured his interest looked down at her drink trying to avoid eye contact.

  “I’m Joey, and you ladies are?”

  “Hi, Joey, I’m Casey, and this is Skylar.”

  “Skylar, that’s a unique name,” he thought that sounded good. It'd been a while since he spoke normal to a woman instead of his usual line of "Let's f**k."

  “You ladies having fun?” he asked, trying to make small talk, seeing if she would respond to him.

  “We just got here. Heard the band is pretty hot. Do you know them?” Oh so they came to see the band.

  “Yup, they are pretty good.” He smiled knowingly. “They go on in a few minutes. Do you like rock music, Skylar?” He was trying to get her attention, and when she did look up, warm brown eyes looked directly at him. Damn she was beautiful. The women he had before didn’t even come close in comparison to her.

  “Yes, I like rock music, though I admit I don’t get to listen to a live band very often.”

  “Well then you’re in for a treat. Look, I got to run, but can I talk to you later?” Hoping she would say yes, she just smiled at him sweetly before nodding. He turned and ran to the stage getting ready to start. He caught her in the audience and he kept his eyes on her while the others welcomed them back. He pointed his stick at her giving her a wink before counting out the song. Then he was in the zone.

  Excerpt from Taming Chaos

  Raining Chaos Book One

  By Lynne St. James

  Yup now this is what I’d expected. Seeing all the skanky women pour into the dressing room was more than I wanted to deal with, or maybe I was just jealous? At least that’s what Michelle would say. She might be right, but hell, I’m not admitting it to anyone. Still, there was no way I was going to stand there while some hoe practically climbed into his pants.

  I doubt anyone noticed when I left anyway. My suitcase was still in Michelle’s car, so I figured I might as well get it now and head to the bus. Maybe I could get settled in before they all showed up with their sex partners for the night. Gross. Seriously, how could anyone have sex with random strangers just because they were rock stars? Okay, who was I kidding, I wanted Chaos, would I give in to that—hell no. It’d be totally wrong. Isn’t that what I hated most about my father? He was all about loving them and leaving them, at least as far as mom was concerned.

  Grabbing the suitcase from the car I shoved her spare key in the hideaway box under the front wheel well. Thank God I’d remembered it was there because I sure as hell hadn’t remembered to get the keys from her before I left the party. She’d been all over Flame. I knew she liked Raining Chaos but I hadn’t realized she had the hots for him until the drive over. All she did the whole time was ask about him. It was funny. Too bad this wasn’t her job for the next two weeks, she would have enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than I will.

  Looking for the buses, I followed the directions dickman had given me earlier. I went back in the Garden and down the long hallway to the rear exit. I’d almost made it when I heard the sound of high heels on the tile floor behind me. Fully expecting it to be one of the skanks from the party, I turned to come face-to-face with Sweets. Oh shit.



  “Cynda is it or should I just call you bitch?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I don’t like you coming in here and butting in. We don’t need you and Chaos definitely doesn’t need you. I’ve got everything he needs right here.” She gestured across her body, and yeah she had it. Huge boobs trying to escape from the leather vest she wore over a way too short leather mini-skirt and black high heels with silver studs. If this is what he liked more power to him, it just reinforced the no sex no way rule. I thought Wrath had said they were like sisters. Maybe someone needed to tell her.

  “I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to back off. I’m not here to hurt anyone or cause problems. I’m just here to do my job. You don’t like it, talk to Chaos, he’s the one who made me come on tour with you. Trust me it wasn’t my idea.”

  “Yeah I know,” she answered and took a drink from the beer in her hand. She was drunk, it was obvious, but I didn’t think it mattered. She’d been shooting shitty looks at me since I’d shown up earlier.

  “So if you know, why are you giving me shit?”

  “Because I want you to fuckin’ walk away, stay off the fuckin’ bus. Make up some damn excuse but stay the fuck away from all of us.”

  “No way. I told you I have a job to do and I’m going to do it. What the hell is your problem? I know he’s not your boyfriend, so what’s with the possessive act?”

  “Bitch, you have no idea. You’d have to be crazy to think he’d want you.”

  I agreed
with her but it still hurt. Michelle had given me a makeover and even convinced me to buy and wear make-up. New clothes, new hair, and still there was no way I could or would want to compete with these skanks for his attention. “I told you I’m here for work. I don’t want him and I don’t care what you two do. Got that?”

  I’d had enough, I was tired, it’d been a long ass day and I wanted to find a place to sleep, even if it was a chair on the damn bus. At least dickman told me they didn’t sleep on the bus with the guys, they were on the second bus.

  “You need to sleep it off,” I said as I turned hoping to get away from her before it got worse. No such luck when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning I gave her the ‘fuck you bitch’ look, but she either didn’t care or was too drunk to notice.

  “Listen, Cinder, or whatever your name is. Don’t make me hurt you…”

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