Book Read Free

Capone_Rebel Guardians MC

Page 14

by Liberty Parker

  “Appreciate it.”

  “Did it for your woman. And the money.” Well, of course they did it for the fucking money. Assholes.

  “Still appreciate it, Silas. My woman deserves everything good.”

  “Not sure why she’s with you then, but whatever,” he grunts. I go to answer only to see that he’s disconnected the call. Fucker. Why is it those three are always hanging up on me without telling me first?

  I pick up the phone and look through my contacts and hit Axe’s number.

  “Yello,” he answers.

  “It’s done.”

  “That’s great news. One less thing on our plate. Talk to you later. Gotta go, brother.” And he hangs up, at least he had the decency to let me know before disconnecting. I go back to what I was doing before Silas called and soon have the information I need for us to start the gun range.


  I’m in the middle of working on a customer when Kade walks in with a huge grin on his face. “What’s up?” I ask him as he leans in to kiss me, being careful of the hair color on the brush I’m holding.

  “Got some good news a bit ago. We’re celebrating tonight so be ready.”

  Celebrating? What on earth? “Where are we going?”

  “The Barn House. Already called and made a reservation. You can be ready by six, right?” That’s Gino’s place if memory serves, I’ve never been but I’ve had his food at clubhouse gatherings, so I’m excited to see what all he has available on his menu.

  Cassarah overhears him and looks at the book. “We’re done at two, girl, so yes, you’ll be ready.”

  “I guess that’s a yes,” I tell him. “What do I wear?”

  “We’ve got time to go shop,” Cassarah replies. Great, more shopping. These women and their penchant for shopping is something I just don’t understand.

  “Fantastic,” I mutter, causing her to giggle.

  “Seriously, it won’t take long. I’ll do your hair and make-up before we go.”

  “I’m excited, you’re a godsend, Cassarah! I always have issues doing my own hair, I can’t wait to see what you do.”

  “It’s settled then, shopping, hair and make-up!”

  Have I mentioned how much I hate shopping? I’ve tried on no less than ten dresses and none of them are working for me. They’re either too tight, too short or just plain don’t look right on me. I’m about to the point of being ready to throw the towel in and give up.

  “Let’s hit another store,” Cassarah states, I know she’s feeling my frustration.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling these,” I sigh.

  “And while they looked good on you, the ones that were too tight weren’t ‘you’ and I know the shorter styles aren’t really your thing. But I have one more store in mind. It’s more of a boutique, but they’ve got a lot of variety and don’t always go to current fashion with regard to length.”

  “You know me so well, don’t you?” I ask.

  She grins and nods. “C’mon, let’s go check it out.” So I hop back into her car and she heads a little ways out of town to a small hole-in-the-wall that is still cute in a bohemian kind of way.

  Walking in, I spot what I think will be ‘the dress’ and head in that direction. “Oh, I like that one!” Cassarah says. I look through the rack and find my size and head over to the dressing room to try it on. Minutes later, I’m standing in front of her, twirling around and admiring how the bottom of the dress swooshes against my calves. “He’s gonna love it!”

  “Well, that was an easy choice, we should have come here first!” I state, heading back to change.

  “Next time, we’ll start here first.”

  “Hell, I’ll be back my next day off because there are a lot of cute things here. I just don’t have time today.”


  I walk up to the apartment, ready to go. I got showered and changed at the clubhouse so that Bridget could have her time to get ready. I want tonight to be special so I grabbed a bouquet of wildflowers for her as well. Knocking on the door, I wait for her to open it and when she does, I find myself speechless for the first time in my life.

  “Kade! Why did you knock? Why didn’t you use your key?” she asks. Standing in front of me is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever laid eyes on. It goes beyond her physical beauty. It’s something that shines from within.

  “Because I wanted it to be like a real date, sweetheart,” I say. “You look...ravishingly beautiful.” And she does. Her hair and make-up are done, but not overly heavy, more an enhancement of who she is. And the fucking dress...holy fucking hell. It’s some kind of fabric that I thank God mankind knows how to make because it dips and swirls, not really showing any skin per se, but instead, showcasing her.

  She does a little twirl, and I see her dress flair around her, then she says, “I fell in love with it at the last place we stopped.”

  “Fucking stunning, Bridge,” I tell her, leaning in to give her a kiss. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Just let me grab my purse.”

  “Babe, just saying, but you don’t need a purse since I’m paying.”

  “Um, lip gloss? Tissues? Driver’s license? You gonna carry those for me too?”

  I chuckle because she’s standing there with a hand on her hip and all I can think about is messing her up...sliding that dress up over her hips, pulling those fat curls down out of that thing she’s got going on, smudging her make-up and making her holler out my name as I pound into her. She snaps her fingers and asks, “Where’d you go?”

  “Just thinking about later, baby,” I reply.

  “Y’know I’m a sure thing, right?” she asks, giving me a wink.

  “Yeah, me too, babe. Was wondering how loud I could get you to scream tonight.” Yeah, that blush that’s covering her cheeks and upper chest tells me that my girl’s on the same page as I am. I know we’re celebrating the demise of the Devil’s Demon’s, courtesy of the Nelson brothers, but in actuality, I used it as an excuse to take her out on the town and show off my woman. I want the world to know she belongs to me, I need all of the male population to know she’s off limits.

  “There you go spacing out on me again, can we go ahead and go? I’m really excited about checking out Gino’s place.”

  “Sounds like a great idea. I need to get out of this enclosed space before we end up spending the evening in bed.” I grab her hand, lock up the apartment, and sprint to my truck. I knew she’d be wearing a dress tonight, so I brought my truck out of storage for this evening.

  “No bike tonight, huh?” she asks as I help her in on the passenger side.

  “Uh, no. You’re mine and while that dress isn’t risqué by any means, I know what it’s covering and baby, just saying, no one else gets to see that, it’s mine, plain and simple. Plus, it’s unsafe for you to be dressed like you are and get on a bike. Your safety is my top priority.”

  “You do realize how um...caveman-ish that sounds? I mean, I get wearing proper clothing on a bike but just gotta state that me in jeans and a jacket is a lot more form-fitting than my dress.”

  “Me Tarzan, you Jane,” I reply which has her giggling.

  “As long as you don’t beat your chest and do the whole grunting and pointing thing, I’m good, Kade.”

  “Nah, babe. I’ll just piss on you and mark my territory.” I give her a devilish smile and she breaks out in more giggles.

  “Eww...I can’t even imagine letting you get away with that one. I’d be gagging and swatting you at the same time...I mean can you even picture that?” When the last word leaves her mouth, I laugh loud and hard. Because, yes, I can picture that scene and I have a feeling it would get a million hits if it ended up on social media.

  Once we’re on our way, I grab her hand in mine and get her to talk about the rest of her day. I know she leaves next week to go get her state board certifications and I can not only see, but hear, the excitement. I love how she’s opening up and sharing her feelings and thoughts with me. It’s a h
uge jump from where she was just a few short days ago.

  “We’re here,” I tell her and her eyes light up when she sees Gino’s establishment.

  “Wow! It literally looks like a barn,” she awes. I chuckle at the innocence that still emanates off of her sometimes.

  “Let’s go eat, sweetheart.”


  We walk hand-in-hand through the front doors and I’m doing what I can to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. Gino has combined the best of both worlds from what I can see so far. Downstairs is a bar and dance area, with tables and booths around the room. There’s a set of stairs that the hostess motions us toward that lead up into a dining area that manages to maintain an air of privacy. There are no real tables, just booths. “Kade, it’s gorgeous!” I whisper.

  “It’s a sight to behold. I was enamored my first time I came.”

  “Here are your menus. Your waitress will be with you shortly. In the meantime, could you give me your drink orders so I can get those brought out to you?”

  “Can I get one of those blackberry margaritas? The girls all said they’re awesome.”

  “Whatever you want, Bridge.” I grin because he has no clue what his words do to me sometimes. I’ve come a long way from where I was when I arrived in Corinth, but there are still a few little insecurities that show up from time to time and this is one of them. I never really had choices. Even knowing that I do now, sometimes, my brain tries to revert.

  “Have I said thank you lately? For everything you’ve done for me since I got here?”

  He reaches over the table and grabs my hand in his, “I wish I could take the credit for everything you’re saying I’ve done, but it’s you, Bridget. I’ve only held out my hand, you’re the one who’s chosen to take it and move forward. I’ll always do everything I can to make you happy and help pave the way for whatever road you want to take in life.”

  Fuck, he’s going to make me cry in this place! Blinking quickly, I smile and he leans closer and swipes at the tear that managed to escape. “No tears, baby. Just speaking the truth. You’ve been the one who’s worked her ass off.”

  “I know, Kade, but there were times I didn’t wanna look at stuff and you gave me the courage to do it anyway.”

  “How did I do that?”

  “By being here.” And now I see him gulp as my words hit him. He honestly has no fucking clue what him being willing to overlook my past has done for my overall healing. “You’re a special man, Kade, and I’m glad you chose me.”

  “I love you, Bridget, flaws and all. That’s not gonna change.”

  I’m about to answer him when the waitress returns with our drinks. One sip of the blackberry margarita and I look at him and say, “We’re so getting a blender!” His laughter rings out and I sit and admire how handsome he is. I don’t think he realizes his appeal and maybe he’s not all that to others but to me, he’s the creamer in my coffee, he’s the sunlight over a lake. He’s become everything to me. I can feel tears threatening again and wonder why I’m so fucking emotional.

  “I’ll get you a blender, baby. Now, what has you with shiny eyes?” he asks.

  “I think sometimes my emotions just want to leak out. Right now, I’m so happy, I want to sit here and sob, but at the same time bask in the glory of what I have. Which sounds ridiculous to my own ears. Are you sure you want me around for the rest of your life? Obviously, I’ve got a few screws loose or something.” God, I sound like a damn basket case, if anything makes him leave it’s going to be my crazy ramblings.

  “Baby, I know how to use a screwdriver.” his words have me squirming in my seat because the tone of voice he used was the one that has me wanting to jump his bones. He grins at my discomfort before he asks, “You want some of this bread?” The waitress had dropped off a loaf of warm bread and butter. I think I’m scenting some cinnamon in the butter if my senses are working correctly. The aroma is intoxicating and my mouth is watering.

  “Yes, please.” He cuts several slices and then butters them before placing one on the small plate that miraculously appeared. “Oh holy hell, it’s cinnamon butter,” I moan around the first bite.

  “Yeah, baby. Something about ‘cleansing the palate’ or some shit,” he shrugs his shoulders.

  “Well, it’s definitely cleansing mine,” I moan out around a bite.

  “Please don’t moan like that while we’re out in public. My dick jerks and gets ready to enter your body when it hears that particular sound.”

  “Kade! You can’ can’t talk like that in a place like this!” I know my face is flaming red and all he does is laugh! I nearly groan out loud from his words, just his voice has the same effect he’s claiming my moans of delight have on him. “Tell him to hunker down for now, he can come out to play tonight.”

  “You bet your sweet ass he will,” and suddenly, his voice is huskier than it was previously, and I have to clench my thighs. Tonight suddenly seems very far off in the future. I clear my throat to ease the tension I feel wrapped around me. I’m about to tell him we should grab our food to go when a voice startles the thought right out of my mind.

  “Are you ready to place your order?” Where did the waitress come from? It’s as if she snuck up on us and has now broken the moment we were sharing. Once our orders are placed, we begin talking again, but this time nothing panty melting takes place. In no time at all our dinner arrives and we begin stuffing our faces with all the deliciousness that touches my tongue. I’m so in tune with my meal that I don’t even look his way, but knowing he’s doing the same as I am is a relief. I love my food, and am happy that me shoveling food in my face doesn’t bother him in the least. He’s told me before that he enjoys a woman who doesn’t skirt around the fact that she’s hungry and just eat rabbit food. I love a good salad as much as the next girl, but it never seems to fill the rumble in my stomach. Once our food is consumed, Capone pays the bill and helps me out of my seat.

  “How about a little dancing before we call it a night?” he asks me.

  “Yes, please,” I reply. It’s been a long time since I’ve let loose on the dance floor. I follow him down the stairs and he leads me on the crowded floor. There’s a fast song playing, more of a hip-hop, country song and the rhythm is catchy. I watch in amazement as he takes the lead and can’t believe that my man knows how to dance. He’s really good, and I mimic his moves trying not to be left behind. He grabs my hips and pulls my body flush to his. My breathing picks up, and not from the exertion of dancing. I can feel my face flush as he grinds into me, we may not have our clothes off, but this is just as intimate feeling.

  “You’re really good!” I holler over the music.

  “I was the youngest and the only boy in the family, the girls used me for practice, I picked up a thing or two,” he says. I picture this little boy being used by a group of girls trying to learn to dance and using him to practice on and can’t help but giggle.

  “That sounds like a fun time!”

  “Why are you yelling?”

  “Because it’s really loud,” I say in a duh way.

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “You’re really sexy when you look at me like that,” and I scrunch up my nose trying to figure out how it is I’m looking at him.

  “Just letting you know, we won’t be here much longer. I wanted a reason to put my hands on you and didn’t want to wait until we were home.” His words cause me to do a full-body shiver. “Anticipation makes it that much sweeter.”

  I’m a panting mess right now and am ready to grab his hand and lead him out of here, but like him, I’m enjoying his hands on me too much to do as I desire most. His hands are on my hips and we dance like they do in the movies, it’s sexy, passionate and I want to have my wicked way with him, here and now.

  “Get me out of here,” I lean up on my toes and whisper in his ear. I see his eyes gleam with sexual heat and he nods his head at me.

  Grabbing my hand in his, he pulls me close and leads me off the dance f
loor and out to his truck. Before helping me in, he presses against me and I can feel how much he wants me. Leaning down, his lips caress mine before he deepens the kiss while grinding himself into me. Fuck. I may combust here and now if he keeps that shit up!

  The drive home seems both fast and slow and I’m already picturing jumping his bones even though I’m a sweaty mess from dancing. Oooo…shower sex! I’m so asking for that so we can get clean before we get dirty!

  We’re barely inside the door before he’s pressing me against the wall, his hands gliding under my dress. “Dammit,” he murmurs when he comes to my thong. I know it’s soaked with all the playing we did. He strokes my clit through the fabric and I moan.

  “Wall sex?” I ask playfully as his hand strokes between my legs.

  “Fuck, you’re perfect for me,” he says, unzipping his pants before he lifts me and impales me on his cock.

  All thoughts flee my head as he starts a punishing pace, the weight of his body keeping me up as his hands stroke everywhere he can reach. I feel my dress pulled over my head and grin, knowing he’s now seeing the sexy bra that was a helluva lot of money considering it’s little more than fancy dental floss. Leaning his head in, he grabs one of my nipples between his lips and I arch my back, which drives him further inside. “Get there, Bridge, not gonna last much longer,” he says, his hips moving faster. He grabs one of my hands and brings it down to where we’re connected and I find myself stroking my clit with his help.

  “God, Kade, better every fucking time,” I moan. I know I’m a hot mess right now and don’t give that first flying fuck. I can feel my pussy clenching down on him and scream out my release as he relentlessly thrusts into me.

  “Fuck! Bridget!” he hollers out as he comes, our harsh breathing the only sound that can now be heard.

  Long minutes pass as he presses his forehead to mine. Finally leaning back, he kisses my lips and says, “Let’s move this party, shall we?” before he carries me into the bedroom and sets me down. Looking down at me, he grins and I smile back at him. “Thinking we need to get cleaned up, beautiful. We’re both hot messes.” I can’t help but laugh at his words because I have sweat in places I didn’t think was humanly possible.


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