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Capone_Rebel Guardians MC

Page 16

by Liberty Parker

  “Oh lord. These guys are worse than women and I bet anything that Elijah will be calling me any second now.” That’s just what we need, a pissed of man blowing our phones up.

  I roll my eyes as I maneuver to get us back on the road. They’ll either catch up or not, I don’t really care at this point. “You doing okay?” I ask as I speed up and change lanes.

  “Peachy. I’m ignoring his texts right now, though,” she says through gritted teeth.

  Glancing over, I see her clutching her stomach and am about to say something when she quietly says, “Oh, fuck!” and I see the front of her capris darken.

  “Cassarah?” I nearly holler, but hold myself back because...holy hell, she looks pale and a bit freaked out.

  “I think my water just broke.” No,nonononono, this cannot be happening!



  I’m whistling as I let myself into the apartment. My arms are full of flowers and surprises for Bridget’s homecoming. Closing and locking the door, I start setting things up to celebrate in as she requested, when my phone rings. Law? Why would Law be calling?

  “Man, what’s up?”

  “Fuck, Jaxson just called and said your woman is driving like a bat out of hell to get home so she can, and I’m quoting here, avoid having to deliver a baby on side of the road! I knew I should have gone with her!”

  “Have you tried to call Cassarah?” I ask.

  “She won’t answer her damn phone,” he shouts. I pull my phone back and look at it because this is not Law’s normal demeanor. To say I’m shocked is an understatement.

  “Let me try Bridget and I’ll call you right back,” I hang up the phone not giving him a chance to say anything.

  The first call goes to voicemail so I hang up and try again. When the next two go as well, I call Jaxson to see if he can shed some light on what the fuck is going on with mine and Law’s women.

  His voice is harried when he answers and he says, “Can’t really talk right now, Capone. Kinda busy here.” Then he hangs up. Busy doing what, for fuck’s sake? And he hung up on me? Oh hell no.

  Calling Bandit, I say, “I need you to tell me where Bridget is right now.” I know I’m being sharp, but I don’t have time to deal with the bullshit of a conversation.

  “Hang shows her on I-30 and Barton Road, man.”

  “Car still moving, right?” I ask, grabbing my keys.


  “Got a mile marker or anything?” I question, heading out of the apartment and toward my bike.

  “Maybe twenty or so miles out of town, why?” he asks.

  “Thinking the baby is coming.” Of fucking course this would be happening when neither Law or I are there.

  “Fuck, alright, I’ll pass this onto Law and we’ll head out.”

  “Appreciate it.” I hang up the phone and rush to get on the right path to reaching my woman and my friends old lady.

  I waste no time to get out onto I-30. My woman needs me and I promised her I’d be there for her in all ways.


  “Who’d you hang up on?” I ask Jaxson as we both work to get Cassarah comfortable in the back seat. I’m glad I have a bunch of towels but think that my vehicle might be toast.

  Not sure there’s any way to come back from amniotic fluids and what-not seeping into the leather. Dammit. Maxum already called for an ambulance so we’re trying to keep her comfortable until they arrive.

  “Capone,” he mutters. “Damn, I wish the ambulance would get here.” He looks nervous as fuck and I feel a little bit sorry for the guy.

  At his admission, I start laughing. We’ve all been ignoring our phones and I’m sure the two men are going nuts, if they’re not already on their way here.

  “Bridget?” Cassarah asks.

  “Yeah?” I respond.

  “I’ve...I think I’ve gotta push, now,” she states.

  “What? No pushing! Hold your legs shut! I don’t know how to help birth a baby.”

  “Bridget, you need to check her,” Jaxson says, moving back.

  “Why me?”

  “Uh, because I kinda like breathing and I think if I do it, Law’ll kill me and manage to get off.” His eyes are as wide as saucers, he honestly believes Law will kill him.

  Fuck my life. I feel like that woman in Gone With the Wind when she said she knew nothing about birthing babies. Me either! Taking a deep breath, I pour a bottle of water over my hands before I spritz some hand sanitizer on them, grateful that I have the clean towels and what-not from my testing. “You sure, Cassarah?” I ask.

  “God, do whatever you need to do, Bridget,” she pants out. I slip her pants down, giving her an apologetic look before I slide her panties down.

  “Sorry, Cassarah,” I whisper. I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for and then I see what looks like a head. “Fuck.”

  “What?” she yells.

  “I think this baby is coming,” I state.

  “Hang on,” Jaxson states. “I’m pulling up how to deliver a baby.”

  “Make sure it answers you soon!” I holler out, while having a major freak-out. And Cassarah? She’s calm as a fucking cucumber.

  Jaxson starts to talk and I focus on what he’s saying while keeping an eye out for the ambulance. “Maxum? What the fuck’s taking them so fucking long?” I ask.

  He hollers back, “I just called again and all are stuck in a car accident a few miles back. I told them we had a baby being born and they’re sending one on now.”

  “Push, Cassarah,” I say as I keep my hands close. Maxum is reading the instructions to me and Jaxson has gone to the other side and is helping her lean forward whenever I tell her to push. Neither man is looking, which is good because they’re kinda nice guys and I don’t want Law blinding them, but right now I’d go to the wall for both of them against those bossy bikers. “One more, the head’s almost out,” I tell her.

  She takes a deep breath and Jaxson starts counting again and then she pushes and...holy shit, she did it! “Head’s out,” I say, working to keep my tears from flowing. It’s hotter than hell out, and with my ass end crouched by the side of the car, I can feel the heat pounding down on me. She doesn’t say anything in response and I’m about to look up when with a slight oomph, the baby all but falls into my arms. Not wanting to take any chances, I cradle it in one arm and grab another clean towel before I gently flip it over onto her stomach and begin gently rubbing the baby down, Maxum’s voice telling me what to do.

  I’m about to panic when I hear the baby cry out and then Cassarah gasp at the sound. “Oh, my goodness. What...what did I have, Bridget?” she asks, her voice all shaky.

  “I didn’t look!” I admit. Nope, not me, I was focused on not dropping the little one.

  “Well, dammit, woman, you’ve been all up in my hoo-ha, let me know what I’ve given birth too!” she demands, laughter now lacing her voice.

  I gently turn the baby over and grin...Law is so fucked! “It’s a little girl.”

  Her giggles turn into full-out laughter and we join in. I’m so relieved that everything seems to be okay that I never hear the sound of the bikes as they approach or the running feet, until I feel his arms around me. “Hey, baby, I’ve got you,” Kade whispers. “Let Law in, sweetheart.” He pulls me back and Law takes my place. I’ve never seen a look like he’s wearing as he gazes at his wife and then the baby.

  “You okay?” he whispers, reaching a finger out to stroke down the baby’s cheek.

  “Never better,” she replies, her hand joining his. “We’ve got a baby girl, Elijah.”

  I start giggling at his quiet ‘fuck’ and turn into Kade’s arms. “Where’s the ambulance?” he asks me.

  “Maxum said they were on the way. There was an accident or something but when he told them that a baby was being born, they promised they’d send one our way.”

  “Your woman did fantastic,” Jaxson says, coming up alongside us.

  “I couldn’t have done
it without y’all,” I reply, looking at him and Maxum.

  We’re standing there quietly talking when the ambulance finally pulls up. I look at the first paramedic and say, “Momma and baby appear to be fine.”

  “We’re sorry it took so long. Multi-car pile-up pulled all our resources. We were on our way here and got stopped.”

  In a few short minutes, they’ve delivered the rest of it, which I’m thrilled about because Maxum’s instructions had me squirming inside. They’ve loaded up Cassarah, the baby and Law to head to the hospital to get them checked.


  As I sit here at the hospital holding my woman, I am in awe at what she, Jaxson and our prospect managed to do on their own. “So fucking proud of you, baby,” I whisper. She grabbed clothes from her suitcase and changed when we got here and I had the prospect take her vehicle back. It’s gonna need a major detailing but she’s already mentioned wanting a new one. Anything she wants, I’ll make sure she gets it and I told her that when she mentioned it to me.

  “Why? I just did what Jaxson told me to do,” she replies.

  “Yeah, but you were calm and kept your shit together, that’s something to be proud of.”

  “Not on the inside, Kade. I was a nervous wreck whether or not anyone else could tell or not, I’m a good actress I suppose,” she states, shrugging her shoulders.

  I’m about to say something when Law comes rushing out where we’re all sitting and excitedly says, “Momma and baby are doing fine. She wants to see y’all,” pointing to Bridget, Jaxson and Maxum.

  They silently stand and follow him to the room, and because I’m me, I follow. I need eyes on my woman because not being able to get her earlier sent me into a panic. Inside the room, Cassarah is holding their little girl, a tired smile gracing her face. My mind immediately goes to when Bridget will be in that position. We need to get that checked out as soon as possible because the thought of her swollen with our child settles something deep inside.

  “I...we wanted you to meet Miss Kaylee Cecilia Jackson. I wanted to use Cecily, but it didn’t flow as well,” Cassarah says with mist in her eyes.

  “Congrats you two,” I reply, leaning down and kissing the little one’s forehead.

  “She’s beautiful,” Bridget says. I can hear the longing in her voice and pull her close.

  “Baby, we’re going to go next week, y’hear?” I whisper. She nods and I know she understands what I’m talking about. We set up her appointment with the gynecologist to check on her ability to bear children. She’ll always hurt for the one she was forced to abort, but the time and situation weren’t right. Not to mention the fact that she really had no say so in that situation. I’m glad her asshole brother is six feet under, otherwise I would be hunting him down and making him pay further for the things he put my woman through.

  “We appreciate y’all helping,” Law tells Jaxson and Maxum. “If you two hadn’t been there, God knows what would’ve happened.”

  “Brother, I would hope if I ever get an old lady and she’s in the same boat, that someone would help her,” Jaxson states.

  “Same applies here,” Maxum replies.

  “You’re good men,” Bridget tells the two.

  “We just did what anyone in our situation would’ve done,” Maxum replies and I swear I see a blush go up his cheeks, but when I look again he’s schooled his features and looks normal.

  “No, you actually went above and beyond,” Cassarah tells them. “Bridget and I would have been in big trouble if the two of you hadn’t kept us calm and focused. Give yourself the credit that’s well deserved.”

  “I have to agree with my old lady,” Law adds, “I’m forever grateful to the two of you for what you’ve done. And Bridget, you were there for her in her time of need, if you ever need anything, I’m your man,” he states, pounding his fist to his chest.

  “I may take you up on that if Capone steps out of line,” Bridget says, breaking the tension in the room. Law and I crack up in laughter and Maxum and Jaxson look as if they’d rather be anywhere but here.

  “We just wanted to say our thanks, you two can leave if you want to,” Law tells them. They nod their heads at all of us and take off out of the room. I watch to see if I’ll see smoke coming from their heels with how fast they took off when told they could do so.

  “I’m sure everyone else will be descending any time now,” I say. “Think I’ll take my old lady home.”


  We barely make it through the front door before we tear each other’s clothes off. It’s been a long few days and I’ve missed him terribly. I can’t keep my hands off of him and it seems he’s feeling the same way. Our lips are attached when I feel him bend down and lift me off my feet. He carries me bridal style down the hallway into our bathroom. He detaches our lips long enough to say, “I missed taking care of you, let me give you a bath.” Like I’m going to turn that down, after being on the road and ‘helping’ bring a baby into the world, a bath sounds heavenly.

  “Yes,” I whisper. He sits me on the toilet and walks over to the tub and once he has it filled he again lifts me up and steps into the tub. I’m mesmerized by his bulging muscles as he holds me in his arms. He lowers my legs to where we’re both standing, facing each other. We kiss one more time before he turns me around and sinks into the tub pulling me down onto his lap.

  “You have no idea how much I love you,” he murmurs in my ear, as he wraps his arms around me.

  “If it’s as much as I love you, then yeah, I think I do,” I reply, my hands stroking his thighs.

  “Mutual admiration society then,” he says, chuckling.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  His chuckles fill my ear as he grabs my poof and sensuously begins washing me. “Your skin’s so fucking soft.” I can hear what sounds like wonder in his voice and smile. He has never said anything about the countless scars that litter my back, ass, and legs. It’s as if he doesn’t notice them, which makes me wonder how he feels. I’ve been working through my body issues in therapy, and it’s helped me tremendously with how I see myself now.

  “Kade?” I ask.


  “’ve never mentioned my scars and I know you’ve seen them by now.”

  “Baby, they’re a part of you and they show me that you’re a survivor and a warrior.”

  I breathe out a sigh of relief before saying, “Dr. Rawlings has helped me a lot when it comes to them. I’m mostly okay but sometimes wish I could cover them somehow.”

  “Bridge, you can always get tattoos to cover them. Maybe then you can get your nipples pierced,” he replies, reminding me of an earlier conversation.

  “That’ll hurt!” I state before moaning as he lightly strokes the nipples in question.

  “Just until they heal and then, baby, you’ll probably love how they feel.”

  “I’ve heard that they enhance a woman’s sexual experiences, but I’ve dealt with enough pain that the thought of purposely doing that to myself has me a little apprehensive.”

  “We could both get them done,” he suggests. “Kinda like the idea of you having something to play with when we’re making love.”

  I start to laugh then realize that I’ve read about this in my books and it might be kinda fun. “Okay, it’s a deal,” I tell him.

  His hands have not stopped moving and I can feel my body responding to his touch. I honestly never thought I would want someone sexually. In fact, I talked about it with Dr. Rawlings at my last session because it confused the hell out of me. How could I want sex with him when I was pushed into so much before? She told me that it was because he accepted me for me and loved all of me, not just parts. She said that while I still had shit to deal with, Kade was helping me heal. I can’t deny that truth because every day with him is a blessing. His hand travels down my stomach and when he touches my clit my body ignites and I’m ready for more than just touching.

  “Kade, please,” I moan.

  “I haven’t seen you
in days, let me play a little before we move to the next stage,” he whispers in my ear. I moan, but out of frustration and not pleasure.

  “I need you, we can go slow later, but right now I need you to fuck me.”


  Hearing those words come from my woman’s lips has me barely holding on to my sanity. She’s turned me from someone in total control into someone who’s snapped and ready to take her hard and my demanding self has reared his ugly head.

  “Turn around, baby,” I command.

  She turns around and I pull her onto my lap, my hard cock pressed against her stomach. “Climb aboard.”

  “With pleasure,” she says, a grin on her face. We both groan as she slides down on me. Nestled in her tight, warm heat, I am hard-pressed to keep my composure. Gripping her hips, I urge her to start moving and then groan again when she does so.

  “Fuck, Bridge. Feels so fucking good.”

  “God, yes, Kade. Please don’t stop,” she begs, as I start thrusting upward. One hand snakes between us and I begin stroking her clit. My eyes never leave her bouncing tits in my face and my mouth salivates at the thought of putting one in my mouth and tugging on her hard nub.

  I’ve never been one to leave a woman hanging, but if she doesn’t get there quick, today might be a first. “Get there, Bridget,” I grind out, my control hanging by a thread.

  “So fucking close,” she pants. I lean closer and suck one of her nipples into my mouth, nipping and sucking. Imaging these big nipples pierced has me nearly coming on the spot. That was apparently the ticket because I can feel her pussy clamping down on my dick as she keens out her pleasure.

  Three more thrusts and I’m joining her, pouring myself into her body. “Better every fucking time,” I say, my forehead now pressed against hers as we both try to catch our breath.


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