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Black Butterfly, Book 3 of the Black Burlesque Series_an Alpha male, BWWM romance

Page 19

by Tiffany Patterson

“Hey, it’s not my fault we’re late sometimes. You know how long it takes to get three kids ready to leave the damn house?” Nikola grunted.

  Andre stood. “Whatever. Just make sure to have your ass there on time,” he stated pointedly. “I’ll be in my office, if you need me,” he said as he exited. The whole way back to his own office, Andre smiled thinking about the surprise he had for his woman this weekend. He knew she’d enjoy it.


  Stacey recognized the building as soon as they turned into the parking lot. It was the restaurant she and Andre went to on their first date more than four months ago. However, instead of the parking lot being full as it was on that night, it was nearly empty.

  “Are you sure it’s open?” Stacey asked, peering out of the car window.

  “Huh, it does appear closed, doesn’t it?” Andre asked with feigned concern.

  At his tone, Stacey lifted an eyebrow. She could tell he was up to something. When he said they were going out tonight, he’d told her it was to celebrate her completing her degree and getting the job as counselor. She’d told him she didn’t want a big deal made, as she would just celebrate with her family over the Christmas holiday which was the following week. Now, she wondered what Andre had up his sleeve.

  Andre parked the car in the space nearest the door before getting out and rounding the car to open her door. “I told you we were celebrating your accomplishments tonight, and that’s what I meant.” He smiled down at her as he helped her out of the car before pressing his lips to the back of her hand.

  Stacey’s insides tingled at the feeling of his lips on her and the look of promise in his eyes. She’d spent many nights getting lost in those very eyes. She wasn’t sure what he had planned for their evening, but instinctively knew she wouldn’t regret following him wherever he led her. She put on her brightest smile. “Well then lead the way, Mr. Collins,” she purred.

  Andre’s smile turned to one of appreciation, as if he was grateful of her ability to trust in him. He held out his arm for her to grasp, and led the way into the restaurant. Unlike the first time, there wasn’t a crowd of people at the door waiting to be seated. Instead, a tall Middle Eastern man dressed in all black stood at the entrance. His sienna colored skin shone with the vibrancy of good health, and the courteous smile on his face displayed a row of perfectly white teeth. Stacey instantly felt at ease in his presence.

  “Andre, Ms. Coleman, what a pleasure it is for you to join us tonight,” he greeted.

  “Khalid, always a pleasure,” Andre returned his greeting. “Stacey, this is Khalid Fadel, owner of the Imperial Fez.”

  “Oh,” Stacey said, surprised. She wondered why the owner of the restaurant was here greeting them, but held her questions. “Thank you, Mr. Fadel. You have a wonderful establishment here,” she stated sincerely. She had fallen in love with the restaurant the first time they were here.

  “Thank you, Ms. Coleman.” Khalid bowed his head in gratitude.

  “Please, call me Stacey,” she graciously requested.

  “Will do. And you may call me Khalid. A friend of Andre’s is a friend of mine,” Khalid insisted, taking her hand and placing a kiss to the back.

  Andre cleared his throat. “Laying it on thick, aren’t you, friend,” he lightly scolded. Both Stacey and Khalid laughed.

  “Is everything ready?” Andre asked.

  Stacey caught a look that passed between Andre and Khalid that let her know there was an underlying meaning to that question. One that went beyond asking if the food was prepared. Despite her growing anticipation, she decided to let Andre fill her in when he was good and ready.

  “Yes, sir. Right this way,” Khalid answered, sweeping his arm wide and stepping to the side to let them both pass.

  Stacey noticed the interior of the restaurant was mostly dark, save for candles on some of the tables, and she could make out that there weren’t any guests in the dining areas unlike before. She heard the faint sounds of Middle Eastern music being played in the background, but that was all. Before they could fully step into the dining area, Andre stopped and turned to stand in front of her with a serious look. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Khalid step around them and proceed into the dining area.

  “Babe, I know you said you didn’t mind not having a graduation ceremony, and didn’t want a big deal made over completing your degrees, but it is a big deal. You deserve to be celebrated. You’ve accomplished a hell of a lot, and you got the job you’ve been dreaming about. I’m so damn proud of you,” he said with a look of pride on his gorgeous face.

  Stacey’s cheeks flushed at the pride she saw in his gaze and in his smile. “Thank you, Andre, but—”

  “No buts. You deserve to be revered for overcoming and making a new life for yourself after ballet. And you deserve to share this moment with the people who love you the most.”

  He paused.

  Stacey’s heart leapt at his use of the word love. Did he just admit to being in love with her?

  “Without further ado, let the celebration begin,” he ended.

  Stacey remained confused for a few seconds, still caught off guard by his use of the L-word, when she heard a shrill, “Surprise!!”

  Andre turned to stand at her side, allowing her to see into the now fully lit dining area. There stood her Aunt Ruth, Uncle Gerald, her two cousins, Mercedes and Raul, Devyn and Nikola, and even Iris and Mistress Coco. Above them hung a banner that read “CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATE.”

  Stacey’s eyes immediately watered as she turned to Andre, too touched to say anything. He pulled her in for a tight embrace and whispered in her ear, “Congratulations, baby,” before letting her go.

  “Go greet your guests.” He lightly nudged her towards her family.

  That little push was all she needed before she made her way to her aunt and uncle, wrapping her arms tightly around them both. In that moment, Stacey realized just how much she had wanted to celebrate this occasion with her family, and Andre had made it happen. When she finally greeted everyone and they congratulated her, she pulled Andre in for a scorching kiss, pouring all her gratitude and appreciation for his presence in her life into the kiss.

  “If that’s what I get for dinner, I can’t wait to see what I get for your next surprise,” he winked slyly at her.

  “Andre! I can’t believe you did this!” Stacey excitedly exclaimed. “Obviously, you’ve already met, but come let me reintroduce you to my aunt, uncle, and cousins.”

  She grasped his arm and pulled him towards her family.

  Andre’s chest filled with happiness as he noted the excitement on her angelic face. He’d spent weeks trying to coordinate with her family on the right date and time they could come from Savannah to Atlanta to help celebrate her graduation. He’d rented out the Imperial Fez because he’d remembered how much she enjoyed it the first time they came. Andre had Raul look up her aunt and uncle’s information, and from there he contacted them to request their presence. He’d spoken with her cousins as well. The only family member he didn’t have a chance to speak with over the phone was Stacey’s sister, Coral. She was a difficult woman to reach, and when he asked her other family members for her information, they were all reluctant to fork it over. They all reassured him that they would contact Coral and let her know of the dinner. Andre got the impression Coral wasn’t as close with her family as Stacey was, which she had already told him.

  For the next twenty minutes, Stacey and Andre went around introducing her family to her Atlanta friends. The entire party mingled and laughed, talking about all things burlesque, when Stacey shared that her aunt was also a big fan of the performances and that she’d also seen Devyn and Mercedes perform at the Black Kitty. Andre observed Stacey, noticing that while she seemed to be enjoying herself, she kept stealing a glance at the doorway as if expecting someone. He suspected who she was looking for and was about to go and reassure her, but he was halted by her two male cousins, Quincy and Jabari. Andre took in the serious expressions on their faces.
The way they stood on either side of him, peering at him, he knew they were attempting to intimidate him. At six-foot-two and six-foot-three with muscled frames and stern faces, they might have been intimidating to a lesser man, but Andre sure as hell wasn’t that.

  “What’s up?” Jabari, the younger of the two, asked.

  “Gentlemen,” Andre nodded, taking a sip of his scotch, “enjoying yourselves?” His tone was nonchalant.

  “You did all right,” Jabari stated looking around the room. His face softened a bit when he glanced at Stacey across the room talking to the other women.

  “Seems you did right by our little sis,” Quincy interjected, taking a sip of his own glass of scotch, his eyes never leaving Andre’s.

  Andre could tell, off the bat, Quincy was the more serious of the two brothers. He also noted that Quincy referred to Stacey as their sister, instead of cousin.

  “She looks happy,” Jabari noted, turning his attention back to Andre. “Let’s make sure it stays that way.”

  His smirk disappeared.

  “I don’t see why that would change anytime in the near future,” Andre responded.

  “Good, ‘cause our little sister means a lot to us,” Quincy began. “You know her as our cousin, but as far as we’re concerned,” he gestured between Jabari and himself, “she’s our sister. She’s been through enough and deserves to be happy.” Quincy leveled another warning look at Andre.

  “Are you two over here ganging up on Andre?” A feminine voice came from behind them.

  Andre looked up to find the woman of the hour wearing a scolding look at her two cousins.

  “No, babe.” Andre pulled her into his arms and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Your brothers here were just reminding me how lucky I am to be with you.” He gave her his usual wink.

  “Yeah, sis, we were just making friends with the man in your life,” Jabari stated, giving Stacey an innocent look.

  She looked between her two cousins and finally nodded, apparently satisfied with their explanation. When her aunt called her name, she gave Andre another kiss on the cheek and walked away, but not before peering at the door once again.

  “Just making sure we’re clear.” Quincy’s expression turned serious again.

  Jabari gave a chuckle. “Look, man, we’re just messing with you. Big brother likes doing the intimidation thing. You held up pretty cool though. I’ve seen grown men crumble under that look. Anyway, we’re nothing compared to what you’ll get from big sis,” Jabari said, turning his beer to his lips and sipping.

  At this, Andre raised an eyebrow. Apparently, he would be meeting the elusive Coral Coleman tonight. “Speaking of, are you sure—”

  “Coraaall!!” Stacey’s shrill scream filled the restaurant as she nearly sprinted across the room to embrace her sister.

  “Aww shit, big sis is in the house. Good luck, bruh,” Jabari chuckled, clapping Andre on the back.

  Quincy merely gave Andre a sideways smirk and headshake before walking over to embrace Coral.

  Andre took the time to observe Stacey’s older sister. She was about an inch or so taller than Stacey in four inch heels, black, wide dress pants, and a white top whose cleavage extended all the way down to her waist where it was cinched with a wide gold belt. She was a shade darker than Stacey. Andre noticed the auburn and black curly, tapered, haircut. He saw her piercing hazel eyes that were filled with an alert sparkle of happiness as she smiled down at her sister.

  Andre felt a sense of relief knowing that Coral was able to make it. He knew that even though the rest of her family and friends were able to make it, this celebration wouldn’t have been complete without her older sister’s presence. Stacey had shared with him many times how grateful she was for Coral, and all that she had done for her as children and as an adult to protect and care for her. Stacey had shared with her that Coral would often put herself between Stacey and their abusive father. Just thinking of a grown man—a father no less, physically harming his children caused Andre’s grip to tighten on his glass. Though Stacey had told him that she’d mainly escaped her father’s wrath thanks to her older sister, he still wasn’t sure what he’d do to the man if he were still alive. Good thing for their father’s sake, he hadn’t lived to meet Andre.

  “You’re about to meet the infamous Coral Coleman.” Andre heard a familiar voice from behind him. “Good luck.” Raul, who was flanked by Nikola, smirked.

  “I’m not that bad, Santiago,” they were interrupted. “I see my reputation precedes me.” Coral looked with assessing eyes at Andre.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the woman Stacey speaks so highly of,” Andre greeted, offering his hand.

  For a second, Coral kept her gaze on Andre as if she was reading his face for something. Finally, seemingly deciding on something, she took his hand and smiled. “Collins, you never told me how much better looking your brother was than you,” Coral stated, raising an eyebrow and glancing over Andre’s shoulder at Nikola.

  Andre smiled. I might like this woman, he thought, taking another sip of his drink.

  “Coleman, a pleasure as always,” Nikola returned lightheartedly.

  “Santiago, you’re looking good these days. I can see marriage agrees with you.” Coral tossed a look over at Raul.

  “That it does. How’ve you been?” Raul asked politely.

  “Busy.” Was all she said before turning her attention back to Andre.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you as well. My sister speaks highly of you also,” Coral told Andre.

  He could tell she was still assessing him. The way she watched his face for every expression might have unsettled anyone else. The fact that both Raul and Nikola already knew her, and apparently respected her reputation, spoke volumes to Andre about her abilities. Raul and Nikola had both spent nearly a decade in the U.S. Army after graduating from the Military Academy at West Point. They were not easily impressed men, but apparently, this Coral had earned their respect. That, combined with everything Stacey had shared with him about her sister, and his estimation of this woman went up in his eyes. However, he could tell the way she was looking at him, she still wasn’t too sure about him. No mind, she’ll come around, he thought as he took Stacey by the waist.

  “Babe, I think they’re ready to serve us now. Are you ready to eat?” he asked.

  “I am now,” she said smiling up at him. He knew she meant that now that her sister was here, everything felt right, and the celebration was official.

  The rest of the meal and festivities went off without a hitch. The group sat down to a delicious spread of salad, Moroccan lentil soup, shrimp peppell, chicken couscous, roasted lamb shanks and a special dessert of Stacey’s favorite butter pecan ice cream. As entertainment, they were joined by the restaurant’s belly dancers who put on a show meant to captivate the audience, which it surely did. The men were treated to a special gift when all the women in attendance were pulled up to join in the belly dancing. This was particularly entertaining seeing as how just about every woman, with the exception of Coral and Ruth, was a current or former burlesque dancer. Andre watched as every woman, except Coral, accepted the invitation to dance. The men clapped and whistled along. When they finished dancing, Stacey sauntered over to Andre, practically falling into his lap, and bestowed kisses along his cheek.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” she purred in his ear, causing his cock to twitch in his pants.

  “Careful, babe. You keep whispering like that in my ear, and we’re kicking everyone out and I’m taking you on every table in this place,” he growled, low so only she could hear. He smiled when he saw her visibly shiver at his lascivious words.

  “Before you kick us all out, do you mind if I speak to my sister alone?” Coral’s voice interrupted their private moment, her words making it obvious she’d overheard their little exchange.

  Andre was slightly annoyed rather than embarrassed at being overheard. After sharing Stacey with everyone for the past few hours, he really wanted t
o be alone with her.

  “Seriously, Coral?” Stacey squeaked, obviously embarrassed at her sister overhearing their exchange.

  “What?” Coral asked, deadpan.

  Stacey shook her head.

  “Go ahead, babe. You and I will have plenty of time to be alone over the next few days,” Andre reassured her.

  “Thank you, Andre.” Coral smiled at him and stood from her seat.


  Stacey followed her sister to the entrance of the restaurant. Stacey could make out a small gift bag Coral had in her hand that she hadn’t noticed earlier. Despite her little annoyance at her sister’s interruption with Andre a few moments ago, she was thrilled to have her sister there to share this experience with. Had it not been for Coral, Stacey wasn’t sure if she would have made it out of those trying months after her ballet career ended. At her lowest point, she’d spiraled down a road of depression, bitterness and fear. If it hadn’t been for Coral being there for her, she had no idea where she’d be right now.

  “Hey,” Coral said as they stopped close to the exit. “I wanted to give this to you in private.” She handed Stacey a small pink gift bag.

  Taking the bag, Stacey peered inside seeing the white wrapping paper and a gold box inside. “What is this?”

  “Open it and find out,” her sister responded.

  Eyeing her sister, Stacey put her hand in the bag, took out a gold box, and handed the bag to Coral so she could use both hands to open the jewelry box. Inside was a sterling silver, heart shaped locket with a butterfly engraved on the front. Underneath the butterfly was the inscription, “My heart.” Stacey’s brows crinkled in confusion. This locket looked familiar. Glancing up at her sister’s hazel eyes, she could see an expectant look.

  “Is this…” Stacey gasped when she finally realized where she remembered the locket from. She remembered her tiny fingers caressing the locket each night before bed as their mother read them a bedtime story. “Mom’s locket,” she whispered, stunned. She hadn’t known what had become of the locket after her mother died. She’d assumed either her mother had been buried with it, or their father had given it away as he’d done with most of their mother’s belongings after she succumbed to her illness.


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