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Pieces of Her Soul: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (Soul Tenders Book 1)

Page 21

by Serena Lindahl

  "I believe the sorting exams are an issue because you have not bonded with your matches. If your soul is fragmented into six pieces, I can imagine your skills are somewhat unpredictable. Bonds increase skills. These men are the next first tier of each of their Houses, the best in the next generation. It stands to reason that bonding with them shall increase your skills and theirs. The six of you will be a formidable force."

  Kiarra flushed prettily. The return of her normal color relieved Seb. Bonding didn't require sex but intimacy typically created a stronger bond. The nature of the Soul Match itself built upon desire, sexual chemistry, and compatibility.

  Sitting beside him, Reed was mired in one of his contemplative moods. Reed would absorb everything, examine every detail, and then formulate a response. Seb wondered if his brother was pleased his assumptions about Kiarra were correct. Kiarra was meant to be his, just not his alone. Reed might have difficulty sharing with more than just Seb; his brother had a harder time connecting to others. Seb didn't know the other men well enough to guess what their attitudes were regarding the situation.

  Kiarra's mind still fought the King's words. Seb saw the protestations flitting across her face and sensed fear emanating from her. He wasn't certain if his interpretation of her emotions stemmed from a budding bond or if he was projecting his own feelings upon her. He hoped it was the former. Almost everyone had been telling her she was nothing the majority of her life, that she was incapable of passing an exam. The knowledge that she would become the most powerful person in the realm had to be a shock to her system. Daughters of Scholars didn't become Queens. Becoming royalty wasn't even an option in their society if one wasn't born into the royal line. Like Advisors, marriages involving the royal family were only sanctioned matches by the Soul Tenders. The entire situation was unprecedented. If he didn't inherently believe in her, he would be similarly surprised.

  "I still, I can't..." she continued. The King squeezed her shoulder gently.

  "You don't have to do or say anything at the moment. You will have time to absorb the news and grow into your role. I am not dying tomorrow." The King chuckled but poor Kiarra's face simply paled further. "You will be tutored by your matches as they are tutored in their new roles. Alongside your studies, you will work on your relationships so the bond isn't stressed unduly."

  Seb studied his fellow apprentices. He knew Reed intimately; he didn't have to evaluate his brother's opinion. The Shadow had two moods, perpetually amused or completely stoic. He was impossible to read, but he couldn't hide the softness in his eyes when he looked at their Kiarra. The Merchant seemed solely focused on Kiarra as if the other information was extraneous details. His eyes caressed her form with equal parts desire and admiration. Seb understood his preoccupation. Her role didn't matter as much as her character. The soldier, who Seb hadn't been certain about at their first meeting, appeared equal parts pleased and apprehensive. He stood tall with his chest puffed out, though, his posture prideful.

  A new thought occurred to him. If they were all bonded to the Queen, what did that make them? There couldn't be five kings. He supposed they would simply be consorts and Advisors. In Megreria, the Advisors were as important as the royals themselves.

  "I have only one request besides the requirement of secrecy," the King recaptured their wandering attention. "The men have been advised their new housing units will be within the palace. Staying here adds additional security and privacy which is vital at this juncture. I respectfully request that you remain in the palace as well, Kiarra. If word travels before we are prepared to release the information publically or before your bonds have had a chance to form, you can become a target. I need to assure everyone of your safety. You will be assigned a guard when you are not being attended by one of your matches. If you wish to leave the palace, the request must come through me or the Military Advisor. I don't want to take any chances with your health or protection."

  Mason cleared his throat and the King looked at him. "I would prefer, as would Kiarra I believe, if one of her escort always included one of us."

  The King looked toward Kiarra. She nodded briefly. "Yes, I feel safer with one of them around than I would with unknown men."

  "Very well." The King replied.

  Seb understood the reasoning behind the King's directive, but Kiarra's face fell as she continued to ponder the implications. She would view the new housing arrangement as an elaborate cage. He didn't blame her; he already missed the vast spaces of orchards and fields.

  "Matilda, you may make your quarters here as well."

  "I appreciate the offer, Your Majesty, but I will stay in my unit until my youngest daughter tests. She expects to be testing this next week and she will receive placement in Merchant House." Seb noticed Kiarra's mother glance behind him at the Scholar Advisor and wondered at the reason. Perhaps they were old friends.

  "That is acceptable. I will process your divorce immediately. Any time you wish to stay in the palace, you shall have accommodations. I do ask that you maintain secrecy between yourself and your youngest daughter as well, Mistress Walton." The title turned the request into a demand but Matilda didn't seem concerned.

  Seb hadn't met the youngest daughter except for that one time in their unit, but Rowan had spoken of her. It was in all their best interests to keep her out of the loop. He still reeled over the fact that Matilda and William weren't true Soul Matches but their pairing had still been sanctioned by the King. That fact likely prompted the divorce, along with the man's deplorable attitude and habits. He hoped Kiarra never had to see her father again if she didn't want to.

  "I will not let Delia learn of the proceedings here, Your Majesty," Matilda replied.

  "Excellent. Kiarra, I urge you not to focus too much on your new role. I want you to concentrate on your bonds with your men." He looked around the room. "Unless anyone has questions, I suggest we leave Kiarra with her matches so they can speak. A steward will meet with you when you are finished here. He will lead you to your quarters. I had them specially renovated for your unique situation."

  Seb's planning mind was curious to see the layout of their new chambers, but he was also pleased he would have the chance to discuss the new revelations before they retired for the night. He wouldn't be able to sleep if they didn't.

  Kiarra and Matilda embraced, whispering to each other. Whatever Matilda said to her daughter helped the younger woman to relax and Seb was eternally grateful Kiarra had her mother. The two maintained a close relationship and Kiarra would need her mother's support in the time to come.

  The Advisors filed from the room, followed closely by the King and Matilda. A heavy silence cloaked the remaining six. Kiarra fidgeted, pulling her beautiful hair over her shoulder and twisting the ends of the tresses in her hands. Seb had never seen it fully released from its braid and he was certain he'd never gazed upon anything more gorgeous. Despite the evening of shocking news, Seb was happy. However, he didn't allow himself to believe they were close to a happy ending. The components had to align or the design would fail.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Clay absorbed the words spoken, but his attention kept returning to Kiarra. The morning before, he had thought he would never see her again, but now he knew for certain she was his. Her innocence and beauty were perfectly showcased by the magnificent gown. The colors suited her, her oceanic eyes wide with surprise and a small amount of fear. Her multihued hair glowed in the light and the lingering blush across her cheeks reminded him of her kiss.

  The King's meaning slowly penetrated the haze of his infatuation. Sharing Kiarra with others didn't bother him. In fact, it felt suiting. He wasn't a whole man and he couldn't protect her as well as the other men in the room. He found her so multifaceted in every dimension; he couldn't imagine any one man satisfying her. Though he'd never met the other men before tonight, his first impression was one of honesty and capability. They'd had a moment to acquaint themselves before the Advisors had stepped into the room
and he'd been pleased by their openness and kindness.

  He'd experienced a moment of discomfort when he learned that among the four men, two pairs of longtime friends existed. They hadn't ignored him, though. They had introduced themselves, not dwelling on his infirmity. He felt a peculiar connection to them, different from what he had with Kiarra, but it wasn't uncomfortable. His Merchant mind determined they were all honest men, even the sons of the infamous Blackburn assassin and the corrupt High Commander. The synergy was likely a byproduct of the unique Soul Match, but he wouldn’t object. The entire situation was ripe for complications. He would accept any help offered by the fickle Fates.

  Silence descended after the door closed behind the King and his retinue. Clay wasn't nervous, though. The exit of the King and his Advisors permitted him to breathe easier. He wasn't so naïve as to think he would always be relaxed in this company or that everything would fall in line easily. For the moment, however, he reveled in the unfamiliar emotion. He had felt on the outside of everything since he’d moved to Treleaven, and to a lesser extent, before that. Even entering Merchant House hadn't bestowed upon him a sense of belonging.

  "So," Kiarra began with a weary sigh.

  Clay leaned forward in his seat. The ten feet between them seemed too great. The Shadow named Ian leaned against the wall to his right. He hadn't moved much the entire evening but Clay divined nothing escaped his keen observational skills. He had confessed to stealing the message from Clay's pocket. Clay had been upset initially but couldn't retain any irritation. His distraction had left him open to the Shadow in the first place. Since Ian shared in this experience, all disappointment faded. Ian held a summons of his own and they would share the same woman. He couldn't hold onto anger.

  "You have a lot to process, Kiarra. We wouldn't blame you if you chose to retire for the evening."

  Although Clay would be disappointed to relinquish her company so soon, he agreed with Mason. She was obviously overwhelmed. He wouldn’t begrudge her time to think if that was what she wanted. The men's revelations had been easier for them. They had learned the woman they wanted was their true Soul Match. She had learned she had five Soul Matches and was destined to rule the kingdom. His arms ached with the need to hold her and tell her everything would be all right. The longing was enhanced because every man in the room desired the same thing. The truth sang along their building bond.

  "No," Kiarra said, her voice strengthening. She raised her chin, her beautiful eyes shining with resolve. "The King is correct. None of us will sleep a wink tonight if we don't discuss this a little." She arranged the folds of her dress around her legs, unaware that every man's attention was instantly drawn to the skin revealed as she did so. Clay grinned at the practical boots under the rich dress. "First of all, have you all met Clay? I know the four of you were partially acquainted before, but I believe Clay is a stranger?"

  Clay's heart melted further. He had never considered himself a romantic. He hadn't expected to find a life-mate borne of love. He'd thought his partnership with any woman would stem from mutual convenience. He had much to offer a mate but there were some things he couldn't offer. He admired her ability to take charge of the situation and found it interesting that every man in the room let her. Gender roles were not particularly defined in Megreria but men still used their superior physical strength to overpower women.

  "We were here for a time before you arrived and I was able to meet these four other men. They've all been very accepting and inclusive." Clay answered. Kiarra smiled at him and the entire room held its breath. Soul Matches influenced each other by their very nature but Kiarra had a particularly profound effect on them. Perhaps it had nothing to do with the Fates and everything to do with Kiarra's nature and beauty.

  "Of course." She took a deep breath. "We may believe Soul Matches are a given and that true match relationships don't require work. Until just a few days ago, I thought my parents were true Soul Matches. They were miserable together, my father making it his life goal to heap that misery upon my mother. Their relationship left me with a bad impression of Soul Matches. Our situation is even more complicated because more than two people need to cultivate the bond. Is it too much to ask that you each work on your bonds with each other as we work on our bonds individually?"

  Clay cursed his legs. Kiarra appeared so vulnerable. He wanted nothing more than to touch and comfort her. If he were any other man, he would cross the room in one smooth stride and kneel at her feet. Instead, he attempted to comfort her as much as possible with his words. "I can't speak for everyone here," he started, "but I believe Fate is at work here. These men have known each other, in some cases for many years," Clay nodded toward Reed and Seb who he had learned were foster brothers. "But not one of these men feels like a stranger. I don't doubt we can apply the same determination towards our bonds as we will towards the bond with you."

  Murmurs of assent sounded and Kiarra's shoulders sagged in relief. "So are all of you..." she hesitated, her face uncertain, "all right with this arrangement?"

  Mason was the first to cross the room. He knelt at her feet as Clay imagined himself doing. "I am all right with sharing you, Kiarra Walton. I will treat these men as my brothers and I pledge fealty to you as my partner and Queen. You shall always have my sword and my strength at your side." He leaned forward, a question in his gaze. Seeing no protestation, he brushed his lips chastely across her cheek.

  Clay examined his feelings. Imagining other men with the woman he loved was one thing, seeing it was another. Honestly, he wasn't certain how to interpret the tangle in his chest. He imagined her other matches were dealing with the same conundrum as conflicted emotions chased across faces.

  Ian repeated Mason's action as the guardsman moved to the side. The Shadow's bow was graceful, a crooked grin on his face. "I may need some time, Lass, to trust these men as I don't trust easily. But I will make every effort to do so. I offer my insight, knowledge and honesty. By the way, let me say you look ravishing in that dress." He trailed a hand down her cheek, the touch lingering, and joined Mason. Kiarra's expression was overwhelmed, but she seemed willing to let the scenario play out.

  Reed rose, his bright blue Scholar robes matching the shade of his eyes. "I agree with Ian. It takes me time to trust because I must assess every detail before I allow my feelings to follow. Hesitance has controlled every action in my life until the day I met you. The moment I saw you, I knew with utter certainty that you were my Soul Match. We haven't had much time together, so I will give you time to accept me. If I must share you with others, I will. I pledge to you my knowledge, my understanding, and my loyalty." Reed brushed his lips across her hand and took up residence on the other side of her.

  Seb glanced at Clay. When he moved, he didn't advance towards Kiarra. Instead, he rose and handed Clay's crutches to him. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Clay nodded his thanks. He made his way to Kiarra and she rose, not letting him fall to his knees like he wanted to. He grasped her hands, balancing his forearms on his crutches. "I consider myself incredibly lucky to have a Soul Match as beautiful and worthy as you, Kiarra Walton. I also consider myself lucky that I have brothers who can protect you when I cannot. I pledge to always give you my time, my love, and my counsel." Mason moved to the side and Kiarra patted the seat next to her. He sat and turned to her, letting his lips trail across her cheek in a kiss as chaste but as meaningful as Mason's had been.

  Seb followed, kneeling at her feet. "You already have the loyalty of my brother. I look forward to having more brothers. Kiarra Walton, you are the most beautiful, most amazing, most unique woman I have ever met. I pledge to always give you my compassion, my time, and my patience." He brushed a kiss on her other cheek.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  My heart was overfilling. These men couldn't love me yet; we had barely spent a couple hours together each. The pledges they made were subject to change, but I respected and appreciated the gesture. I felt accepted. The truth of their promise
s rang in my bones. Some matters would take time, but their display hadn't been a show to hide jealousy and mistrust. If anything could destroy our connection, it would be that.

  I rose to my feet, turning to face my men. They were each so different in their own ways yet alike in so many others. I couldn't believe the Fates had gifted me so. I had no guarantee of retaining their interest but for the moment, I let myself dream of a future in which we were all happy.

  "Thank you. My heart is overflowing with joy, and words escape me. I look forward to knowing each of you better and learning the lessons you will teach me. As for being Queen, we'll just forget that for the moment." I released a nervous chuckle. The expectations the King had for me were too high to fathom. I could only deal with one life changing revelation at a time and I'd had days to become accustomed to the possibility of multiple men occupying my affections.

  My skin burned with the remembrance of their touches, but I couldn't leave them without giving my own reassurance. I started with Reed, taking his hands in mine. "Thank you, Reed. I look forward to learning more about you and sharing your knowledge." I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. I had predicted that I would want to linger, to extend the kisses, so I forced myself to pull away after a long second. My mother might consider me impetuous but I wanted them to realize they were equally valued. His hands clung to mine, his blue eyes darkening. I returned a gentle squeeze of my own and moved on.

  "Thank you, Sebastian. I fear I will need your patience, probably more than anything else." It amused me to see his face glowed with expectation for his own kiss and it provoked a smile from me. I believed I could always rely on Seb to lighten the mood. I pressed my lips to his, again pulling myself away before I was ready to leave. His cheeks were flushed even brighter than his recent sunburn. I sensed his desire to pull me back to him. I fought the same, but with each of them.


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