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Unexpected Bride (Warlord Series Book 6)

Page 21

by Michelle Howard

  “Congratulations. Another...mixed youngling.” Solee’s gaze darkened. “Is it common? Are all of you joined with the Overlord’s men?”

  Insults. Every word from their mouths was a hidden insult. Assa clenched her teeth and controlled the impulse to attack with sakar. Miki wouldn’t like that at all. “Not all of us find favor with the Kabanian and some of us do. Vesa and I enjoy a joining built on love.”

  Derision flashed in Solee and Amiri’s eyes.

  “No offense again,” Amiri said. Her lips smiled but her eyes gleamed with annoyance. “I but wonder how such mixed youngling fare. Many of us are curious about which traits they may exhibit from their baser half. ”

  As luck would have it, Erana and Arane toddled over. Assa exchanged glances with Balal wanting his help to steer them away but his gaze stayed elsewhere. Amrod smiled across the room and assumed they were safe before engaging Ramar in conversation.

  Arane tipped her head back, a smudge of berries stained on her right cheek. “Assa play?”

  Erana in her typical fashion looped her arms about Vesa’s leg, secure in the affection of those she lived with. Vesa placed a hand on the little one’s head, smile in place but the look she shot the visitors warned them to tread carefully.

  “Greetings.” Solee spoke first and crouched to one knee. He glanced from one girl to the other. “Rumors are in truth. I can’t tell them apart.”

  Bouncing on her toes, Arane smiled shyly up at him. “Greetings.”

  “They have hair on their foreheads and lashes,” Solee murmured in fascination. “But Raasa eyes and fangs.”

  Vesa growled, her eyes flashing fire. “Get. Up. They are not to be stared at for your amusement.”

  Amiri’s nose curled up. “They favor their Kabanian falo in more ways than expected.”

  Solee stood in a lithe move but continued to gaze at the youngling. Assa didn’t like the way he and his sister exchanged mysterious looks. She picked up Arane and cuddled the youngling. Vesa did the same and without any words, both walked away from the rude siblings.

  Chapter 6

  For the rest of the evening, Assa kept away from Solee and his sister. She noticed Vesa doing the same.

  “What bothers you, Assa?”

  Miki’s question left Assa nibbling her lip in doubt. Should she share her concern with her Su-Su? The visit aside from the snide remarks appeared to be going well. It would not do to ruin this tenuous alliance of Raasa and Kabanian. Every positive meeting strengthened the bonds of the new relationship.

  Deciding to store her concerns in that regard for later, Assa instead broached another topic. “Regarding bed play, I wonder if you and the Overlord still shared sex while you carried your youngling.”

  Miki didn’t flinch or show surprise. “Yes.”

  Assa frowned and her mood sunk. She didn’t realize how much she’d counted on Miki’s experience being similar to hers.

  “But,” Miki stressed, “it was due to my own wishes. Vaan suffered a large sense of...worry for my state during that time.”

  “Thank the Blessed One.” Assa leaned forward to whisper in an urgent tone. “Balal refuses to touch me for fear of injuring the little one. I have explained this is not possible but he is insistent it is not the Kabanian way.”

  “Nothing is,” Miki muttered with a roll of her eyes.

  Assa laughed in relief. “They hold with a lot of censor and misconceptions.”

  “What have you done to change Balal’s mind?” A definite twinkle flickered from Mikayla’s green eyes.

  Assa risked a look over her should to maintain their privacy. No one paid them attention. Balal now stood with Amrod, Kavan and Ramar. Erana and Arane leaned against Vaan’s legs, eyes drooping. A small yawn formed on Erana’s mouth and Arane followed suit. Exhausted from the excitement of the day but wanting to be close to their father, they struggled to stay awake. The Overlord for his part glared at anyone who came near, leaving the three in a small protective circle no one dared encroach upon.

  Miki nudged her but still staring at the tender scene, Assa asked, “Did you ever expect such caring from him? A warrior with a reputation for brutality and cold decision making.”

  Her Su-Su’s gaze unerringly turned toward Vaan. “I don’t think I imagined anyone loving me as deeply as he does.”

  The firm answer finally managed to draw Assa’s eyes. “Explain.”

  “He is fierce in every endeavor he puts his mind to. I am not surprised that spills over to his love for me and his family.” Miki’s lips curved in a poor imitation of a smile. “Sometimes such devotion can become too entrenched though. My heart fears a time he will fail in his drive to protect everyone he holds dear.”

  Such a response did not surprise Assa. She bore witness many times to Overlord Vaan’s instincts. He ruled Kaban through might and now stood for Raasa with the same determination. When the youngling disappeared, he searched for the perpetrators with single minded resolve. His stance against those who rebelled against Kaban as well as how he handled the ones caught chilled many Raasa.

  “I think,” Miki continued, “that Vaan is going to one day face a wall he can’t simply smash through.”

  Assa cleared her throat sensing under currents and sought to bring the conversation back to her need. “Do you believe I should force the issue with Balal?”

  This perked Miki up. “By all means seduce your mate. None other is more deserving of pleasure than Balal. He welcomed me from the beginning and I will always look upon him fondly.”

  Happiness bubbled up and Assa shot a grin at her unsuspecting mate. “My Warlord won’t know what happened. Thank you for your guidance, Miki.”

  To her surprise, Miki glared but her heated stare focused on her own mate. “Stubborn Warlords. Stubborn Overlord.”

  Assa hugged her and on a lighter feeling headed upstairs with every intention of finally enjoying bed play this night with her mate.


  Balal waited long enough to see the visiting Su-Su and his family off then helped Kavan settle the youngling for the night. Vaan interrupted Kavan’s nightly ritual of singing to Erana and Arane. Surprise crossed his features then quickly faded.

  “I will see them to bed.” Vaan’s gruff command released them from duty.

  Kavan nodded, his steps reluctant as he moved from the side by side beds. A brief flash of worry crossed his face. Kavan tended to watch the youngling closer since recent events had jeopardized their life. “As you wish, Sire.”

  Balal spared no time and raced toward his room and his mate. Much to his dismay the lights were out and the darkened interior implied Assa already slept. Shoulders slumped, Balal removed his sword and harness then folded his leathers and placed his boots beside them. Sleep proved difficult of late for his mate so Balal worked into their bed with much caution.

  The frame dipped from his weight but as soon as he stretched out, Assa curled against him, one arm about his neck and the other landing with perfect aim on his toqa. He muffled a groan when he hardened as stiff as a spike. Gentle prodding didn’t work to adjust her touch.

  Flickers of desire sparked and Balal placed his face deep into the pillow beneath his head and gritted out a curse. Assa moaned and twisted about, this time managing to shift her hips directly over his as she once more relaxed. Her weight pinned Balal to the bed and despite the new position, her hand never loosed its hold on his toqa.

  “Assa?” He kept his voice low in case she slept deeply.

  She mumbled something then her lips pressed to his chest, the wet lick of her forked tongue grazing his skin. Balal bit off another curse, his hands coming to her hips to move her aside. Instead she moaned and rocked her hips against his, shifting her sleep gown to her waist. He muffled a groan at the exquisite pleasure of having her bare legs clasp his and her smooth toque rub against his toqa.

  He caressed her round cheeks, hands drifting lower until he gripped her thighs. Weeks of restraint broke as she glided back and forth, another moa
n parting her lips. Balal rocked with her, waves of heat spreading and long denied desire flared to life. When his hardened shaft slid between her cool folds, a rough groan broke from him.

  “Assa, you must wake. Give me mercy.”

  Despite his request, Balal caressed her slim legs, pulling them higher and spreading her to increase the friction between their bodies. Every brush brought pleasure after going long without her touch and bed play. Her small fingers curled until she gripped his toqa in a firm hold and stroked.

  Arching back, Balal looped his arms about her newly curved waist to keep her from falling. To his surprise, Assa sat up, knees bracketing his hips and one hand planted by his head on the pillow. He couldn’t make out her features but he clearly heard her panting.

  Did she wake at last? “Assa, are you awakened?”

  She released his toqa and raised up. With a steady glide, she lowered onto him. Inch by inch he filled the tight depths, wetness sensitizing the length of his shaft. Up and down, Assa pumped and Balal gave in to the pleasurable sensation. This wasn’t the first time she mounted him and Balal had reason to love this position. He cupped the plumped mounds bouncing above him.

  “Balal!” She cried out as her hands landed roughly on his shoulders.

  With care, he thumbed her tender buds while stroking in and out. Ripples rolled over him and Assa’s breathing took on a gasping quality. Soon they both moaned, bodies slamming into one another as they sought release.

  “Do it, Assa. Please.”

  His shoulders went stiff as Balal waited her to cede his demand. Assa didn’t question, her head dipping low as she struck in blinding fashion. This was one more thing he liked about being with a Raasa. Tangles of hair fell about his face in tandem with the tiny burst of pain mixed with fiery heat where her fangs buried deep at the junction of his throat.

  Sakar hit his blood stream like liquid arousal. Sweat dampened his skin as he ran his hands over the smooth lines of Assa’s back. She continued to tease him with smaller nips, her tongue tracing a path up his neck until she reached his mouth. Their lips crashed together in a fierce kiss, Balal pushing up as Assa pushed down.

  With the Raasa form of venom flowing through him nothing could have stopped Balal’s release from boiling up and rolling over him. He pulled away from her tempting kiss and shouted. Assa screamed, nails digging into his flesh as her toque clamped down on him. Trembles sent her falling forward. Balal caught her in his arms as he rolled them to the side, keeping her close.

  Heart pounding, he found the energy to speak. “Assa? Are you well?”

  “Mmm.” She snuggled into his arms, allowing no sliver of space between them.

  A smile creased his mouth. Languid and truly relaxed for the first time in a while, he continued rubbing her back. “Rest.”

  “I want to do this again,” she murmured.

  “It is not the way,” he muttered.

  Assa stiffened but fatigue claimed him before he could question. He closed his eyes and let sleep pull him under.


  “What think you of our visitor’s yesterday?” Vaan asked as they shared the morning meal.

  Balal finished chewing the food in his mouth and tried to answer the Overlord’s question in truth. It had not slipped his notice the way much attention centered on the youngling and not in a good way. “Like the other Raasa we have met, I found the Su-Su to be honest but his family appeared...opposed to your True Union with Mikayla.”

  Vaan grunted, his gaze going over the room. “I would agree. Some are not pleased she is with me though none came to her aid.”

  Balal knew the moment he tracked his mate entering. Mikayla held Erana on one hip as Arane darted ahead and jumped into Vaan’s arms. He lifted her high in the air, causing squeals of laughter before settling her on his lap where she promptly picked at the food on his plate. All were used to seeing the hardened Overlord tend to the youngling but several smiles flashed on Kabanian and Raasa faces alike.

  “Balal, you look rested.” Mikayla placed a warm hand on his shoulder and squeezed then took a seat on the other side of Vaan.

  Face flushed, Balal glanced at her to search the meaning of her words. Unfortunately, she had her head down as she fussed with Erana’s hair. He turned toward his Overlord but Vaan helped Arane to eat. Did she know of his night with Assa? The two shared much and treated one another as siblings.

  “I thank you, my lady.”

  Kavan trailed behind and took a seat directly across from Balal. Vesa came over and slid a plate in front of Kavan. She threaded her hands through Ramar’s hair from behind. He stiffened but then her lips touched the side of his head in an unexpected kiss. He spun on the bench seat, the corner allowing him to close her between his thighs. Ramar hooked an arm about her waist and tugged her onto his lap. She slapped at his shoulders but her grin negated any true upset over his actions. After nuzzling the Warlord she called mate, Vesa rose to her feet and escaped to the kitchen.

  The door barely closed before it swung open again and Assa came in. She placed platters of food on the table and made her way to where he sat. He waited for a kiss or another of the gestures she made to express her affection.

  It wasn’t until she prepared to return to the kitchen without speaking to him that Balal realized she had no intention of greeting him. His stomach lurched and he was on his feet. The abrupt action drew Vaan’s gaze but he didn’t pause as he followed Assa and cornered her in the bustling kitchen.


  She reached for the dishes on the counter bypassing several servants. Balal approached with caution, sensing her discontent.

  “Go away.”

  He flinched and stroked a hand down the side of her face. “What is amiss?”

  She glared over her shoulder. “Nothing.”

  “You are angered with me.”

  The smooth skin of her forehead crinkled. If she’d had eyebrows they would have rose. “I don’t know what you’re speaking of.”

  “Since our joining, ever do you seek to touch and kiss me. When you served the others, you avoided me. It is not like you, Assa.”

  She slammed an empty plate on the counter and nearby dishes clinked together. Her lips curled down. “I want us to continue to take relief in one another at night but you are ever the stubborn Warlord.”

  Relieved, tension eased from his shoulders and Balal turned her to face him all the way. “I worry for you and our youngling.”

  “Can’t you see we are fine?” She grasped his hand and flattened his palm on her belly.

  A familiar flutter tickled his hand. Once more fear rose. If he lost her nothing would ease his heart. “You know I hold strong feelings for you.”

  She grinned. “You love me, Warlord.”

  He pulled her close and placed his chin on top of her head. “I do.”

  “I can’t guarantee nothing will happen to me.” He froze. “But we must take life as it is given. Do not leave me alone at a time when I most need your loving touch.”

  More than the words she spoke, he felt the fine tremor that ran through her. “It is not my wish to ever have you feel alone.”

  Assa’s hands curled about his waist. “Will you think on it more? Please.”

  Balal hated that she felt the need to beg for something that gave them both pleasure. He needed to consider his mate and the Raasa way. “It has come to my attention that I may have been mistaken in my thoughts.”

  She jerked back. Eyes bright his lovely mate bounced on her toes before him. “Really?”

  Balal swooped her up in his arms and kissed her hard and fast. “As long as we bring no harm to you or our youngling, I trust we can continue with bed play. I confess, your growing form teases me constantly.”

  Her full breasts with the budding nipples, her luscious rear and the rounded belly where the little one rested begged for his touch. As he lowered her back to her feet, Balal smoothed Assa’s hair back. Pretty of face and sweet of heart, he was glad she accepted him.

  “Thank you for showing me patience in this matter,” he added.

  Assa ran her hands over his chest, nails scraping lightly. “Any time.”

  Books by Michelle


  * Honor Bound (Book 1 Warlord Series)

  * The Overlord’s Heir (Book 2 Warlord Series)

  * A King’s Revenge (Book 3 Warlord Series)

  * Rise of the Shadow Warriors (Book 4 Warlord Series)

  * A Warlord’s Heart (Book 5 Warlord Series)

  * Unexpected Bride (Book 6 Warlord Series)

  * Unleashing a Warrior (Books 1-3 Warlord Series boxset)

  Alpha Squad

  * Project Genesis (Alpha Squad)


  * No Reason to Run (A Harmony Novel)

  Sci-Fi Romance

  * Mating Urge (Love in the Stars 1)

  * Love Like No Other (Love in the Stars 2)

  A World Beyond

  * Torkel’s Chosen (A World Beyond Book 1)

  * Arak’s Love (A World Beyond Book 2)

  * Lindsey’s Rescue (A World Beyond Book 3)

  * Kyele’s Passion (A World Beyond Book 4)


  * Taste of Wicked

  * Rylin’s Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 1)

  Coming Soon

  Rydak’s Fall (A World Beyond)

  About the Author

  Michelle Howard like many authors dreamed of writing since reading her first romance novel many years ago. She loves paranormal and contemporary romances and is a fan of the classic romances by Judith McNaught and Julie Garwood.

  I love to hear from fans so please reach out to me. If the mood hits you, leave a review.


  Twitter: @mhowardwrites




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