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A Forbidden Affair

Page 4

by Yvonne Lindsay

  Sooner or later, she’d thank him for it. He’d already known her father hadn’t utilized her intelligence to his best advantage. But Nate would. And she’d know she was appreciated while he did it. Every glorious inch of her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, meaning every syllable.

  “It’s dark,” she replied, a teasing note in her voice. “Everyone is beautiful in the dark. You can’t see their bad side.”

  “You don’t have a bad side,” he said, leaning forward to kiss her.

  “Everyone has a bad side, Nate. We just don’t always show it.”

  There was a painful truth in her words. A truth he knew related directly to him and his intentions but he didn’t want to think about that right now. More pressing matters were most definitely at hand.

  “Sometimes it’s better not to see, then, isn’t it?” he asked before leaning across the short distance between them and kissing her.

  Their lips touched in a burst of heat and desire, his every nerve striving to attain the heights of fulfillment he knew he would reach in her arms. This time the fire inside him burned steadily, not threatening to overwhelm him as it had before, but his hunger for her had not lessened despite the change in his appetite. This was to be savored, slowly, completely.

  Time faded into obscurity and nothing mattered right now except the giving and receiving of pleasure. Each touch destined to bring a sigh or a moan from its recipient, each kiss a seal of the promise of what was yet to come. And when she positioned herself over his body and lowered herself over his straining flesh he gave himself over totally to her demands.

  Their peak was no less intense than that first time together, and this time, when Nicole fell into his arms lost in the aftermath and falling rapidly into sleep, he made certain the same accident with the condom didn’t occur a second time.

  The next time he woke, sunlight was filtering through the native bush outside and into his bedroom window. He reached across the bed. Empty. Where was his quarry now, he wondered as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, stretching as he did so.

  “Nice view,” a voice said from behind him.

  He turned slowly, a smile on his face. A smile that widened when he saw that Nicole had found the camcorder he kept for filming some of the more wild surfing antics on the beach.

  “Do you have a license to drive that thing?” he asked.

  “I’m the kind of girl who likes to learn as she goes along,” Nicole answered in response.

  She was wearing just the shirt he’d worn last night, the fine cotton covering her body but leaving her long legs exposed to his hungry gaze.

  “So you’re more of the hands-on kind?” he said, feeling his body stir and his blood pump just a little faster.

  “Oh, yes, definitely hands-on,” she said, her voice a little rough around the edges.

  “I’ve always thought practical experience to be vastly underrated, haven’t you?” He was fully hard now. Every cell in his body attuned to her, to the camcorder she held, to the idea that now blossomed in his mind.

  “Definitely underrated. And the value of visual aids, too.”

  Oh, God, he thought. She had just read his mind. “I have a tripod for that thing, you know.”

  She laughed, a deep throaty chuckle that made him clench his hands at his sides to stop himself from reaching for her.

  “More than one, I’d say,” she said, dropping the lens of the camera down, then slowly back up again to his face.

  She was wicked. He liked that in a woman. He liked that a whole lot. “I’ll go get the other one,” he said with a slow wink.

  Before she could say another word he brushed past her, dropping a kiss on the curve of her lips as he went by. “Why don’t you get yourself comfortable on the bed? I’ll be back in just a minute.”

  It took less than a minute before he was back in the bedroom and setting up the stand diagonal to the bed. She passed him the camera, her cheeks flushed with color, her eyes bright with anticipation. Beneath the fabric of his shirt he could see the sway of her breasts as she moved on the bed, not to mention the sharp peaks of her nipples that told of her excitement. She passed the camera to him and he carefully positioned it on its mount, ensuring the whole bed was square in the frame.

  “You’re sure about this?” he asked.

  “Oh, very sure. And later, when we review it, we can see where we can improve.”

  He didn’t think it was possible to get any harder but at that moment he did. It was one thing to know they were videoing themselves, another to know she wanted to watch it later.

  “Where do you suggest we begin?” he asked, fighting to keep a lid on the carnal urge to simply have at her, to let her have at him and to hell with finesse.

  “I think I need to get to know you better, don’t you?” She patted the edge of the bed beside her. “Why don’t you sit down?”

  He sat and watched her as she slid off the tumbled linens and knelt between his legs on the rug beside the bed, placing her hands on the outside edges of his thighs, scratching lightly with her fingernails.

  “It seems to me,” she continued, “that last night was all about me. So this time, it’s going to be all about you.”

  A fine tremor ran through his body and he watched as her hands stroked up his thighs and down again, each time working a little closer to the inside.

  “Do you like that?” she asked.

  He was beyond words and merely nodded.

  “How about this?”

  His mind nearly exploded as she bent her head and flicked the tip of her tongue over the aching head of his arousal. His penis jumped in response to her touch, a bead of moisture appearing only to be licked away just as quickly. Nicole’s hair brushed against his inner thighs, obscuring her face. He reached down and pushed her hair aside, holding it against the back of her head with each fisted hand. He wanted to see this, all of it. And, just in case, he wanted the camera to see it, too.

  Nicole felt an unaccustomed sense of possession as she lightly stroked her tongue along the length of Nate’s erection, painstakingly following the line of each vein from tip to base and back again. Heat rolled off him in waves as she did so and she felt him tremble as he fought to maintain control. But that control shattered the instant she took him fully in her mouth. He groaned, a guttural sound that came from deep in his belly, and she knew the exact moment he was going to climax. She increased the pressure of her mouth, her tongue, increased the rhythm of her movements until he spent himself. She slowed her pace, taking the last drop of his essence as he groaned again, his hands falling to his sides and his body falling back onto the bed behind him.

  She pushed herself up onto the bed and lay propped on one elbow alongside him, letting her fingers trail up and down across his belly and chest as he caught his breath once more. His recovery said a whole lot about his fitness and stamina, she thought as he reached one arm up to her and dragged her down to kiss him. Already he was stirring again, and the knowledge gave her a wonderful feeling. It was all because of her.

  “Mmm,” she said, her lips bare centimeters from his. “Must be time for breakfast.”

  “Not yet,” he said. “I think we should work up a bit more of an appetite first. And I think you should take that shirt off, too.”

  He deftly flicked open each button and slid one hand inside, cupping one breast and flicking his thumb across its hardened crest.

  “I’m very hungry already,” she purred. “I may take some convincing.”

  “You want convincing? I can be convincing,” he said, pushing the shirt off her shoulders and then pressing her onto the bed.

  What followed was an education in how someone could deliver a lifetime of hedonistic delight in very short order. Nate applied himself to her with as
siduous intent, showing her just how artful he could be with the merest accessories—the tip of a tongue, a feather of breath, the stroke of a fingertip.

  She was on the verge of begging, no, screaming for release when he finally sheathed himself with a condom and took them both over the edge of sanity and into a realm where only blithe elation resided.

  The camera caught it all.

  Their morning set the tone for the next three days. From time to time they would rise, bathe or eat—once taking a long stroll along the beach, Nicole wearing ill-fitting borrowed clothes—before the draw of their fascination with one another would take them back to bed again. By Monday morning Nicole was spent. Physically and emotionally, happy just to curl up against the hard male body beside her and revel in the intimacies they’d shared. Last night Nate had burned a DVD of their video and they’d viewed it while attempting to eat a civilized meal in the main room of the house.

  The clothing they’d only recently donned—him in a pair of jeans and T-shirt, her in a sweatshirt of his with the sleeves rolled up and its length skimming the back of her thighs—had soon hit the floor. Their food cooling on their plates as the on-screen activity had incited a new hunger for one another all over again.

  Nate still slept beside her and she watched his chest rise and fall on each breath. She was amazed at how natural it felt to be with him, especially considering how little they actually knew about one another. She’d heard the girls at work talk and giggle over their occasional one-night stands—guys they never expected, or in some cases even wanted, to see again—but she’d never believed she’d indulge in something quite so illicit herself. She felt as if the past few days had been a vacation, not just from work and responsibility, but from herself—her own fears and anxieties. On Friday she hadn’t even given a care to the fact she had probably still been expected at the office, nor that over the course of the whole weekend she hadn’t so much as told anyone where she was, nor checked her cell phone for messages.

  It wasn’t as if they cared, anyway, a little voice said from deep down inside. Her father didn’t believe she had a valid contribution to make to the company, her best friend had turned on her and her brother? Well, he didn’t even know her, nor she him. So what difference would it make if she walked away from all of them for good?

  A whole lot of difference, she realized. She’d been angry on Thursday night. Really angry. And she’d acted completely out of character. Deep down she knew her family, including Anna, loved her and had to be worried about her having been out of touch for so long.

  This person in the bed with a stranger, that wasn’t her. Sure, it had been a great time, but all good things had to come to an end sometime, didn’t they? Nothing this good ever lasted for long.

  A wave of guilt for her behavior swamped her, driving her from the bed and into the bathroom where she gave in to the sudden well of tears in her eyes. She’d behaved irrationally. Stupidly. She had no idea of who she was really with. Everything that had anchored her these past twenty-six years lay on the other side of town—with her family, in her home. So what if her father had signed the property over to Judd? Her brother wasn’t about to summarily eject her from the only home she’d ever known, surely. Judd was as much a victim of her father’s shenanigans as she. So was Anna, who was far too grateful for all that Charles had done for her and her mother to ever tell him no.

  And as for her father… It would be difficult for her to forgive or forget his words on Thursday night. But she couldn’t forget twenty-six years of him sheltering and protecting her, either. For better or for worse, he was still her father. They’d just have to find a way to reach an accord. She was willing to take the first step, and come back home.

  Nicole dashed her face with water and dried it before quietly letting herself out of the master bathroom and padding quietly across the bedroom floor. As she closed the door behind her she let go the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She gave herself a mental shake. For goodness sake, she was an adult. Her decisions were her own, her choices were her own. The weekend had been great, just what she’d needed, there was no need to sneak around like a thief in the night.

  She squared her shoulders and made her way to the laundry room where she’d hand washed and hung her underwear to dry during the course of the weekend. Her suit was on a hanger and had been brushed and steamed to get the creases out after being summarily left on the living room floor for several hours after Thursday night. She slid into her underwear and put on her suit. It felt strange to be dressed so formally after a weekend where clothing had been minimal.

  She picked up her bag from in the living room and brushed out her hair before heading back to the bedroom to retrieve her shoes. She’d have to call a cab to get herself into work, she thought as she twisted her hair up into a knot and secured it with a clip she’d found in the bottom of her bag.

  Nate was awake when she pushed open the door.

  “Going somewhere?” he asked, his eyes unreadable as he watched her slide her feet into her shoes.

  “Yeah, time to get back to reality.” She sighed. “This weekend has been great. Better than great, thanks.”

  “That’s it?”

  “What—” she laughed nervously “—you want more?”

  “I always want more, especially of what we’ve had.”

  “I never said I didn’t want to see you again.”

  “But you implied it.”

  Nicole shot him a nervous glance. Was he going to get all weird on her now?

  “Look, I need to get home and then head into work.”


  She shot him another look, this time the curl of fear in her stomach unfurled to bigger proportions.

  “What do you mean, no?”

  “What I mean is, you’re coming to work with me.”

  Nate pushed aside the bed sheets and rose to his feet, calmly picking up the jeans he’d discarded last night and sliding them on. Nicole struggled to avert her gaze from the fine arrow of hair that angled down from his belly button to behind the waistband of his pants. She’d followed that path, and more, several times this weekend. A hot flush of color rushed to her cheeks. She couldn’t let herself get distracted by sexual attraction. What on earth did he mean when he said she’d be working with him? She didn’t even know what he did for a living. And he didn’t know anything about her…did he?

  “You’ve got it wrong, I have a job. A job I love, with a family I—”

  “Don’t tell me you love them, Nicole. Not after what they’ve done to you.”

  Instantly she rued the way she’d mouthed off in the car when he’d brought her here, and the truths she’d shared over a bottle of red wine as they’d curled naked beneath a blanket on the couch in front of a burning fire, late on Saturday night.

  “They’re still family. At the very least I need to clear the air with them.”

  “Oh, I think that’s a bit more than they deserve. Besides, the air will clear soon enough.”

  Nicole crossed her arms across her stomach. “What on earth are you talking about?”

  “When they learn who you’ve just spent this past weekend with, I very much doubt they’ll be welcoming you home with open arms. I’m pretty much persona non grata with your father.”

  Nate’s lips lifted in a half smile, as if he was laughing at a private joke.

  “You’re speaking in riddles. Why should they care who I spent the weekend with?” she snapped.

  Nate came to stand in front of her. “Because I’m Nate Hunter—Nate Hunter Jackson.”

  Nicole’s mind reeled on his words. Nate Hunter? The Nate Hunter? The reclusive billionaire who was the new head of Jackson Importers, her family firm’s arch nemesis? Her father had never had a kind word to say about Thomas Jackson, or his staff.

bsp; Hang on a minute. Nicole replayed his words in her mind. Had he said Nate Hunter Jackson?

  “I see you’ve made the connection,” Nate said coolly. “And, yes, I am Thomas Jackson’s son. Sweet, isn’t it? All that time your father accused my dad of screwing around with your mother, he was actually with mine.”

  Nicole looked at him in horror as his words slowly sank in, leaving her mind reeling. She hadn’t just been sleeping with a stranger over the entire weekend—she’d literally been sleeping with the enemy!


  Nate watched the shock and dismay play across Nicole’s features as understanding clouded her beautiful brown eyes.

  “So you knew who I was all along? This weekend has all been about you getting some twisted revenge on my family?” she asked. Her voice shook, betraying just how much his words had upset her.

  It might have started that way, Nate admitted to himself, but now he’d been with Nicole so intimately he knew that for the better part of their time together, revenge had been the last thing on his mind. At least, revenge on her. Her father, of course, was another matter entirely.

  “Did you hunt me out?” she demanded, her voice stronger now.

  “Our meeting was by chance,” he said smoothly. “A happy chance from my point of view.” He stepped forward and reached one finger to her cheekbone, tracing the smooth feminine contour to the corner of her lips. “And I don’t regret a second of it, Nicole.”

  She jerked her head away. “Of course you don’t,” she said angrily. “Well, your little game is over now. I’m heading back into the city to my family and my job.”

  “I don’t think so,” Nate responded smoothly, crossing his arms in front of him.


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