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Page 31

by Colleen Charles

  The thumb continued its tormenting caress, and as soon as I finished speaking, he used the opportunity of my open mouth to slip it inside. I touched it with my tongue.

  He raised his eyebrow at me, but I could see the throb of his racing pulse through the open buttons of his expensive dress shirt. I was getting to him. Me. Plain, farm-fed, Chastity Sexe.

  “I like seeing you squirm,” he said in a silky, low voice. The one that I heard every night in my illicit fantasies all starring Chase Bradenton. “I like thinking about watching your body squirm with my tongue against your clit. Would you like that, Chastity? Because I would. I want to learn your taste. What makes you moan? What makes you scream? What do you like thinking about?”

  A wave of embarrassment crept over me, flushing my pale skin a rosy hue. In my limited experience, I’d never heard dirty talk. In my former career, I’d been the one doing most of the talking, and it was playacting for money. This was real. Flesh and blood. Skin to skin.

  Real. As. Fuck.

  I avoided looking into Chase’s eyes or responding. It was too much. I wanted to explode. I wanted to flee. I wanted to lift up my skirt and show him how wet he’d just made me from only his raw words. After an intoxicating pause, I lifted my eyes. I stared at him until I felt myself smoldering around the edges.

  “I want to put my mouth all over your body,” I purred, running my hands down the expensive Egyptian cotton of Chase’s shirt. “I want to taste you – your sweat, your musk.” I slid my hand lower, until it was poised right above his belt buckle. “And I want to take you in my mouth and suck you until you’re so hard that it hurts,” I added in a throaty whisper. “I want you begging my name. I want you screaming it.”

  “And have you ever done that before?”

  The single admission flew from my trembling lips before I could stop it. “No.”

  Chase growled. He grabbed me around the waist and kissed me deeply, his tongue sliding into my mouth. I let out a soft moan of pleasure as Chase sucked my lower lip, gently nipping at me with his teeth. His hands slid down my body, squeezing and kneading my ass until I quaked with desire. As I wrapped my arms around his neck, Chase pressed one of his thighs between my legs. Ah, exquisite, tempting pressure. Right where I needed it. I’d never orgasmed at the hands of a man. Somehow I knew that with Chase, it was inevitable. His muscular thigh felt so hot, so strong against my wet heat that I could barely breathe.

  “I want you,” I purred softly into Chase’s mouth. “Even though I don’t understand what that really means. I just feel like I’m reaching. Searching. And you’re at the end of the journey.”

  “Then take my hand and trust me,” he whispered in my ear. “I won’t let you fall. And after you trust me, then it’s going to get fun. I want to tie you to the bed with my favorite Hermes tie, legs spread, until you’re dripping with arousal only for me. I won’t pleasure you until it’s dripping down your legs to the sheets. I’ll make you wait, Chastity. I’ll tease you and stroke you and kiss you, but I won’t bring you to orgasm until you’re screaming with lust.” His eyes flashed with desire, and I shuddered in his arms. “I’ll make you mine in every way. Count on it.”

  Something inside of me tightened, and I kissed Chase so roughly that his teeth crushed against my lips. I didn’t just want him, I needed…

  “Uh,” Chase admonished with a gentle nip to my lower lip. How could he play this twisted game without release? Was he some kind of masochist? He pushed me away. “We have lunch to attend to, now don’t we? I’m hungry as hell. All this sexual tension has really revved up my appetite.”

  I stood there, fuming. I’d just been standing at the precipice of my first man-induced orgasm, and he’d left me hanging by my fingertips on the jagged rocks. “Are you kidding me? What the hell was the point of that little interlude?” I put my hands on my hips, my heart thudding inside of my chest. “Chase. Answer me.”

  Chase smirked. He reached down and picked up a pastrami melt on rye. He took a big, savage bite, then chewed and smiled at me. I watched him swallow.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I didn’t wear a tie today,” Chase said. He winked at me. “I just wanted to make sure you were ready for lunch, that’s all.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re insufferable. I may not like you anymore. Tease.”

  Chase grinned. “That’s the point, dear.” He took another giant bite of sandwich. “Just think about the magnitude of the impending explosion. A little healthy teasing never hurt anybody. In fact, it feels really good. You’ll thank me later.”

  “Are you free tonight?”

  Chase shook his head. “Playing wallyball with Nolan at the club.” He mimed swinging a racquet through the air. “But tomorrow?”

  “I’m yours.”

  Chase shook his head and pursed his perfect lips. “Then I’m the luckiest man on earth.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  The next day, I could barely concentrate on my classes. The day passed in a blur – I only paid the minimal amount of attention to get me through without attracting negative attention from anyone around me. I was lucky that none of my professors were that engaged with a poor kid on scholarship. They would have been able to see the little Chases in my eyes, or the hearts floating around in my head.

  About the only thing I did notice was Nathan’s absence. Good, I thought as I lowered myself down into my usual chair. He’s definitely not someone I want to see right now.

  When I returned to Crown Heights after my tedious day, Trina sat on the couch with her laptop and headphones. She didn’t even greet me when I walked through the door – I figured she was probably still sore at me over the jerk chicken fiasco. But when I’d been home for half an hour, and she still hadn’t greeted me, I walked into the living room with my hands on my hips.

  “Hey,” I barked. “You okay?”

  Trina pulled her earbuds out. “I’m fine,” she answered. “What about you?”

  “I have a date with Chase tonight.” I couldn’t help but grin. “And I think tonight’s gonna be the night. The night.”

  “Oh yeah?” Trina smiled. “That’s great, Chas. Where are you going?”

  “He’s taking me to Daniel.” I sighed. “And I don’t have a damned thing to wear.”

  “Hey, listen.” I thought she was about to offer me some of her clothes. “Have you thought any more about that guy, Nathan? And what he meant when he threatened you?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not really. Why? Did he say something to you?”

  “No, I haven’t seen him.” Trina shook her head, shiny jet-black curls falling in her face. “I just….” She trailed off, twisting her mouth. “I have a really bad feeling about him. You know how I’ve always had that sixth sense about guys? Be careful, okay?”

  I laughed. “You’re so overprotective,” I teased. “I’ll be fine, trust me. Chase barely even lets me out of his sight! He’s very alpha.”

  “Well, that’s probably a good thing right now,” Trina countered. “Make sure you have your own condoms.”

  I frowned. “I can take care of myself,” I argued. “That’s what I’ve done for the past twenty-odd years.”

  And probably what I’d still be doing until the end of my days.

  Trina made a face. “I didn’t mean it like that,” she said. “But it’s fine. Whatever, Chastity. Enjoy your dinner.” She put her earbuds back in before I could reply.

  I stared at her, silently fuming. Part of me wanted to yell, but the more realistic part of me knew that Chase would be arriving at any minute to pick me up, and I was still wearing grubby jeans and a sweatshirt. I hadn’t meant to offend Trina. I just didn’t think Nathan was any more dangerous than your typical nerdy gamer with zero social skills. The way she was getting all up in my business on what could possibly be the night of my young life smacked of jealousy.

  “Okay,” I said softly. “Thanks, Trina.”


  An hour later, I’d almost forgo
tten about the talk with Trina and the bad taste in my mouth from her warnings. Chase and I were seated inside the most beautiful restaurant I’d ever seen. Heavenly aromas hung in the air as Chase flagged down the sommelier to order a bottle of wine.

  “This is perfect,” I said with a grin after the sommelier had swished away in a cloud of Tom Ford cologne. “I can’t believe we’re really here. It’s like something out of a fairytale. A fairytale for curvy girls and foodies.”

  Chase raised his eyebrow. “Your personal fairytale could have been granted at my hands weeks ago,” he teased. “Remember, that day I gave you a ride home? And offered to take you to this very place?”

  I blushed bright red as I remembered scrambling out of his limo and running the rest of the way back to Crown Heights like an antelope running from a ravenous lion.

  “Yeah,” I admitted. “I remember. I wasn’t ready for Daniel then. Now, I can savor it completely.”

  “So, what do you think of Banks Realty?” Chase licked his full lips, and I watched them glisten in the candlelight. Sitting across the table from him made me want to touch his skin so badly that I squirmed in my seat. My palms felt clammy and tingly at the same time. I was nervous. Like, way more nervous than I’d ever been for anything in my life, even when I’d booked that hotel room before prom. Tonight’s the night, I realized as I peeked down at my hands and thought about the stash of condoms in my clutch. This is the last night that I’m a virgin.

  “Let’s not talk about work now,” I replied. The sound of my voice made me blush even brighter. It was a low, sexual purr – the exact same voice I’d used at 1-800-Dial-A-Minx.

  Damn, Chastity. Look at you go.

  “As the lady wishes,” Chase replied. He scooted forward on his chair. A second later, I gasped and jumped upright as I felt his sock-clad toes roaming on my bare thigh. I’d borrowed a black jersey dress from Trina – it hugged my curves, and she’d assured me that with the right accessories, no one would be able to tell it was from Forever 21.

  Even though I didn’t have her long, generous stems, the dress left me exposed to mid-thigh. Chase’s toes skimmed along my bare leg, nudging my thighs apart. I shivered with pleasure as the ticklish sensation continued until his toes stopped right at my crotch.

  Damn! I wish I’d been able to find those panties, after all! Suddenly, despite the sumptuous atmosphere and luscious man seated not two feet away from me, my mind flashed back to the messy interior of my apartment. Right before I left, I hadn’t been able to find my favorite pair of second-hand Jimmy Choos. The ones I’d been wearing when Chase and I met. The ones on my feet were left over from my high school graduation – they felt both too small and too outdated.

  “What’s wrong?” Chase pulled his foot away. “Too much? I’m sorry. I should have checked with you first. But after yesterday…”

  I shook my head, flushing with embarrassment again. I wondered if I would ever stop feeling inadequate around him and worrying about minutia.

  “No, nothing’s wrong,” I replied. “Except…”

  Unpleasant thoughts stormed into my head like the front line of an army capturing my thought patterns, stealing my focus from the dream dinner.

  “Never mind,” I said with a tight smile. “It’s fine.”

  Chase gazed at me through narrowed eyes as if he were contemplating the truth of my words. Women always said nothing when they meant something, and he’d most likely been burned by this song and dance before. He scratched his chin but then a few seconds later, he leaned toward me, and I felt his fingers skidding up the inside of my thigh.

  I could barely touch the food. Instead, I sat there, staring at my truffles, foie gras, and escargot, thinking about what Chase would do to me the moment we left the restaurant. The tension in the air sizzled like an inferno. Hot, crackling, and downright palpable. Every time Chase’s eyes caught my own, the mercury on my internal temperature soared up the thermometer. His brooding dark eyes flashed with desire and the way his dark hair flopped over his forehead made me want to reach across the table and tangle my fingers in the soft, silky strands.

  “What is wrong, Monsieur Bradenton?” A frowning waiter leaned over the table, glancing at the food. Everything exactly as he’d left it. The poor guy looked like he might cry. “Does Monsieur have words for the chef?”

  “No, thank you,” Chase said, his voice so low it came out as a guttural growl, and I shivered even though he wasn’t even talking to me.

  Lay down, Chastity. Open your legs, Chastity. Touch yourself, Chastity.

  I was so wet that I was almost afraid to stand up, and I could smell my own arousal through the thin layer of jersey material.

  “Madame? A problem?”

  I shook my head quickly. “No, thank you,” I whispered. I stared at the food – it was a shame to waste such an extravagant dinner, but my stomach had twisted into steel knots so I couldn’t even think about eating.

  Chase pulled the waiter aside and whispered something into his ear. That changed his expression – he perked up and skittered away, holding his hands in front of him. As soon as he disappeared, I giggled.

  “What did you tell him? That we have food poisoning?”

  Chase chuckled. “No. I asked if it would be possible for the food to be wrapped up. I told him that my companion isn’t feeling very well and that we’d like to enjoy the food later. Because later, we’ll have an appetite. At least I will.”

  I burst out laughing. “Sure. Blame it on me.”

  “This is my favorite restaurant. I had to save face or they’ll start seating me in that horrible table right outside the kitchen.” Chase raised his eyebrow and pointed to a table where an older couple was enjoying a bottle of wine. My mouth went dry as he licked his lips. “I thought we could have a picnic later. You know. In the living room. On the floor. After I’ve heard the glorious chorus of your screams of pleasure.”


  “So, welcome, again,” Chase said as he unlocked the door to his penthouse condo. The front door swung open, and even though I’d seen the palatial marble foyer before, the sight still filled me with awe. It felt otherworldly. Like some hokey out of body experience. I managed to get my wobbly legs to walk me inside as my stomach did a somersault of delicious expectation. Equal parts excitement and nausea. When Chase guided me into the living room, I felt a wave of anxiety wash over my head.

  Damn. I wanted to do this. But could I do it? Could I satisfy a man like Chase? What if he pushed me away in disgust? Or even worse yet, laughed at my lack of experience? I should have watched some porn before tonight to glean some pointers.

  “Let’s have some dessert,” Chase said. I perched my seat bones on the edge of his sofa, and he bent down on one knee, tugging off my tacky nineties-looking heels. I wanted to disappear into the buttery leather. “How does that sound?”

  I nodded in response. Five minutes later, Chase snuggled up next to me with a golden platter of chocolate-covered strawberries, and a bottle of champagne in a silver ice bucket to the side. Chase handed me a glass.

  “Now, don’t go getting drunk,” he teased as we clinked glasses in an impromptu toast. “As appealing as you were the night of the gala, I want you to remember every second of tonight. To your first time.”

  I nodded, unable to push any words past my parched throat. The champagne tasted good, and a long sip managed to calm my nerves. My hands shook, and my heart pounded like a hummingbird’s wings, but at least I was able to breathe. I focused on drawing that cleansing breath in and out of my burning lungs. I couldn’t look at him, afraid that I’d already be able to see the disappointment resting in his eyes.

  Chase placed his large palm on my shoulder and began to caress me through the fabric of my dress. His hand was big, heavy, hot – the perfect masculine blend of hair, long, elegant fingers and tan skin. A moan escaped my lips as he moved to the back of my neck, gripping and releasing my skin in a sensual massage that created instead of released tension.

“Chastity, take a deep breath,” Chase growled. “I’m not going to hurt you. Just the opposite. Open your mouth and close your eyes.”

  My eyes clamped shut of their own volition, and I allowed my mouth to fall open at his gentle command. Oh god, I bet my breath reeks in spite of the ten Altoids I chewed in the ladies room. My mind raced with all of the things I was doing wrong, all of the ways I was failing. Just as I was about to leap off the couch and run away for the third time, something cold and damp and juicy touched my lip.

  “I love the way strawberries feel against my sensitive areas,” Chase growled, his voice sexy and deep. He slipped the fruit inside of my mouth. “The way they taste is even better. Drink some champagne, Chastity. Your wound too tight. If I stood you up and gave you a spin, you’d twirl like a child’s play toy.”

  My pussy tightened and thumped with arousal as Chase guided my hand toward my mouth and poured a small amount of champagne inside with the strawberry. Sensual flavors mingled and exploded across my tongue, and I tilted my head back and mewled with pleasure as the juices intertwined. As I chewed, the rich, sweet flavor of the champagne mixed with the tart, juicy strawberry created a world of overwhelming delight. Every sense in my body fired on all cylinders.

  “Keep your eyes closed,” Chase ordered.

  I shivered at his low, throaty tone. Seconds later, I felt his mouth against my own. His lips were wet with champagne, and he tasted like strawberries and heaven. I opened my lips, and Chase slipped his tongue into my mouth, gently swirling across every dark recess he found there. The taste of him was even better than the delicious dessert. One of his hands rested on the back of my neck, massaging and kneading me into a blissful state of arousal. I didn’t even flinch when I felt Chase’s other hand on my jersey-clad thigh, moving closer and closer to my straining pussy. Just one touch.


  “I want you,” I admitted in a tortured whisper. And he’d probably never know how much. Because I was a lark to him. An anomaly. So I kept my true feelings hidden under lock and key. I’d already started to fall for him before the orgasm induced oxytocin had a chance to flood my brain with its heroine-like addictiveness.


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