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Passion, Victoria 8: Hidden Emotions (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Becca Van

  “Not right now. Thanks, Doctor.”

  “No working, driving, or operating machinery while you’re taking those pills.”

  “No,” Sapphira sighed, resigned to the fact that she was staying with the Sinclair brothers for the immediate future.

  “If you have any concerns, talk to Ryan or if he’s not around give me a call. That medication should help with the drowsiness.”

  Ryan helped her to her feet and she was pleased that her legs didn’t buckle this time. After saying good-bye to the doctor they left for the pharmacists. Ten minutes later she had a box of pills and umpteen pieces of paper full of information about the medication.

  “Are you hungry?” Ryan asked and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

  “Yes, I am a little peckish, but I’m sure you don’t want to be babysitting me. Don’t you have to go to work?”

  “No.” Ryan stroked a finger down her face and she only just managed to contain the shudder of awareness working its way up her spine. “I arranged for another doctor to cover me today. Do you want to head over and see Kael’s, Kadan’s, and Kai’s new office? And then we can go and get some lunch at the diner?”

  “That sounds good. What do your brothers do?”

  Ryan took her hand and they strolled down the street. As they were walking, he explained about his brothers’ IT and security business. Sapphira noticed several groups of people walking along the street and wondered if they were all related, but when she looked a bit closer she realized that the men were probably brothers but the women with them weren’t related at all. Just as they were about to pass the gallery, three big men and a small woman exited the shop. Two of the men were holding her hands and the big man walking behind her was looking at her as if she was his next meal. Sapphira quickly looked away not wanting to be caught gawking, but they saw Ryan and called his name.

  “Ryan, how’s things?”

  “Great, Bear. How are all of you?”

  “We’re good.”

  “Nikki, how is the morning sickness?” It was only when Ryan asked that question that Sapphira noticed the woman’s baby bump.

  “All gone, thank God.”

  “That’s good to hear. You will probably have more energy now that the first trimester is over.”

  The three men with the petite woman all burst out laughing and Nikki got red in the face. “You could say that,” one of the other men said with a snicker.

  Ryan introduced Sapphira to Tony, Colt, and Bear Spencer and their wife, Nikki. The men chatted for a moment then the foursome continued on down the street. Ryan wrapped an arm around her waist and urged her forward again. She took about ten steps before she couldn’t hold her tongue anymore.

  “Did you say that she was their wife?”

  “Yes,” Ryan stopped and pulled her closer to the building. “This town has quite a few polyandrous relationships going on. I think there are seven ménage couples living in Passion now.”

  “Really? Isn’t that against the law?”

  “Well if the woman was married to more than one man it would be, but she only marries the oldest male on paper. But that doesn’t mean she loves her other husbands or partners any less.”

  “Wow, that sounds…interesting. How does one woman keep up with more than one man?”

  “I’m no expert since I don’t even have a girlfriend, but from what I’ve gathered watching and talking to my friends, the relationship is all about the woman. Her needs and wants are put first always. Those men treat their women like princesses.”

  “Hmm.” Sapphira began walking again and Ryan had no trouble keeping pace with her. By the time they got to the triplet’s office building, Sapphira was so horny she wondered if her face was flushed. As she and Ryan had strolled along she had been imagining what it would be like to have him and his brothers touching her, making love to her, and she was so damn aroused her panties were soaking wet and she was having trouble breathing. She just hoped that Ryan didn’t notice how sweaty her hand had become.

  He pulled the door to a new small office building open and then stepped aside so she could enter first. Ryan was such a caring, courteous man she couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to be his girlfriend, but when she thought of being with him, his brothers always seemed to follow right behind him. Now that she knew there were polyandrous relationships in this town the thought of being with the four Sinclair men wouldn’t leave her alone.

  Kadan was overseeing a couple of Chippies, also known as construction workers, as they did some cabinetry work along the far wall. He turned and smiled at her and then hurried over.

  “Hey, legs, how are you feeling?”

  “Hi, Kadan, I’m fine.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He gave her a big smile. “Come into the office, Kael’s been chomping at the bit all morning.” Kadan wrapped an arm around her waist and then guided her across the room to one of the open doorways. Kael and Kai were sitting at separate desks working at computers.

  Kai got up from his chair when he saw them, rushed around his desk, grabbed another chair and then bowed over it with a sweep of his arm when he put it down close to his desk. “Your throne awaits, my sweet.”

  Sapphira burst out laughing but sat down. “You’re such a nut, Kai.”

  Kai looked at her then to Kadan and over to Kael, who was looking at her with a speculative gleam in his eyes. When the three men continued to stare at her, she looked at Ryan in askance and he just gave a slight smile and shrugged his shoulders. Kael stood up and came around his desk before he leaned his arse on the front of the desk Kai had been working at. With him being so close in front of her, Kadan on one side, Kai on the other, and Ryan behind her, she was surrounded by testosterone. It also felt like they were using all the air in the room and Sapphira was having trouble breathing, again. It had nothing at all to do with how handsome they were or that she was aroused by being near them.

  Yeah right! Maybe one day you’ll convince yourself that’s true.

  Kael’s deep voice drew her from her crazy desire haze. “How did you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  Kael looked over her head to Ryan and then back to her again. “How the hell do you know which one of us is which?”

  “Umm, I don’t know, I just can.”

  “No one but Ryan can do that. Everyone else has to ask who they’re talking to.”

  “There has to be something different about you that I picked up on.”

  “Like what, legs?” Kadan asked.

  Sapphira tapped her chin with a fingernail and then began to nibble on it. Kael reached over and pulled her hand away from her mouth but instead of letting it go he laced his fingers with hers. Her pussy clenched and she had to grit her teeth when more cream leaked out onto her panties.

  “Well, Kael is more serious than you or Kai. There is a harder look about his eyes. Kai smiles a lot more than you, Kadan, or Kael, and Kadan has a little scar next to his lip to the left side of his mouth.”

  “You are amazing, baby.” Kael tugged her hand and pulled her from her seat. He spread his legs, snagged an arm around her waist, and then lowered his head. The brush of his lips over hers was light, like he was testing her, unsure if she would respond. His tongue licked over her lips and she opened to him on a moan. He took complete advantage.

  Kael’s tongue pushed into her mouth and slid along hers. Sapphira reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging tight. His big body felt so hard and warm and delicious against her, and she craved to have him skin against skin. The kiss deepened to hot, wild, and carnal and it wasn’t until he slowed the kiss and finally lifted his head that she realized the noises she had been hearing had been coming from her. He rested his forehead against hers and stared deeply into her eyes while they got their breath back.

  “You are so fucking stunning, Sapph. I, we, want it all with you.”

  Sapphira withdrew her arms from around his neck and stepped back. She wasn’t sure if she’
d heard right or if she understood what he was trying to say, but before she could ask, she felt three sets of other eyes on her and her face heated with embarrassment. She’d been so wrapped up in Kael she had forgotten the other men were in the room.

  Now you’re just lying to yourself, girl. You knew they were there the whole time and didn’t it make your body light up when you felt them watching you with their hungry eyes?

  Shut the hell up.

  I don’t know what to do.

  “Sapphira, did you hear what I said?” Kael’s deep voice was a lot cooler than she normally heard from him.

  Is he pissed off? Well that’s just too damn bad. I don’t know what he, they, want from me. I’ve only known them a couple days for God’s sake.

  “What?” she finally managed to ask, prevaricating as she tried to think what else to say.

  Sapphira began to pace, moving about the room but staying away from the four men. She was anxious and didn’t know what to think, what to say. Did Kael mean what she thought he meant? No, he couldn’t. She wasn’t going to say anything else until she knew what he was getting at. She was afraid that she had misinterpreted what he was saying and didn’t want to make a fool of herself by replying.

  Ryan came over and gripped her shoulders and then pulled her up against his body. “Calm down, honey. I don’t want you to get too agitated.” He kissed her on the forehead and led her back over to the chair.

  “We’ll come back to that discussion in a moment.” Kael reached out and cupped her cheek. “Now tell me what’s going on with your health.”

  Sapphira looked over her shoulder at Ryan. “I think you should explain. You understand things better than I do.”

  Ryan squeezed her shoulders and nodded and then he explained about Sapphira’s sleep disorder. The more he spoke, the more like a freak she felt. By the time he’d finished speaking she was panting, could barely catch her breath.

  Kael squatted down in front of her and when she saw the concern on his face she couldn’t hold her emotions in anymore. Even though she tried to blink when tears pricked the back of her eyes, she couldn’t stop them from forming or spilling over and running down her face.

  When Kael stood, scooped her up from her chair, and then went and sat on the large seat behind his desk, she didn’t protest. Sapphira cuddled into his big body and cried. Her muscles felt weak, totally boneless, and she knew that the cataplexy had once more taken control. How the hell was she supposed to live a normal life when she couldn’t even control her body? She cried and cried and cried until finally she had no tears left.

  When she realized she was clinging to Kael she tried to pull away, but he tightened his arms around her and held her closer, and since she didn’t have much control, she gave up and slumped against him.

  “Shh, baby, everything will be okay.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes I do.” Kael kissed her head and then tilted her head back.

  “We all want you, Sapphira. I don’t know if you realize it but this town has a lot of ménage couples living here.”

  “She knows,” Ryan said, drawing her gaze. He winked at her and then looked at Kael. “We ran into the Nikki and her men on the way over from the doc’s.”

  Kadan stepped forward, leaned his hands on the desk and then kissed her on the lips. “We want that with you, legs.”

  Kai nudged his brother aside and also leaned over the desk before kissing her cheek. “We are very attracted to you, Sapphira Dixon. The four of us would like to have a relationship with you.”

  “But…” She paused as she tried to gather her thoughts.

  “What do you want to ask, honey? Don’t overthink it, just blurt it all out,” Ryan said.

  “How can a relationship between one woman and more than one man work? Wouldn’t you get jealous of each other?”

  Kael gave a slight tug on her hair. “No. I thought that, too, when I first heard about the polyandrous relationships, but that’s not how it works. Everything is about the woman. What her needs and wants are. I’m not saying that we won’t argue, but if we do, you need to stay out of it. We will work out any differences we have between us.”

  “I just…I don’t know…”

  Kael stood up and carried her over to the large sofa against the far wall and then sat down again with her on his lap.

  “You guys amaze me.”

  “How so?” Kai sat to her right and Kadan sat to her left. Ryan grabbed one of the other chairs over and sat down in front of her.

  “I’m six foot tall and not a lightweight, yet you all cart me around like I weigh no more than a feather.”

  Kael chuckled. “You don’t weigh that much at all, baby. We can lift our own weight easily so why would we have trouble? We probably weigh at least twice what you do.”

  “I weigh seventy five kilos. That’s no lightweight.”

  “And with the exception of Ryan, we are double your weight.”

  “Hey, I still weigh more than Sapphy does. A hundred kilos is nothing trivial.” Ryan winked at her and then flexed his bicep. “As long as I can carry our girl, that’s all that matters.”

  “Can we get back to the conversation at hand?” Kadan asked.

  “Shit, Kadan, lighten up a bit,” Kael snapped.

  “Since when did you become so sensitive and lighthearted?”

  “Cut it out, guys.” Kai frowned at his brothers and then smiled at her. “Don’t let these two Neanderthals bother you, sweetie. They like to butt heads every now and then.”

  “I don’t want to be the cause of harming your relationship,” Sapphira blurted out.

  Kael tugged lightly on her hair until she was looking at him. “You won’t. If you agree to a relationship with us we’ll have to set down some ground rules.”

  “Like what?” She snapped, crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him. “I’m an adult, not a child.”

  “Oh, believe me, baby, we all know you’re a grown woman.” The look Kael gave her sent heat through her body. Her nipples pebbled and her pussy clenched.

  Ryan took her hand in his. “First off, never get into the middle of an argument unless you’re one of the people arguing.”

  Kadan put his hand on her knee and squeezed, “Secondly, don’t ever try to pit us against each other. If you do that, you will earn yourself a spanking.”


  Kai stroked her arm and the look her gave her was so serious, one she’d never seen from him before. There was more depth to Kai than she realized and if she decided to accept what they were offering Sapphira couldn’t wait to learn about each of her men. “That’s non-negotiable, sweetie. If you try to play one of us off against the other, you could cause all sorts of problems and we can’t have that.”

  “I wouldn’t…”

  “We know you would never purposely cause problems, honey.” Ryan lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “But you need to know what to expect from us.”

  “Why don’t you all want a woman of your own? Why do you want to share and why me?”

  Kael squeezed her waist. “We’ve had women separate of course, but Kadan, Kai, and I have also shared a woman or two before. Even though those women weren’t right for us, when we were making love to them, it excited us more to see how turned on the women became. We seem to feed off of each other’s desire and once we’d had a taste, we knew that was what we wanted, to share a woman between us.”

  “We didn’t know where our life was heading back then since we were all still serving in the Army.” Kadan sighed. “But when we had quiet times, when we weren’t out on missions, that’s all we talked about. Finding a woman we all cared for and settling down with her. We’re getting on in age, legs. We’re thirty-six years old and for the last two years we’ve craved having roots instead of not knowing where we would end up stationed from one minute to the next. “

  “We want to have children and we think you may be the woman we want to have our kids with,” Kai expla

  Tears of emotion filled her eyes and even though she was very attracted to them, had learned they were all loving, caring men, she wasn’t sure if being with four men was the right thing for her. How the hell could one woman keep four men satisfied? And then there was Ryan. He hadn’t said a word while the triplets were explaining what they wanted. Did that mean he didn’t want her as much as Kael, Kadan, and Kai, or at all? If that was the case then there was no way she could be with any of them. Sapphira didn’t want to cause a rift or any dissension between the four brothers.

  “What’s going through that pretty head, honey?”

  Sapphira looked at Ryan and held his gaze. “You tell me.”

  “I can’t read…”

  She removed her hand from his and placed her fingers over his lips. “Your brothers have explained what they wanted, but you haven’t said a word. Don’t you want…Are you…”

  Ryan grabbed her hand when she lowered it and threaded his fingers with hers. “I want you just as much as they do, but since my brothers are more arrogant and dominant than I am, I figured I’d let them do all the talking. But I agree with everything they said, honey.”

  “So you want me, too?” Sapphira heard the needy desperation in her voice and realized that if Ryan was in on creating an unconventional relationship then she was, too. But there were still a lot more questions she wanted to ask before she agreed to anything with them.

  “Fuck yes,” Ryan answered immediately and unequivocally. “You are one special lady, Sapphira Dixon, and I would love to share you with my brothers. So what do you think, honey? Are you willing to give it a try?”

  Chapter Five

  Kadan held his breath while he waited for Sapphira to answer. He’d never felt so connected to a woman before and knew she was the right one for all of them. His muscles were so fraught with tension he felt like he was going to snap, but he had to be patient. He could be an impatient bastard and usually ran roughshod over anyone in his way to get what he wanted, but he wasn’t about to do that to his woman. She needed to make up her mind without any persuasion from him or his brothers.


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