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Passion, Victoria 8: Hidden Emotions (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  Ryan groaned and then lowered his mouth to hers. He started off slowly, as if easing her into the kiss, brushing his lips back and forth over hers again and again. When she sighed and relaxed into him, he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept over her lips and then he dipped into her mouth. His tongue slid along hers and then she was kissing him back with all the hunger she’d kept banked since she’d first seen him, them. He tasted every inch and nook and cranny until she was breathless and when he lifted his mouth from hers she was pleased that he was gasping for air just like her.

  He kissed over her jaw and then down her neck. Sapphira tilted her head back, giving him easier access. When he got to her ear, he nibbled and nipped her lobe and then he licked down a little and sucked on the skin just below her ear. She moaned with need and clutched at his shoulders, fearful that she would fall to the ground since her knees had gone weak. She slumped against him and then he removed his mouth from her neck, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and slid the other beneath her knees, and picked her up.

  His mouth slanted over hers again as he carried her over to that ginormous bed. Ryan placed her in the middle of the mattress and then pulled away. He was straddling her legs and it was only as he stared down at her that she became aware of the others again. Her cheeks heated but this time with desire and not embarrassment. Kai got onto the bed on one side and Kael the other. Kadan got onto the bed near her feet, slightly behind Ryan.

  “We want to see you, honey. Will you let me take the robe off?” Ryan’s hands were already on the tightly bound belt but he didn’t try to undo it as he waited for her answer.

  Sapphira took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. This was it. This was the night she would find out if what her ex said was true. Even though she was still worried that her pussy would be too big to give these men pleasure, she had to know. Had to find out for herself. She nodded her head and held her breath as Ryan undid the belt. He kept his eyes locked with hers and pushed her robe off to the sides.

  “Holy mother of God. I knew you were a sex goddess.” Kai groaned.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” Kael growled.

  “Beautiful,” Kadan sighed.

  “You’re absolutely stunning, honey.” Ryan stared down at her body. He took everything in from the top of her head to her neatly trimmed mound.

  “Look at those lush tits. I’ll bet they taste as sweet as they look,” Kai rasped. “Taste her, Kael, and tell me what she tastes like.”

  Kael leaned down and swiped his tongue across one of her hard, pinkish-rose-colored nipples. That swipe of his tongue sent a shard of pleasure shooting straight from her breast and down to her pussy. She was so damn wet she could feel her juices on her inner thighs and on her arse.

  “So sweet, just like a ripe berry,” Kael said in a deep, hoarse voice, “I’ll bet her pussy tastes sweeter though.”

  Sapphira whimpered at Kael’s erotic words and her imagination went haywire.

  “Would you like that, Sapphira? Do you want me to eat your pussy?”

  Her reply was a long drawn-out “Yes,” which ended up sounding like a hiss because Kael bent down and sucked her nipple into his mouth and a second later Kadan did the same to her other breast.

  Ryan moved off her legs and then his hands were smoothing up and down her shins. When he got to her knees, he moved his hands to the inside of her thighs and gently pushed her legs apart. The higher he got, the more tense she got, until all of a sudden they all stopped.

  Kadan cupped her cheek and turned her head toward his. “Relax, legs, we promise that you’ll only feel pleasure. Trust us to make you feel good, baby.”

  “Just remember, all you have to do is say stop and everything stops.” Kael splayed a hand over her belly. “Okay?”

  Sapphira nodded, took another deep breath, and closed her eyes. Maybe if she couldn’t see what they were doing, she wouldn’t become anxious and tense up.

  “That’s a good girl,” Kai crooned. “Keep those pretty eyes closed.”

  Sapphira felt the mattress dip and move and even though she wanted to see what they were doing, she kept her eyes closed. The hands on her inner thighs began moving again, caressing her sensitive skin in slow light moves. By the time they were an inch from her pussy, she was soaking wet and trying to anticipate when they would touch her there.

  She cried out and arched up when her nipples were sucked back into warm, wet mouths and then she moaned when her pussy was covered with a big hand.

  “So fucking wet,” Kai rasped. “It won’t take much to send her over, she’s already primed.”

  Sapphira couldn’t believe the way he was talking about her like she wasn’t even there, but Kai had a way of speaking that made her desire burn even hotter. Her legs were pushed out wider and then lifted into the air. The angle tilted her pussy and arse up and she knew she had to be totally exposed to their eyes. Cream dripped out and coated her anus and then she groaned when a finger ran through her drenched folds. Then her clit was being lightly massaged and her hips shot up off the bed. The sensation was nothing like she’d ever felt before and she wanted so much more. Two sets of hands pushed her hips back down and then her arms were being raised above her head and pinned to the mattress.

  She’d never felt so soft and feminine or so controlled before, and the helpless feeling made her desire crank up another notch. Sapphira cried out when a hot, wet tongue laved over her clit. Back and forth and round and round it swirled until she thought she would go mad. Tension began building up inside her and she strained to reach the bliss that was calling, but no matter how hard she tried to get there, it seemed like an impossibility.

  “You taste so fucking sweet, Sapphira. I love eating your honey,” Ryan said in a growly voice just before he started licking her again.

  And then a finger began to push inside. Her insecurity about having a “big twat” tried to rear its ugly head but then she began to relax again at Ryan’s next words.

  “Jesus, honey. Your pussy is so fucking tight. Try and relax for me, Sapphira, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Kael released her nipple with a pop and then he was kissing her wildly, hotly, deeply, and carnally. She sobbed with pleasure and tried to arch first her chest up into Kadan’s mouth as he suckled on her nipple, and then her hips as Ryan slowly penetrated her pussy with a finger, all the while licking and lapping at her clit.

  The pressure built inside, like a boiler with too much steam and no outlet. She felt like she was going explode. And then she did.

  Sapphira screamed, the sound muffled by Kael’s mouth and rapture assailed her from every direction, but with the pleasure was a slight pinching burning pain and she winced as her pussy continued to shake and shiver, clench and release, clamp down and let go on that finger only a little inside her, over and over again.

  When the ringing and blood roaring through her ears finally stopped, she became aware of the four men caressing her body with soothing motions and talking quietly to her as she came back down to Earth.

  “You are so damn sexy, baby. I love to watch you when you come.” Kael pressed a tender kiss to her lips and tears of emotion pricked the back of her eyes. After what Ryan had said about his older brother being cold and hard, he made her feel special and loved with the soft tender way he, they all, treated her.

  “Sapphira, show me again how big your ex’s cock was.”

  Ryan’s command elicited growls from the triplets.

  “What the fuck, Ry?” Kadan snapped.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” Kai shouted.

  “Ryan, what the hell are you trying to do?” Kael snarled.

  Sapphira’s cheeks heated and went red. She had no idea why Ryan would bring her ex into the bedroom, especially after such a loving moment. His demand made her think about that bastard again and she began to feel really uncomfortable, maybe even a little unclean. She turned her head but when she met Kadan’s eyes, she realized there was nowhere she could look without meeting one of the men’s gazes, so she clos
ed her eyes again.

  Ryan reached out and palmed her cheek. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but I’m asking for a reason. Please will you show me?”

  Sapphira opened her eyes again and when she saw that all their attention was on her, her cheeks felt a little hotter but she held up her pinky and then pointed to the first knuckle from the tip of her finger.

  Ryan snorted and looked away, but not before she had seen the amusement in his eyes. She began to feel really bad and tears began to leak from them.

  “Honey, please don’t be upset. I’m not laughing at you, I would never do that.” Ryan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then he looked at each of his brothers and back to her again.

  “Sapphira, could you feel him inside you?”

  She shook her head and then changed it to a nod and finally managed to croak out one word. “Barely.”

  “Honey, you’re still a virgin.”

  “What?” the triplets asked at the same time.

  Sapphira gulped and shook her head. She couldn’t be a virgin because she’d had sex.

  Didn’t I? Of course I did. I was there and remember every humiliating, derogatory word that prick said to me when he’d finished.

  “I can’t be,” she finally managed to say.

  “I know it may seem unbelievable, but that asshole’s cock was too small to even reach your hymen. The membrane is still intact.”

  “Shit.” Kael rolled off the bed and began to pace.

  It looked like he wasn’t happy that she still had a bit of insignificant skin inside her. Why he was angry about it, she had no clue, but the scowl on his face only made her feel worse. Pain pierced her chest and she closed her eyes when more tears leaked from the corners. Sapphira felt so dejected and rejected and began to hyperventilate.

  “Jesus, Kael. Get back here and fix it,” Ryan commanded in a hard voice.

  Sapphira had no idea what Ryan was talking about. How could Kael fix her when she hadn’t even been fucked properly and if they had taken her virginity there was no way to repair it once it was gone.

  Her body began to feel weak and she knew if she tried to move, her muscles wouldn’t cooperate.

  “Kael, now before we lose her again.”

  Kael crawled back onto the bed and held her face between her hands. “Breathe in and hold your breath until you count slowly to five and then exhale.”

  Sapphira did what he said.

  “Good girl, now when you breathe in, do it slowly and count to five, hold it for another five, and then exhale again. That’s it, baby, now keep doing that and listen to me very closely.” Kael closed his eyes for a second as if thinking and then his gaze met hers again. “I’m not angry or upset with you, Sapphira. I’m worried that we’ll cause you pain because none of us are small men. Please don’t ever think that I would think any less of you just because of a piece of skin. That means nothing to me, to any of us. Okay?”

  Sapphira was surprised that the weakness began to leave her body and she concentrated on keeping her breathing deep and even. And now that Kael had explained why he had been upset, she began to relax even more. Finally she was able to breathe normally without having to think about it. She nodded to let Kael know that she was feeling better.

  “That was great,” Ryan said, drawing her eyes. He smiled down at her and rubbed his hand over her belly. “You and Kael made a great team and you were able to circumvent the cataplexy.”

  Sapphira reached up and grasped one of Kael’s wrists and her pussy clenched at the sensation of having his warm skin and muscles beneath her fingers. It took everything she had to keep her fingers from stroking him.

  “Thank you. That helped a lot.”

  “You’re welcome, baby.” Kael leaned over and kissed her forehead then looked back at Ryan. “Since none of us want to hurt Sapphira, I think you should make love to her first, Ry.”

  “But…” Ryan began, only to have Kael cut him off.

  “You’re the doctor and know more about this sort of shit than we do. Besides, unless you’ve grown more since the last time I saw you naked, your cock is the smallest out of all four of us.”

  “Geez, Kael.”

  “Hey don’t get your boxers in a twist.” Kael grinned. “You may be smaller than us but you’re still damn impressive for a little brother.”

  Sapphira couldn’t believe the way they talked. It was as if they didn’t care if everything was out there in the open. She was going to have to get used to that because she was pretty sure that everything would be “out there” very soon. She couldn’t help but giggle at her own little joke.

  The men turned to smile at her but when Ryan got off the bed and stripped his shirt up over his head she gulped.

  Now that she knew that she was a virgin, she was a little nervous about what was about to happen. Which was ridiculous since she’d already had sex, sort of.

  Chapter Eight

  Ryan felt honored that his dominant brothers were going to let him be the first to make love with Sapphira, but he was also nervous because the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. He sighed with resignation and excitement but he was going to make damn sure if she did feel any pain, it would be minimal.

  He was aware of her eyes on his body and hoped she liked what she saw. He had muscles and his abdomen was delineated, but he wasn’t as big and brawny as his older siblings. He pushed that uncertainty aside straight away. If Sapphira didn’t like him she would never have agreed to be with him, any of them for that matter. He lifted his head and saw the way her eyes were running over his shoulders, arms, and chest, and his breath caught in his throat when she locked gazes with him. Her eyes were glazed, she was panting with desire, and her cheeks were flushed again.

  Yes, she definitely likes what she sees.

  When he reached for his belt buckle, her gaze skittered down and stopped where his hands were working on his belt. He released that and then undid the button and slowly lowered his zipper. The rasp of the metal teeth sounded loud, even to his own ears. Ryan pushed his jeans down over his hips and took his boxers with them. He heard her gasp of breath and looked down to see his erection bobbing up and down until it finally stopped, pointing straight out at her.

  The haziness in her eyes increased and then she licked her lips. Ryan stifled his groan at that unconscious provocative action and finally managed to get his jeans and boxers off over his feet. He got back up on the bed and then moved up until he was covering Sapphira without touching her. His knees were on either side of her hips and his hands near her shoulders.

  “Are you sure you want this, honey? Because once we make love to you there is no turning back.”

  “I’m sure,” Sapphira squeaked, cleared her throat, and then nodded.

  Ryan bent his elbows and leaned down to take her mouth. He kissed her deeply, entangling his tongue with hers, and nipped and licked and tasted every inch of her sweet cavern. While their mouths were connected he slowly shifted and lowered his body down over hers until they were skin to skin from mouth to knees and everywhere in between, but he made sure to keep most of his weight off of her.

  When he finally lifted his head, he glided his tongue down the side of her neck until he reached her collarbone. He sucked and then nipped the skin and smiled when she cried out and arched up into him. Ryan heard Kael when he spoke but didn’t stop what he was doing to acknowledge his brother.

  “Ryan found a sweet spot, guys, make sure you remember it.”

  Ryan kissed his way down until he reached one of her dusky rose nipples and scraped his teeth over it. Sapphira was so damn responsive and she whimpered and arched up into his touch. With slow precision and care, Ryan worked his way down her body until his head was hovering over her sweet, musky-smelling cunt. He settled down on his belly between her legs and hooked his arms around her smooth, shapely upper thighs and then he spread her wide.

  He lapped through her folds, drinking down her juices, and then he lifted her arse up off th
e bed and licked her anus. Sapphira mewled in the back of her throat but she didn’t freeze up or try to pull away. He was glad that she liked what he was doing because eventually she would have a cock in her arse.

  Ryan glided his tongue back up through her dew-coated folds, collecting her cream on the tip of his tongue, and then he flicked it over her engorged pearl. She moaned and even as she tried to arch her hips up into his mouth, she tried to wriggle away. He looked up her body and was pleased that Kai was kissing her while Kadan and Kael sucked on her nipples.

  When her legs began to shake and her belly began to quiver, Ryan knew she was on the verge of climax. He held her legs wide and got up onto his knees and was about to start penetrating her when he remembered to protect her. He’d been so caught up in her, he’d nearly forgotten.

  Kadan must have seen his hesitation and known the reason for it, because he reached into the bedside drawer and then tossed a foil packet at him. Ryan caught it, tore it open with his teeth, and then donned the latex. After placing a hand on the top of her mound, so he could feel her belly and also caress her clit, he slowly began to penetrate her pussy.

  Ryan watched in awe as her wet, delicate tissue spread to accept him. He wasn’t a small man but he was smaller than his brothers and when the head of his cock popped through the tight muscles of her opening, he held still.

  Kai was watching her face and whispering something into her ear and Kadan and Kael were still sucking and nibbling on her breasts.

  “Are you okay, honey? Am I hurting you?”

  “No,” she gasped. “You feel so good, Ryan. Give me more.”

  Ryan inched in a little at a time and had to grit his teeth to keep a tight rein on his control. She was so fucking hot and wet, he wanted to plunge inside her until he was balls-deep, but he didn’t want to hurt her so kept his movements slow and steady. When he felt the tip of his cock touch her hymen, he stopped and drew in a ragged breath. He moved his thumb to her clit and began to caress her in light circles.

  Sapphira cried out and her belly quivered. The faster he rubbed her clit, the tauter her body grew. She was moaning and panting and Ryan knew she was right on the edge. When her mouth opened on a soundless cry and she tipped her head back, he knew she was there. And then her cunt squeezed down hard on his slowly thrusting cock. He quickly shifted his hand, gripped her hips, and surged into her till his balls were against her arse. He pulled out and pushed back in three more times and then he shouted before he froze, his cock buried inside her to the hilt.


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