Book Read Free

Living Forest

Page 5

by Lyle, Travis

  “William, this is the best surprise ever. I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me.”

  Acting as if my future is predetermined, like he’s read too many Nostradamus passages, William says,

  “I thought awhile before I could think of the only gift I could get for the wealthiest person in Mississippi. Don’t think that I want to see you go Hollister, I know there are things you have to do before you can settle down here, but your father did always tell me that you’d want to run free.”

  Feeling lost and wandering if William can actually read my mind,

  “How did you know that this is what I wanted?”

  William acts as if he has spent many nights watching over me like my mother has possessed him.

  “Sleep is a funny thing young man, especially when you talk in it. For years the only words spoken in your slumber are, I got to find Amanda. I also knew there’s more to the story than you ever let on, but with the injuries you suffered I never wanted to bring it up before until now.”

  Sensing that he wants to know more, I’m not sure how crazy he’d think I am. Intensity grew in my tone,

  “Okay William, you know I’ve never lied to you. I don’t think I really make a good liar anyways, but there’s something that I never told anyone before. Amanda is alive. I seen her, I felt her, hell… I even kissed her.”

  Passionately William expresses wanting to find out more about mine and Amanda’s moment together,

  “Then what? You have my full and utter attention Hollister.”

  Sounding like I’d been stood up on a date, but still lost on the odd coincidence,

  “I don’t know, we were lying down on a bench looking at a light, and then I woke up still there, but Amanda was gone.”

  William, now sounding like he’s doing his actual job says,

  “Are you sure it was her Hollister?”

  Trying to convince myself and William that I’d have a better chance on finding Amanda or her body than the Police,

  “There’s no doubt in my mind. She and her mother acted like everything was fine. I now know her mother was crazy, but if she killed Amanda she couldn’t have hid her too far from where we were. Plus, Amanda’s quad was still parked at the tree. At least I think it was.”

  Remembering something from a long time ago William says,

  “Hmm… Hollister, have you gone through that stuff from your grandfathers house yet?”

  Curious now because William knows the things I had kept out of my stuff before I left the first time,

  “No why?”

  William’s voice feels like it’s about to explode with excitement. I think he knows he got me this year and will be giving me the break I’ve needed for a while.

  “Well, I remember seeing an old wooden chest get loaded into the moving van that I know didn’t belong to your father. I’m just saying, when we get back home you should finally unlock that door and go into that room. Just take a look for yourself. Now, I have a surprise for you at dinner. This wasn’t your last birthday gift, because I have one more up my sleeve.”

  One thing I’d like to say about William is that he and his late wife could never have children. He never wanted to remarry another woman, so he took to my family like he was one of our own. My father helped him through many rough times, but I feel he has already repaid that favor by helping me through mine. He has been like a lost worrying mother looking for her lost child since my parent’s death. I think he’s confused on what role he should play from this point. He’s never been a father, especially dealing with an individual full of my issues. Sounding concerned,

  “I know you’re not going to like this Hollister, but will you please wear this blindfold.”

  His frowned facial expression tells me the thinks I’m going to reply with a no, but I feel I need something majorly out of the ordinary today.

  “This is a little odd for you to ask of me William, but I know you want to keep your surprise a secret, so I’ll wear your blindfold.”

  William directs Hollister into the limousine. He whispers to the driver where to go next. It‘s just low enough that Hollister can’t make out his words. The driver is now given directions to the new Cruise line Casino that William recently purchased. Hollister if finally turning twenty-one and knowing the owner comes with secret favoritism. William has a big party planned for Hollister tonight in attempt to get him to leave the memory of Amanda and Oklahoma behind him. William truly wants Hollister to choose the luxurious life in southern Mississippi over a tale wrapped in mystery that has left him injured for life already once in northeastern Oklahoma.

  After the limousine stops, the blindfold is removed from my face. We’re parked in a large garage building. The door to my side of the limo opens. Instantly I feel like a rock star, at least what I envision a rock star feeling like. Large men open the door to the building as others surround me and William like bodyguards. In the background I can hear the news crew talking about a Grand Opening, while flashes and clicking from cameras nearly drown out the noise coming from the people. We’re quickly rushed through the door while being fully guarded.

  In the background I can hear the words, “Mr. Peaks, Mr. Peaks”, noises of people cheering, cameras flashing, then it all begins to taper down into silence as the doors close behind us. We walk down a long enclosed hallway to the boarding dock of a giant cruise ship. A banner reading, “Grand Opening” drapes over the entranceway. Along either side of the walkway on the boardwalk entering the ship, beautiful women stand with boxes of lei’s and birthday hats to hand out. I didn’t notice the birthday hats at first just their breasts. It’s only after we approach the women they all at once scream,

  “Happy Birthday Hollister!”

  My cheeks blush, my chest gets an ice cold feeling as if polar ice rub has been applied. I’m embarrassed, surprised and shocked all at once. William is standing beside me having the time of his life. William’s laughing now nearly becomes cackling. Gasping for air in between laughs, he finally calms down enough to say,

  “You should’ve seen your face, priceless and I do believe we even have it on video. I know I shocked you, but let me tell you something, there are many more events planned for us on this fine evening. Yes indeed. By the time this evening ends with all of its grand surprises, Oklahoma will be nothing, and I mean nothing, but a faint memory in the back of your mind son.”

  Still in shock and stunned at these beautiful women touching me, and putting Hawaiian necklaces called lei’s all over me. Somehow one of them manages to slip a birthday hat on me without me noticing that she’s even done it. There’s only one word that shyly utters from my lips,


  Smiling at the crowd of women around me William says,

  “Now, can two of you beautiful ladies be so kind to escort Hollister to the VIP room.”

  Turning to me he says,

  “I’ll be there after the opening ceremony. You’ll be fine, and may even find yourself not wanting to leave the room when I return.”

  By now all I can do is shake my head up and down. William’s surprises this far renders me speechless.

  Chapter Five

  With two women on either side of Hollister, they take him into the VIP room of the giant cruise ship. William’s introduction of the world’s first and largest international gambling contest cruise line is quickly flooded with American contestants and news crews. Everything for Hollister right now feels like a dream. While in the VIP room, Hollister refuses to drink any alcohol. One of the strip dancers quickly talks Hollister into getting high on Marijuana, preaching it’s his Native heritage. Now floating in clouds, with no stress, no pain, and no worries, Hollister loosens up and relaxes so he can receive the treatment of his life.

  The front door to the VIP room rattles alerting me on incoming visitors.

  “Knock, Knock, Knock.”

  Moments later the door opens. Many of America’s top music artist’s walk through. They join me in an enormous room that sits
at the very top of the entire ship. With all this space, I still find myself confused on how I ended up in front of the door with two strippers grinding all over me. They are raping me with my clothes on. Well… I guess it’s only considered rape to those not willing, making what I’m feeling past the words of arousal excitement.

  The only thing I can think while watching pop star after pop star enter the room is,

  “Wow… I’m high.”

  Quickly I find myself joined by a member of a rock band. He smoothly acquires the woman riding my right leg. I didn’t mind as the woman on my left begins to ride up and down between my legs with her tight ass wiggling my pulsating penis through my clothes between the two cheeks of her ass.

  The rock star looks at me with a slight smirk,

  “How you holding up there champ?”

  About to burst in joy, I speak the best I can.

  “Umm… I’m not sure. This has never happened to me before.”

  Ecstatically laughing the rock star says,

  “Quit fucking around.”

  Having been sheltered all my life, he can tell I’m speaking the truth by the sound of my voice,

  “No, I’m serious.”

  Maybe he’d gone through something similar and felt my pain. He may also be just plain crazy, or even some of both. The rock star leans up. He whispers softly into the ear of the stripper riding me. She giggles gingerly as his voice tickles her ear. Cheerfully she replies to him,

  “I see… yes, I’ve been waiting on this for awhile.”

  The stripper leans into my ear and whispers,

  “My name is Amanda, come with me.”

  Bewildered in shock,

  “Wait… what?”

  She thinks my distress is because I’m a virgin and the reason why I’m in shock, but it’s because of her name and herself. Sobering up enough from my daze, I notice she looks exactly like Amanda. Before I can say anything else, she grabs my hand. Tenderly she hints for me to stand by lightly tugging on my arm. Like a robotic trance, I do everything she physically motions to me.

  Following behind her closely, she walks to an enclosed room, a private room. She slowly pulls me to a red leather chair that has a dance pole sitting within inches in front of it. After I’m shoved to sit down, she places herself between my legs while gripping onto the dance pole. Leaning against the pole, she looks back at me and simply says,

  “Put on some music sweetheart.”

  Sitting beside me on a table is the remote to a sound system. With confusion and ecstasy flowing through me at the same time, all I can do is push the red power button and pray music follows there after. Instead of hearing blaring static, music instantly sounds from all corners of the room from a playlist on cloud storage.

  Wild Ones by Flo Rida ft. Sia starts to play. The beat echoes through the room and Amanda’s body begins to bounce in a flawless rhythm with the beat. While she’s moving up and down against me I ask,

  “How did you get here?”

  Speaking without missing a beat to the music,

  “What do you mean? I’ve always lived here.”

  Have I found a doppelganger? I know all of this feels like a dream, but it’s real. This is really happening to me right now. While riding up and down my body, Amanda reaches back and places her finger upon my lips.

  “Shhh… forget about the past. Just enjoy this moment happening to you right now. Worry about the rest of your life later.”

  Re-gripping the pole, the song Troublemaker by Olly Murs ft. Flo Rida begins to play through the speakers. Her hips thrust in a different manner circling, shaking, and rubbing up then down, back and forth, all around. My body trembles with arousing pressure to the point that I can barely hold my exploding urge back. Amanda quickly flips around, straddles me, rubs her entire body upon mine, and then presses her lips softly on my lips.

  Our tongues touch once again producing the same fireworks I felt upon the top of the tree house. A perplexing thought haunts me,

  “How can this be? How can this be real?”

  We continue to kiss. Her hands move down my sides, she leans back, and pulls my shirt off of me. Her body begins to move on the top of me like a belly dancer flowing to the song called, OMG by Usher ft. Her fingers flow through her hair, she looks up in pleasure, her breathing becomes shoddy as if nearly striking pleasure upon herself, but still feeling the lack of me inside her.

  Reaching down with her hands, she unbuckles my belt. Placing her right hand upon my chest, pressing her body upon mine, she rubs herself profusely on me. Her other hand quickly, but carefully unbuttons my tight jeans. She seductively moves them down towards my hips, making the notion that it’s now time to strip. Grabbing my jeans, I quickly slide them off, and then I lean to the side of Amanda pulling on a loose string to her green bikini. Leaning to the other side, I pull the remaining string needed for me to watch the bikini fall to the floor revealing the private, but goddess like sculpted section of Amanda’s body.

  We both gaze intently into each other’s eyes. Amanda, riding slowly back and forth causes warm juices to flow on my lower body. It wasn’t from me, but her. Thrusting her hips all around flowing with the music, she continues to massage my pulsating private with her throbbing piece of heaven. I can feel her skin stretch around it as she forces me inside her. Warm juices begin to flow again completely soaking the leather chair causing it to get slick. Slowly she continues to inch her way further down. With each thrusting movement, moans of deep pleasure bellows from her colliding with the song.

  For a moment my focus gets taken away from Amanda. I can hear people cheering then a loud mouth yelling through the door,

  “Get some, get some.”

  The doorknob jiggles,

  “Clang, clack, click”

  A quick brush of wind flows through, and William charges into the room. He quickly treads within four feet from the chair before he begins realizing the events that are taking place. A more urgent look, the look that is painted on Williams face during his uninvited barge, plays in slow motion as it begins to slope towards the ground. Jaws open and choking for air, William looks like he’s been hit in the gut by a brick.

  Heavily panting, feeling full shock, William stutters,

  “Wuh, wuh, we, well… umm,”

  William coughs and then takes a deep breath. Before racing towards the door, his voice teeming with shock says,

  “Well, umm… see me when you’re finished. Okay now, nice chat, bye.”

  Running towards the door, William’s left foot gets caught up on his right. Knees buckle, left ankle twists inward, right ankle twists out, and somehow his head flies forward as if trying to do a handspring without his hands up. His large belly saves him from a near catastrophic face plant. The impact with William’s momentum sends him to bouncing, skidding, and flopping across the floor into the edge of the door. The door catches underneath his chin and forces his neck behind him. William looks as if he knocked himself unconscious, now lying on the floor inside the VIP room.

  Laughter fills the room, quickly becoming all I can hear. Not at me, I think everyone is aroused and turned on by Amanda and I, many fingers remain pointing down at William. At least until one woman, standing closely to the door, tries to wake up William. I’m still held down in shock from being caught having sex while losing my virginity. Amanda pries herself beside me, trying to cover up with my body, leaving me exposed to the public. A heart wrenching screech easily pierces through the cackling,


  The shrieking scream flows from the close standing woman. She’s a news reporter for FOX news that quickly notices blood pouring out on the floor and his spine poking through the skin of his neck. His jaw is disfigured and crushed from the impact. William is dead!

  Many pictures and videos are taken during this entire incident. Amanda quickly clothes herself while using me for cover. Flash after flash flickers. My clothes can’t be found to clothe myself, still the flashing co
ntinues. Paramedics quickly respond as if they’re already Froggy and awaiting even the slightest of cuts with anticipation, but with the near impenetrable crowd they find it impossible to get close to the room.

  Is human nature this awful and vile? What I mean is, why would everyone be fighting to take pictures and videos, going paparazzi is what I call it, rather than do what’s right. The right thing would be to let the paramedics do their job, and also console those affected by this freak accident. The right thing seems to leave many in a time like this, as shown now. Seems compassion only comes after their story.

  A few people with their wits about them weave through the crowd. The music stars are the individuals that take the first stand. It may have taken them a while, only because it can be difficult to press through the media at times. The stars, fastest to react to the riot, are moving the media and lingering bodies out of the paramedics path. Amanda and I quickly become surrounded for cover after just over ten minutes worth of shock, tears, and chills from the exposure of nudity. Dragged away and rushed through crowds of people, we find ourselves in the luxurious room of a prestigiously famous movie star.

  A towel hits me in the chest. A male voice weakly states as if degraded by the sight of my nakedness.

  “Wear this.”

  A more feminine male voice quickly replies,

  “No, this will look more presentable. I swear it’s just the right size for you hun.”

  The clothes land on the floor just in front of me. Nearly as fast as they fall, I move to match the same speed putting them on. Not because of the odd man that tossed them at me, but because I finally come to the realization that I have none on. A black silk dress coated in gold flakes and diamond beads tightly presses against Amanda’s chest to hips. From the hips to just above her ankles her dress lingers loosely, if she spins a perfect circle would form. She looks like she’s receiving a make over, now matching shoes are being placed upon her feet.

  The thin black trousers that I finish buttoning fits like a good dream. Socks and shoes tumble across the floor, stopping just before touching my toes. The jealous and weak male voice quickly says,


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