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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 3

by K'Anne Meinel

  Erin was amazed and delighted by Kate’s tale. An incredible amount of work had gone into this place. Erin could tell though that Kate had been telling the truth as she was extremely fit and in good shape. Erin had admired the breadth of her shoulders, her large boned body, and her elegant hands. She was a well put together woman and didn’t mind getting her hands dirty to get the job done the way she wanted. Her description of how she had found and planted the topiary trees delighted and amused Erin. Erin found herself surprised at her attraction to this woman, she wondered...

  The afternoon sun began to set all too soon and Kate offered to make dinner in the kitchen. Erin agreed as long as she was allowed to help. Kate laughed explaining that she was a vegetarian and that it just amounted to pulling out fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator. She did indeed have platters of the stuff with dips that she put on the wide countertops. Pulling out a bottle of wine she asked Erin to open and pour for them both. They ate the neat finger foods as Erin looked at Kate suspiciously. There was no way she had prepared these platters of fresh and perfect fruits and vegetables in advance of Erin’s visit. They had only met the previous night! Kate finally fessed up explaining that she bought the platters from the local Albertson’s grocery store as it was easier than preparing them herself and besides her garden hadn’t begun to produce this year yet. They had a good laugh over her ‘making’ dinner. Kate confided she also ‘made’ a good reservation.

  Good food and good wine they enjoyed their dinner together and relaxed. Erin commented on the works of art on the walls that were intermixed with pictures of wildlife and photos of Kate herself as well as two young men in various stages of growth. Kate explained that she knew the artist and had purchased several of her works. She had in mind several more she would like to commission but hadn’t had a chance to see her friend. After the platters had been picked over and put away Kate showed Erin the view from her ‘lighthouse’ as she called it. A circular staircase nearly hidden by the bedrooms and an unnoticed laundry room wound around to a second level of a glass room that gave a 360 degree view. The room itself was about 15 feet across but from here you could clearly see the Pacific on a clear day. The other view was of the mountains above Santa Barbara.

  “When I first came to Santa Barbara about 25 years ago I thought all those white rocks on the mountainside were snow.” Kate laughed at herself and Erin joined in. “When I came back a couple of years ago I knew this is where I wanted to settle.”

  The view was incredible and yet they were isolated, only some of their neighbors were visible. Looking down the hill you could of course see the lights twinkling on over the city as it sloped down to the ocean but otherwise they were completely alone. From the outside the ‘lighthouse’ was not quite visible due to some strategically placed palms about the property. The overall affect was incredible. Kate had good taste and it showed.

  Kate showed Erin her den or library. A large roll top desk housed a modern desk top computer with a lap top to its side. The walls were lined with bookshelves each shelf crammed with books of the various authors that Kate enjoyed. Reference books lined the shelves near her desk. Here too potted hanging plants abounded. The room gave off a warm cozy ‘I don’t want to leave it’ atmosphere. Kate showed Erin the little fireplace in the corner where two comfy couches met. Kate showed her pictures of the property before and after the renovation. It had been a disastrous jungle and now it was cool, elegant, sculpted. A real beautiful showplace. She also had a time lapse photography set up showing the place in progress at various points, she explained since she was out at the place almost daily she had set up her tri-pod and took the same picture day after day from the same spots. It was awesome to see the daily difference, how subtle, how incredible. “I’m going to scan all these in” she indicated the book of the time lapse pictures “and create a DVD of it, I think it will look incredible.” She told Erin proudly.

  “Wow, this really is a home. It’s amazing what you have done” Erin told her. Kate smiled and Erin caught her breath.

  As Kate went to leave the room Erin lightly caught her arm and spun her back as in slow motion. Startled Kate looked directly into those incredible blue eyes and began to drown as Erin leaned in to kiss her. Kate didn’t move, didn’t respond, not sure what to do, not wanting to offend. All too soon Erin pulled back and looked deeply into Kate’s hazel eyes, trying to read them. They were asking for an answer to an unspoken question. Kate wasn’t sure what to say, what to do. She had hoped that the rumors about Erin were true but had settled in her mind that the most they could hope for was a good friendship. Last night and today had confirmed that to her, or so she had thought. Nothing in Erin’s manner had given her an indication other than friendship. They had gotten along famously.

  “Was that okay?” Erin asked hesitantly. She thought she had read Kate correctly today. Her living alone with nothing but the pictures of her son’s as well as casual conversation had indicated to her that Kate was not involved with anyone, male or female. She thought she had detected an attraction beyond the usual friendship, or maybe she had just hoped. Was she wrong? She had to be so very careful with her reputation because of her fame with the people she met or got involved with. It had been a leap of faith to kiss Kate but she was certain she wasn’t wrong and had taken the gamble.

  Kate wasn’t sure of the next step. This was ERIN INGRAM for crying out loud. Kate was just a writer of novels. She wasn’t anyone important. She had enjoyed the kiss even if she hadn’t responded to it. Biting her lip slightly she thought everything over in a moment and thought, well why not? She wasn’t about to return a gift such as this. Erin was a beautiful and brilliant woman, how could she not want to know more of her? Leaning into Erin she kissed her back, this time putting her all into the kiss. Erin opened her lips and Kate immediately responded, lightly running her tongue along Erin’s thin lips and into her mouth. Their tongues touched and they both deepened the kiss. It was fantastic, it felt so right. Erin was shorter so Kate had to incline her head slightly but the difference wasn’t so great that they didn’t meet as equals. Erin’s hands crept around Kate in an embrace as the kiss deepened and Kate copied the motions, lightly caressing Erin at the back of her neck and down her back. Their bodies molded together and it felt so nice to both of them. Kate couldn’t believe she had this beautiful and sexy woman in her arms!

  Erin was thrilled to be kissing Kate. All day long she had wanted to but knowing her position she had to tread very lightly. Besides which her ‘gaydar’ hadn’t been going off too loudly. Kate didn’t read gay, she read ‘friend’ and a good one at that but Erin had gambled and given the response she was receiving she had gotten double sixes! She knew herself well enough to recognize the immediate attraction. Kate had intrigued her from the first blush. Her natural intelligence and wit had captivated her. Kate’s unconscious beauty and physical appearance drew her. She had hoped she was reading Kate correctly. Kate obviously knew how to kiss. There was none of that awkward ‘oh no I’m kissing a woman moment.’ After the first cautious kiss on Erin’s part she was enthusiastically participating.

  The kiss led into one after the other and neither realized the passage of time, they were both breathing heavily before either pulled back. Kate looked incredulously into Erin’s eyes, she couldn’t believe it. She had hoped, she had thought, but she knew she didn’t stand a chance and now THIS?

  Her voice was shaky as she asked quietly, hopefully “would you like to stay the night?” She hoped she hadn’t moved too soon or offended Erin. She didn’t want to presume too much.

  Erin heard the hesitancy in her voice and smiled “I was hoping you’d ask that.” She was surprised and pleased at the offer. She didn’t normally make passes at people in general much less go to bed with them so quickly but she had felt very drawn to Kate and had impulsively kissed her. She was glad she had. Something was brewing between them, she could sense it, and she hoped that Kate could too.

  Kate looked into Erin’s eyes
deeply and smiled, she didn’t realize the effect this had on Erin who caught her breath. Taking Erin’s hand she led her down the hall and into the master bedroom where a king sized bed took up the center of the room. They stopped at the end and took each other into their arms and just held each other for moment. It was comforting for both of them. It also made each aware in subtle ways of the other’s body against them.

  Kate was still in shock but it was wearing off quickly. Of course she had been attracted to this woman. Who wasn’t? Who wouldn’t be? She was one of the most beautiful and sexiest women on the planet. She still wasn’t certain she wasn’t dreaming. She jumped when Erin reached down and pinched her on her buttock. Pulling back she asked “What’d you do that for?”

  Erin laughed and said “it’s real.”

  With perfect understanding Kate returned the laugh and then seriously contemplated kissing Erin. Erin beat her to it and soon they were caressing hesitantly as well. Getting to know each other as they stood there. Erin tugged on Kate to pull her to the bed. “Wait, I like to undress and be undressed, I find it incredibly sensual.” Erin smiled. Kate grinned and began to once again kiss the woman before her. Slowly she unbuttoned the blouse that Erin was wearing. Erin was relieved that Kate obviously knew what she was doing. She had worried that Kate might not be gay and was only ‘trying this out’ out of curiosity. Her knowledgeable hands, although hesitant, knew what they were doing and where they were going.

  Erin’s hands weren’t idle. They began pulling the blouse that Kate was wearing from the waist band. Her hands slid inside and made their first contact with Kate’s skin. Kate sighed deeply into their heated kiss, welcoming the contact. Slowly she caressed up and down Kate’s back eliciting more sighs and slight moans from her, the sound exciting her, knowing she was arousing this woman. She wanted more and pulled away just enough to pull Kate’s blouse over her head. Kate took advantage of the momentary lull to push Erin’s blouse from her shoulders and arms, her fingers and hands gently touching as it came off, it fell at their feet. They both stood there in their bras and pants, shoes already discarded. Kate reached for Erin’s pant button as Erin reached for Kate’s. Kissing and caressing each other they both became more aroused and were down to their underwear and socks in no time. This released a lot of skin for them both to explore, which each of them took advantage of. Stepping out of their pants they continued touching, caressing, kissing each other. Each step of the way increasing each other’s pleasure as they got to know each other’s bodies. Erin could barely stand she wanted, she needed to feel this woman completely against her body. Kate understood as Erin pushed her against the side of the bed gently, letting her take the lead. Kate sat and then lay back, pulling Erin against her as she went. The feel of their bodies fully against each other increased their ardor. Fervent caresses had them soon releasing each other’s bras and more skin. A firm palm against Kate’s breast as Erin removed the bra had her moaning. Erin lightly kissed her way down from Kate’s mouth to her nipple. Kate caught her breath. Smiling slightly Erin loved hearing the catch. Soon both of them were naked, caressing each other fully they moved against each other subtly arousing as each touched with their hands and bodies. A leg moving up the side of her partners increased the pleasure. A hand teasing its way down the body but stopping short of the V tantalized. Soon both were done with teasing and wanted so much more.

  Kate kissed her way down Erin’s body stopping to worship her breasts and nipples, feeling Erin writhe beneath her in wanting. She moved to kiss lower, peppering Erin’s midriff with kisses, tasting her with her tongue. She moved to go below the naval but Erin stopped her with “another time” and tugged her north again.

  Erin was on fire, she wanted to go slow but it had been so long since she had been with anyone, so long since she had wanted someone like this that she felt she was going to explode. When Kate headed towards her V she had the thought that she hadn’t showered since that morning and that could wait for another time. Pulling her up she concentrated on taking the lead. Kate was a willing participant. Climbing on top of Kate she used her body to communicate in so many ways that she wanted to be with her, rubbing her body against her partner, her leg slipping between Kate’s and rubbing, glorifying in and hearing the catch in Kate’s throat. She could feel the wetness against her thigh and knew her own body was responding. Her hand crept between them and she touched Kate’s wetness, rubbing, feeling, spreading it. Kate moaned into Erin’s mouth, encouraging her. Her lips kissed along Kate’s jawline and down to her incredible breasts capturing a nipple between her lips she gently sucked and tongued it, relishing the arch of Kate’s body forcing the breast further into her mouth. Her hand played with the hair between Kate’s legs as she felt the soft wetness there. Her fingers played along the slit and began to gently enter her partner’s body. Deeper and deeper they probed as Kate’s body indicated her pleasure, encouraging what Erin was doing. Kate’s eyes had closed, enjoying and concentrating on the sensations. Erin hit a spot and Kate’s body slumped in absolute surrender, lightly stroking the spot over and over had Kate moaning louder, encouraging Erin to do more. Two fingers inside and a thumb rubbing Kate’s clit had her panting and whimpering for more. Her tongue and lips busy at Kate’s nipple she watched as the woman beneath her squirmed in her arousal. She began to gently thrust her fingers in and out and Kate’s moans became almost primeval. Her own arousal was evident as her hips ground against Kate’s hip, her clit hard and trapped between her body and Kate’s. Her own breath was coming harder and faster. Finally Kate seemed to find a small release, nothing like the passion should have indicated but she immediately rolled over Erin and began doing the same delicious tortures to her body, touching her intimately and deliberately. Erin loved the look of intensity in Kate’s eyes as she kissed her and then moved back to her nipples to torture them with her lips, her tongue, even her teeth. It had been so long, Erin couldn’t hold out and came with an all-consuming rush that made her feel like Superwoman. Her body arched up and Kate caught her against her own body grinding in rhythm to their unspoken song. Her free hand slipped under Erin to squeeze her buttock and bring her closer if that was possible. A rush of liquid escaped her and slowly her body came back down to the bed as it relaxed after the climax. Kate’s hand between Erin’s legs gently caressed and played with the wetness about her clit. Her hand under Erin trapped between her body and the bed, Kate held her close as their breathing slowly returned to normal. Slowly she moved her hand to the bed, wiping off the wetness and using that hand to lever herself gently to Erin’s side, still holding her but not wanting her own weight on her partner anymore.

  Awhile later they both opened their eyes. Kate seemed unsure of herself and quickly looked away but Erin wasn’t as shy. She had wanted and had this woman, she had enjoyed herself immensely. She wanted more and began caressing her, getting to know her body again and more intimately, with her eyes open this time, not arousing her, just touching her everywhere. Kate curved towards her loving the feeling and returning the gestures. Soon they both were content and getting cold, got under the covers together. Dozing off they both would awaken to the casual caress of their partner throughout the night but both slept well.

  Kate woke as was her habit by 7. Looking around her familiar bedroom she realized she had had one hell of dream. It wasn’t a dream though as she realized that Erin was laying there watching her. Smiling in delight Kate beamed at the woman in her bed.

  Erin had woken perhaps ten minutes before Kate. Turning on her side she examined what she could see above the covers. What was it about this woman that already drew her, she had never ever had a one night stand, much less fallen into bed with someone this quickly. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake but she had enjoyed herself immensely and wouldn’t allow herself to regret that. As Kate slept she had tucked her hand under her chin as though to cradle her own head, it was endearing to watch. Even relaxed she had a youthful look to her face. Having sons the ages they must be she certainly
didn’t look old enough to have had them. The age lines she did have were defined by laugh lines. Her smile certainly was contagious. Erin sighed happily, glad she had met this amazing woman. She could tell when Kate rolled to her back that she was waking up.

  “Good Morning” Kate said, her voice slightly raspy and incredibly sexy in the early morning.

  Smiling Erin answered. Her arm crept across Kate’s naked torso to give her a hug and cuddled close. She rested her head on Kate’s broad shoulder.


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