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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 21

by K'Anne Meinel

  In the breakfast room was a waffle maker and toasters as well as dry cereal. Kate found a small fruit cup and took two along with a large glass of orange juice and another of apple. Erin joined her after her waffle was done. She also had a fruit cup and a cup of coffee. “So what did Haley want to talk to you about?”

  “Oh, just two old friends catching up. She didn’t have the opportunity last night really with the dinner.” Kate hedged, and then felt almost as though she had just lied to Erin. Looking into those beautiful blue eyes she felt her chest tighten at the thought of ever losing Erin and realized she couldn’t lie even by omission. “Actually, I think Haley thought she could get back with me.”

  “Why would you say that?” Erin asked genuinely puzzled. She had of course known that Haley and Kate were ex-lovers but Haley was with a man now, one who adored her and gave her everything she could ever want.

  “I found myself arguing with her over things that were none of her business.” Kate admitted.

  “I know, I heard.” Erin informed her with a guarded look.

  Surprised Kate stopped eating and just sat there looking at Erin. “What did you hear?”

  “I think I heard just about everything. I heard when your phone buzzed and you texted back and hurriedly got dressed. Reading your note I was maybe a few minutes behind you and came down in the elevator. I walked up behind one of the posts in the lobby and heard Haley tell you something along the lines that you were with me only for me being rich and famous.” Erin grinned at that. She knew Kate better than that. The rich and famous part was only nice when they could take terrific vacations together, it was a pain in the neck most of the time due to paparazzi and invasion of privacy. Kate was a good sport though. Erin had felt good overhearing their conversation and actually felt sorry for Haley and what she had lost. “You got some things right and some things wrong though?”

  Kate was amused. Erin Ingram had eavesdropped!? In a way she was relieved though, she didn’t have to repeat the conversation and try to remember it all. She was also glad that she had defended herself and her feelings about Erin to Haley so strongly and now she didn’t feel uncomfortable about deciding to tell Erin who knew anyway. “What did I get wrong and what did I get right?”

  Erin reached across the table to hold Kate’s hand “you can and should ask me anything. Even if it is about Sandy and what happened. I noticed a long time ago that you deliberately DIDN’T ask and took advantage of that.” Squeezing Kate’s hand she added “I’m sorry for that, that’s not fair. You should know what happened about everything in my life.”

  Smiling at the trust Erin was showing Kate thought at least something good would come of her startling meeting with Haley that morning. “So what else did I get wrong or right?”

  Returning the smile with one of her own amazing ones she answered “I do LOVE YOU and I’m grateful you love me too.”

  Kate immediately blinked back tears and got up to give Erin a kiss. She didn’t care as she once might have that they were in a public place or that they were in a very conservative area of the country. This was the woman she loved. This was right. It was only natural that she would want to express her affection for her.

  On Friday night they were to attend the practice dinner and everyone was to meet at the church. Kate was sitting on the arm of the plush chair that Erin was sitting in with her arm casually around the back talking with Sean who was seated on the couch. Looking up she recognized her niece standing with her parents in line at the hotel desk. Waving she indicated they should come over. Her favorite brother Jerry and his wife Jessica along with her niece Melinda and nephew Elton joined them to be introduced to Erin. Her god niece Katrina, named for her joined them with own daughter Nicole. She and Erin got along instantly. While they were all getting acquainted Sean mentioned they had to get to the church for practice. Erin waved her on, she was staying to get to know Kate’s family and after the warm reception she had received felt comfortable being left alone with them. Peter and her nephew Elton hit it off and pretty soon all the younger kids were headed to the pool together. The adults adjourned around the pool as they got to know Erin better. Kate wasn’t so sure she wanted to leave her girlfriend with her family but what choice did she really have. She was grateful her other brother and his family lived in town but they hadn’t shown up yet. She knew he would be silently disapproving and she hadn’t wanted to face that yet.

  Sean and she arrived at the church just a few blocks away. They were right on time but could see Brad was nervous already. He gave it away by pacing. Sean kidded him for a while but threats of getting his head knocked off kept him from going too far. Brad’s best friend Tom was his best man and Sean was one of the groomsmen. The family had wanted to keep the wedding party relatively small. Jill’s parents greeted Kate and looked over her shoulder for Erin. She explained that Erin had felt it prudent to stay at the hotel until the wedding. The minister had almost had a coronary when he found out the grooms mother was engaged to a woman. The church had almost canceled the wedding when they realized who Kate and Erin were, especially after the Ellen DeGeneres Show and the Oprah Winfrey Show. It was morally wrong but Kate had soothed the ruffled feathers where she could on several long distance phone calls. Finally the older minister had refused to marry them but the younger minister had stepped up. The young couple couldn’t be held responsible for the groom’s mother’s choices. All he asked is that they not be overtly showy. For the sake of harmony and her son’s happiness Kate had agreed to their demands. She had been angry but held it in check. She was grateful the huge church had allowed them to use their large hall for the reception afterwards. She would make sure they got a generous donation for their troubles but she was certain they were counting on that. The hypocrites, her money was good but not her relationship?

  The minister looked relieved that Erin wasn’t with her but he was still surprised at meeting Kate. He hadn’t remembered her in their congregation from years before but the beautiful woman before him with the streaked long hair, the nose ring, and the attractive dress didn’t seem gay to him, but then here in the Midwest and especially in a Lutheran Church you didn’t see it too often, at least not overtly. He had never read any of Kate McCall’s books but having heard what they were about didn’t think he would approve. He wasn’t as stiff necked as the older pastor and wanted to bring these young people into the fold to protect them from the sinful ways of their mother. They weren’t responsible for her fall into sinful ways. Kate was amused reading his surprise in his eyes. She put herself out to charm him and did so. He was amazed, she was delightful.

  The practice went fine and they all went out to dinner together. Erin texted her and joined her with Peter and Elijah for the dinner. Everyone was delighted to meet her and amazed at how normal she seemed. Kate was silently amused.

  As they dressed the next day for the wedding Kate was stunned again at how beautiful Erin looked. She was wearing one of the gowns she had bought for an awards show they hadn’t attended. Red in color it hugged her incredible figure in all the right places. Erin’s hair was a flattering shade to match. Kate felt pale next to her but then she didn’t see what Erin saw. Kate had chosen an off white gown in a semi-Greek style that flattered her three tone hair which she had gotten re-tinted weeks ago so it looked natural, sorta. She herself looked incredible in her own right. The pair of them together were an awesome combination. Knocking on the boy’s door they opened it to find the boys struggling with their tuxes. Kate laughed as Erin wrestled with Peter’s tie as she deftly tied Elijah’s and then Sean’s, and finally Brad’s. Why couldn’t guys tie their own ties? The guys looked very dapper in black tuxedos with Sean and Brad having a blue cummerbund and Peter and Elijah in black as they were not part of the wedding party. Veronica came from across the hall where she had been sharing a room with Sean in her own pretty mini dress. Putting in her earrings as she came she tucked her purse under her arm and declared she was ready. Last minute inspections and they were a
ll ready to go.

  Kate, Sean, Brad, and Veronica went in one car with Erin and her two boys in the other. They caught glimpses of friends and relatives all heading to the wedding as well. The decorations in the church itself were lovely. The flower arrangements that Kate and Erin had ordered complimented nicely with what Jill had chosen as their theme. Calla Lilies and other beautiful flowers dominated the arrangements. Jill herself would be carrying the long stemmed flowers. Each of the men had a small white lily attached to their lapel by the wedding coordinator. One of the ushers escorted Erin and her two boys to the front pew. This had caused a minor problem but Kate had insisted and Brad and Jill had backed her up. As Brad had just graduated college, he had no money for his share of the wedding, Kate had generously given him funds to pay for the rehearsal dinner, the tuxes, and the alcohol. He agreed to pay it back but Kate had silently refused. The ensuing argument he thought he had won had made Kate determined to open an account for any future grandchildren with the funds he thought he would be repaying.

  Kate went to check on the bride and to assure her that her groom had arrived. Greeting friends and family, some of whom hadn’t seen her in years delayed her return to the sanctuary. The wedding coordinator was worried they wouldn’t start on time and looked pointedly at her watch. One of the ushers escorted Kate to her pew where Erin and her boys already sat, Kate could feel eyes on her from every point. Kate sat and took Erin’s hand in her own. On cue Brad, Tom, and Sean walked out with the minister and the music started for the bridesmaids. The congregation rose and turned. Jill had chosen her two sisters to attend her. The gowns she had chosen and with input from Kate were ones they could use again at parties. Not a wedding ONLY type gown. As a result they were relaxed and looked elegant. Then came Jill on her father’s arm. She looked angelic and breathtaking, her dark good looks were enhanced by the almost daily tanning sessions Kate had sprung for. She looked healthy and glowing. Her smile was radiant as she looked down the aisle at Brad. Kate was so proud of her son; he looked adoringly at his bride.

  The minister had gone over the words of the ceremony with the couple many times but until this moment they really hadn’t sunk in. Jill’s father reluctantly gave her away to this boy/man he had known for years, through college, and part of high school he had persistently courted his daughter. He was the son he had never had. He too was so proud of this young man. He was happy for his daughter that she had chosen so well.

  Kate watched as her son was formally married to this girl he loved. She was a good soul for him. She completed him. Kate wondered if Brad realized how good she was FOR him. Kate was sure he didn’t think in those terms at all, other than they loved each other and marriage seemed the right course to take. Erin squeezed her hand at certain points during the ceremony. Kate’s rings dug into her fingers at those moments but she didn’t mind. She knew Erin was wishing this was their ceremony but both of them were content to wait until it was legal in the state of California. Kate thought about what she would want in her own marriage to Erin, in their own ceremony. Those thoughts caused her to daydream for a while and she was startled to realize it was over when the minister announced “Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Jill McCall!” Kate felt like cheering as the couple kissed and then began to walk smilingly down the aisle.

  Kate waited patiently as the groomsmen escorted their bridesmaids past and then Jill’s parents were allowed to go before Kate and Erin, still holding hands began to walk down the aisle. Kate could see several disapproving looks on several faces but she smiled and greeted people as she went. Her eyes met Haley’s and she was sorry to see that she looked a little sad as she watched Kate and Erin holding hands down the aisle. Kate didn’t stay in the receiving line too long. She wanted to introduce Erin to her other brother and his family and get it over with. Erin wasn’t in the receiving line but when Kate went to look for her she was grateful to see her niece Katrina holding court and amusing Erin with whatever story she was telling her.

  Everyone followed into the reception hall across from the sanctuary. The bridal party returned to the sanctuary for pictures and Kate waited to be told where to go. She was surprised when not only Brad but Jill insisted that someone fetch Erin and her boys for ‘family’ pictures. Kate felt very warm and cozy seeing the equally astonished look on Erin’s face as she was included. The minister hadn’t approved but had wisely kept his mouth shut about the arrangements.

  Dinner was buffet style and everyone seemed hungry as they waited for the bridal party to start. The smells issuing from the kitchen made their mouths water in anticipation. Sliced ham and turkey as well as beef and chicken delighted the hungry masses. Five different vegetables and many different fruits, there were dishes for even the finicky eaters. A glass of champagne was given for toasts and then refills of white wine. Non-alcoholic white sparkling grape juice was available to those who preferred it. Kate and Erin sat directly below the wedding party table. Kate had insisted she didn’t want to be up there on display with Jill’s parents. At her table was her niece and her favorite brother and family. At the table directly to their left was her disapproving brother and his entire family, with four children and their dates they took up a table by themselves. Peter and Elijah had quickly made friends and acquaintances so they were not seated at Erin’s table and neither was Jerry’s son and daughter, they had escaped to who knows where. Kate saw in a corner though many kids around the same age sharing a long table and enjoying themselves out of the watchful eyes of their parents, she was sure that was where they had escaped to.

  After many speeches and requests for kisses, some of which interrupted the bridal couple on many an occasion finally the cake was cut and distributed. They had chosen a marble cake with seven tiers. It was bridged in two places and looked divine. The staff began cleaning plates and the buffet table was curtained off. All the extra food was boxed and bundled up to be taken to Jill’s parent’s house for the morning brunch. There would be plenty for those invited. Slowly the staff cleared tables away from the dance floor. Everyone socialized as the DJ set up his equipment. Finally though the bridal couple had their first dance together. Kate nearly cried her son looked so grown up. Erin squeezed her hand in comfort. Then came the father daughter dance and then mother son dance. Kate tried to hand Brad off to Jill’s mother but he surprised her by handing her off to Erin. For a second they froze and then danced out onto the floor to the disapproving stares of several people including the minister.

  “Think they will let us finish the dance before they string us up?” Kate asked an amused Erin.

  Smiling delightedly at Kate’s sense of humor at a tense moment such as this Erin answered “probably, but they will tar and feather us later as they run us out of town.” They actually danced well together, Erin because she had been trained from early childhood for various movies, and Kate because she had taken lessons for ‘someday,’ well someday was here.

  Peter cut in to dance with his mother and Elijah bowed to Kate. The dancing that they had played at so long ago served them both in good stead. They looked like they knew what they were doing. Sean cut in on Elijah and Elijah found himself dancing with Veronica who he already had a major crush on. Flustered he never said a word to her, instead concentrating on the dance steps Kate had taught him.

  That was the first of several dances Kate and Erin shared. They didn’t care who disapproved and they enjoyed themselves immensely. They didn’t kiss although it had been tempting and really what could the people who disapproved say to that. Once the rock and roll songs started many women danced together.

  The party went well into the evening. Kate and Erin helped Jill’s parents and the groomsmen pack up their van with all the wedding gifts to be taken to their house. They would be opened tomorrow at the brunch. Only a few select people had been invited as well as immediate family. Kate’s brothers and their families were invited.

  Kate was relieved to get back to the hotel. She was exhausted. The wedding had been a success and she was pleased t
hat no one had caused a scene. She had even found herself talking to Haley’s daughters at different times of the evening. She missed them, they had almost been her own and it was nice to catch up. They seemed totally accepting of Erin and had enjoyed talking with her as well, they found her ‘cool.’

  Erin could sense Kate’s relief. Everything had gone well and she was pleased for her. Dancing with Kate had been wonderful despite the few glares they had received. Even meeting Kate’s disapproving brother Seth and his equally stiff necked wife Ellen hadn’t been so bad. They had relaxed during the course of the evening and were quite interesting to talk to. One of the times they had danced a slow dance Erin had whispered in Kate’s ear “you look good enough to eat” and had delighted at her stiffening body in surprise. Kate had grinned warningly at Erin and shook her finger at her “you’re a bad influence” but had loved Erin for that audacious moment. They usually behaved themselves in public but it was nice to know how much they wanted each other none the less.

  Erin whispered to Kate “don’t get undressed” before she herded her boys into their room to get them to bed. Peter grumbled he was too old for this behavior but quickly got ready for bed. Elijah was dead on his feet. He had danced a lot and found girls weren’t quite so yucky after all at a wedding. He barely got dressed for bed before he passed out on top of the covers. Erin laughed as she tucked him in.

  She locked the adjoining door to their rooms and spotted Kate closing the drapes in their room but looking out at the traffic going by on the highway. Erin came up behind her and began kissing along her exposed neck. Immediately goose bumps formed on her arms in response. Erin targeted the right side of Kate’s neck knowing it was one of her erogenous zones and would arouse her. Immediately upon kissing there she could see that Kate’s nipples were responding. Thankful for her high heels enabling her to meet Kate’s height she allowed Kate to slowly turn around and take her into her arms. Slowly they kissed knowing they had all night. Leisurely they undressed each other, Kate having taught Erin how incredibly sensual that could be. As each piece of clothing exposed more skin they both became heated in their arousal. Erin had no doubt her love for Kate or that it was returned in the blazing green eyes that met hers. Kate felt on fire. Something about the wedding, the champagne, the beauty before her, she wanted to consume her and did in a mutually fulfilling way. Standing was soon impossible as knees threatened to give way and they adjourned to the bed. Knowing each other so well it didn’t take long before sighs turned to groans and hoarse whimpers and delighted cries. Sensing her impending cries to orgasm, Erin covered Kate’s mouth with her own. Erin’s own cries were soon muffled as Kate, recovering from her own orgasm turned the tables and consumed Erin with her passion.


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