Kelan: Talonian Warriors
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The sound of the waterfall had lulled Michelle to sleep. Mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion kept her in a deep slumber until she was abruptly awakened by a pounding fist on her door. Startled, she fell from the narrow bed onto the floor. The thud brought Kelan bounding through the door in a panic. Michelle waved him away, signaling that she was perfectly fine. She cautiously asked, "Why are you here?" She was afraid he had come to declare more secrets and she was in no shape to hear any more revelations. She had more than enough to absorb.
"Sorry to disturb you, but we need to get dressed and eat. The leader wants to resume where we left off yesterday. We have approximately an hour before we are scheduled to be there. Can you be ready in that short amount of time?” Kelan wondered.
"I need clean clothes,” she replied. Michelle had slept in the ones from the day before. She was rumpled and a little sweaty.
Kelan rolled in her luggage and stated, "Breakfast will be on the table in ten minutes, so hurry."
Michelle didn't take the terse order well. She threw a boot at the door as it closed. The curse she heard coming from the other side made her feel better. She jumped up, took a record-breaking shower, and put on the first clothes she could find. Cream colored slacks and a pale blue blouse would have to do. To hell with looking like everyone else. She wasn't a weredragon, and the citizens would find out soon anyway.
A granola bar and a cup of precious coffee from the stash Michelle had brought from home were sitting on the table awaiting her. At her raised brow, Kelan confided, "It was this or eggs from the bird you didn't eat last night. I figured if the bird wasn't to your liking, the eggs wouldn't be either. You need energy to get your brain going. So, I dug out some of your stuff. You need to get accustomed to Talonian cuisine. The food we brought won't last forever."
"It may not need to,” was Michelle's curt reply. For all she knew, the leader could sentence her to death, banish her to wilds of Talonia, or hopefully send her back to Earth. She would relish every bite of the familiar food. They might be the last ones she had.
The commander returned as their escort. The guard had been sent away to sleep. It was early, so fewer citizens were on the streets to stare at Michelle. She shivered in the cool morning air and from nerves as well. Kelan didn't offer any advice on how to handle the leader's questions. She gathered that he still wanted her to tell the truth, regardless of what it meant for him. She would do her best to soften the worst of it. She owed him that much.
The leader was grim-faced and alone on the throne. Michelle was relieved that Shara was missing. One weredragon at a time was more than enough. His first words were a surprise, "I've gotten the commander's version of your story. I'm sorry you went through such a bad experience. The beating of females isn't tolerated on Talonia. Punishment is harsh. I need to see if your words match the commander’s. How did you meet Kelan?"
"He advertised for a personal assistant. I wasn't really qualified, but I took a chance. I was shocked when he hired me. Others were better candidates. I learned quickly, though and it turned out the job suited me."
"Tell me your story. I wish to know the details from your point of view. They will be vastly different than the ones seen from outside your mind,” the leader astutely proclaimed.
Michelle began hesitantly. She told of her nervousness during her interview and her astonishment at Kelan's kindness. The words came easier as the story unfolded. She spoke of the love for her job, the friendships she discovered there, and the confidence she gained when Kelan gave her more responsibility. The tough part was describing Jackson's escalating abuse. Kelan was hearing the details for the first time. Michelle was ashamed to admit it had been going on even before she started as his assistant. She looked only at the leader as she talked about the pain and embarrassment. "I didn't want Kelan to know. He was a philanthropist and often spoke to audiences about getting out of abusive relationships." She gave minute by minute details of her final days with Jackson, describing the abuse and her absolute belief she would be killed. The words of her escape attempt echoed through the room. Her terror was felt by all. Kelan's sudden appearance and her heartfelt relief were tempered by the shock of his transformation. Her memories stopped there and resumed only after she awakened in the hospital. "Kelan told me what he was to relieve my fears and keep me from thinking I was crazy. He said I had been through enough and he wouldn't add to it. He saved me."
"What do you say, Kelan? Is this the truth or a fabrication to gain our sympathy?” the leader inquired.
"The one thing Michelle never asked for was sympathy,” Kelan retorted. "She has shown courage beyond expectation. She speaks the truth. It is one of the reasons I hired her."
"Explain yourself,” the commander demanded.
"Of all the applicants for the job, Michelle was the only one who didn't embellish her accomplishments. The others added abilities or references that were proven false. I guess they thought I was too busy to check them out. Michelle was truthful to a fault. She told me outright that she wasn't qualified. I found it refreshing. There was an intelligence and determination behind her eyes that I couldn't resist. I gave her a chance, and she exceeded my expectations. She became my right hand. We wouldn't have the plans we needed without her help,” Kelan swore.
"Were you not warned to stay uninvolved with the personal life of humans? Once you had ignored that warning, didn't the commander tell you to stay away from this woman?” the leader sternly inquired.
"Yes, to both questions,” Kelan replied. "I found the humans to be kind, hard-working, and in need of friendship. They are difficult to resist. I kept as much distance as possible, until I realized Michelle was in trouble. My heart and integrity wouldn't allow me to remain uninvolved. The transformation wasn't meant to happen. My anger unleashed the dragon. It wasn't Michelle's fault."
"You say you kept your distance and yet you've announced that Michelle is to be your mate. Those are contradictory statements. There is also the matter of Shara. She expressed the notion that she was to be your mate. Make me understand,” the leader commanded.
"Shara was never my chosen mate. Her mother, your mate, refused to take no for an answer. To have some relief from her constant harassment, I struck a deal. If neither of us found true love by the age of thirty, we would be mated. I am not yet thirty, and I have discovered my true mate. The deal is null and void. Shara must find another. Michelle drew me to her from the beginning. Her kind heart, intelligence, and honesty were my desired traits for a mate. She was human, so I fought against my feelings. When her life was in danger, I found that my heart was already involved and my soul soon followed. To stay loyal to my world, I was going to render my soul and leave her behind, knowing there would never be another to replace her. More danger threatened her, one that could not be solved in the time I had left. I defied my orders, claimed her as a mate, and convinced her to come with me. She didn't know I hadn't gotten permission. I led her to believe she would be welcomed. The punishment is mine to bear,” Kelan calmly declared.
"That's quite a story. Does Michelle have the same feelings for you?"
Michelle answered in Kelan's stead, "Yes, I love him. I desired to be his mate. Although, his betrayal by omission has caused me to rethink my choice. A mate who hides secrets and tells outright lies so boldly isn't what I was looking for. I had that with Jackson. I realize Kelan would never harm me physically. However, words hurt too. If he can prove there will be no more secrets or lies, I will still become his mate. My love is forever even if we are parted."
"Well said, human,” the leader declared. "Shara's fantasies will be discarded. I know my daughter and wife are at times delusional. It is a symptom of the rare gene they carry. It will take a very special weredragon to mate with Shara. You, Kelan, can't remain unscathed for your crimes against Talonia. I could claim treason. The penalty for that is death. I won't go that far. You were defending a life. Your rank will be lowered two steps. That makes the commander your superior. You will be assign
ed to the manufacturing of the weapon, including digging in the mines for the necessary elements to form the metal. It is backbreaking work. As to Michelle, our citizens will decide her fate. It is their lives she endangers. Her presence will be announced immediately."
Chapter 14
Kelan was ordered to be at the leader's side when the announcement of Michelle's presence was made. He would take the brunt of the citizens' anger. Michelle had been relegated as an unnecessary entity. She was confined to Kelan's home for her safety. The commander reluctantly guarded her door. Three soldiers, in dragon form, surrounded the building's entrance. The planet's leader feared the citizens would attack before his speech was over.
The streets were quiet as the leader began to speak. His words were broadcast on screens throughout the city for those unable to get close. "I have good news to report. As you may have noticed, the ship we sent to Earth has come home. Kelan was successful in his venture. We have all that we need to protect our world." Cheers came from the crowd. They shouted words of praise for Kelan. The leader gestured for calm and continued, "Tomorrow we begin gathering the elements needed to duplicate the weapon Kelan designed. We must replicate an extremely light metal that came from an alien spaceship. It will be time consuming and hard work, but we will be safe from those who threaten our home. Now, I fear I must give you some unsettling news. I ask that you keep calm, listen to my words, and obey my commands. Let me assure you: there is no danger. I would not jeopardize my people. We have a visitor. Kelan brought back a female from Earth."
Rumbles of anger and fear quickly spread through the crowd. The air heated as many fought against transforming. The crowd was on the verge of becoming a dangerous mob. Kelan shouted, "Stop! Calm yourselves! There is nothing to fear. Michelle is gentle and kind. I take full responsibility for her. She is to be my mate."
A deep voice taunted, "Have you become soft? You endanger our home for a human female? Traitor!"
The leader proclaimed, "Kelan has been punished for his misdeeds. His rank has been taken from him. He will work with those digging in the mines. I have seen and spoken to the human. Everything that came with her has been searched. She was scanned without realizing it. No communication devices, trackers, or weapons were found. Nothing was implanted in her body. She has no way to relay our existence or location. Transmissions to Earth can only be made from the main terminal. Her fate has not been decided."
More shouts came from the restless crowd, "Execute her! The traitor must share her fate!"
"She has the protection of the throne! She has done nothing to cause me to be anxious. Her presence will be tolerated as long as she presents no danger to us. Her eventual fate will be up to all of you, but I command you to do her no harm. Her testimony will be broadcast for all to hear. Listen carefully. She has a story that may reach your heart. Kelan made a mistake, yet we owe him for the weapon and the sacrifice he made by living among the humans for so long. I'm giving Kelan and the human a chance. I demand that you do as well,” the leader stated. "They have one month to convince us the woman is part of our world now and loyal to Talonia."
Kelan's first day in the mines was at hand. It was a lowly task, usually given to those who had no military or technological skills. He would be working with men who resented him and were angered by his treason. Yet, he was free. He could transform at will, and it would be necessary when lifting boulders from the mines to discover the veins of elements. Michelle remained closed in her room. She had been there when he returned from making the announcement and hadn't come out since. He continued to place food at her door and retrieve partially eaten plates. His mistakes had left him alone in a hostile environment.
Kelan took his place among the miners and worked tirelessly. For every foot the others dug, he dug two. Determined to gain their approval, he worked through rest times. He cleared spaces assigned to others as they ate their lunch. He transformed over and over, wearing away at his strength. The tension from his coworkers never eased, despite his efforts.
Tired and weak at the end of the day, Kelan was an easy target. A miner transformed into a black dragon and attacked. Weariness slowed Kelan's response. He was hurt before his transformation was complete. A claw across his back meant that one wing hung useless and bloody. He couldn't fly. The black weredragon took advantage of Kelan's disability, rising over him to do further damage. Flames shot from Kelan's snout in defense. The black dragon evaded them. He growled, "If the leader will not destroy you, I will. The woman will not survive the day once you are gone."
Kelan desperately fought with what little energy remained. His teeth sank into the dragon's leg where it dangled over his head. Enraged, the black dragon kicked Kelan in the head, knocking him senseless. He readied for the death blow. Two dragons swooped from the sky. Each dug their claws into a wing and tore at the black dragon. Flames burned his face, and he was subdued.
The dragons landed and became men once more. They were soldiers who had once been under Kelan's command. "For his disobedience, this man will be taken to be sentenced by the leader. If you value your place on Talonia, this will never happen again. By the orders of the commander, you will transport Kelan to his home. A healer will meet you there. Handle him carefully. If more injuries occur during transport, punishment will be meted out accordingly."
Begrudgingly, miners stepped forward and lifted Kelan onto their shoulders. He was limp, nude, and bleeding. His breathing was shallow. The kick to his head could prove fatal. The trip to his home was long and dusty. Curiosity caused many citizens to follow in their wake.
The healer and commander arrived simultaneously. They entered the elevator along with the miners who carried Kelan. The commander came to keep the peace. The Talonians would be coming face to face with Michelle, and he didn't trust either side to remain calm.
With the residence all to herself, Michelle had come out of her room to explore. She searched the kitchen, familiarizing herself with Talonia's idea of food. She wasn't impressed. The smell of raw meat in the cooler made her stomach roil. She rushed to the restroom and lost her breakfast. She was sitting on the floor with her head on her drawn-up knees when the door to the house opened. She didn't want Kelan to find her this way. It would give away her secret. The upset stomach was solid proof that there was a baby.
She hopped up and plastered a fake smile on her face. She wasn't going to hide in her room anymore. Since she was going to be a mother, she needed to act like a grown-up. Coming to terms with her situation was the first step.
Her steps faltered, and fear sang through her body. Four Talonians were standing in the living area. What were they doing here? Had they come to get rid of her while Kelan was gone? Her face went white, the blood quickly leaving it.
The commander stepped forward, hands outstretched. "We're not here to hurt you. We brought Kelan. He's been injured. There was a fight. These are our healer and some of the miners who carried him home."
Michelle instantly forgot her fear of the intruders. Her eyes searched out Kelan, limp on the sofa. She gasped and sprinted to his side. She fell to her knees and examined his blood covered body. "Help him!” she cried. "Stop staring and do something."
Her obvious distress over Kelan made an impression on the miners. They had expected indifference on the part of the human. According to their knowledge of humans, they were self-absorbed and found aliens to be inferior. This female cared. They had watched Michelle's testimony as the leader had commanded and yet it hadn't touched them the way her concern for one of their own did. There would be much to tell once they were permitted to leave.
The healer pushed Michelle aside and assessed the injuries. The gash on Kelan's shoulder was cleaned and held closed with a substance similar to glue. For Michelle's sake, the healer explained, "We cannot sew it. The flesh must heal naturally, or his wing will not work normally. He should not transform until he is healed properly or the damage will be permanent. His head is my biggest con
cern. He hasn't awakened since he was kicked. His pupils are fine, and his breathing is returning to normal. I don't know if there is swelling inside his head or bleeding either. With your permission, I will stay and watch for signs of damage. If he doesn't awaken soon, I fear he might never do so."
"Of course, I want you to stay. Kelan means everything to me. He has to get well. I don't wish to live without him. Why ask my permission? This is Kelan's home. I'm just a prisoner here. My fate hasn't been decided,” Michelle stated.
"Kelan expressed the desire to have you as his mate. I honor that, though others do not. His home is yours,” the healer replied. "May these men carry him to a more comfortable place: his room perhaps?"
Michelle nodded and led the way. Kelan was placed gently on his bed and the miners left, as did the commander. They carried with them a deeper respect for the human female. She had a humble attitude and treated all of the Talonians with the same regard, despite the differences in their ranks. More than that, her love for Kelan was transparent.
Michelle sat with the healer by Kelan's bedside. She wiped his brow with a cool damp cloth. It wouldn't really help him, but she couldn't sit still and do nothing. She longed to take back the last few days and her animosity toward Kelan. Her secret weighed heavily on her mind. She should have told him about her suspicions. It would have given him a greater understanding of her feelings. She considered speaking to the healer about her pregnancy but decided against it. There would be time for that later. Kelan must be the first to know.