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The Inquisition

Page 30

by Michael Baigent

Anabaptists, 137

  Ancona, 132

  Andalucia, 78

  anti-Semitism, 74–9 see also Jews; Judaism

  Antisemite (bulletin), 218

  Antonelli, Cardinal, 200

  Aragón, 62, 78 ‘conversos’ in, 76

  Aragón, King of, 12, 18

  archaeology, 183–4

  Ardennes, 100

  Arduina, 100

  Arnald-Amaury, Abbott of Cîteaux, 11–12, 13, 17

  Arthur, King, 134

  Ashtaroth, 100

  Assisi, 53–4

  Astarte, 100

  Aughrim, battle of, 161

  Austria, 161

  auto de fe, 21–9, 36–7, 40, 51, 64, 66, 79, 80, 120 in Americas, 85–8

  Jews, 132

  in New Granada, 94–6

  in Peru, 90–92

  Avignon, Papacy at, 47, 191, 193

  Bacon, Roger, 57

  Balasuriya, Father Tissa, 246–7, 256

  Balducci, Father Corrado, 283

  Balsamo, Joseph (Count Cagliostro), 175–6

  Baltic coast, 99

  Bamberg, Prince-Bishop of, 120

  Barcelona, 67, 79, 82 burning of heretics in, 66

  Barcelona, Inquisitor of, 59

  Benedict XI, Pope, 47

  Benedict XII, Pope, 42–3

  Benedict XIV, Pope, 168

  Benedict XV, Pope, 217

  Benigni, Monsignor Umberto, 216–19

  Bermejo, Luis, 243

  Béziers, sack of, 11–12

  Bible translation, 124 King James Version, 124

  Biblical Archaeology Review, 230

  birth control, 236, 258, 286

  Bismarck, 206

  Bizzari, Cardinal Giuseppe, 203

  blood, shedding of, 27–8, 34–5, 72–3

  Boff, Father Leonardo, 243

  Bogomils, 5, 43–4

  Bogotá, 93

  Bogotá, Archbishop of, 93

  Bohemia, 46, 128, 136, 149, 160

  Bohemia, Inquisitor of, 106–7

  Bologna, 19

  Bolsheviks, 218

  Bonaventure, Saint, 57

  Bordeaux, Archbishop of, 47

  Bosch, Hieronymus, 45

  Bosnia, 44

  Boswell, 164

  Boulin, Abbé, 219

  Bourbons, 187

  Boyne, battle of, 161

  Braunsberg, 206

  Brescia, 60

  Brethren of the Free Spirit, 45–6, 152

  bribery, 32

  Brigit, 101

  Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 66, 67, 142, 147, 181

  Bruce, Robert the, 53

  Bruno, Giordano, 124, 139–40, 288

  Buddhism, 5

  Burgos, Bishop of, 76

  Burgos, Cardinal Archbishop of, 131

  burning of heretics, see heretics, burning of

  Burroughs, William, 136

  Byzantine Church, 5, 48

  Cagliostro, Count (Joseph Balsamo), 175–6

  Calvin, John, 126, 137

  Campanella, Tommaso, 124, 138–9

  Canary Islands, 83

  canonisation, 253–4

  Capuchin Order, 131

  Caraffa, Giovanni (later Pope Paul IV), 129–32

  Carbonaria, 188

  Carcassonne, 12

  Carcassonne, Inquisitor of, 42

  Carmelites, 153

  Cartagena, 93, 94–7

  Casanova (di Seingalt), Giacomo Girolamo, 176–7

  Castile, 62, 67, 69, 75 ‘conversos’ in, 76

  Catalan, Arnold, 23

  Cathars, 4–13, 15–18, 40, 41–3

  Cernunnos, 100

  Cervantes (Saavedra), Miguel de, 152

  Chaldean Patriarch, 202–3

  Chalker, Baroness, 258–9

  Chanson de Roland, 27–8

  Charles V, King of Spain, 94

  Chicago, University of, 135

  China, 128

  Church corruption of, 8–9

  Councils, 286

  opposition to, 5

  Cîteaux, Abbot of, 11

  Città del sole, La (The City of the Sun) (Campanella), 139

  Ciudad Réal, burning of heretics in, 66

  Clare, Saint, 55

  Clement V, Pope, 47

  Clement XII, Pope, 166–7

  Clermont, 1

  Cloud of Unknowing, The (Anon.), 150–51

  College of Cardinals, 234

  Collins, Dr Paul, 238

  Cologne, 106

  Cologne, Archbishop of, 149

  Cologne, University of, 105, 106

  Cologne Declaration, 242

  Colombia, 93

  Columbus, Christopher, 83

  Communists, 118

  Como, Inquisitor of, 105

  Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 254

  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 264–5

  Consejo de la Suprema y General Inquisición, 65

  Constance, Council of, 46, 193–4, 195, 199

  Constantine, Emperor, 40

  contraceptives, 286

  ‘ conversos’, 75–6

  Copernicus, Nicolas, 140

  Corbally, Father Chris, 284

  Córdoba, 82

  Córdoba, Inquisitor of, 67

  Correspondance de Rome, 217

  corruption, 32 of Church, 8–9

  Cortés, Hernán, 85

  counter-Reformation, 125–36

  Coustos, John, 170–4

  Cromwell, Oliver, 120, 159

  Crossing the Threshold of Hope (John Paul II), 272–3

  Crucible, The (Miller), 118, 120

  Crusades, 1–4 Albigensian, 11–13, 17, 40, 48, 49, 125

  Curran, Father Charles, 243

  Cyprus, 49

  Danielou, Cardinal Jean, 231

  Darwin, Charles, 182, 277

  de Beauvoir, Simone, 223

  de Castelnau, Pierre, 10, 17

  de Charnay, Geoffroi, 51

  de Espina, Alonso, 77

  de Goth, Bertrand, 47

  de Guzmán, Dominic, 14–19, 53, 55

  de Molay, Jacques, 51

  de Montfort, Simon, 11–13, 18, 21

  de Paris, Guillaume, 50

  de Sade, Marquis, 223

  de Vaux, Father Roland, 227–31

  Dead Sea Scrolls, 223–32 facsimile edition, 231

  Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, The (Baigent and Leigh), 229

  Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity, The (Danielou), 231

  Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, The (Eisenman and Wise), 232

  del Tindaro, Cardinal Mariano Rampolla, 213

  denunciation, 68–9

  Derwentwater, Earl of, 162–3

  Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 182

  di Cavour, Camillo, 189

  Diana (of the Nine Fires), 100

  Diderot, Denis, 88, 162, 164, 181

  Diplomatic Revolution, 165

  disasters, natural, 102–3

  Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (de Vaux), 228

  Doctor Faustus (Marlowe), 114, 138

  Dominican Order, 18–21, 125 founding of, 14–19

  Don Quixote (Cervantes), 152

  dos Santos, Lúcia, 266–74

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 66, 67, 142, 147, 181

  Drake, John, 91

  dreams, erotic, 103

  du Gard, Roger Martin, 214

  dualism, 5–6, 43–4

  Dublin, 168

  Dubovytsya, 278

  Dupont-Sommer, André, 226

  Eastern Orthodox Church, 210

  Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian, The (Ratzinger), 245

  Eckhart, Johannes, 148–50

  Eco, Umberto, 22–3, 124

  Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem, 224

  ecumenism, 251–2

  Edward II, King, 51–2

  Eisenman, Professor Robert, 231–2

  England, 41, 52, 159 Franciscans in, 57

  mystics in, 150–1

  witches in, 120
r />   English prisoners, in Peru, 91, 92

  Erasmus of Rotterdam, 134

  ERDS (Entente romaine de défense sociale), 218–19

  Estonia, 99

  ethnic cleansing, 63

  ‘Evil Eye’, 109

  excommunication, 221–2

  Fátima, secrets of, 266–74

  Faust (Goethe), 138

  Feast in the House of Levi, The (painting, Veronese), 132

  feminism, 256–7

  Ferdinand, King, 63–7, 77–8, 82

  fines, 32

  Firrao, Cardinal Joseph, 168

  First Vatican Council, 201–5

  Fitzgerald, Bishop Edward, 205

  Flaubert, Gustave, 291

  Florence, 166

  Fogazzaro, Antonio, 214

  Fornari, Cardinal, 277

  Fournier, Jacques, 42–3

  Fourth Lateran Council, 18

  Fox, Father Matthew, 246

  France, 27, 40, 159–61, 168

  France, Inquisitor of, 50

  Francis, Saint, 53–7

  Franciscans, attacks on, 53–61

  Franco’Prussian War, 190

  François, Duke of Lorraine, 163, 168

  Franklin, Benjamin, 164

  Fraticelli brethren, 58

  Frederick the Great, 163

  ‘free-thinking’, 88–9 in Peru, 92

  Freemasonery, 162–80, 188 attacks on, 166–74

  in Peru, 92

  French Revolution, 81, 192

  Friedrich II, Holy Roman Emperor, 28–9, 38

  Frings, Cardinal, 237

  Fuentes, Carlos, 79

  Gaillot, Bishop Jacques, 246

  Galileo, 124, 140–41, 288

  Gallican Articles/Gallicanism, 194–5

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 188–91, 197

  garrucha (pulley), 73

  Gautier, Théophile, 186

  Gebara, Ivone, 246

  General Council, 193, 195, 199

  Genet, Jean, 136

  Geneva, Bishop of, 120

  Geneva Bible, 124

  Germany, 9, 38, 41, 160 mystics in, 149–50

  witchcraft and, 105

  Gervaso, Roberto, 176

  Ghislieri, Michele (later Pope Pius V), 132

  Gibraltar, 80

  Gide, André, 179–80, 223

  Giraud, Maximin, 275–6

  Gnostic Gospels, 231–2

  Gnostics, 5, 146, 148

  Goebbels, Josef, 77

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 138, 164, 256

  Granada, 64, 79 capture of, 63

  Great Auto, in Mexico, 86–7

  Greece, 184

  Greek Orthodox Church, 5, 48, 218, 234

  Green Man, 100, 102

  Gregory I, Pope, 101–2

  Gregory VII, Pope, 221

  Gregory IX, Pope, 20–21

  Gregory X, Pope, 22

  Gregory XI, Pope, 47

  Gregory XVI, Pope, 178, 196, 196

  Groer, Cardinal, 264

  Gui, Bernard, 22–3, 38–9, 44

  Habsburgs, 187, 192, 205, 209

  Hammer of Witches, see Malleus Maleficarum

  Häring, Father Bernard, 243

  Harrington, Earl of, 173

  Hawkins, Sir John, 86

  Hawkins, Richard, 92

  Henry VIII, King, 137

  heretics, burning of, 21–9, 36–7, 40, 51, 64, 66, 79, 120 in Americas, 85–8

  Jews, 132

  in New Granada, 94–6

  in Peru, 90–92

  Hermeticists/Hermeticism, 124, 134

  Herne the Hunter, 100

  Hexham and Newcastle, Bishop of, 263

  Hinduism, 5

  Histoire de ma fuite des prisons de Venise (Casanova), 177

  Hider, Adolf, 131

  Hogarth, William, 164

  Holland, 152, 159, 163, 205

  Holy Angels, 110

  Holy Child of La Guardia, 78–9

  Holy Office, 175, 209–19 founding of, 129

  Holy Water, 110

  Homer, 183–5

  Honorius III, Pope, 18

  Hopkins, Matthew (Witchfinder-General), 120

  Hötzl, Alois, 198

  Hunthausen, Archbishop, 243

  Huntington Library, California, 231

  Hus, Jan, 46, 134

  Huxley, Thomas, 182

  Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 114

  Iberian Peninsula, 62–82, 83, 175

  Iliad (Homer), 183

  Illuminati, 151–2

  ‘illuminism’, 46

  Immaculate Conception, 278 doctrine of, 199

  In eminenti (Papal Bull), 167

  incubi, 103

  Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Pope Paul IV), 134

  Index of Prohibited Books, 134–6, 222–3

  indulgences, sale of, 46

  infallibility, Papal, 196–208, 210, 286

  informers, 30–31

  Innocent III, Pope, 4, 10–11, 18, 48, 55

  Innocent IV, Pope, 34

  Innocent VIII, Pope, 104–5, 106

  Inquisition inauguration of, 20–21

  name change, 129, 215

  origins of, 14–39

  techniques of, 30–39

  Inquisitor-General, creation of, 65

  International Theological Commission, 240

  Ireland, 263

  Isabella, Queen, 62–3, 77–8 ‘conversos’ and, 76

  Islamic fundamentalism, 257–8

  Istigkeit, definition of, 149

  Italy, 40, 163 unification of, 186–91

  James II, King, 160–61

  Japan, 128

  Jaquerius, Nicholas, 104

  Jenkins's Ear, War of, 96

  Jerusalem, 2, 3

  Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 126–36

  Jesus, dispute over blood shed, 58–61

  Jews, 74–9 burning of, 132

  doctors, 199

  in Gibraltar, 80 see also anti-Semitism: Judaism

  John XXII, Pope, 44, 58

  John XXIII, Pope, 233–6

  John Paul II, Pope, 242, 247–8, 253–4, 259–61, 264–5, 270–72, 280, 284

  Juan de la Cruz (John of the Cross), 157

  Judaic Talmud, 134

  Judaism, 234

  Julian/Juliana, Mother (of Norwich), 150

  Jung, C. G., 255, 265

  jury system, 41

  Kazantzakis, Nikos, 223

  Knights Templar, 127 destruction of, 47–53

  knowledge, role of, 124, 148

  Knox, John, 137

  Kramer, Heinrich, 106–7

  Küng, Hans, 194, 242, 247

  La Salette, Virgin of, 275–77

  La Suprema, 72

  Labouré, Catherine, 274–5

  Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy, 42

  Lady Chatterley's Lover (Lawrence), 136, 223

  Lafcadio's Adventures (Gide), 179–80

  Lagarde, John of, 24

  Lagrange, Father Albert, 224–5

  Languedoc, 13, 49

  Last Judgement, The (painting, Michelangelo), 130

  Last Temptation, The (Kazantzakis), 223

  Lateran Council, Fourth, 18

  Lateran Treaty, 208, 219

  Latvia, 99

  Lawrence, D. H., 136, 223

  le Petit, Robert, 29

  learning, role of, 124, 148

  Leicester, Earl of, 11–13

  Leiria, Bishop of, 269–70

  Leo XII, Pope, 178

  Leo XIII, Pope, 178–9, 208, 212, 224–5

  Leon-Dufour, Xavier, 230–31

  León, 62

  Lewis, Matthew, 174, 181

  Life of Jesus (Vie de Jésus, La), (Renan), 185–6, 277

  Lima, Peru, 90–3

  Lithuania, 99

  Loisy, Alfred, 211–13, 222

  Lolita (Nabokov), 136, 223

  Londonderry, siege of, 160 –1

  Lorraine, François, Duke of, 163, 168

  Louis VIII, King, 13

  Louis XIII, King, 160

  Louis XI
V, King (Sun King), 80, 160

  Louis XV, 163

  Lourdes, 278

  Loyola, Ignatius, 126–7, 129

  Lucifer, 102, 122–3

  Ludwig II, King, 198

  Luther, Martin, 119, 123–4, 126, 134, 137

  McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 118

  McEnroy, Carmel, 246

  madness, 103

  Madrid, 169

  Magenta, battle of, 189

  Malachi, Saint, 280–81

  Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), 107–18

  Mallorca, 69, 83

  Malta, Knights of, 176

  Manichaeanism, 5

  Mann, Thomas, 223

  Marburg, Conrad of, 37–8

  Marlowe, Christopher, 114, 138

  Márquez, Gabriel Garcia, 96–7

  martyrdom, 35–6

  Marx, Karl, 182

  Mary veneration of, 253–62

  visions of, 263–81

  mass madness, spread of, 118–20

  Mathieu, Mélanie, 275–6

  Maximus, Emperor, 26

  Mazarin, Jules, 192

  Mazzini, Giuseppe, 188, 197

  medicine, 199

  Medjugorje, 279

  Merlin, 134

  Merry del Val, Cardinal Rafael, 212–13, 215–17, 237

  Messori, Vittorio, 271

  Mexico, tribunal of, 85–90

  Michelangelo, 130

  midwives, 111

  Milice de Christ (soldier of Christ), 126

  Miller, Arthur, 118, 120

  Miller, Henry, 136

  Mirepoix, Bishop of, 42–3

  misogyny, 106, 110–11, 120–21

  Modena, University of, 131

  Modernist Movement, 210–17, 224–5

  Monk, The (Lewis), 174, 181

  Montaillou, 13, 42

  Montaillou (Ladurie), 42

  Montesquieu, 162, 164

  Montini, Giovanni Battista (later Pope Paul VI), 216, 223, 235, 238, 270, 271

  Montpellier, 14–15

  Montségur, 13

  Montserrat, 126

  Mountbatten, Earl, 180

  Murat, Marshal Joachim, 81, 187

  Muret, Battle of, 12, 18

  Musil, Robert, 209

  Muslims, Iberian Peninsula and, 62

  Mussolini, Benito, 208, 219

  mystics, fear of, 142–57

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 136, 223

  Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 23, 30, 124

  Naples, 189

  Napoleon, 81, 89, 178, 187

  Napoleon III, 189, 190, 205, 207

  Narbonne, 12

  Narbonne, Archbishop of, 9

  Nature, as concept, 121

  New Granada, 93–7

  New World, see Americas

  Newcastle, Duke of, 173

  newspapers, 196

  Nicea, Council of, 250

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 186

  Nostradamus, 280

  Nun, The (Diderot), 181

  ‘Outremer’, 3

  Odyssey (Homer), 183


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