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8 Blush, a Bride and a Body

Page 8

by Cindy Bell

  “I couldn't be more ready,” Bekki sighed and nodded. She finally felt at peace with the wedding, and couldn't wait to see the look in Nick's eyes when she walked down the aisle to meet him. “I only wish we had the rings,” she added quietly. She heard a soft knock on the door and Sammy went to answer it.

  “This better not be Nick, because that's bad luck!” Sammy warned as she opened the door of the bedroom.

  “Not Nick,” Morris grinned as he poked his head inside the room. “Oh Sammy, you look beautiful,” he gushed as he took in the sight of her. Then he looked up at Bekki. “So do you of course, Bekki,” he added nervously.

  “Thank you, Morris,” Bekki said with a giddy smile. “Is anything wrong? Nick's not backing out on me is he?”

  “Ha!” Morris laughed loudly and shook his head. “You should see him pacing. He keeps looking at his watch and counting down the seconds.”

  “Well, let's get to it then,” Sammy laughed.

  “Just one thing,” Morris said quietly as he stepped into the room. He reached into his pocket and smiled at Bekki. “I believe this belongs to you,” Morris said with a smile as he handed her the black ring box. Bekki clutched the box in her hands and sighed with relief.

  “Oh, thank you so much, Morris. I didn't think I'd ever get them back.”

  “Hey, I have my connections, too,” Morris chuckled, and then grimaced as he added. “Okay, I used Nick's connections, but either way they're here.”

  Bekki took the rings out of the box and handed hers to Sammy, and Nick's to Morris.

  “Will you keep them safe for me?” she asked hopefully.

  “Absolutely,” Sammy replied.

  “I'd be honored,” Morris nodded.

  Bekki stepped out of the bedroom to find her father waiting in the hallway for her. His eyes misted at the sight of her, and his lips curved into a proud smile.

  “I've always dreaded this moment,” he admitted as he took her hand. “But I couldn't think of a man more worthy of your affection, Bekki,” he lowered his voice as he continued. “But if he ever breaks your heart, he's going to pay.”

  Bekki laughed at her father's attempt to be threatening and kissed his cheek. “I don't think either of us need to worry about that,” she said with confidence. Bekki was expecting to walk out into the living room, to be married. The wedding had been planned at the small church in town, but since she could not bear to wait another night to be married to Nick, they had decided to have it at Bekki's parents' house. A simple ceremony, that Bekki expected would lead to a beautiful life. However, when she stepped into the living room she found no furniture moved around, and no sign of guests or even Nick.

  'Where is everyone?” Bekki asked with surprise.

  “Well, there's been a slight change of plans,” Morris explained with a glimmer in his eyes. “When Ms. Blanchard heard that you were getting married tonight, she insisted we use her estate.”

  Bekki's eyes widened at the thought. Ms. Blanchard had one of the largest properties in town. She was well off, but downplayed it. She was very involved in many of the charities in town. Her property was one of the most beautiful in all of Harroway. It sloped down a hill and backed onto an expanse of woods. The wide open lawn was always finely manicured, and gardens surrounded the open space. Ms. Blanchard would often host events for the town there, but as far as Bekki knew she had never allowed anyone to use it for a private event. She was touched that she would make such a generous offer. When they arrived at the estate, the wide, circular driveway was filled with cars. It seemed to Bekki that the whole town had arrived for the impromptu ceremony.

  “Word spread fast,” Sammy admitted. “I hope you don't mind.”

  “Not at all,” Bekki sighed with pleasure. She couldn't think of anything more wonderful than the entire town celebrating the union between Nick and herself. Morris opened the car door for Bekki and Sammy and then walked them through the large, wrought-iron gate that led to the gardens. Bekki's parents arrived right behind them, and they soon joined Bekki at the edge of the gardens.

  Bekki was amazed by what she saw. The lawn had been lined with a silk runner, which was flanked by tall lanterns, each with its own blazing candle inside. It was beautiful against the darkness that was just beginning to fall. There was a small, white tent at the end of the runner under which Bekki could see Nick nervously waiting. As Morris had said he kept glancing at his watch. The priest was standing beside him, speaking gently to him, as if to reassure him. Morris patted Bekki's shoulder and grinned.

  “I better get up there before he strains his wrist from checking that watch,” he laughed.

  “Thank you again, Morris, and you too, Sammy,” Bekki smiled as she hugged her best friend.

  “You deserve it, Bekki,” Sammy said and smiled at her. “It's time for your life to be filled with joy.” She hurried off with Morris to wait for the ceremony to begin. Many of Bekki's friends and neighbors were milling about preparing to take their seats in the white chairs that lined either side of the runner. Bekki's mother took her hands in her own.

  “Oh sweetie, I couldn't be happier for you,” Marie said as she studied her daughter with deep affection. “From the time you were just a little girl all I hoped for you was that you would find happiness, and someone to be as wonderful and loving a companion as your father has been to me.”

  “Thank you, Mama, for everything,” Bekki said and hugged her mother tightly. “And thank you for making sure that the wedding is so special,” Bekki added in a whisper. “I couldn't imagine it being more perfect.”

  “Go on then,” her mother said with tears in her eyes.

  Bekki smiled and hugged her one more time. A few local musicians armed with violins and a keyboard began playing the wedding march. Bekki took her father's arm. With a trembling hand he lowered her veil for her and they began walking down the aisle. As Bekki passed the smiling faces of all the people she had grown up with, she felt her heart fill with joy. When she reached the end of the aisle and found Nick waiting for her, with his eyes wide and filled with awe, she gazed at him with love. Bekki's father kissed her cheek and stepped aside, allowing Nick to take Bekki's hand. As the priest began to speak Bekki could barely even hear his words. Her eyes were locked on Nick's even through the gauzy lace that hung in front of her eyes. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the ceremony, all she could think of was just how lucky she was.

  “The rings?” the priest asked, and Bekki realized it was the second time he had asked. Bekki blinked and smiled as she glanced over at Sammy and Morris. Morris handed Bekki Nick's ring, and Sammy handed Nick Bekki's ring.

  “Bekki, I've been waiting for this moment for such a long time,” Nick said softly as he held her hand gently in his. “All I dream of is spending the rest of my life with you,” he added as he slid the ring on her finger. “With this ring, I thee wed,” he murmured and his eyes misted slightly as he looked back up at her. “Wear it as a symbol of my love and dedication to you, and our future together.” Bekki smiled as the ring nestled perfectly on her finger.

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” Bekki murmured as she took Nick's hand and gazed into his eyes. She tilted the ring so that the flicker of the flames on the candles illuminated the engraving on the inside of the band.

  “Under the stars,” he murmured as he read the inscription. With the open sky above them dotted with thousands of stars, it was an even more poignant sentiment.

  Bekki responded, “Because no matter where our life together takes us, no matter how far apart we may find ourselves, or how exhausted we may be, no matter how many different lands we may journey to, or how many twist and turns we live through, we will always be together, under the stars.”

  Nick's broad smile was softened only by the glimmer of tears in his eyes as he leaned his forehead close to hers. Bekki slid the ring slowly on to his finger, savoring the sensation of his skin against hers. She had never believed much in magic, but in that moment she understood it. Some moments
simply couldn't be described in any other way.

  The End

  More Cozy Mysteries by Cindy Bell

  Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mysteries

  Hairspray and Homicide

  A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

  Mascara and Murder

  Pageant and Poison

  Conditioner and a Corpse

  Mistletoe, Makeup and Murder

  Hairpin, Hair Dryer and Homicide

  Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mysteries

  Murdering the Roses

  Dead in the Daisies

  Killing the Carnations




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