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Argan: Dragons of Preor

Page 15

by Kyle, Celia

  Taulan had once told him that females were known to disobey orders “for spite,” but Argan did not believe that was the case with his mate. He worried she had been permanently damaged during the battle.

  The mere thought of the battle set his dragon roaring and snarling. It ached to taste the blood of their enemy, to find joy in his screams as the beast dropped the bleeding coward in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. Amidst a feeding frenzy of sharks.

  Yes, that sounded like a wonderful idea. His dragon nearly purred like an Earth feline with the thought. A rumbling growl built in his chest and he quickly fought to suppress the sound. He could entertain violent thoughts, but he could not distract the healing masters.

  Not one, but two healing masters attended his mate and his gut remained tight and uneasy. Had Chashan summoned Whelon from the ship because the Earthbound healer was incapable of caring for Lily alone? Was she truly that injured?

  Argan’s fingertips burned, his claws fighting for freedom, and he clenched his hands to form tight fists. He battled the scaly monster in his heart. Losing control would not help the situation. He had already done enough by allowing his beast some freedom during his battle with the intruder. To allow it to emerge further…

  He did not know what it would do to his mate.

  Chashan stood at the foot of the medical platform while Whelon took up the position opposite the healing master, both males focused on the displays while blocking out all else. Their fingers glided over the platform’s controls, directing the healing of Argan’s mate. The platform performed yet another full-body scan, the holographic image hovering in the air above Lily. Softly throbbing lights glowed in different areas of the glittering holo, announcing the location of his mate’s injuries.

  Yet no blood stained her clothing or clung to her skin. She suffered from internal injuries. In Argan’s mind, those types of wounds were the worst. He could not glance at his mate and simply know how badly she was hurt. Her skin hid her condition from him.

  A drawer slid out from the platform and without taking his eyes from the display, Whelon grasped an item from the exposed tray. Free hand moving over the display, fingers rapidly tapping and sliding over the smooth surface, he moved his other to Lily’s hair. Fingers sifted through the strands and his possessive beast surged. It urged him to pull the unmated male away from her. It did not care that Whelon only sought to help.

  “I will do that.” Argan spoke and moved before he realized he had burst into motion. “Give me the plugh.” The word was foreign on his lips but he recalled it from conversations with his mate.

  Whelon paused and flicked his stare to Argan, eyes narrowed. “She has explained her condition?”

  He simply jerked his head in a brisk nod, taking the cord and plug from Whelon as he did. Argan carefully pulled strands of Lilly’s hair out of his way, draping her long hair across her neck as he shifted it aside. His fingertips found the opening before his eyes, and soon he spied the glistening circle of silver and the slight charring of skin along its edges.

  He sucked in a harsh breath, the visual evidence of her pain stealing his ability to move. “Healing Master Whelon,” Argan rasped. “You must heal—”

  Whelon grunted and he sensed the healing master’s attention shift to the blackened skin. “That is typical of her type of injury. There are others much more serious that require attention. Install the plug so the platform may run a diagnostic.”

  But… He had sought physical evidence of her injuries and now that he’d located the wound, he wanted it repaired. Now.

  “If you will not do as directed, I will have you removed, Argan joi Lily King. Do not doubt me.” This time Chashan chastised him, the healing master’s gaze burning hotter than dragon’s fire.

  Without another word, Argan placed the tip of the plug against the silver hole before carefully pushing it home. His mate’s reaction came in an instant—a deep gasp and fierce arch of her back. Her eyes rolled toward the back of her head and she twisted in place, hips going right while her chest attempted to go left.

  Panic pushed Argan into motion, body moving without permission, holding her tightly as he lowered her to the cushioned surface. Yet when he should have released her and retreated fully, he did not. He could not. His mate needed his touch and his touch was what she would receive.

  No matter the heat in the healing masters’ glares.

  Though when he looked to Chashan and then Whelon, he did not find anger as he expected. Instead, he found calm. He had not even realized how tense the two warriors had become until that tension no longer crowded them. He was unsure if he should feel relieved as the healing masters did, or if he should be worried that they were only now relaxing.

  How injured had she been?

  Argan stared down into her ghostly pale face and he realized the situation must have been grave.

  Unacceptable. It was unacceptable that his mate had been harmed while in his care, and he vowed he protect her against all harm in the future. He would become more vigilant. He would request assistance from War Master Taulan and if the male denied his request, Argan would… He would appeal to Penelope. The ship would not want Lily to experience a situation such as this again. Perhaps he would skip speaking with the war master and go directly to Penelope. That would ensure his request was granted.

  The soft whoosh of medical’s doors announced the arrival of another and Argan spun toward the entrance. He kept one hand on his mate but kept the other free—fingers curled and prepared to attack any who came near. His wings spread, increasing his size and aiding his balance as he prepared to strike. Blood thrummed in his veins, racing through him and priming his muscles to spring into action at a moment’s thought. His mate had already been attacked once this night, he would remain vigilant.

  Not even the identity of the newcomers caused him to relax. No, not until he and Lily were in a secure space—away from other males who might wish him harm—would his inner beast calm.

  Though just because he did not release his tension did not excuse him from showing the proper respect. Argan remained tense and tipped his head to the side in acknowledgment. Both males deserved a full salute but that would lessen his readiness to block attack.

  Of the two, War Master Taulan spied him first and froze in place for a moment. The war master narrowed his eyes and scanned Argan from head to toe. He had no doubt that Taulan read his every thought in that moment, seeing the tension and position of his body and coming to the correct conclusions.

  Lily was Argan’s and he would attack any who threatened his claim.

  As if reading his mind, Taulan grunted and strode forward, going to Lily’s opposite side while Kozav trailed in his wake. The primary warrior acted as Taulan’s second-in-command, and this situation called for both of their leaders.

  A Preor mate had been attacked by another Preor and within their own aerie at Preor Tower. Argan had studied his kind’s history and he could not recall such a cowardly act in all of their texts.

  Taulan’s attention moved to Healing Master Whelon and then Healing Master Chashan, who was more familiar with human bodies. “What is her condition?”

  Chashan grimaced. “Recovering, War Master. Her internal injuries are healing and no longer bleed freely. Her mind continues to evade my attempts at manipulation but if she can fight me, she is getting better.”

  Another grunt from Taulan before the male’s attention moved to Argan. “Explain, Argan sen—”

  Argan could not have suppressed his growl had he tried. “Argan joi Lily King,” he corrected before Taulan could finish addressing him.

  Taulan quirked a brow. “Very well. Explain how your ‘mate’ came to be in this condition? I did not allow this mating—”

  “Our mating did not require endorsement by any. My mate said the words and thus it was done.” He did not want Taulan to believe he had any control over Argan’s mating with Lily because he did not. His war master’s rule did not extend to matings. Not even Preor’s emperor c
ould interfere once the words were spoken and accepted.

  “Argan,” Kozav’s voice held a threatening rumble, a tendril of smoke joining the quiet threat. “Respect.”

  None had respected Argan’s mating to Lily. Why should he show respect to any others? He swallowed those words and pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. He took a moment to draw in a deep lungful of air and released it slowly before tipping his head from side to side. He cracked his neck, releasing some of the tension that’d slowly overtaken him.

  “We were attacked in our sleeping chamber—” Even now that Lily was safe and surrounded by mighty warriors, he remained on edge, watching to see if any others would challenge him. “—by a Preor.”

  Taulan released a long, low hiss while Kozav sucked in a harsh breath. Healing Master Whelon growled and Chashan matched the healing master’s rolling thunder. At least now the males reacted as expected.

  “If you go to our aerie now, you can inspect the damage, but I will tell you it is extensive. I believe the sleeping chamber was still on fire when I removed my mate. I do not know its state now.”

  “Fire?” Kozav stepped forward, his green wings fluttering slightly as he crossed his arms and stared down at Lily. “I do not see any burns on Knot of Liquid.”

  Regardless of the severity of the situation, Argan had the urge to smile. He used his mate’s true name but no other Preors were granted permission to do the same.

  Liquid Knot still confused many.

  “No,” Argan shook his head. “She was not burned.” He stroked his mate’s arm, the pristine flesh soft beneath his fingertips. He lifted his gaze and met Taulan’s. “I saw the male with my own eyes. I witnessed him bathe my mate in dragon’s flame and yet she is unharmed.”

  Taulan frowned down at Lily, a deep furrow forming between his brows. The war master’s attention flicked between Whelon and Chashan. “How could such a thing happen?”

  Neither male paused in their healing of Lily, but Whelon spoke first. He uttered four words no male wished to ever put to voice. “We do not know.”

  “What do you know?” Argan snarled the words and the war master did not chastise him for his gruffness. “My mate…” He stroked the back of her hand, silken skin such a contrast to his calloused fingers. “My mate remains unconscious. Why? The male bathed her in flames, yet she did not burn. Why? She still has not awoken. Why?” Argan shook his head. The answers did not truly matter. Why did not matter. He merely wished to see her laughter-filled eyes once more.

  “We will discover the answers to those questions,” Taulan vowed and Argan felt the promise sink into his soul.

  “And more. The male will not go unpunished. To injure a claimed female…” Kozav shook his head, his words mirroring Argan’s thoughts.

  Argan sensed his dragon stirring and pushing against its constraints once more, the beast hissing and thirsting for blood. It wanted to punish the male who had injured Lily. It did not care for its own scales—only Lily. Part of him sympathized with the feral being but instead of allowing its anger free rein, he begged it to calm, only doubling the strength of his pleas when Lily whimpered and became uneasy. She shifted position, arms and legs twitching, her body reacting to the dragon’s surge.

  “Warrior,” Whelon snapped at him, the healing master’s attention remaining on the display while he spoke.

  “You must calm,” Chashan added his thoughts.

  Saying he needed calm was easier than attaining the state. He simply wished he could calmly tear apart the male who had dared bathe her in fire.

  “I must hunt.” Argan’s words were followed by his dragon’s breath, a hint of smoke and hiss drifting through the air.

  “You must care for your mate. Other warriors will hunt.” Taulan’s voice was calm and even, though his gaze said his words were not a suggestion.

  “Others won’t be as determined to locate the attacker.” Argan looked away, staring at his mate. He clenched his jaw, hating himself for his past and what that might mean for his future. “Not when they realize they hunt on my behalf.”

  Taulan grunted. “The Knot that is Liquid has helped many of the human-Preor mates and by extension, their warriors.”

  “And I—”

  The primary warrior glared at him, a flicker of his dragon’s flames in those teal-hued eyes. “You are her mate. A mate who must care for and protect his female as your brother warriors search for the one who would dare to betray their own kind.”

  Argan’s attention remained on Lily, noting that her features seemed to have relaxed and she no longer appeared to be in pain. “Brother warrior?” He snorted and shook his head. “Not in quite some time and never again.”

  Not after threatening Engineering Master Vende anyway.

  “Enough.” Kozav stepped forward, the male cutting both Argan and the war master off. “Argan, no matter your status, a wrong was committed and every warrior will see that it is corrected. For now, you must keep your Liquid Knot safe while we search for her attacker.”

  “It was a Preor warrior.” He turned his attention to the two warriors, gaze searching theirs. “Where can I take Lily that would be safe for her? There is nowhere I am permitted to go that others can’t follow.”

  The room fell silent, all five males sinking into their own thoughts. The quiet was finally broken by Chashan. “There is one place that requires special permissions and is strictly controlled. Applications must be submitted and approved before Penelope will allow a shuttle to even draw near to the location.”

  Argan wheezed. “It is meant to be a place of relaxation. Of human-Preor families and dragonlets. It is not meant for a male who—”

  “It is meant as a place of joy and human vay-kay-shuns,” Kozav argued. “I believe you and Liquid Knot deserve joy. It also happens that the location is secure.” Kozav looked to the war master. “Do you not agree, Taulan?”

  The war master slowly nodded. “I agree.” Suddenly Argan felt the full weight of the war master’s stare. “You will take your mate and go to Kouvai Nihon.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Two days of recovery had Lily released from medical and on her way to days of rest and relaxation. She took her time leaving the small shuttle that’d brought them to this floating paradise. Each shaky step promised to be the moment she collapsed, but she refused to take shelter in Argan’s arms. Not that she wouldn’t love to be held by him, but Kouvai Nihon was special. She’d designed every inch of the floating platform, deciding where the harsh seams of metal would be replaced by smooth lines. She’d chosen the attractions and laid out the beaches in a way to optimize both the beauty of the sea far below and the glorious warmth of the sun.

  Lily had brought to mind the favorite parts of every resort she’d ever seen on TV and the ‘net and created Kouvai Nihon. Her first look at the place wasn’t going to be from her mate’s hold.

  She couldn’t believe it’d taken this much time—and nearly getting killed—to visit Kouvai Nihon. Though, she probably would have been allowed to visit sooner if she’d asked for permission before “re-allocating” the training platform to her project. At the time, she’d simply figured the Preor warriors had two training platforms that hovered thousands of feet above the Gulf of Mexico. She didn’t think they would miss one so she’d done a little requisitioning and reprogramming and voila—theme park!

  It turned out that the engineering master was protective of everything engineering-y, including his training platform. That anger led to Engineering Master Vende to yell at her, which led Argan to threaten Vende and yada yada, she was mated to Argan now.

  Argan, who hovered at her side, arms outstretched and hands open to catch her if she fell. She nearly snorted. He had no faith. Why, just walking on the deck of Kouvai Nihon revitalized her. The lingering exhaustion gradually lifted from her shoulders, driven away by the salty breeze that rolled across the deck. The cool wind kissed her exposed skin, goosebumps rising along her arms, and she fought the urge to rub them away. The
moment she appeared anything but perfectly fine, she’d find herself swept away to their quarters to “rest.”

  She’d had enough resting in medical.

  Lily padded down the shuttle’s ramp, the heavy thumps and thuds of her companions overwhelming the quiet sound of her steps. She stepped onto Kouvai Nihon’s platform, the rough, scratched, and dented metal warm beneath her feet—the heat so strong it easily moved through her shoes, and she wiggled her toes. It was so odd to experience heat that didn’t come from a blanket or heater.

  Or her mate.

  She tipped her head back, letting the sun’s rays bathe her face, and a soft smile teased the corners of her mouth.

  “Shaa kouva?” Argan’s murmur broke the relaxing spell she’d fallen under. “Are you well?”

  “Of course, she is not well,” Radoo paused on her other side, his maroon scales reflecting the sun’s bright rays in a cascade of purple-red.

  Radoo’s scales were beautiful, but nothing was as glorious as Argan and the way the sun glinted off his wings. It was as if the sun was strapped to his back, the glow near blinding yet she couldn’t look away.

  Argan grunted. “Do not speak for my mate.”

  “Do not ask stoo-pid questions of your mate,” Radoo shot the words right back.

  “Do not state I am stoo-pid.” Argan reached behind her, muscular arm stretching to reach a frowning Radoo. “I excel—”

  “In asking stoo-pid questions,” the maroon Preor snarled.

  Argan growled.

  Then Radoo…

  Lily sighed. If she wasn’t soul-tired, she’d laugh at the two males—boys, really. They were close friends. Argan said they were nearly brothers, but stress strained the best relationships. And a whole lot of stress had been cooped up in that shuttle. That and lots of glaring. Glares at the ground, at Argan, at her…

  Which she didn’t get, but whatever.

  “Will you two stop it already?” she grumbled and the two males continued their growling.

  “It is not a stoo-pid question if I wish to know the answer.”


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