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Darkest Prince

Page 7

by K. A. Jones

  If I hadn’t got my hands full trying to stop Arius from bleeding to death I’d have throttled Dario on the spot! “Do you really want me to say why I was leaving you in front of your men?” He nodded once. His steely glare was beginning to really annoy me.

  “Fine, I was leaving you because you act like a jerk!” Arius’s hand gave mine a small pat before he tried to sit up. I pushed his head back onto my lap and said “No Arius, keep still. Dario did a number on you, you’re damn lucky he didn’t kill you.”

  Dario dropped the phone to the floor and took several steps in my direction, “and you my sweet thing are damn lucky I got here when I did, Arius could’ve killed you!”

  “He was doing his job – he thought I was killing your guard.”

  ‘Dario, please help them, we can sort this out later…. Your men need you to lead them. Isn’t it enough that Carlos is sending out the hunters to kill us without you turning against your men?’

  He considered my words and then issued instructions for Arius and the other guard, Jameson, to be taken back to the castle. On instruction, some of his other guards went in search of any other hunters that had been called to the area. Mackinley picked up my bags and slung them over his shoulder and waited patiently for Dario.

  As soon as Arius was lifted onto a guards shoulder, I felt unease run through my veins. He was a barrier between Dario and me, and now I had to face him.

  Picking up my dagger and tucking it into my waistband, I walked silently next to Dario in a daze of confusion, anger and guilt.

  My life had changed so much since Dario had sired me that I didn’t know what to think or how to feel about what had just happened. I had killed one of my own without a second thought. Killed to protect vampires, and killed to protect Dario. Bottom line, I cared for Dario, I couldn’t walk away from him again. I needed him and the realisation of my little revelation did little to ease my inner turmoil.

  When did I get so needy? Yes he was a mega pain in my backside, I was still unsure why he had chosen me as his consort, but there was a huge part of me that was glad that he had. Caring and loving someone wasn’t something that was supposed to happen in my life, I always thought I would die whilst trying to fulfil a mission and now there was a possibility that if the hunters had their way, I would die before I knew the man who had sired me and chosen me for himself.

  Not caring that Mackinley and the other guards that were still close could hear me I whispered, “You hurt me Dario; I was leaving because I let you close enough to hurt me, here.” I held my hand over my heart and knew my words had got through his anger.

  He halted abruptly and pulled me against his chest, his arms wrapped around me and his lips skimmed across my face until his lips rested at my ear. “When I heard the gun fire and you were missing, I feared the worst, and then when I saw Arius with you…” His voice trailed off as he caught hold of my chin and bought his lips to mine. “I don’t think you realise just how important you are to me.”

  Again, I felt that familiar stab in my heart. Important – but not loved.

  I saw confusion cross Dario’s face as he felt my emotion. His hands stilled in my hair and he whispered, “Why do you still refuse my love for you? What do I have to do to show you that I care for nothing other than your happiness?”

  Several thoughts came to mind – don’t beat me to a pulp – share a bedroom with me – make me feel cherished again, these were all things that were important to me.

  “Come, let’s go to my private level where we can talk and maybe you will give me the chance to show you how I feel about you?” His flirty tone made my heart sing. He hadn’t flirted with me in a long time. He had been way to serious, maybe what we needed was to have some fun. “I take it by the glint in your eyes that you approve?” I did a shy little nod of my head; Dario swept me up into his arms and carried me back to the castle.

  I could feel his guard’s eyes on us as he sprinted past them, with me squealing like a girl, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered right now was me and Dario getting our strange relationship back on track.

  Chapter Six

  Dario’s skilful tongue caressed every part of my skin. His saliva took away the sting from my many wounds, but more importantly, his careful ministrations made me realise that this was his way of caring for me. Yes he’d got carried away whilst trying to awaken my vampire nature – being a vampire wasn’t just about feeding from someone. I’d learnt the hard way that life as a vampire could be a vicious one. He’d told me that he wouldn’t allow one of his men to spar with me for fearing that he would lose control if one of his men hurt me. I’d felt that loss of control and knew that Dario had acted with my best interests at heart. It was his way of preparing me for my life as a vampire.

  Dario made love to me, he claimed me over and over, making me scream his name as orgasm after orgasm hit. His fangs heightening each orgasm, as he fed from me. I felt his release building and I bit down hard, drawing his blood into my mouth sending us both over the edge. I felt his sweet caress in my mind and basked in the after effects of his love for me. Never again would I doubt his love for me. We fell asleep cocooned in each others embrace as the sun slowly rose in the sky. I was in heaven.

  I didn’t dream, we were both spent and completely satiated.

  I opened one eye to see Dario leaning over me watching me sleep. His hair was messed up, he had stubble on his chin and he was wearing his sexy smile. I felt my insides ignite with the hot look he was giving me. “Come my sweetest thing, we have to get ready for the Kings visit.”

  Well, that put out the burning flames!

  A groan escaped my mouth and Dario chuckled before climbing from the bed. I watched his cute backside disappear into his bathroom before turning onto my stomach and shoving my head under the pillow hoping to catch a few more minutes sleep. A soft knock sounded on his door. I grabbed his shirt, shoved it on and was surprised to see Arius at the door.

  “Forgive my intrusion Princess Shyla, its imperative that I speak with our Prince.” I held open the door and let him enter.

  Arius caught hold of my hand and did a graceful bow before rising and kissing the back of my hand. I couldn’t control the giggle that bubbled up. If anyone had told me that a vampire would be bowing in front of me and kissing the back of my hand in an old fashioned way, I’d have told them it would never happen – yet here he stood with sincerity written all over his face, ignoring my awkwardness.

  “Its good to see you are looking better Arius.” My eyes strayed from his, to look at his neck, it was sore looking and the skin was red from where Dario had torn into it, but it was stuck back together again and he had survived.

  “My apologies Princess Shyla, I acted irrationally.” His eyes were downcast and I felt humbled at his sincerity.

  I could see out the corner of my eye that Dario was standing in the doorway watching the exchange. Not wanting to draw out the apology, I waved a hand dismissively and said, “I’m an unknown threat, a hunter turned vampire, and I have access to the Prince, it stands to reason that you were unclear of my intentions and saw my actions as a threat to one of your own. Please, let us put it behind us and move forwards from the unpleasantness.”

  I saw Arius appreciate my words, his eyes shone with pride as he kissed the back of my hand once more, before releasing my hand and turning to face Dario. “You have chosen well Prince Dario.”

  Dario gave him a nod of his head and casually walked into the room.

  Arius addressed Dario formally, standing to attention and raising his hand in a fist above his heart. “Prince Dario DeLuise, I swear my allegiance to you and your Consort, as your long time friend and personal guard I swear to defend, protect and honour all that is precious to you.” Even though he didn’t turn to face me, I knew in my heart that he was referring to me.

  Dario walked over to me, placed an arm around my waist and held me close. “You forget Arius that I have been with Shyla through our siring even when she refused to take her rig
htful place by my side.” There was no judging me; it was just a statement of fact. “I have waited for a long time to find a consort worthy of the title.” Dario’s hand gripped my hip with a firm hand in a warning to keep quiet. “If you lay a hand on her again, Shyla, nor anyone else, will be able to save you. Do I make myself clear?”

  Arius lowered his head and said, “I give you my word.”

  Dario loosened his grip on my hip; I had kept quiet when the warning had been given. I knew that it was important for Dario to re-establish position. I had undermined him on several occasions and would try really hard not to do it again.

  “Is the great room ready to receive our King?” I held back a groan; this was one meeting that really made me feel anxious. I wasn’t into the whole royal thing – well, apart from Dario and that didn’t count because had I known that he was a Prince, I would’ve avoided him like the plague. (Well, maybe not!)

  Arius smiled, “Yes, the day walkers have prepared the room ready for the Kings arrival. Keera would like to know if she is to help Princess Shyla to get ready?” I shook my head at Arius and Dario chuckled. Arius did his best to hide his smile and said, “Guards are patrolling; King Marco is due to arrive in a couple of hours. Mackinley and I will dress accordingly whilst the King is here.”

  Dario nodded and gave a tight smile to Arius. “I want every guard in full protection mode; the hunters are coming for us.” This news didn’t shock me or turn me into a nervous wreck, if anything it made me feel resolute in my decision to stand at Dario’s side.

  I stepped away from Dario and voiced my concerns. “The wooded area would be a good place to set up some guards Dario, the hunters have found a chink in your armour and will use your weaknesses to gain access to the castle. The hunter used a sniper rifle to take his first shot, I suspect that Carlos will send another hunter to the area, they will scout the area and find a suitable place to bunk down for as long as it takes until they are ready to strike.” I looked between Dario and Arius to make sure that they were listening. “If Carlos is determined to take us out, then at least let me use my skills to give us the best chance against the hunters. That hunter was sent as a warning, letting us know that they are coming He was not given a specific target, he was probably sent a mission that instructed him to take out a couple of your guards; well, now we know that they are coming.”

  Arius frowned and said, “Princess Shyla, if you feel that you have something to offer that we can learn from, then I would very much like to hear it.” I could tell from the curious look that Dario was giving me that he was interested too.

  “The King is coming, the three of us are sitting ducks, and it’s too good an opportunity for Carlos to pass up. There are obviously other vampires close and they are in contact with your guards, let them know what is happening and ask them to join you. If they are caught in the crossfire, the hunters will eliminate them to get to us, at least that way we have more numbers and they will be anticipating the fight.”

  Dario nodded and Arius listened intently, waiting for me to continue. “Hunters are trained to blend in, to wait and strike. That is your advantage, the hunters work alone, if the vampires work in small units and patrol the surrounding area in their groups, it will make it harder for the hunters to find a hiding place.”

  Dario shrugged his shoulders as though what I was offering wasn’t going to make a difference. “We would do that anyway Shyla; I have no doubt that the King already has some of his men here in anticipation of his arrival.”

  “Then place some marksmen about, in all my time as an assassin, we have never used guns. They make too much noise and draw too much attention. This is a new strategy that the hunters are using, the end goal is in sight and your brother will not stop until he has his ultimate reward, our deaths and his place as King.”

  Arius looked between Dario and myself, I knew he was waiting for the go-ahead from Dario, but I could see that permission wouldn’t be granted easily. “It is not our way Shyla, in days of old, a war would be won on strength alone, survival of the fittest, so-to-speak.”

  I interrupted him, “Then you are a fool Dario. I have no intention of sitting pretty in your castle waiting for death to come and find me.”

  He flashed a flirty smile, “Maybe sitting pretty in my castle is all I have planned for you my sweet thing.”

  A string of curses flew from my mouth…. God he was frustrating.

  Arius placed a hand on my arm in warning, me and my mouth had overstepped the mark, but, in for a penny in for a pound, “Your mind set of ‘in times of old’ are going to get you all killed and I’m not prepared to let that happen. If you want to act all gallant, and eccentric in your thinking, then you have chosen the wrong girl to lead with you, I am not the kind of girl who wants to sit around in a fancy frock whilst threats are made on my life or yours. I am born of this century and times have changed – the fact that the hunters are using guns should tell you that! You are a stubborn ass Dario” I flipped my hair over my shoulders and headed from the room. I knew my words had got to Dario, his mouth hung open before he snapped it shut again. The fact that the hunters were taking pot shots at us didn’t mean that we had to sit back and wait for them to come to us.

  Half running half walking down the stairs I went in search of Mackinley, maybe he would be prepared to listen! Luckily I didn’t have to go too far. In my angered state, I had stomped out of the bedroom wearing Dario’s shirt and nothing else!

  Mackinley was walking down one of the long corridors; he heard me and quickly turned round. His look lingered a little too long on my legs before he ushered me inside a room.

  “I take it our Prince has ruffled your feathers again?” I eyed the whisky decanter on a side table, was it too early to have some? Ignoring the whisky I wrapped my arms around my waist to stop myself from reaching out for it. “Mackinley, do you have any guns here?”

  He chuckled and said, “I’m sure that things between the two of you can be resolved without resorting to the use of a gun.” He winked at me with a mischievous look on his face, but on seeing my dead panned expression, his face turned a little more serious. “I’m heading out in a little while to patrol the village, and I’m sending some men out to the wooded area, do you think we should take some guns with us?”

  Hallelujah, someone was listening to me! “Yes, and I’d like to come too. I’m sure his high and mighty will have something to say on the matter, but I think it is necessary to arm yourselves and if I might be as bold as to offer my assistance and point out areas where I would conceal myself in order to give me the best vantage point?” I knew I was pushing my luck, but I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. I fidgeted nervously as I waited for his response.

  Mackinley’s dark eyebrows pulled together, making his chiselled features seem more angular. “Does the Prince know that you plan on doing a recon with me?” I hesitated a little too long and Mackinley knew that was why I had gone to him. “I suspect that if I say no, you will go anyway?” I nodded my head but remained silent. “I will talk to Dario, but don’t hold your breath Princess. Once the Prince has made his mind up, he rarely changes it.”

  “Let’s just say that I am more annoyed with him than he is with me. If I upset him now, it levels the playing field.”

  My eyes darted to the door when it opened. Dario gave the harsh command of “Leave,” and my feet moved quickly, following Mackinley out of the room. Dario’s arms caught hold of both sides of the door frame preventing me from leaving. Mackinley gave me a ‘oh shit’ look over Dario’s shoulder and moved away. We stood staring at each other for what felt like five hours, when in reality, it was mere seconds. “You are under the misconception that I am not annoyed with you. Oh contraire my sweetest Consort, I am annoyed, but I am also frustrated. Every part of me wants to protect you. I don’t want you going out putting yourself in harms way. Yet I know that you will go even if I disapprove.” He’d been listening! I could feel anger building inside of me, if anyone was frustrating, it w
as him!

  My heart hammered in my chest, it was like a sirens call to Dario, his eyes devoured me as he looked me up and down before his eyes finally settled at the opening of his shirt that I was wearing. “I don’t ever remember being called a ‘stubborn ass’ before Shyla, but I would prefer name calling to be kept to pet names.” As quick as anything, Dario pulled me to his hard chest and his lips crashed into mine claiming them. Possession and passion burned between us as our tongues slipped in and out of each others mouths. When he broke contact between us, I sighed and rested my head against him as he cradled me close. “Whilst I do love to hear your smart mouth, I can think of a better use for it.” He wasn’t kidding, I could think of a few right now.

  “Arius is informing the local vampire network that trouble is heading our way. They will not be allowed into the castle, I prefer to have only my most trusted guardians and day walkers here to protect the King and if I dare say it – you.” I was about to object and tell him that I could protect myself when he said, “We have a little time to do a quick recon, but I wish for you to dress as one of my guards, and that’s not open for debate.”

  He stepped away casting a desirable look over me and said, “my men might find you a little distracting like that.” Dario’s hand lifted to my face, his thumb gently slid over my bottom lip, “I on the other hand approve, it’s so much more accessible than some fancy frock.” He tugged the shirt open sending the little buttons scattering across the wooden floor. I had never considered myself as sexy, not even close, but the way that Dario was looking at me made me feel like I should’ve been splashed across the centre pages of a boy’s magazine.

  Heavy foot steps running down the corridor broke my sexy-fuzzy state. Dario glared towards the door and made a soft growl of frustration in the back of his throat. “Come, I will have Keera help you into your armour.” I arched an eyebrow and saw a soft smile appear on his lips, “My dearest Shyla, I do believe that even you will need some help with this.”


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