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Darkest Prince

Page 10

by K. A. Jones

  Dario was at my side instantly. I could see all the friendliness had left him. He was regal, authoritative but most of all, Dario was royally pissed off with his brother. I slammed away the power that was pouring from both men. I really didn’t want to be begging them to make love to me. I surreptitiously looked around the room, everyone apart from Marco, Dario and me were going about their business. No-one would know of this altercation between brothers. I put myself in front of Dario and held up a hand to stop his advance on his brother. “It’s fine Dario.” I could feel his anger through our connection; Dario usually kept his own emotions from me. “No Shyla, this is not fine. Isn’t it bad enough that Carlos is out there waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill us, without Marco joining in?”

  He had a point, but so did Marco. “No harm no foul Dario. His intentions were honourable even if his methods weren’t.” It was the best I could do to diffuse the situation.

  I slid closer to Dario and wrapped an arm around his back. He was still wound tight but there was a tenderness in his fingers as they brushed down my arm and came to rest at my waist. ‘Your brother is an arrogant ass, but he will see that I am loyal to you Dario. I don’t care how I have to prove it; he will see that we belong together’.

  Nodding his agreement, Dario gave his brother a final warning glare and simply said, “I was hoping that you would greet my Consort with open arms and be happy that I have found my one true mate. I would like you to perform the ceremony, but spend some time with Shyla first, enter her mind and see the person that I fell in love with.”

  Whoa!! It was bad enough Dario learning all sorts of stuff about me through our freaky connection, let alone his brother gaining entry when he clearly didn’t find me as charming as Dario did.

  So this was it, one of those moments in life that it didn’t matter one iota what you did, you would be judged. I’d happily avoided any form of judgements from my kind since the day I’d left the training facility; this was going to be draining. I would have to be on my best behaviour and not think of any nasty ways to kill our King!

  There was a glint in Marco’s eyes, a look of devilment that did little to stop the butterflies that were forming in my stomach. For the first time in my entire life, I felt dread. Real cold-blood was running through my veins and icy fingers slid down my back making me shudder. I felt the air becoming harder to swallow and knew that it had nothing to do with Marco and everything to do with the new sensations that ran amok in my body. If the King was powerful enough to make a room full of Vampires, day walkers and humans believe that everything was okay and shelter them from the spat that was developing, then what could he do to me if I gave him full access to my mind?

  Marco patted a vacant seat that was next to him and I automatically walked towards it, sinking slowly onto the cushioned chair. I tried to pull off a plain, bored expression, but knew from the concerned look that Dario was giving me, it was probably more of a grimace.

  Before Marco began, I leant forwards, caught hold of his hand and said, “I hope you find whatever you are looking for. I trust that my mind will remain unaltered and I hope you get a glimmer of what it has been like for me. I have had to adjust from hunter to vampire, it is only right to question me Marco, but please, don’t fall out with Dario over this, he and his men are your true allies. We can defeat Carlos; show the world that there is no reason for the hunters to seek out the vampires, remove him from the government and replace the hunters with a task force to keep both vampires and hunters law abiding. Ultimately, we could live in peace Marco.”

  “Foolish idealisms Shyla, we will never live in peace, we are Vampires. It’s in our nature is to kill, we feed from humans, we are hunted by the hunters. It’s a natural process, kill, eat, and die.” Marco picked up his glass that looked as though it contained a ruby wine, but I’m sure I got the faint whiff of blood. He took several gulps before placing the glass back on the table. “Tell me Shyla, if I enter your mind, will you leave it open for me to search or will you try to hide anything from me?”

  I let out a frustrated groan and watched him tilt his head as he waited for my answer. “If you search for my feelings towards you right now, you will find hostile thoughts and maybe even a few wishes that may not put me in your good graces!”

  Laughter broke from him. Marco caught hold of my hand and said, “I think I’m going to enjoy searching that mind of yours.” I felt my eyes go heavy and my body follow. I was aware that Dario sent reassurances through our bond and I felt him wrap an arm around me and hold me close.

  Chapter Eight

  I knew the instant that Marco had finished searching the deepest darkest depths of my mind. I felt him pull away. Dario smoothed a hand across my cheek as my eyelids fluttered open. Dario smiled down at me. I felt exhausted but Dario’s breathtaking smile stopped any complaints from spilling from my mouth.

  “Did I pass the test or am I about to draw my last breath?” I kept my gaze on Dario, not daring to look at the King yet. I dreaded finding out the things that he now knew about me.

  Dario’s love oozed between our freaky connection. “You passed the test with flying colours my sweet Shyla.”

  I let out a shaky breath, I was still feeling anxious. Marco could decide to suck the life from me at any given moment and no-one in the room would be able to stop him. Dario was powerful, but Marco, well he was in a different league altogether. I knew that a simple decapitation or a silver dagger or bullet to his heart would end him, but I had a feeling that Marco would know that his life was in danger and by whatever means, would stop whoever was trying to end his life.

  I glanced about the room, everyone was unconcerned with what had transpired, and I knew that Marco had compelled everyone in the room to ignore us whilst he rummaged around in my mind. God knows how long I had been put under for, or what he had found locked away in Pandora’s Box, but both Marco and Dario were relaxed and happy. The fact that Dario no longer wanted to start a war with his brother, was reassuring.

  Marco gracefully stood up from his chair, held out a hand and said, “Dance with me.” It wasn’t a request, more of a demand, but I rose and let him lead me to the floor. He wasn’t the kind of man you could say no to, if you did, he would change your mind. I’d had enough of being mind fucked for one day.

  The orchestra slowed down their song and Marco tugged me close to his chest. I knew he had taken me to the dance floor so that he could speak and not be heard by the other vampires; at least that was what I hoped our little charade was. If he planned to kill me, he could do it now and compel everyone to ignore what he had done. It wasn’t a comforting thought!

  Marco held me close, but not close enough to be inappropriate. There was a respectful distance between us. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest and once again wished I’d found somewhere to tuck my trusted dagger. Not that I would’ve been able to use it against the King, but it would be comforting to know that I had it, just in case.

  “I’m sorry that I offended you Shyla, I really wish you no harm.” I looked up, Marco smiled a little before he spun me out and rolled me back close to his chest as he moved us across the floor like a professional dancers. With his head close to mine he whispered, “Hunters are notorious for losing their humanity and compassion. I had to make sure that Carlos hadn’t messed with your mind and compelled you to kill my brother.” I gave a shaky nod of my head; I could see that Marco had acted with his brothers best interests at heart, but that didn’t change anything, not really. Marco could’ve taken over my mind at any point and gained the information he needed rather than upset Dario the way he had. He spun me once more before I was tucked in close to his chest once more. “You really do have feelings for him don’t you?” I glanced over at Dario as Marco spun us across the floor. His eyes watched our every movement, following wherever Marco led me.

  I whispered, “Yes, I really do care for him.” I wetted my lips and spoke again, this time with more confidence. “I know you are concerned that I don’t lov
e him because I’m a hunter, but I do. I hated that he had turned me the way that he did, and I know that I ran, I ran from him but mostly I ran because I was scared, scared of what I had become. Scared because he was on my hit list…. I had become something that I had been bought up to hate…. ”

  “Yet you did not fear him when you met?”

  I grinned at the memory, there was no fear. “No, I didn’t fear him, I was …” This was not the sort of thing you shared with royalty!

  “Go on Princess, I want to hear you say it.”

  He already knew, he would have found this when he searched my mind, but I guess he needed to hear it to satisfy his own curiosity. Maybe he wanted to find a mate and as he’d been too busy putting fear into everyone he’d met, maybe he’s already met someone and then let them slip by or sucked the breath from them! “I was unwell, too many whisky’s. Dario came to my aid.” Marco effortlessly spun me away from him and rolled me back against his chest and nodded for me to continue. “He was annoying, flirty… but, there was something about him that I liked, you know?” I could’ve kicked myself, of course he didn’t know, he was still on his own after gazillions of years!

  He chuckled and said, “Dario is a lucky man to have found his true mate.” He lowered his head so he place a gentle kiss me on my forehead.

  I felt heat seep into my cheeks, I was glad that Marco had decided that he liked me. It was better to have his blessing than to have the vampires go to war because of me. “There is nothing that I don’t know about you Shyla; I have seen your good parts and the not-so glamorous parts of your life. I feel it is only fair to offer the same to you.”

  I shook my head and smiled, “If Dario was to offer me an insight into his mind, I wouldn’t be able to decline, he’s a dark horse, but that kind of intimacy between the King and his brothers Consort seems kinda wrong to me.”

  Marco smiled down at me before spinning me out and releasing my hand. I spun into Dario’s chest. He gathered me close and moved with ease across the floor as other vampires joined us on the dance floor. Dario grinned from ear to ear and whispered, “Annoying and flirty huh?” Before I had a chance to respond, Dario was kissing me. When he finally pulled away he grinned and said, “It’s nearly time Shyla.” It was hard to feel nervous when he was brimming with excitement. Marco made his way back to the table, his guards surrounding him as he went.

  We glided across the floor towards the orchestra, spinning and twirling as we went. I was no dancer, but I was light on my feet, despite my high heels! It was only once the music had stopped that I realised that everyone in the room had formed a walkway for us to go down. The guards had drawn their weapons and formed an arch for us to walk under. I hoped and prayed that no-one felt the need to let their sword fall and behead me.

  Marco stood at the end of the vampire archway with a proud look on his face. Dario began speaking into my mind. ‘The King will introduce us to our gathering but his voice will carry to every vampire alive. Our joining will be shared to the vampire nation and they will know that you are under our protection and that you belong to me.’ I gave a small tight lipped smile and cast a nervous glance along the two rows of vampires. Dario took hold of my hand and placed it on his arm, patted it a couple of times before wrapping his fingers over mine and continued to tell me about the ceremony. ‘Every vampire will have a duty to protect your life above their own and when you decide that you wish to carry my son, each and every vampire will want to protect you and our son. If something should happen to me, you will be able to turn to any one of our brethren and they will help you.’

  Was it the right time to say that all I was hearing, was about them protecting me and my non existent baby? I doubted that was all there was to this ceremony but I was getting the impression that these facts were somehow important. The only thing that vampires had to fear were the hunters, and let’s face it, they would come – but I wasn’t incapable of protecting myself. I wasn’t some weak female that thought more about shoes than I did about the safety of those I cared about.

  ‘I know that you have already felt how powerful Marco is, but when Marco sends his message you will feel his full force, your body responded to him and so will you.’ Dario looked directly into my eyes and looked apologetic. ‘His power will excite you Shyla, please… try to ignore it.’

  My cheeks heated as I recalled how my vampy senses had recognised him as powerful and had welcomed the feeling – well, until Dario had suggested that I stop drooling!

  Dario bent his head and gave me a brief kiss. He whispered, “Are you ready?” I gave a small nod of my head, turned to face Marco and held my head high. If someone was going to chop it off as I walked in-between two rows of vampires, then I wasn’t going to make it easy by letting it hang.

  As we walked down the vampire made arch, weapons were lowered as we passed, my heart rate increased when it first happened and I was all for turning around and beating the crap out of the vampires, but Dario tugged on my arm and whispered that the guards followed us and fanned around us when we stood in front of Marco. I blew out a nervous breath, swallowed past the lump that was forming in my throat and continued walking between the vampires.

  When we finally stood in front of Marco, I surreptitiously glanced around the room; every guest had joined us and was stood in a semi circle behind the line of guards. I knew that the guards had taken up their positions ready to defend their King and Dario and soon I would be included in their list.

  Marco held out a hand to me. I gently clasped it and Marco stepped closer. His voice rang out clear to our guests. “From this day forth let it be said and let it be known that Shyla Dianna is the chosen mate to Dario DeLuise. From this day forth, Princess Shyla and Prince Dario are committed to one another, their marriage is one of love, and it is one of faith and one that is eternally bound.” Marco held up his hand to Dario, he gently clasped it and Marco said, “From this day forth let it be said and let it be known that Prince Dario has committed himself to his chosen consort, Princess Shyla. From this day forth this joining will be recognised and respected by all.”

  I could feel his power flickering over my skin, licking it seductively. I could get lost in the wonderful sensations that shimmied over my skin. My breathing and heart rate accelerated as I became excited. Dario’s words came back to me, telling me that my body would respond to Marco. I could feel it and it was wonderful, but I kept thinking about Dario. He was who I wanted to be with forever. I held his image in my mind and even though I could hear Marco, his words and intent pushing at my resolve, it was Dario that remained in my thoughts.

  Marco placed my hand into Dario’s and gave me a small wink and a smile before facing Dario, he quietly said, “brace yourself brother,” before turning his full gaze on the crowd behind us. “By the power given to my by my predecessors I bind Dario and Shyla together in marriage.” If ever there was an ‘oh shit’ moment in your life, this was mine. Power radiated from Marco and it was directed straight to my groin….

  The gathering vampires and day walkers were oblivious to my growing need as they applauded and cheered, raising their glasses to us. I grabbed hold of Dario’s face and tugged him close as my need built inside of me. ‘Tell me you feel it too… tell me that you are going to do something about it as soon as you can… please.’ If it wasn’t for the audience I would’ve been straddling Dario and helping myself! Hell, the way I was feeling I would straddle anyone to assuage my needs.

  A grin spread across Dario’s face as he said, “I promised you a night to remember and I’m not about to relinquish my responsibilities.” Desire flared anew, but this time, it was all for Dario.

  Marco lifted his arms into the air and the atmosphere changed as he began chanting.

  Every vampire and day walker in the room became frozen into place as Marco continued his incantation. Dario stepped behind me and ran gentle hands across my stomach whilst his teeth skimmed my neck, making me shudder in pleasure. I hissed as his teeth sank into my neck and drew b
lood. My breathing became ragged as I struggled to remain on my feet, dizzy with need. I pressed myself closer to Dario, wanting so much more than to feel his excitement pressing against my back.

  Marco’s voice rose along with our building excitement. I thought I would spontaneously combust if Dario didn’t see to my every need in the next few minutes.

  Dario stopped moving. His hands were splayed protectively across my tummy; his fangs no longer in my neck, but his mouth remained close. I could feel a slight tickle from his breath as he steadily breathed in and out.

  I focussed on Marco’s voice. It called to me, beckoned and demanded my full attention even though I didn’t understand the words that he was speaking. The words echoed in my mind, settling inside, too far away to grasp but close enough for when I needed them. I opened my eyes and saw that Marco was watching me as he continued to speak with his strange dialect. His head tilted to one side, in askance if I understood, or maybe he was asking if it had worked. I gave a small smile and a quick bob of my head, I didn’t feel differently or anything like that, but I knew that something had settled in my mind, something that I wouldn’t be able to share with anyone else. I would only utter those words when the time was right for Dario and me. Marco’s face lit up, his smile was infectious, even as he continued to pronounce some strange words – his knowing smile remained on his lips.

  Marco placed a hand on my stomach above Dario’s and finished the spell. I felt Dario come back to life. His movements were unsure and he was confused. I turned my head and smiled over my shoulder to him. Marco lifted his hand from my stomach and gently smoothed my face before stepping away. “All that is left to say is congratulations and welcome Shyla, wife, lover and soon to be mother.” He patted Dario on the shoulder and said, “I will give you two a moment before I return our guests back to the celebrations.”

  Dario ran his hands over my face, down my neck and shoulders before they made their slow descent down my arms until he was satisfied that I was still standing in front of him. “There was something missing from our marriage, something thing that still needs to be said.” His head lowered and he captured my mouth with his, claiming me, branding me. “I love you Shyla, from the moment I met you until I draw my last breath, I will love you.”


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