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Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series

Page 17

by T. M. Nielsen

  Emily was up again. Chevalier reached his arm behind her and helped her curl into a ball as she pushed, “Come on, Em.”

  “I see a head,” Sam said, excited. “Keep pushing Emily.”

  Emily fell back to the bed panting, “I’m too tired.”

  “I know,” Chevalier said, touching her arm lightly. “You can do this, we’re close.”

  Emily was too tired to care, too tired to do anything, she just wanted to sleep. The pain that wracked her body had become constant and brutal. She wanted to lash out at those around her, but couldn’t summon the energy to do so. The brief periods of the need to push were all that separated the time of perpetual pain.

  “Now, Emily,” Sam said as he readied his hands.

  Emily summoned every ounce of energy left in her body to push, she felt Chevalier’s arm behind her, pushing her forward as her scream echoed off the walls in the castle.

  “Get him,” Sam said, and handed the baby off to Kyle, who wrapped him in a blanket. The small baby boy began to cry almost immediately, and Kyle looked at him in awe.

  Emily could feel herself dying. She felt the life draining out of her and the voices in the room began to fade away. There was a baby crying, but she couldn’t remember whose baby it was. Someone was calling her name. She knew she should answer, but it didn’t matter. She was going to be gone soon and she welcomed it. She welcomed the chance to get away from the pain.

  “What’s wrong?” Chevalier asked Sam anxiously as Emily’s eyes rolled back in her head.

  “I told you, the baby was too big for her. She’s bleeding out,” Sam said, sitting back.

  “Do something!” he growled at Sam.

  “What? I don’t know what to do,” Sam said, panicking. “I don’t know how to stop it.”

  “Emily, stay with me,” Chevalier said, and watched her face turn pale as blood stained the sheets around her.

  Emily tried to tell him it was ok, she was going where there was no more pain. She wanted to ask him to help the crying baby, it seemed essential that she tell him that, but no noise escaped her lips.

  “I think the bleeding is stopping,” Sam said, surprised.

  “Is it?” Chevalier asked, taking Emily’s hand.

  The baby was still screaming angrily, and Kyle held him with inexperienced hands, unsure what to do.

  “I think so. I’m not sure,” Sam said, still watching as the blood pooled around Emily.

  “Come on, Emily,” Chevalier said again as he pressed her hand against his lips.

  “Can’t you make him be quiet?” Sam snapped at Kyle.

  “Oh yeah... sure... I’ll just ask him to stop crying.” Kyle glared at him.

  Emily could feel herself rising out of the dark tunnel toward the voices. The pain was intense, and she wanted to go back where there was no pain. The crying wouldn’t stop. It seemed to her that someone should help it. Where was the baby’s mother? Why didn’t someone help him?

  “Hush up you two,” Chevalier hissed at them.

  “He’s just hungry,” Kyle said, looking down at the infant screaming in his arms.

  “There’s milk upstairs,” Sam said, still watching Emily.

  “Can we do that? Just give him milk?” Kyle asked, unsure.

  “How should I know?” Sam snapped.

  “Both of you shut up!” Chevalier growled.

  “Here,” Emily managed to whisper, and all three of them looked at her.

  “What, Em?” Chevalier asked her, bending down closer.

  “Give me the baby,” she said, bringing her hands up toward Kyle.

  “Are you sure?” Chevalier asked, but Kyle was already laying the baby in her arms.

  “Turn around,” Emily said with a slight smile.

  “Why?” Sam asked, confused.

  “Turn!” Chevalier yelled at him.

  Sam joined Kyle by the wall as both faced away from the bed. Suddenly, the baby stopped crying and both Sam and Kyle wondered what she’d done to it. The sound of grunting and groaning came from the bed as the baby settled down to nurse.

  “Ahh,” Kyle said, grinning, still facing the wall.

  “So… we turn when she nurses, even though we just saw…” Sam shut up when Kyle hit him upside the head.

  Emily watched the baby, wondering how this tiny thing could have caused so much pain. As the baby nursed, she held his hand and watched as his delicate fingers wrapped around hers. Her hand looked large compared to his. She touched his black, wispy hair. It was so soft that she almost couldn’t feel it against her skin.

  Chevalier leaned over and kissed Emily’s forehead. He couldn’t explain what it felt like to watch his son and his wife together. It seemed too natural to be in an environment filled with the immortal. Emily still looked ill and her pale face was bright against the dark room. He didn’t like how her lips were colorless or the bland color of the green in her eyes.

  Emily shivered. The cave room was cold, and her nightgown was wet with sweat and blood.

  This time without asking, Chevalier picked her up as she cradled the baby and took her up into the warmth of the upper room. The wind was still howling outside, but seemed to have calmed down a little. Sam and Kyle followed silently up the stairs.


  Dr. Edwards stepped out of Emily’s room and smiled at Chevalier. Kyle and Sam stood to the side of him, waiting.

  “You did well,” he said, and smiled.

  Chevalier sighed, “She’ll be ok then? There was a lot of blood.”

  The doctor nodded, “I would imagine. She’s pretty torn up, but not as badly as I would expect with the size of the baby. You make’em big, don’t you?” He smiled at Chevalier.

  “And the baby?” Kyle asked.

  “Healthy as a horse. He’s a good eater, too,” the doctor said, and gathered his things into the black bag he carried.

  “Keep her in bed for at least a week. She needs lots of red meat and good food to get her back up to par. Nights are the worst until the baby gets old enough to sleep through.” The doctor frowned, and then laughed, “Of course, you have an advantage.”

  “What’s that?” Chevalier asked, anxious to get into Emily’s room.

  “You are already up all night,” he said, and slapped Chevalier on the back. He drew his hand back quickly, unsure if he should have done that.

  Chevalier turned to the doctor and smiled, then disappeared into Emily’s room. Emily was lying down in bed on her side and the baby was asleep, curled up next to her. She looked up when he sat on the bed.

  “How are you?” he asked, lightly touching her cheek.

  “Ever been hit by a train?” She halfway smiled, but he could tell she was in pain and exceedingly tired.

  “Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he said, and she shut her eyes and immediately fell asleep.

  Emily began to wake up. She could feel every muscle in her body scream as she breathed. She felt the baby wiggle at her side, and she looked over at him. He was starting to cry, so she pulled him close to her to nurse.

  “Can I get you anything?” Chevalier asked, watching them. It fascinated him how Emily’s body had immediately been ready to feed the baby. He marveled at what he’d just seen, something so foreign to his kind. He gave the mortals credit for their strength, the strength to create, carry, and then give life.

  “I’m kind of hungry,” she said, and his eyes lit up.

  “I can fix that!” he told her, and left the room quickly.

  Emily watched the baby nurse as she felt his toes, rubbed his soft cheeks, and marveled at the way he held her finger tightly in his hand. She saw he had a diaper on, but couldn’t remember who put it on. It was on backwards, though, and she laughed a bit.

  Chevalier appeared a few minutes later with a tray. She handed the baby off to him and sat up, wincing as her muscles complained with the movement. She sat the tray on the bed and began to eat immediately. She was extremely hungry and the food tasted incredible.

; Emily glanced up at Chevalier and couldn’t help but laugh. He was standing perfectly still with the baby held carefully at arm’s length.

  “What?” Chevalier asked when she laughed.

  “Hold him closer, up against you, and support his head,” she explained, and then took another bite.

  Chevalier carefully pulled the baby against his chest and relaxed the tiniest bit.

  “You aren’t going to break him,” she said, still eating.

  “You sure?” Chevalier asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Emily nodded and sat the fork down, then swung her legs out of bed and stood up carefully, testing their strength.

  “You’re supposed to stay in bed,” Chevalier said, looking from her to the baby. He wanted to stop her, but wasn’t sure what to do with the baby while he did so.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to take a shower and get clean clothes,” she told him, and walked slowly and stiffly into the bathroom.

  “Oh, right,” he said, glancing away from her. The sight of her blood covered nightgown made him feel guilty. He couldn’t help but think that this was his fault.

  Chevalier opened the ante-chamber door and handed the sleeping baby off to Kyle, “Get some clean sheets in here,” he said to Sam.

  “Is it clear?” Kyle asked, and then headed into the room when Chevalier nodded.

  Servants began to file into the room bearing large bouquets of flowers and gifts for the baby. There were several large fruit baskets and boxes with pictures of baby toys and baby furniture on them. Chevalier frowned when a mortal man entered.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “I’m the donor,” the man said, looking around the room.

  “A donor?” Chevalier asked, confused.

  “Yes, for the new mother,” he said, smiling. “I’m a gift.”

  “I see,” Chevalier said, ushering him out the door. “Tell your giver that Emily doesn’t need a donor.”

  “Oh, ok,” he said as a servant came to take him down the stairs.

  Chevalier heard the shower turn off and ordered everyone to leave the room. He wondered how so many heku sent gifts already. It had only been about 24 hours. He decided not to tell Emily about the donor gift though, and made a path from the bathroom to the bed through the flowers.

  Emily stepped out in a clean nightgown and gasped, “Where did this all come from?”

  “The city,” he said, smiling. “It’s our first baby… ever.”

  Emily took a rose and smelled it on the way to the bed where she sat cross-legged.

  “Feeling better?” he asked as he sat down beside her.

  “Lots,” she said. “Where’s the baby?”

  “Oh, Kyle has him. Do you have a name?” he asked and kissed her softly.

  “We have to figure out a name,” she said, brushing her hair.

  “I don’t know how to name a baby,” Chevalier said, shocked.

  “Yes and I have a ton of practice with it.” She laughed slightly, and then clutched her side when it hurt.

  “Are you ok?” he asked, jumping up.

  “I hurt everywhere,” she told him, and curled up in bed and pulled the covers over her.

  “Just leave the baby with me and get some sleep,” he said, pulling another blanket over her.

  “You going to feed him too?” She smiled and shut her eyes.

  “Oh, right, well I’ll bring him to you for that,” Chevalier left as she fell asleep and took the baby from Kyle.

  Chapter 12 - Allen

  “Hand him up, Sam,” Emily said, and leaned over from up on Patra to take the one-year-old.

  “He sure loves riding Patra with you,” Sam said, looking up at Emily and the toddler as she sat him in front of her.

  She situated herself so she had a secure hold on the reins in one hand, and the one-year-old in the other, “I hope so. I’m going to break that horse soon and I’ll give him to Allen.”

  “Chevalier doesn’t want you breaking him. He said he’s too mean and wants to hire a professional,” Sam said, and then grinned. He knew what saying that would do to her.

  “He said what?” Emily raised an eyebrow.

  Sam nodded, “Asked me to find someone to come break him.”

  Emily glared, “Seriously? Sam, don’t do it, that’s an order. I’ll break him myself.” She clicked her tongue and Patra broke into a trot out into the pasture.

  Allen looked around as they rode through the cattle, his wide green eyes catching every movement and wondering at the noises around him. He and Emily were out every day looking over the ever expanding herd of cattle. Emily pointed out things to him like the different breeds they had and the types of feed and grain to use.

  She enjoyed her time out away from dreary castle life. Chevalier was working long hours again and was getting ready for another mission. Kyle had taken his position back as head of the guard and Emily was finally left to fend for herself, something which she cherished every day.

  Emily pulled Patra to a stop and looked over at some cattle to the west of her. They were starting to get jumpy, and a few were running quickly toward the east. She frowned and turned Patra to investigate, kicking the mare into a gallop. Allen laughed as the wind swept through his black hair.

  Stopping the horse where the cattle had come from, she listened carefully and heard nothing out of the ordinary. There was a storm coming, so the ocean beat rhythmically against the cement wall by the beach and the wind was blowing noisily through the evergreen trees.

  “Hear anything?” Emily asked, smiling down at Allen, and he shook his head with a grin.

  Allen had his father’s grin and Emily’s temper. He loved being outdoors and hated nothing more than any kind of confinement or restriction.

  “I don’t either,” she said, and carefully looked back across the tree line. She pulled the rifle out from the saddle pack and held it up, using the scope to get a closer look through the trees.

  “No, no,” Allen said, reaching up for the rifle.

  Emily slipped it back into the saddle pack, “I know Daddy says no gun, but Mommy says yes.”

  “No, no,” he said, again frowning.

  “Shhhh,” Emily whispered to him as she caught a strange hiss on the wind. Her eyes scanned the trees again, slower this time. She squinted when she saw a shadow move and immediately grabbed the rifle again.

  Leveling it toward the shadow, she squinted through the scope and caught a brief glimpse of someone stooped over with his arms dragging along the ground. She slipped the gun into her pack and kicked Patra into a fast gallop back to the barn.

  “You’re back early,” Sam said, coming out to greet her.

  “Take Allen,” she said, and then handed the now screaming toddler down to Sam.

  Sam knew better than to ask what she was doing. He took Allen and promised him a ride later to calm him down. Allen and Emily were rarely apart, and when they were, Allen became stubborn and defiant.

  Emily kicked Patra back into a gallop and returned to the spot in the pasture closest to the dark figure she’d seen in the trees. She pulled the rifle out again and chambered a bullet, then slid off of the mare. She lowered the brim of her hat a bit to shade her eyes better from the sun, and slipped a gloved finger around the trigger.

  “Who’s in there?” she yelled into the trees.

  When no one answered, she walked slowly forward toward the spot she had seen the stooped figure. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of decay and jumped when she heard a sound behind her.

  She turned to face what she thought must be a heku, one that was old and wrinkled. He was stooped so low that his vertebrae stuck out against the skin on his back. He was smiling at her with rotten teeth and his claw like hands were curled into fists.

  “Hello, Child,” he said, taking a step to the side. Emily could tell he meant to circle around her and block her way out of the woods.

  “Stand still, I’m warning you,” she said, and lowered the rifle. She didn’t plan on using i
t against this being, she had better weapons.

  “No guns, Child, no guns. I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was cracked and uneven.

  “I don’t need a gun to fight you. Who are you?” she asked.

  “Mmm smells good, she does,” the heku said, running his cracked tongue along the shattered teeth in his mouth.

  “I asked who you are.” Emily’s eyes narrowed.

  “I have many names, pretty one.” His eyes scanned down her body, and then back up to her neck.

  She knew that, historically, each heku had many names, “Ok, then what are you doing here?”

  “I live here, young one,” he said, meeting her eyes for a moment before they dropped back to the vein in her neck.

  “You aren’t going to feed from me, so I suggest you stop the savoring crap and explain yourself.” She held her voice calm, but her hands were shaking.

  He bowed slowly, his head almost touching the mossy ground, “I am Elder Larsen, of the Equites.”

  Emily sighed, “If you don’t want to tell me, then fine, but don’t lie to me.”

  “I am, Child. I should try that again though, I was… Elder Larsen.” He was looking hard into her eyes.

  “That doesn’t work on me, and if you try it again you’ll…” his words cut her off.

  “Turn me into ash?” he asked, smiling.

  She wasn’t entirely surprised. The word had gotten out quickly who she was and what she could do. It was the casual way he talked about her abilities that shocked her.

  “Yes,” she said, watching him. “If you were an Elder of the Equites, what happened to you?”

  “Do you not know, Child? The Council is powerful. The only way to replace one is to banish them to the ground. I was not ready when they came for me, and alas, didn’t put up much of a fight, but I have found my way above ground.” He took a step toward her.

  “You don’t look much like a civilized heku.” She glared at him, and something in the back of her mind was telling her to run.

  “I am no longer. I have starved and weakened over the last six hundred years. As I feed, I will become stronger and will soon return to my former glory.” His eyes were far away as he remembered how he once looked.


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