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Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series

Page 34

by T. M. Nielsen

  The tailor dropped off her dress in a black dress bag and she’d been staring at it for an hour. Chevalier had already joined the other Elders for the promotions that were ahead of the Cavalry. They were to be promoted last, as it made each of them a Lieutenant.

  Sighing, Emily stood up and unzipped the garment bag and pulled off her clothes right in the bedroom. Sam and Allen were already at the ceremony that was to be attended by the entire Council City guard staff and most of the city. She was extremely nervous, and remembered the look on the faces the first time they saw her, most hated her and glared as she walked down the center aisle.

  Emily first pulled out the top and turned it around several times before she figured out how to put it on. She sighed, it was too late now, and from the looks of the outfit, Chevalier would be less inclined to have a dress made for her in the future. He’d been pretty protective of how much skin she showed around the palace, and she suspected that this might teach him a lesson.

  Emily slipped off her bra and pulled on the cross-top. The top of the X wrapped behind her neck and crossed high on her chest with the bottom portions of the X all that covered her chest and then it hooked behind her. She pulled out the leather skirt and slipped it on. It fit dangerously low over her hips and fastened with a wide leather belt, the buckle a copy of the Equites crest. It was calf length and trimmed in leather fringe. Lastly was a pair of knee high leather boots with 4 inch heels.

  Dressed, Emily turned to the mirror and had to laugh out loud. Chevalier was going to be livid over this dress. He expressly requested a country look, but modest. She thought it was weird how he’d changed since becoming Elder. He suddenly felt that anyone that looked at her should be beheaded. On the island, he was casual about her appearance and didn’t even care when she went down to the pool in a bikini.

  Emily sighed and grabbed the seven Cavalry pins. They were intricately carved horse shoes in platinum with an emerald E in the center. She kept saying in her mind that they went on the left collar.

  She heard a knock on her door and opened it to a strange heku guard. He looked down at her and immediately stared above her head, then stammered, “It’s… it’s go... I mean, time to go.”

  Emily smiled and followed him down to the large coronation room. She could hear Elder Leonid announcing the introduction of the new Cavalry unit, and that their promotion would end the ceremony for the night. Emily waited in a room behind the stage. The instructions handed to her said she was to walk to the center front stage, stand on the stool, and pin each guard as they walked by.

  Kyle took the stage and called each of the Cavalry up by name and as they lined up beside him.

  “The Equites are also proud to present the woman who helped us with the horse training, and also the one that will be bestowing the Cavalry pins.” After Kyle spoke, he turned toward Emily and motioned for her to come out.

  Emily froze. She felt all of the eyes on her and it was by sheer will alone that she moved forward and took one of the guard’s hands as she stepped up on a small platform. She was assured it was only so she could easily reach the lapel of the guards, but she suddenly felt on display, and felt all of the guard’s eyes on her as the entire room fell silent.

  She looked pleadingly at Kyle, who jumped slightly and finally spoke, “First up… Mark, Battalion Leader.”

  Mark walked over and faced Emily. With shaking hands, she put the pin on his left collar and then hugged him as a gasp ran out through the guards present. Mark nodded, glanced nervously at Chevalier, and then moved to the side.

  She repeated this with the other six guards and then took Kyle’s hand as she stepped off of the platform. Unsure where to go from there, she stood to the side of Chevalier’s chair and looked down at him. He looked extremely angry and was scowling at the Cavalry.

  Emily felt that the coronation couldn’t end fast enough. Kyle announced that the Cavalry would also be in charge of her security, and she felt herself blushing. The end finally came and the guard staff filed out of the large room. Elder Maleth and Elder Leonid left when the guards were gone, leaving just Emily and Chevalier in the room by themselves.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re mad?” she asked, not moving.

  “Did you have to hug them?” he snapped at her.

  “Is that what this is about, jealousy?” She moved to stand in front of him.

  “Jealousy and that outfit. Could you not show more skin?” He stood up and glared down at her.

  “Oh this? First off… you didn’t seem to care when I was the island and secondly… you chose the tailor. How was I supposed to know what it looked like? You’re so controlling lately I’m lucky if I get to brush my own hair.” She glared back at him.

  He balled his hands into fists, “I’m not controlling.”

  “You are too, and I’ve done nothing to make you even think there’s anyone else. Jealousy is juvenile, and petty, and I’m insulted by it.” She could feel her temper rising.

  “I’m only trying to protect you,” he said, through gritted teeth.

  “Oh yeah? Well don’t,” she told him before turning and walking away. She could tell he was following her.

  “Emily, don’t walk away from me,” he said, and grabbed her arm.

  She stopped outside of her door and turned to him, “Or what? You going to order me into submission?”

  “I’m not looking for submission. You are free to do whatever you want.”

  “Oh really?” She turned as Kyle stepped out of his room. She took a step toward him, put her hands on his face, and pressed her lips to his.

  Kyle froze, not sure what to do. He put his hands on her shoulders and quickly pushed her away, then looked at Chevalier. He was growling low in his chest and glaring at Kyle. Kyle tried to stammer out an apology, but opted to turn back into his room and shut the door.

  Emily glared at Chevalier and walked into their room. He followed her and slammed the door behind her.

  “What was that?” he asked angrily.

  “Me, expressing my ability to do whatever in the hell I want,” she said, and turned to him as she put her hands on her hips.

  “So that’s what you want? To kiss Kyle?”

  “No, what I want is freedom… something you’re not really willing to give,” she said, unzipping her boots and slipping them off.

  “You are free,” he scowled.

  “Oh yeah? What do you want from me, Chev? Do you want me to play the ‘yes sir’ game? Do you want me to be the obedient wife with no opinion?” She threw her boot at him, but he easily caught it and set it down.

  “No, that’s not what I want. I want a wife that’s aware of her dangerous surroundings, one that understands that I’m only trying to protect her.”

  “So what part of that did I break today? Was it wearing this ridiculous outfit that you had made, or was it hugging someone I consider a good friend?”

  Chevalier sighed, he knew she was right. He felt himself becoming out of control jealous over everyone around her, yet felt himself losing her the tighter he clung.

  “When were you going to tell me that the Cavalry had a second assignment… guarding me?” she asked, and then slipped off her skirt before reaching around to her back to pull at the clasp on the top.

  “I thought you knew. When Kyle suggested it, I assumed he talked to you about it,” he said softly, he was tired of fighting.

  “Yeah, well he didn’t,” she told him, still irritated. Chevalier went behind her and unfastened her top, then wrapped his arms around her.

  She pulled away from him and went into the bathroom to change.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on. You keep getting attacked right under my nose. You keep making friends with heku I don’t know and don’t trust,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “What do you want me to do?” Emily asked, stepping out of the bathroom in her nightgown.

  “Be patient,” he suggested.

  “Then don’t hold on s
o tightly,” she said, and straddled his hips to sit on his lap, facing him.

  He looked into her eyes, “Let the Cavalry guard you, and I’ll lighten up.”

  “Starting when?”

  “Let’s go for four days from now, they have a mission first.”

  She nodded, “Deal. And you can burn that dress.”

  He grinned, “Can we keep it just for us?”

  Sneak Peak : Encala (Book 3 of the Heku Series)

  “Damnit,” Allen said, smiling.

  “Want to go out today?” Emily asked and took his hand.

  She grinned at the name of Allen’s horse. It had fit when he was an unbroken colt, but now as a gentle stallion, he was the perfect horse for a small boy.

  She led him out to the hallway and frowned, there were no guards at her door. She knew the cavalry was out on a mission and off of her bodyguard duty for two more days, but she’d had random guards posted outside of her door since the cavalry were made lieutenants.

  Emily walked Allen through the palace, feeling a sense of freedom. She didn’t pass any heku on her way out and then she remembered the council was meeting today. They were swearing in a new Chief Enforcer, someone named Damon. All she knew about him was that he was another one of the ‘old ones’ and Chevalier had known him for a long time.

  Emily picked up Allen and threw him onto her shoulders as he giggled. He loved to ride up there. She walked the short distance to the stables and looked around, still no heku. The stable was empty also, except for Patra and Damnit.

  Emily slipped a bridle on Patra and let her out of the stall. She kept glancing behind her as she put on the saddle, cinched it, and then put Allen up by the horn. Emily slipped her foot into the stirrup and swung herself up behind him. She wrapped a hand around Allen’s waist and held the reins with the other and then clicked her tongue, heading the mare out slowly.

  Emily had seen the rolling hills to the west of the city but hadn’t had time to explore yet. She tapped her heals against Patra and the mare broke into a trot. The city was quiet during the day. Most of the business was done in the protection of the night. She could still hear people talking from behind their doors and once in a while she caught sight of a curtain pulling to the side. She was a little irritated by the peeking but knew she was an odd sight for them.

  After many turns and a lot of dead ends, she finally found her way to the green hills. She grinned and broke Patra into a gallop. She loved the way the wind felt through her hair, and she could hear Allen laughing. It was good to get the painted mare out on the open grass. She’d been working hard getting the cavalry ready and hadn’t gotten to stretch her legs in a while. The afternoon passed slowly as she explored the hillside and talked to Allen.

  As she topped one of the hills, Patra reared angrily and Emily tightened her grip on Allen. She calmed the mare down and then saw what spooked her, someone was walking toward them. She watched as he got closer and her brow furrowed.

  “Emily?” she heard him ask, and she tightened her grip so hard on Allen that he began to complain.

  “Tim,” she said, watching him. She hadn’t seen the man since her time as a prisoner for the Valle when he was sent to try to break the bond she had with Chevalier. The last time she saw him, he was fading in and out of consciousness and in pain from her torture.

  He stopped a few yards from her and smiled, “I see you had a boy.”

  She nodded and pulled the reins, forcing Patra to take a step back, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m a donor, didn’t you know?” he asked casually.

  “For the Equites? What happened to the Valle?” She didn’t trust him at all.

  “I’m a donor for whoever needs me. I’m making a call in Council City.” He slid his hands into his pockets and ran his eyes over her.

  “I suggest you go back where you came from.”

  He frowned, “You aren’t still mad, are you? That wasn’t my fault! They forced me to do it.”

  “I don’t care who forced whom, you don’t belong in this city.”

  “Don’t be mad, Emily, please. I’ve wanted to apologize for a while now, but didn’t know where to find you,” he said, taking a step toward her.

  Emily pulled Patra back another step, “Come near me and I’ll have this entire city on you in an instant.”

  “I don’t doubt that, I’ve heard that your husband became an Elder.”

  “You heard correctly.”

  “I really cared about you, you know that right?” He smiled slightly.

  “Oh sure, you let them torture me.”

  “No I didn’t, they would take me away until it was time to let you go, I had no say in it.” He desperately wanted her to believe him.

  “But you knew, the entire time you were helping them.”

  “It’s right, I knew, but I wasn’t helping them.”

  “So you weren’t trying to break the bond with Chev?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Ok, so maybe… but I cared about you and I fought to get back to you when you were in restraints.” He slipped his hands out of his pockets and reached out for the mare.

  “Get back,” she said, warning him.

  He pulled his hands back, “Don’t be like this, it’s been a long time and now that I’ve found you, I want to apologize.”

  “Get lost, you aren’t welcome in the city,” she said again.

  “I am welcome, I have a donor appointment with some heku,” he said, taking a step to the side.

  “I’m pretty sure I outrank whoever it is your appointment is with, and I say you aren’t welcome.”

  He looked toward the city and then back to Emily, “Don’t be like that, Em, I won’t be in the city for more than an hour.”

  “Then what? Return to the Valle with information on council?”

  “I told you, I’m not with the Valle.”

  “Oh right… and I’m supposed to trust everything you say.”

  Tim smiled and looked at Allen, “He’s beautiful, Emily.”

  “I’m not kidding, go away, right now,” she warned again.

  “I’ll do what I want, you may be the wife of an Elder, but you’re still mortal, which means to them… you are nothing.” He grinned and winked at her.

  “Emily?” she heard from behind her and turned just as Tim peered around her.

  Tim’s eyes grew wide when he saw the seven mounted heku. He glanced to the sides, unsure which way to run, but soon found he and Emily surrounded.

  “Are you ok, Lady Emily?” one of the cavalry asked.

  “This man, I know him… he works for the Valle, even helped them kidnap me once,” she said, smiling at the terrified expression on Tim’s face.

  “That’s not true! I … well… ok so I was there… when the Valle had Emily, but I don’t work for them,” he said, fidgeting nervously.

  “Let’s see what the Elder has to say about that,” one of the cavalry said before moving his horse toward Tim and slipping out of the saddle.

  “That’s not necessary, I was just leaving,” Tim told them, moving away from the advancing heku. Tim felt a strong hand on his shoulder and he gasped, “Please, I didn’t come to hurt anyone.”

  The guard looked at Emily, “What do you want us to do with him?”

  She smiled, “Take him to Chevalier, see if he can talk his way out of that one.”

  The heku nodded and pushed Tim ahead, walking back into the city. One of the other heku took the reins from his horse and the cavalry followed them. Emily watched them go and then sighed when they turned around.

  “We’ll need you to come with us,” one of them called to her.

  She figured it was useless to try to get more time out of the city and followed them in, talking to Allen about anything he pointed at.

  One of the guards fell back and matched Emily’s pace, “Where’s your guard?”

  She shrugged, “I didn’t have one today, apparently.”

  “Did you not have one, or did you skip
out on him?”

  “Hey, I don’t need the attitude,” she snapped, “I didn’t have a guard when I left my room, so I decided to take Allen out for a ride.”

  He nodded, his eyes straight ahead.

  “I suppose you are going to tell Chev that you found me out here.”

  He nodded.


  Emily and the guard by her fell behind the others, she wasn’t in any hurry to get back into the stuffy palace. When they arrived at the stables, the other horses were put away and the rest of the cavalry was gone. She took her time putting Patra away and helped as Allen carried the bucket of oats to her feeding trough.

  “Welcome back,” Sam said, peering around the corner. Allen ran into his arms.

  “Are we all set for the training next week, Sam?” she asked, shutting Patra’s stall.

  “Yes, we are,” he told her and threw Allen into the air and catching him. “We have those new horses coming in tomorrow.”

  She nodded, then watched Sam and Allen until she heard the heku clear his throat, “Let’s get inside, the Elder wants to speak to you.”

  She frowned, “I hate that.”

  “What?” he asked as he ushered her toward the front door.

  “How you all can talk to each other from far away, it’s kind of annoying.”

  He smiled, “It comes in handy.”

  “Yeah I bet,” she said, her mood turning.

  She had been so happy out on the open fields with Allen. Now she was heading in for another round of fighting. She was tired of fighting with Chevalier, it seemed like all they did was fight, then make up, and then fight more. She suddenly had an idea, what if she didn’t fight with him tonight? What if she agreed she made a mistake and took whatever punishment he doled out?

  Emily smiled, she knew it was perfect. It would alleviate a fight, yet she knew Chevalier would be skeptical. The palace door opened ahead of her and she felt the guard right behind her. He led her to the fourth floor and into the council chambers. She’d been there once before, but this time it didn’t seem nearly as intimidating.


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