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Slayer Trials: Urban Fantasy (Hidden Vampire Slayers Book 2)

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by H. J. Lawson

  Slayer Trials

  Hidden Vampire Slayer Book Two



  Amazon Edition 1

  Copyright © 2016 by HJLawson. All rights reserved.

  Amazon Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Author's Note

  Chapter One

  Blake runs beside me as we head to the train. I widen my eyes, trying to stop the tears, because once they come I don’t think I can stop them.

  The silences between us are sharp, like Remus’ fangs. Why my house? Why tonight? Why did they come after me? I want to ask Blake these questions, but I’m not sure I will be able to handle the answers.

  I can feel his eyes on me, as if he wants to answer my questions. “Can you read my mind?” Of all the questions I ask that one.


  Blake veers off in a different direction.

  “The station is this way.”

  “We’re not going to the station.”

  I stop running. “Where are we going? I thought I had to catch a train.”

  “You do. The train doesn’t stop at the station; it will only draw attention.”

  “I think your kind have already achieved that, don’t you?”

  “My kind?” I’ve seen many different looks on vampires’ faces tonight, mainly murderous, but Blake, well, just looks hurt, and I don’t care.

  “Yes, your kind.”

  “We aren’t all like the ones hunting you down, are we?”

  “I don’t know. Up until tonight the only types of vampires I knew were the ones on the TV.”

  Blake smiles.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “Your government did do a good job of turning us into fairy tales.” Blake pauses as he sees I’m not amused. “And if you don’t hurry up you will end up being in one of their fairy tales. One without a happy ending.”

  I smugly smile back. “Your kind.”

  “I’m the kind that’s trying to keep you alive.”

  “Why?” I don’t know why I ask that question; I should be grateful that I’m alive.

  “Because I’m your guardian, and not all vampires want to go back in time.”

  “What, you can time travel?” Blake gives me a blank stare, like I’m the most stupid person he’s ever seen. “What?”

  “We can’t time travel. I see I’m going to have to spell things out to you. Good luck to the instructors when you get to Sector 105. I mean I don’t want to go back to a time when humans and vampires were fighting. Let’s just say it’s better when we don’t know about each other, or at least when we put you humans to the back of our mind, locking you away with the other demons.”

  “I’m not a demon. Your kind are the demons.”

  “That’s the history you know. Ours is very different. And really, we don’t have time for a history lesson.”

  “Wait, what do you mean you’re my guardian?”

  “I was assigned to get you to the train.”

  As if on cue, a thunderous noise breaks off my next onslaught of questions.

  “The train is coming. You need to get on it if you want your parents and Aaron to be safe.”

  “What will happen to Aaron?” I ask quickly as I see the train approaching on the horizon.

  “I will take him to Sector 207, where he will be treated.”

  “What type of treatment?”

  “We don’t have time for this,” Blake says, reaching for my arm, I swiftly move it from his grasp.

  “Injections to stop him from turning into a vampire.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  Blake grits his teeth. “Yes.”

  “A lot?”


  I look back in the direction from which we came, my home, which I can no longer see—it’s blocked by other houses.

  “It will hurt more if he turns into a vampire,” Blake adds as he sees me wavering. Not that I would like Aaron to turn into a vampire, more that I want to be there beside him, holding his hand.

  “Did it hurt you when you turned into a vampire?”

  “I was born a vampire,” Blake says firmly, “and if you don’t leave now you will be a vampire’s dinner.”

  A woman with bloody scratches across her face runs in my direction; her hair looks matted and unkempt, as if she was asleep in a car and then involved in a horrific crash. She is with a large man and a young girl around my age.

  “Train’s coming, Blake,” the man says to Blake.

  “I know. I always end up with the stubborn ones,” Blake says, looking at me as the man sprints by.

  “You’re in good company then, aren’t you?” He grins, flashing his fangs; he’s another guardian.

  “I’m not stubborn.”

  I hear hysterical cries from behind me and my hand grips my stake as I spin toward the cries. A group of teenage girls with blood-covered clothes approach us; they dodge around us as the run towards the train.

  Blake and I look at one another.

  Before Blake can give me any orders I sprint towards the train. If I’m going to live in this world I will need some training.

  The train comes to a halt; people line the edges of the tracks, a mixture of guardians, kids and parents. People glance nervously over their shoulders as if they are waiting for a vampire to jump out at them. I can’t help but do the same, and my hands tighten around my stake.

  “This way, Sadie,” Blake says. As he pushes through the crowd of people, he takes hold of my hand and leads me towards the train, just like my dad would when we were in the city and the platform was as crammed as a stadium full of fans. Blake’s not my dad, he’s a vampire. I wiggle my hand out of his grip. The crowd swarms around Blake, but he still stands out, just like the other guardian vampires. They tower over us humans, bigger and stronger than us. How are we going to win against them? And why are these vampires helping us?

  Parents hold on to their kids, not wanting to be separated, others push their kids away from them, knowing this is the only way to save their lives. Why can’t we all go to Sector 207 and be kept save?

  “Sadie Meyer,” I hear Blak
e say over the constant noise of the crowd to a guard who looks like he’s stepped straight out of special ops, dressed from head to toe in black, with a gun strapped on one side of his waist and a stake on the other.

  I weave through the people milling around me as I try to move. I want to join them in their tears. I’m glad I told my parents and Aaron to stay at home; the decision to get on the train is hard enough without them there.

  “Get on the train,” Blake orders.

  “Where is it going?” I ask as a boy pushes past me; his head is down but I get a glimpse of a tear rolling down his face.

  “To Sector 105.” Blake doesn’t even look at me, but turns towards the direction from which we came: the vampires are still after us.

  “Where is Sector 105?”

  “I don’t know. None of us do, and it’s best that way.”

  Well that’s true. “How do you know I will be safe there?” I gulp.

  “Is she getting on the train?” the guard asks. Clearly a man who loves his job.

  Blake looks sternly at the guard before answering my question. “They will make sure you are.”

  That’s not very reassuring.

  “Blake, promise to keep my parents safe and bring Aaron back to me as a human.”

  Blake nods.

  “Say it!”

  “I promise.”

  Chapter Two

  I stare blankly out of the train window, as dazed parents huddle together, unable to comprehend what just happened.

  My hot breath steams up the window; I wipe the fog away with my hand.

  Soon everyone in my town will be awake. Everyone who is still alive, that is. I wonder how many people the vampires killed. Is this happening all over the world? Or just my town? It seems stupid to think it’s just our town; this must be happening in other towns. The thought gives me little comfort, knowing that others are going through this.

  Why couldn't Blake have gotten there sooner and protected Aaron from the bite? If he had, Aaron would be sitting with me on this seat, its deep burgundy fabric fraying and dirty, cream sponge cushion coming out as if even the seat doesn’t want to be on the train.

  Touching the seat next to mine, where Aaron would have sat, brings goosebumps to my flesh. I'm alone. All I want is his warm body next to mine, just as we were a few hours ago when we lay with one another in bed, me drifting off to sleep to the sound of his heart. Will I hear that rhythm again?

  I can hear Blake over the crowd repetitively saying his name and my name, making sure that the man checks it off on his handheld computer. I can’t help but think that Blake is getting paid to bring me to the train. More like a bounty hunter than a guardian.

  The train jolts, followed by a screech as we move forward, leaving my loved ones behind. Teardrops land on the train table in front of me.

  I push my hands through my hair, matted with blood, sweat and dirt. Rough scabs are already forming over the wounds from the evening’s attacks. I pull my hands back through the knotted mess and look down at them. They look worn, no longer smooth, and are covered in little cuts from the stakes.

  I rest my elbows on the train table and place my stake in the center, the one Blake gave me when we were at my house. It’s not like the ones which I used from the old wardrobe—this one was made for killing vampires.

  I press my nose into my shoulder and sniff deeply. I can just about smell the faint musky cologne Aaron wears ... his sweat. I fold my arms over the table and rest my head on top of them.

  I stretch out my toes and wiggle them in the bed. Last night was nothing like I thought it would be. I felt as if Aaron and I shared a heartbeat.

  I reach my toe sideways to connect with his. My foot jerks back in surprise as my toe touches his … his toes feel like they have been replaced with ice cubes. The blankets must be off his feet. I will warm him up … a devilish smile appears on my face.

  I gently inch my foot closer to his under the bedsheet. I wrap my feet around his freezing feet and loop the blankets around his feet and mine. My naked thighs press against his. His legs are cold as well. Carefully I drape my arm over his bare chest. He's freezing, even with the blanket. How is he still asleep when he's this cold? My teeth chatter ...

  His chest moves up and down, and his heart beats frantically.

  My body starts to shake; it feels like his frozen body is riddling mine with frost bite.

  I peel my body away from his, but before I can move my arm all the way off, his fingers wrap around my arm, holding me in place, taking me by surprise.

  “I thought you were asleep,” I say, a little embarrassed for recoiling from his body.

  “I was,” he says.

  “You’re freezing,” I say as I rest my head on his chest and look up at him. His eyes are closed; he looks like he's still sleeping. I gaze up at him and study the dark morning stubble starting to show on his firm jawline.

  I lean forward, my lips hovering above his. A cold shiver runs over me, as if I'm being frozen from the inside as his breath enters my body.

  I need the warmth of his lips.

  They are ice cold like the rest of him. My eyes connect with his. The warmth of his brown eyes have gone, replaced with endless darkness swallowing every breath of life in its path.

  I hurtle backwards off the bed.

  He does not move, he does not react. All he does is stare at me greedily. I grab a sheet off the bed and shield my body from his uncomfortably empty eyes.

  “You weren't that shy last night.” The words pour easily from his mouth, yet the voice is different ... darker in some way. If I didn't see them coming from his mouth I wouldn't think they came from him.

  “I'm leaving.”

  “Not so fast. I'm hungry.” His lips curl back as he opens his mouth, revealing white fangs.

  My body trembles with fear as his arms reach out for me, as he springs off the bed, diving for me ...

  He slams me against the motel wall and my cheekbone crashes into the hard surface.

  Aaron takes hold of my shoulders and repeatedly smashes my head against the wall, trying to knock me unconscious ... Sadie, wake up ... wake up ... it's a dream.

  It's a dream, I think to myself as I stare at Aaron, whose face is twisted with anger. This is not my Aaron, not the one I love.

  My body goes limp. Come back to me, Aaron, I plead in my head as the twisted image of Aaron fades into the darkness.

  Chapter Three

  I lift my sweat-sticky head up from my folded arms. My dream is going to haunt me every time I close my eyes.

  Not the Aaron I remember, the one I just left … but the Aaron I’m scared he will become, a vampire or a shadow of his normal self. Which Aaron will I get back, if any?

  I push my hair out of my eyes. I wish I had a hair tie, a shower and some clean clothes—my only hope is to wash this nightmare away from my body … but I know little will change.

  Aaron will always be in my dreams, just as he was before this terrible night.

  I stare out of the train window, I know we have left my town. Yet we haven’t gone far, I still know the landscape outside. We are only a couple of towns over. I guess we are only about fifteen minutes from my home by train, even though I feel miles away, maybe more like a lifetime away.

  The sound of metal grinding against metal catches my attention; instinctively I grab my stake.

  It’s coming from the door to my suite as it slowly opens; my heart races.

  I look around the train suite to see where I can go if someone is here to attack me. The only things in the suite are the table, a seat across from mine, and the gray-speckled wall around me. There is also a light gray door with a silver handle which I didn’t notice before; my guess is that it’s a bathroom. That is it.

  There is no time to hide. I get to my feet, ready to attack.

  A small, delicate hand with red nail polish appears around the silver metal of the door. There is no doubt in my mind that she will have brutish vampires with her … at least this t
ime I know what I will be facing.

  A flash of black hair appears in the doorway, and then the girl’s face … it’s Lakia.

  She is wearing our school sweater, shorts, and sneakers—with scratches over her legs, her hair as wild as the look on her face, and tear tracks breaking up the dirt on her cheeks, leading up to swollen red eyes, as if she’s been sobbing since she left us.

  My heart sinks, and my knees buckle, bringing me down to the seat … to Aaron’s seat.

  I breathe in deeply as I compose myself. Lakia’s expression is clear. Judging from the smile on her face that doesn’t travel to her eyes, she is pleased to see me and guilty that she left me.

  Ryder is beside her—why is he here and not Aaron?

  My dislike for him must be clear on my face, because his eyes drop down to the ground at the sight of me. Or maybe it's because, like me, he was hoping to see someone else … Aaron instead of me.

  “I’m … we … are sorry we left you,” Lakia slowly says, as if the line has been running over and over in her head since she and Ryder ran away in the woods.

  I know why she did it, I can’t hold it against her—I have to forgive her.

  “It's okay.” The words sound coarse as they leave my mouth.

  I cough—I hadn’t realized how dry my throat was—and say, “It’s okay,” in a softer tone, the one I’m used to.

  As if Lakia is scared I will retract the statement, she runs to me, dropping to her knees by my chair, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me as if she never thought she would see me again. I do the same.

  Then my normally emotionless, strong friend breaks down, tears seeping through my t-shirt and onto my skin. I need her too. Tears pour from my eyes—I cannot hold the pain in anymore.

  Time seems to stand still as emotion takes hold of us. I hear Ryder leave a few moments after the crying begins.

  I pull Lakia upward; her body must be in pain from kneeling on the ground for so long.

  Her eyes connect with mine as she stands. I see her resting her hand on her back, clearly sore from being doubled over.


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