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Page 32

by Shayne McClendon

  When she realized reviews and raises hadn’t been implemented by her plant manager, she corrected the oversight and approved bonuses across the board.

  Elijah confirmed they’d be gone another week so she contacted Marci about taking a trip down to the Ghonims’ winery. The following day, she stepped off their plane in a business suit.

  Walking the grounds and engaging the staff in relaxed conversation over several days made it possible to find the waste and where they’d been losing money in overhead.

  She sat in an interim office when Marci poked her head around the door. “Don’t you look uber professional?”

  “Hey! Give me ten minutes to finish these numbers or I’ll be lost.” Rolling her eyes, she murmured, “I don’t adult well.”

  Without glancing up again, she typed rapidly on her laptop. Marci sat in one of the chairs and checked her messages.

  Done, she saved the initial report and forwarded it to the cousins. Sitting back with a smile, she said, “They’ll see a substantial bounce if they change the things on my list. I can’t wait to see it. This is such a pretty location.”

  “I’m taking you to lunch.” Marci was more relaxed than she’d ever seen and Brie mentioned it. Grinning, she explained, “Orgasms and two men who know how to help me simplify. I’m finally to a point where I can take time off.”

  Lunch with one of the richest people in the world wasn’t what most people would imagine. Though they were covered by ridiculous amounts of security, they giggled and gossiped like girls in high school.

  The next day, Brie returned to Washington and realized Elijah and Harper were still gone. When she asked Elijah if there were delays, he seemed perplexed.

  “We should have been back by now. It seems something comes up every time I think we’re on track to return. Not too much longer, Brie. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I know you’re both really busy.”

  They talked for an hour and she felt a little better when they hung up. She texted Harper to tell him she missed him and loved him. He responded with, “Really busy. Miss you, too.”

  Sighing, she got to work on the paintings for the estate and crushed down her loneliness.

  * * *

  By the time she’d finished the painting of the main house and set it up to cure, she was ready to crawl out of her own skin.

  Pulling on jeans, a t-shirt, and the cowboy boots she’d grabbed from her old place above her parents’ garage, she decided to go riding.

  Harper possessed a fantastic stable and she’d chatted with the manager several times about their shared love of riding. They had a pretty mare saddled and waiting when she made the walk across the fields. Mounting, she nodded at the two men who insisted on riding with her and lit out across the wide fields behind the corrals.

  Prolonged riding made her hip ache and she listened to her body when the pain started. A mile from the stable yard, she was surprised to see a woman on horseback waiting for her.

  It was Harlow Delkin, Harper’s little sister. They were similar in age but certainly not in temperament. They’d never really gotten along.

  Coming alongside, the female version of the man she loved stared at her intently. “Gabriella. I haven’t seen you since we were children.”

  “You look lovely as ever.” The woman wore professional riding gear. For a moment, Brie felt self-conscious and then decided more people in the world rode in the clothes she was wearing. “How have you been?”

  “I need to talk to you.”


  Silver eyes glanced at the security men who rode alongside. “You can leave.”

  Jim shook his head. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We have our orders.”

  “I’m a fucking Delkin as well.”

  “True. However, you’re not the Delkin I report to nor are you the Delkin who will have my head if Miss Hernandez comes to harm.”

  Rolling her eyes, Harlow nudged her mare in the direction of the stables. Brie wondered at the other woman’s sudden interest. She steadied herself for a discussion about how inappropriate she was to be involved in Harper’s life.

  “It’s partially my fault, Gabriella.”

  Frowning, she asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Scott focused on you because of me. I told him you’d be his type.” It took a long moment for her to realize she’d called him Scott. “I didn’t know he was running a con. H-he told me he wanted to twist Hudson up, play a prank on him. I…was still angry and hurt.”

  Realization dawned and Brie stopped her horse.

  “We spent a weekend together years ago. I fell hard, Hudson didn’t. He was the first man in my life who didn’t and he was the only fucking one I wanted.”

  Inhaling carefully, she said through gritted teeth, “Harlow, you purposely let Scott Truing humiliate me to get back at Hudson?”

  “I wasn’t thinking clearly, I…”

  “Let me guess…woman scorned? Poor little hurt feelings?” Brie shook her head. “You should have raged at Hudson. You should have thrown a tantrum in his office or maybe…fuck, talked to him like a grownup. Instead, you wrapped me up in your little revenge scheme that almost got me killed.”

  “I know. I acted like a child.”

  “Clearly, you’re still a child so the behavior fits. Grown women don’t sabotage other women. They don’t take petty vengeance when a man doesn’t want them.”

  She leaned closer and Harlow flinched. “I knew when I met Hudson that he wouldn’t be able to love me. He can only love Natalia because she’s his fucking soulmate, you silly bitch. I happily took my orgasms and walked away.”

  Sitting up straight, she couldn’t believe the rage boiling through her. “Hudson is the most honorable man I’ve ever known. You can’t tell me he made promises to you, that he in any way led you on. You spun that tale in your own mind. For getting me involved, I’d like to say thank you.” Harlow’s eyes went wide. “Going to New York, meeting Hudson and all the people in his life, was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  She turned her horse, lined them up, and looked in the other woman’s face. “That’s the only reason I’m not kicking your spoiled ass, Harlow. You ever fuck with me or my best friends again and I give you my word, my reaction will be quite different.”

  Then she nudged the horse and took off toward the stables, bent over the neck. Her security detail was two seconds behind. Dismounting, she nodded to the stable hand and walked toward the main house. Jim and Davis walked at her sides.

  “Are you alright, Miss Hernandez?”

  “Pissed, Jim. Really pissed. I’m going to paint it off. I promise not to leave the studio so you guys take some time to chill out, eat, watch reality television…you know, whatever badass security guys do when they aren’t doing badassery.”

  He laughed. “Understood. We’ll make sure you get food.”

  Glancing at Davis, she grinned. “You’re younger than I realized and armed to the teeth.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m training with Elijah. My dad arranged it.”

  “You like this sort of thing then?” He nodded. Given his age, Brie asked quietly, “Is your dad nice?”

  “He’s the best. He’s trying to talk me out of the military because my mom will worry and not get to see me when she needs to. She’s real gentle. You remind me of her.”

  They entered the house and she paused. “I imagine it would be hard to let your child go into danger on purpose. Not sure I’d be strong enough either.” She sighed. “You won’t find better training than with Elijah and his men. He’ll teach you how to stay safe. That way, even if you go into the military, you can still get back home to your mom.”

  The young man was blonde with pretty copper eyes that practically glowed from his face. “My mom would love you. Enjoy your painting. I’ll sit outside in the hall in case you need anything.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll be zoned out for hours.”

  “I don’t mind. Jim is the team lead and do
es lots of reports and things. Someone will have to and I’d like to be the one.”

  Smiling at both men, she nodded and took the stairs to her studio.

  At the window, she replayed the conversation with Harlow Delkin in her mind. She’d never liked the woman but for her to stoop to such a level just to get revenge on Hudson for not falling at her feet…it was utter bullshit.

  In fury, she painted until she was too tired to sleep anywhere but the couch there.

  Looking at it the following day, she determined that the result was one of the best pieces she’d ever done.

  Grinning, she put another canvas in place and let Phyllis know she was going to need more.

  * * *

  Mid-August 2015

  When Elijah told her Harper’s birthday was a few days away, she planned an extravagant dinner to celebrate.

  She commandeered the estate kitchen and cooked all day.

  Elijah texted her when they landed. She dashed around so she was ready when they arrived. She hadn’t seen them in three weeks.

  Her body missed them. Her heart so much more.

  As arranged, Phyllis sent her the signal when they stopped in front of the house. She greeted them at the door with hugs, kisses, and smiles.

  Elijah returned them warmly. Harper seemed upset.

  “Welcome back. I made dinner.”

  She led them through the house and encouraged them to sit. When she found out that amaretto cream cake was Harper’s favorite, she texted Natalia and got a recipe from the woman who did all the baking for Trois events.

  It sat in the middle of the massive dining table.

  She poured both of them a glass of wine and raced to the kitchen to plate food. Harper’s tension lines were in clear evidence and she silently promised to make him feel better after he ate.

  Setting down his plate, she bent to kiss his cheek. “Happy birthday, Harper. I hope there are many more filled with happiness in your future.” She took Elijah’s plate from the little cart and walked around the table.

  The darker of her lovers glared at her. His fists were clenched on the surface. “You can’t do shit like this, Gabriella.”

  Brie saw Elijah stiffen in her peripheral vision and was genuinely confused as she bent to put his plate in front of him. “Do what?”

  Harper’s expression was cold as he replied, “Play house. That isn’t what this is.”

  Dropping the plate she held the last few inches to the hardwood, she heard it break but didn’t look or care. Her heart felt like lead.

  She whispered, “Harper…wow.” There was a pause. “I see.”

  Elijah was silent as he stood.

  Walking into the hall, she grabbed her messenger bag from Harper’s office and headed for the front door.

  Harper grabbed her arm and spun her around roughly. “Where the fuck are you going?”

  “Harper!” Elijah’s voice was low and dangerous.

  She stared into a face she knew better than her own and held back the hurt. Reaching up, she rested her palm on his cheek. Going up on tiptoe, she kissed his beautiful lips.

  Then she carefully extracted her arm from his hold and backed toward the door.

  “Thank you for clarifying my position. Consider this my resignation as your whore.” He took a step in her direction but she held up her hand. “You said all there is to say in a single sentence. The paintings of the estate are in the studio.” She bowed slightly, “Thank you for an experience I’ll never forget and know that I love you anyway.”

  To Elijah, she said softly, “Keep him away from me. I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

  She watched Harper turn his head at the same the moment his best friend, lover, and employee cold-cocked him. He caught Harper as he fell.

  “Brie. Don’t go. Please don’t go.”

  She walked to him and pulled him down for a kiss. “If I stay now, I really am a whore, Elijah. I don’t want to be that. Don’t ask me to. I love you. I love both of you so much and I don’t regret it…not one minute.”

  Running her fingers through Harper’s black hair, she kissed his forehead. “He may not love you more than I do but he’s loved you longer and he needs you more. Love him. Keep him safe.” She gave Elijah another kiss and said against his lips, “I love you. I’m sorry.”

  She went through the front doors, smiling when she saw Harper’s car still parked on the drive. Phyllis ran out on the front steps of the house as she walked toward it.

  “Miss…Brie! Where are you going?”

  “Home, Phyllis. See you later.”

  Slipping in the back, she smiled at Deville. “I need a quick ride to the airport, kind sir. I hope you’re not busy.”

  He grinned and started the engine.

  As they pulled onto the main road, she focused on breathing and calming her heart rate. Through the drive, the waiting, and the flight, she fought hard to hold it all back.

  * * *

  Elijah lowered Harper to the floor of the foyer gently and stood over him. He’d never been so conflicted in his life.

  Watching through the front doors as Brie got in the car and drove away, he felt ripped in half.

  In the dining room, he picked up a glass of water and returned to the main entry where he threw it in Harper’s face.

  Sputtering, he reached his feet and glared at Elijah in fury. He said nothing as he walked to the stairs.

  “We’re not going after your little obsession?”

  “You’re not.”

  Following, he shot back, “I’m going, Elijah. She doesn’t get to win.”

  Livid, he slammed Harper against the wall by his shoulders. “You are cruel and petty. You’ve learned nothing.” He released him and backed away. “I need to know she arrived, I need to know she’s safe. Then I will let her go because it’s the only thing that will ever be enough for you.”

  * * *

  Hours later, when Brie exited the airport, she took in New York with a smile. “I’ve missed you, lovely lady.”

  When the cab let her out in front of the building, she was swarmed by armed men on the sidewalk.

  It scared the hell out of her before it pissed her off.

  “Miss Hernandez. We’ve been instructed to keep you in sight until Delkin and Eklund arrive.”

  The fucking nerve.

  She put her hand on her hip. “You’ve seen me, confirmed my safety, and may now wait in your command center for your bosses. As a grown ass woman, I’ll be going to my apartment, taking a shower, and then a nap. Have an awesome day, men.”

  Henry and Carlo stood by the front door, unsure what to do.

  “I missed this place.” She kept her voice cheerful. “You wouldn’t believe how much work I’ve gotten done.” The men hadn’t dispersed and she glared at them. “Go away now.”

  Naturally, they did not.

  Hudson’s car pulled to the curb. Leonard opened the rear door and her best friend stepped from the back. Shooting his cuffs, he took in the scene calmly.

  Approaching their little gathering, the men around her stiffened. Leonard unbuttoned his jacket.

  “Guys…Leonard is Hudson’s Elijah. Be nice and don’t move suddenly. Also, he’s dressed so pretty and I don’t want your blood on his suit.” Squeezing through their ranks, Brie hugged Hudson tight. “Hey you.”

  Lifting her face, he stared at her for a long moment. She shook her head as tears filled her eyes. He kissed her cheek and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Leonard, you’re with me. Carlo, please instruct a valet to move the car.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  Over his shoulder, he said, “Tell Delkin she’s fine. Either of them may call me directly.” Then he escorted her into the building, through the lobby, and up to the penthouse.

  As they left the box, his phone vibrated. “Winters.”

  He listened in silence as he walked to the kitchen and poured them glasses of wine.

  “I’ll stop you there, Delkin. Perhaps
she simply missed her own home? You’ve kept her in the ivory tower for two months. I’ve seen you more in the last several weeks than Gabriella. She has many friends here.”

  Clinking their glasses, he took a long sip as she sat on the barstool. Leonard pulled a deck of cards from his jacket and dealt them a game of rummy.

  “She’s having a glass of wine and playing cards with Leonard. They’re buddies.” He grinned. “Yes, she does make the most interesting friends.” There was another silence as he listened.

  Straightening, he said sharply, “She hasn’t said a word nor have I asked. However, I don’t interrogate my best friend when she returns to her home.”

  Hanging up, he took the stairs to the second floor and Brie sighed. “I swear, Leo. I’m like a bad penny.”

  “Nonsense. You’re a lucky penny no one knows how to apply properly at first. You may be an heiress, run in the circles of the uber rich, and have untold opportunity…but I can see you as comfortable in a tiny cottage with unlimited painting supplies and a few nice neighbors.”

  “Thanks. That’s an awesome thing to say.” He grinned.

  “Gabriella.” She turned at Hudson’s stern tone. “Is there anything you’d like to share?” When she didn’t reply, he sighed. “What happened to bring you home or your run-in with Harlow Delkin perhaps?”

  “Well, no. I handled it.” Her eyes narrowed. “Wait, how do you know about Harlow?”

  “Apparently, your security detail takes live feed of situations where you could become…unpredictable. None of them want to be on the receiving end of Elijah’s wrath if you shake the world and end up hurt.”

  “Lord. They’ve been gone for weeks. I accomplished a shit ton of stuff and it was time to hang out in my own space.” She swallowed around the partial lie. “I-I missed my friends, I missed my home, and I didn’t want to run into Harlow and accidentally kick her bratty ass. When we were kids, she liked to refer to me as Flabby Gabby so this new layer to her personality isn’t exactly surprising.”

  Raising a brow, she added, “You had shitty taste in women other than Natalia. For fuck’s sake, Hudson.”

  Smiling, he approached and kissed her forehead. “Harper was putting Elijah in Natalia’s way rather more than I liked. I thought Harlow was far more hardened than she ended up being.”


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