Soldiers of Pearl 4: Gang of Broken Hearts (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 4
He wasn’t sure he was up for this, to the vulnerability of letting down his guard enough to let her into his heart or expose her to his weaknesses and insecurities. He could be hard, distant, and getting close took time. There were four of them. Four men, his brothers in arms, his best friends, his family that he would need to share her with. The thought calmed him, knowing they would be there to help if he fucked up somehow. Yet, the thought of even showing that vulnerability around his friends, when he was always so composed and in charge, made him nervous and even more unsure.
He ran his fingers through his brown crew cut hair and clenched his teeth. He sure had a lot of personal shit to work out. But he couldn’t take the chance of losing the opportunity to make Dee their woman. It had to work out. He would see how this weekend went overall.
Chapter 3
Ray rubbed his mouth as he sat in the chair, practically shaking with fear. They’d taken away his position and title, and now they were threatening his life.
“You have to know where she is. You’ve double-crossed this organization and what we stand for,” Raven accused him.
Ghost and Raven were now higher leaders, despite not gaining Ray’s daughter’s hand in marriage. But he knew Ghost had threatened her and scared the hell out of Dee, making her leave the only home she’d ever had. He was older now, and times, indeed, were changing before his eyes. Black Titans was no longer the gang of bikers they had established more than thirty years ago. These young thugs were out for money, for blood, and they didn’t care about the law or the consequences.
“I told you a thousand times I have no idea where Deirdre went. If I did, I would go get her myself and bring her back. This was her home, and I’m the only blood family she has left,” Ray told them.
Raven gave him the evil eye as the others just sat there, only half interested in this monthly discussion. There were other things to worry about. Like the multiple men who’d been arrested for armed robbery and murder and how the Black Titan name was turning into that of a notorious criminal biker gang in Texas. Hell, give them another year and these wise-ass, punk gangsters would have just as gruesome a reputation as the Delgaro del Toro.
“We are her family. She was promised to us, and we want what was promised. You are one of the last original members of the gang, and your daughter is blood of this organization and stands for the originality we hold dear. We’re to make her ours and start a family to continue the bloodline,” Ghost stated with conviction.
Ray felt sick. He didn’t want to be part of this. He didn’t agree with these changes, but he was stripped from his power.
“Well, obviously my daughter isn’t interested in continuing being part of this organization.”
“She has no say in this,” Raven stated. Then the others joined in. Fourteen in total and all against him.
“Well, she isn’t here, and no one knows where she went. It’s been nearly a year,” Scorpio, one of the main chiefs, said, intervening in the conversation.
“She’s out there, and we want to look for her. We tried out of state, but then we were thinking that she’s too scared, too timid of a woman to venture that far just to disappear,” Raven said to Scorpio.
“You’ve been searching for months in between doing jobs, and it’s time to look into other options to get her here,” Scorpio said.
“Other options?” Ray asked, and Ghost pulled out his knife and placed it against Ray’s neck.
“If you know where she is, send her home to us. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to get her back here.”
“Whatever it takes,” Raven added.
Ray swallowed hard.
The door to the room opened, and the sound of women crying filled the air. Ray turned slightly, and the point of the blade pinched his skin, cutting it. He saw Michy and Sally. They were bloody and roughed up.
“They made us tell them she’s still in Texas. We’re so sorry, Ray. They’ll kill us, and we have the kids to take care of,” Michy cried.
He knew the women were good and trustworthy, but their jobs consisted of childcare for members of the gang. Their hands were tied.
“You get her here, or they die,” Ghost threatened, and Michy and Sally cried out, “no.”
Ray felt his gut clench, and his heart ached something terrible. They left him with no choice. Deirdre’s destiny was out of his hands.
* * * *
“What’s bothering you? You’ve been so quiet and keep getting this lost look like you’re day dreaming,” Cynthia said to Dee as they walked along the path together.
Dee was going to run the rest of the way and backtrack to her place afterward.
“I think Leonard likes me.”
Cynthia started laughing.
Dee turned to look at her, smiling. “What?”
“Well, duh! Of course he does. He’s always undressing you with his eyes and watching you when you’re not looking.”
“Really? That’s kind of creepy.”
“Then you don’t like him?”
“Of course not. He’s my boss, and he’s too old for me. Oh, and I don’t have those kind of feelings for him.”
“You mean the kind you have for Sunny, Travis, Marino, and Hunter?” she pushed.
Dee sealed her lips and looked around them.
“They’re nice. I like them as friends but nothing more than that.”
“Excuse me?” Dee replied and gave Cynthia a little shove.
Cynthia started laughing. “Come on and be honest for once. You have the hots for all four of them. You’re just scared because you’ve never had sex before, and they intimidate you.”
“Well, thanks a lot.”
“Hey, you’re the one who keeps telling me about Karl, Perkins, Dugan, and Merlin.”
“And you keep denying that attraction.”
“Well, look at them. They’re almost as big and intimidating as your crew of eye candy.”
“Eye candy, huh?” Dee laughed.
“They’re all fucking sexy as damn hell, and those muscles and tattoos? Jesus, we’re not going to be virgins for long, and you know what? We’ve waited and held out this long. Why not be a hundred percent sure before we give up our cookies?”
Dee burst out laughing and hugged Cynthia’s arm. “Our cookies, huh?”
“What? I heard someone else refer to it as cookies.”
“Well, it’s better than some of the other terms.”
“You mean like twat?” Cynthia said, and Dee chuckled.
“Uh huh.”
“Fabulous. This is what we have succumbed to. A need to hold on to our virginity, the one part of us that no one has ever touched, corrupted, or taken, and yet we’re desperate for sex and a connection of some deep value. It’s like some monumental symbol of power.”
Dee chuckled at what Cynthia was saying. They’d had this conversation a time or two before. It got funnier and funnier every time.
“Well, as long as it remains in our control and power, then it won’t be used against us.”
“Speak for yourself. I’ve heard that some men are such good lovers that women beg to get their pussies fucked.”
Dee felt her cheeks heat up. “Really?” Dee asked, chuckling.
Cynthia grabbed onto her arm. “I’m freaking serious. I hear that the size of the cock does matter, too. I try not to think about this too much though.”
Dee held in her laughter and tried to remain as serious as Cynthia.
“Why is that?”
“Because then I’ll want to have sex. I’ll be so curious about what it feels like to have a man’s cock inside of me making me come that I’ll give in to maybe the wrong guy’s persuasive tactics, and then what? I’ll regret having sex and giving up my cookies all because of curiosity. And you know what they say about curiosity?”
“It killed the pussy,” Dee said and then burst out laughing and so did Cynthia.
They were still laughing by the time they got to Cynthia’s
It wasn’t a complete surprise to see Perkins and Dugan outside taking care of the lawn, like her brother Mike had done before he died.
Dee leaned closer. “Feeling curious?” she whispered, and Cynthia gave Dee’s arm a light slap. Dee laughed as they headed toward the steps.
* * * *
Hunter used the back of his forearm to wipe his brow.
“Shit, this job turned out damn nice.” He sat on his heels and ran a hand along the stone, admiring their work.
“The Wilsons are going to love it,” Travis said and then took a long slug of cold water.
“Pass me one of those please,” Marino said to Travis, and Travis reached into the cooler, grabbed another bottle, and then tossed it to Marino.
“Watch out, Hunter, here comes trouble,” Travis said to him, and they all turned to look to see what Travis meant.
Hunter sighed in annoyance. The Wilsons’ daughter, Thelma, had the hots for him. She was twenty-two, around five feet six, with long red hair and big green eyes. She had a bit of a reputation as a bad girl and had been the cause of fights between men vying to be her bedmate for the night. He wasn’t interested in her. Never had been. But she was interested in him, and she assumed his brothers were part of the package deal.
“Oh wow, this looks so amazing. I told my parents you and your friends do amazing work together.” Thelma wiggled her way closer to Hunter. Her Daisy Duke shorts were so damn tight they had to be cutting off her circulation. The tank top she wore was two sizes too small, but her breasts were average and pressed so close together it looked painful.
“Thanks, Thelma. Are you parents coming out to see the finished work? We were just getting ready to pack it up,” Hunter told her then started walking toward the truck.
She touched his arm to stop him.
“They’ll be out in a minute. I was wondering if you were going to Rocky’s tonight. There are a bunch of us going, and I heard most of your crew will be there.”
He cringed as he thought about the best response. He didn’t want her to think he was interested in her at all, and he was going. They all were.
“I might be going. Not sure yet.”
“Oh, come on. I was hoping that you would let me buy you a drink and that we could talk. We’re always being interrupted.” She then eyed Travis as he grabbed his shirt. She practically licked her lips as she absorbed Travis’s pectoral muscles.
“We’ll see. Like I said, I’m not sure that I’ll be going, and there’s no need to buy me a drink.”
She ran her hand up and down his arm and stared at his bare chest. She licked her lips. “But I want to. You know we would be great. I can be good for all of you.” She then looked at the others as they packed up the truck.
He pulled back.
“We’re too old for you. You should stick to men your own age.” He stared picking things up and helping to pack.
“We’ll talk later.” She then looked toward her parents, who were heading toward the new patio.
“Oh my God, this is gorgeous!” Mrs. Wilson exclaimed, and Hunter let Sunny and Marino deal with the homeowners while he and Travis loaded up the truck.
“She’s a real pain in the ass. You know you’re going to have to cut out the nice crap and get nasty in order to get the message across.”
“Hey, Travis, you could get nasty, too. She isn’t only interested in me. She thinks you, Sunny, and Marino are part of a package deal.”
Travis widened his eyes. “Fuck that.”
Hunter shook his head. “I don’t even feel like heading over to Rocky’s tonight.”
“But you will because our buddies are going to be there, and we need to talk about Keller and how we can get his ass out of our hair.”
“I know how to get him out of our hair. Beat the piss out of him, and he’ll get the message.”
Travis chuckled. “Feeling some pent-up hostility that needs release?”
“It won’t take much to send me over the edge.”
Travis gave Hunter a slap on the back. “I’ve got you back, bro. No worries.”
* * * *
Dee walked into Rocky’s with Cynthia, Maggie, and Georgia. They were greeted by a few other friends, and then Dee spotted Hector, Rayo, and Trucker. Before she could turn away, Hector’s eyes widened, and he hooted so loudly it drew everyone’s attention to him as he lifted her up into the air and twirled her around. They hadn’t seen one another in months, and he and his crew were good friends. At least that was all she saw them as.
Some more men whistled as she held on to his shoulder tightly with one hand and used her other hand to keep her skirt from flying farther up and revealing her thong panties.
He gave her a hug then set her down, only for Rayo and then Tucker to hold her in their arms a little longer than a casual hello.
“Let the girl breathe. It’s not like it’s been years since you last saw her,” Georgia said to them, and they laughed.
“It’s just an excuse to hold her in our arms because she’s so damn sexy,” Hector said and licked his lips as he looked her body over.
Dee shook her head and pointed at him, reprimanding him for his comment.
“You watch it, Hector, or I’ll tell Maria.”
Hector raised his hands up, palms forward. She knew that he was seeing Maria, a sweet young woman from Croton.
They calmed down, and Dee remained there talking to them for a few minutes as Trucker passed her a bottle of Heineken. But then Rayo moved closer and placed his hand on her waist and started flirting with her. She wasn’t interested. Not even a little.
* * * *
“Fuck, did you see that? When he twirled her around, I saw nearly to her panties,” Hunter said to Travis.
“I know, and we weren’t the only ones who saw either,” Travis said and then took a slug of his beer.
“She’s the one we want buying us a drink or us buying her one, not that pain in the ass Thelma.”
“Shh, don’t even say her name. I finally got rid of her after doing what you said and being mean. I felt bad. She’s young, and she’s really not bad looking.”
“She’s a slut, Hunter, and she’s not Dee.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice. Look at those guys. Rayo is trying to move in on her, and look at those other guys behind her. He’s checking out her ass.” Hunter placed his beer bottle down hard on the bar.
“Slow down, Hunter. What are you doing?”
“You said you had my back to deal with my pent-up aggression? Well, get ready to have my back.” Hunter headed toward Dee.
Travis placed his beer down, looking for Sunny and Marino, who caught sight of what was going on, and he nodded toward Hunter. Sunny and Marino nodded back.
This wasn’t good. Not at all.
* * * *
Hunter approached Dee from behind and saw Rayo’s hand moving lower down her back. She was trying to step away from his touch, but Rayo was determined, until Hunter approached.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” Hunter said and wrapped an arm around her waist from behind then kissed her cheek, shocking her. But it got Rayo away from her.
She smiled wide.
“Hi, Hunter. Sorry I didn’t come looking for you. I got caught up talking with the guys. I haven’t seen them in months,” she said, and he read her eyes. She needed saving, and she didn’t want to hurt the guys’ feelings. She was too sweet, too nice, and it could get her in trouble.
“Understandable. How are you guys doing?” he asked and then reached out to shake each of their hands but kept his arm around Dee’s waist.
Travis joined them and shook their hands hello then took position on Dee’s other side, completely blocking Rayo and the others from getting close. That was teamwork and years of having one another’s backs.
“Hunter, there you are. I wanted to buy you that drink so we can talk. I feel bad about before. I want to work things out,” Thelma said, joining them.
Dee looked right at her,
and Thelma gave Dee the once-over as she took Hunter’s arm.
“Oh, you two catch up, and Travis and I will meet you in a little bit, Hunter,” Dee said and took Travis’s arm.
Travis shrugged and gave him an odd expression, and Hunter was left with Thelma. But at least Dee was safe from Rayo’s groping hands. Now he needed to get rid of Thelma.
* * * *
Dee was jealous. There was no doubt in her mind. The sight of Thelma Wilson with her arm wrapped around Hunter’s arm was killing her inside. But that was stupid. He wasn’t hers. Hell, he didn’t even like her that way. He and his team were more like protectors to Dee, Cynthia, Georgia, and Maggie because of the friendship and connections.
“Rayo was getting a little handsy with you,” Travis said to her as she took a seat on the bar stool he offered.
She crossed her legs and held his gaze. “That’s Rayo. He’s a complete flirt.”
“You’re too nice. He could misconstrue your acquiescence as an okay to touch what doesn’t belong to him.” Travis placed a loose strand of her hair back behind her ear.
She gave him a soft smile. “I can take care of myself, Travis.”
He squinted and looked her over. “You’re a petite thing, and they’re big men. They could hurt you.”
“Travis, I appreciate you and Hunter coming over like you did, but I don’t need protection. I can take care of myself.” She was going to slide down off the bar stool when she locked gazes with Hunter. He was watching her as Thelma was talking and trying to lay her head against his arm. She felt sick. She didn’t like that girl. She was nasty and a liar who liked to cause trouble. Travis must have followed her line of sight.