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I Belong to Him

Page 9

by Ava Danielle

  Violet: Yeah, I need to, I’m sure she’s going a little crazy not knowing

  I walk into their corner, clearing my throat. “Kristina is taking care of the kids after school, if you need to go, I’ll understand,” I say looking at Brandon. “Actually, there are few things at the office I need to take care of and that’ll give you two some time to talk. I will come back later.” He walks over to Violet, kisses her on her forehead, walks back over to me after he grabs his jacket, kisses me on the lips, “call me if you need anything.” I smile at him, and he nods at Michael, as he walks by.

  I’m not even sure if Michael is completely awake or recognizes anything.

  I sit back down in the chair next to Violet’s bed, hold her and we start talking. She explains to me everything, the minute she decided to jump out of the window, “I don’t know what got into me, mom, I thought if I ran away things would go back to the way they were before. I didn’t think about you or dad or how you two were feeling. I’m sorry.” I listen to her about running into her dad,

  “I just saw his truck, he left our street, so I knew he wasn’t going home. He told me to get in. I didn’t know he was drunk. He didn’t make any sense, rambling on about Brandon, about you not loving him the way he is, about you only thinking of your dreams, no one else’s. By time, I saw him speed up and swerve, it was too late for me to say anything. I screamed, that’s all I could do, but he looked at me, screaming, and not listening to me at all. I felt a big thud, and now I’m here. I don’t know what else happened.”

  I look down to her, tears streaming from my face.

  “There was a tree the car wrapped around, that’s the thud you heard.” Hearing her story, terrifies me. She shouldn’t have been put into that. I know accidents happen, but they shouldn’t have to happen to innocent kids. I took her hands to comfort her, everything was going to be alright now. It’s over. Thankfully! We talk a little more, it’s been a long time since V. and I got to hold a conversation this intensely, it’s extremely refreshing.

  Chapter 18

  Violet was released from the hospital a week after the accident. Everything is great, no broken bones, she’s having to take it easy on her abdomen, she has black and blue bruises all over, but they will go away. We’ve been lucky.

  As far as Michael is concerned, he fell into a coma a few days ago.

  After we packed all of Violets things, she walked over to Michael, took his hand, and promised to come visit him. She asked him to get better and to come back to us, that we can work it all out, we’re still a family, maybe an even bigger one now, and things could be great. She explained to him that they still needed to get everything ready in his house and it can’t be done without his help.

  After she’s done talking to him, she kisses his cheek, and we walk out of the door. I take one last look at him, before closing the door. We leave the hospital, get in the car, and head home. Relief.

  Once we arrive at the house, there’s a big banner outside of the house ‘WELCOME HOME VIOLET’ - tears well up in her eyes. “We know the best people, Mom,” we most definitely do. “Yes, yes we do, baby,” I smile.

  I help her out of the car, and as we walk up to the front door, our whole army of friends and family, storm out. “VIOLET! VIOLET!”

  Excitement overflown.

  Brandon and Benjamin are also there, hugging Violet. “Don’t suffocate the girl, geez,” I hear Kristina yell from the back.

  We finally make it into the house, more banners and balloons. “Emma & Benjamin got a little carried away,” Cheyenne chimes in. She hugs me, “I’m glad you are home. Wish Daddy was too, though.” I hug her tight. “I know, honey, I know.”

  I made glasses of iced tea and served them to everyone in the living room. Brandon is sitting on the floor with the kids, no idea what they are talking about. I didn’t realize he was as girly as he is with them. Should I worry? I giggle out loud, then everyone stares at me.

  “You ok Mom?” Cheyenne says,

  “Yeah… just enjoying the view.”

  As I walk back into the kitchen, Kristina comes running in. “So, twunt, how are you holding up?” she says as she sits on the kitchen counter. “All good on the home front. I’m glad to get somewhat of a routine again. How is the business?”

  “Oh please, you know it’s under control. We have the best employees, ever. I mean, EVER.” I laugh.

  We sure do.

  “You ready to get back to work and away from children for a while?” I poke at her.

  She’s mentioned over the phone a few times, she needed to escape from the kids, her kids. As she continues to ramble on and on about her and Ryan’s falling out a couple of days ago, I find myself staring at Brandon.

  The past week has been a challenge for us. It seems that we’ve been together, but we weren’t really together. I’ve missed him. The Us.

  “Addison? Addi? Are you even listening to me? Then I took your bra and wore it around the house, no panties, just the bra, that was refreshing.” I looked at her,

  “Wait, what? My bra?” Kristina laughs,

  “I had to get your attention somehow.”

  She jumps off the counter, “I’m grabbing my kids, we’re going to go home and let you all have family time.” She kisses my cheek, and walks out of the kitchen.

  How’d I get so lucky to have a best friend like her? “Thanks for everything, Kris,” I call after her.

  I walk back into the living room, sitting down on the couch, waving bye to Kristina as she leaves with the kids. Brandon joins me on the couch, really close next to me, takes my hand, and winks at me. I feel so comfortable with him, it’s indescribable. “This feels so good,” he states. I smile at him, put my head on his shoulder, and watch our kids interact.

  “Yes it does. I’ve missed it.”

  I look at him, and then kiss him. I don’t care who’s in the room or even watching for that matter. That’s the moment we’ve fully claimed each other. I love him. Truly. Madly. Deeply. I love this man.

  “We should probably go,” Brandon says.

  I look up at him, “I don’t want you to go,” I point out, not holding back.

  “You boys could have a sleepover, what do you say?” the girls and Benjamin look up at us, clearly hearing what I just said “Yeeaaaaah,” both Emma and Benjamin shout.

  “See, the kids think it’s a great idea. It’s the weekend; we could order a pizza and watch a movie. What do you think?” he smiles, oh my god that smile.

  “Pull my leg why don’t ya?” he says as he pushes me down on the couch, gets on top of me, and starts to tickle.

  “Pizza doesn’t order itself,” I throw at him in between laughing. “Smart ass!”

  And he tickles me harder.

  The kids start to join in, ’What is this, pick on mommy day?’

  I finally wiggle my way out of them, and go to order the pizza. They are all on top of Brandon now and I’m watching from the sidelines, perfect. It doesn’t take long for the pizza to arrive, Brandon races to the door to pay it. I’m not going to argue with him, it’s hopeless. Violet has put a movie on, Big Hero 6 since Benjamin hasn’t seen it, and we all sit in the living room watching the movie.

  This is what I call a perfect family.

  Chapter 19

  I have gone to visit Michael in the hospital, his state has unfortunately not changed. I’m sitting here watching him ‘sleep’. This is strange. I’m not sure how to react to this. I’m upset at him, still, honestly it’s something I’m never going to get over, but I feel for him. He was not himself, he lost control of everything that was his, he doesn’t know how to handle change and I’m assuming, since I always tiptoed around him, I didn’t make it any easier nor did I see what he’s capable of. I wish he would wake up tough, for the girls sake. They need a father, their father. It wouldn’t be the same without him, I’ve loved this man, and in a way still do, for fifteen years. He’s all I’ve known in my life, and he’s what I need there still, maybe not in the same way a
s before, but I still need him there.

  “Open your eyes,” I plead to him. Maybe he can still hear me. “Michael, I still love you, it may not be what you want or need, but I do still love you and the girls need you. They need their dad. Brandon can never take your place in that, I promise. You are their dad, you always will be. If you can hear me, come back to us, we can fix this, I know we can.”

  As I’m sitting here, holding his hand, Dr. Wallis, the physician we’ve been talking to, walks in. “Hello Mrs. Walker. We need to talk about his state. It’s been a few weeks now and we have not seen any progress. We might have to consider taking him off the life support and see what happens. I know this is all a lot to take in and think about. We will give you time, but there’s no change and we don’t foresee any in the near future.”

  I look at Michael as Dr. Wallis explains this to me. I know it’s the right thing to do, especially with the pricey medical bills, but I can’t let go of him just yet. The girls still have to say their goodbyes. This isn’t a choice that will be easy to make.

  I say my goodbye to Michael, “I’ll be back tomorrow morning,” and head out the door.

  On the drive to the coffee shop, it’s been forever that I’ve been there, I listen to some Colbie Caillat, trying to mellow down some.

  The memories of fifteen years flooding back, the memories of Michael and I. It’s all a little much to take in. I pull into the driveway, park, and head inside. Our employees have been great at keeping it all running perfectly. “Hey Addison,” Jenny says from the back, “It’s nice to see you again. How are things going?” I smile at her, say my hellos and check out the new books.

  I plop down on one of the couches when Jenny comes over with a cup of coffee for me. “Thanks Jenny, that’s so sweet of you,” she smiles and walks away.

  Imagine a bubbly blonde that can talk for hours and you have Jenny, except she’s anything but your stereotypical blonde, she’s smart, extremely smart, she loves to read and is very intelligent when it comes to anything book related, she actually knows more than I do, and I’m fifteen years older. I enjoy the cup of coffee she made and check out a new Mandy Michaels book.

  As I’m relaxing reading, trying to get my mind off everything, the door opens and Brandon walks in. I look up and see him standing there in a suit.

  A fucking black suit, white shirt, and blue tie.

  He looked fucking hot. There are not other words for it. Exceptionally hot! “Hey sexy,” he says as he comes over to me. I get up to hug him, when he wraps his arms so tight around me, I can hardly breathe. “Miss me much?” I tease him. “I always miss you, but I’ve really missed you this morning. After last night, I can’t get you out of my mind, and when you’re on my mind, there’s this hard on I can’t hide” I start to blush. “That goes great with my wet panties,” I tease him some more. He plants his lips on mine, he kisses me hard, he’s claiming me. His tongue rubs across my lips, sliding into my mouth, our tongues dancing together. His kisses melt me. His hands are on my cheeks, as he kisses me, and my hands are entangled into his hair. It’s perfection.

  Until of course it dawns on us where we are.

  I release him, “I love you.” I say looking into his dilated brown eyes. “I love you. And I fucking need you.”

  I have noticed.

  His arms are around me, holding me tight. I have my head on his chest, when I feel his hard on press into me, I look up at him, I fit perfectly into him, and I smile. “I need you. Benjamin is spending the night at a friend’s tonight, I’m coming over to your house,” he doesn’t even ask.

  Fine with me.

  I like a man that knows what he wants and goes for it. I nod my head at him, and lean back into him to kiss him. “I’ll see you tonight, I need to get back to work, I had to come see you.”

  “I love you, Brandon.”

  “I love you, Addison,” and with that he walks out the door.

  Happiness. That’s the feeling inside of me.

  After dinner that night, the girls got ready for bed, leaving Brandon and I alone. As I’m about to take the trash out, Brandon comes around the corner, and takes it from me, he walks out. Flashbacks to Michael taking the trash out overcome me. I drop to my knees and let the tears stream. All this is starting to take its toll on me. Brandon comes back and sees me sitting on the floor, he drops to his knees, “Addison, what’s wrong?” and with my blubbering mess I can’t get the words out. “Addison, you’re scaring me.”

  I’m a mess. I’m at a loss of words. “Addison, talk to me, please baby.” I start to take a deep breath, “Michael used to take the trash out,” and continue to sob.

  Shocked Brandon, takes his fingers and wipes my tears. “Baby, it’s ok. I understand.” He takes me into his arms; I’m soaking his shirt with all my tears. I’m in pain. Physical pain. None of this is getting better as I’d hoped it would. I just need Michael to wake up, in a way I need his approval. It sounds petty, but that’s how it is.

  After a few minutes of his soothing words, his gentle hands, his soft kisses, I start to breathe again. I let it all out and he didn’t run. “You didn’t leave?” I say to him. “Am I supposed to? Do you want me to? Because I don’t want to leave,” he says matter-of-factly. “I don’t want you to leave. I’m a mess, Brandon,” I state point blank. “You’re MY mess, Addison, I love you and I’m not leaving you. No matter how messy you or I, or any of this gets” he says as he points between us. He runs his thumb across my cheek, “I’m here to wipe your eyes, I’m here to take the pain away, baby,” and he leans in to kiss me.

  I fall into him. Letting it all go. I can be anyone around him, I can be ME, the ME I want to be and need to be. I don’t feel like I need to put on a smile when I’d rather sit in the corner and cry. He picks me up, and carries me up the stairs, “It’s time we lay down,” and lays me down in our bed. Our bed? Before the water works of thoughts start to take over again, I sit up and start to kiss him. “Make love to me,” I plead to him.

  He smiles as he starts to unbutton my blouse. His hands caress my shoulders as he slides the blouse off. I lie in front of him in my bra. He unclamps the bra from the back, sliding each strap off my arm, pulling the bra off me. He stares into my eyes as he stripping me. His fingers slowly caress my face, I feel his thumb across my cheek again, and closing my eyes I enjoy every touch. He starts to take his lips and taste my nipples. He kisses my entire breast, first the left, then the right. “Keep your eyes open,” he demands as he’s taking them in. His mouth devouring my tits. His fingers joining in. He’s circling around my nipples, pinching them. He’s all over me. My moans start to become louder, “Shhh, baby, not too loud,” he reminds me.

  I want to scream at the top of my lungs at how good he makes me feel, but I should consider the children in the other rooms. I try to take my fingers to feel him, when he stops me, “It’s all about you, babe,” as he continues to touch me, he’s gently touching every inch of my body. He’s touching me tenderly, he’s teasing, he’s making me feel.

  Sounds erupting from me I have never heard. “Enjoy it, baby,” as he starts to unbutton my jeans, pulling the zipper down, and taking my jeans completely off. I feel his hand massaging my feet. Tight. He pulls toes apart to get between them, he’s turning me on so much. His fingers rubbing across my ankle, up my legs, over my knees, over my thighs, teasing my clit just a little, as he continues up my belly button, touching every inch he can get his fingers on. “You’re so fucking sexy, Addison. You’re so beautiful, every inch of your body I need, I love. I love your curves, I love the way you suck your stomach in when I touch right here,” as he touches my side. “I love the air you suck in when I kiss here,” kissing every inch making me moan. “You biting your lips when I take my fingers and touch here,” as he touches my clit, pushing his finger in deeper. “I love the way your pussy begs for my fingers,” as he pushes two more fingers into my pussy.

  I clench around his fingers, “You going to cum for me baby?” as I tighten even more.
“Or you need more fingers?” as he slides in another one, I moan, louder than I expected to. “Cum for me baby,” he begs me. He’s working his fingers in my pussy just enough to make me work my body back.

  I lean into him, moving my hips back and forth. I’m about to explode when he moves the fingers in just the right places. I release on him, “perfection” he whispers. I’m out of breath. I watch him suck his fingers, one after the other, “You taste so fucking good babe,” he says with a mischievous grin.

  “I need your cock inside me, babe, I need to feel you,” I say as I spread my legs.

  His grin grows wider, he slides his index finger into my mouth, I lick it off. I take his hand from him, and start to suck on the other fingers, “You drive me crazy, woman,” as I start to reach for his pants. I feel his hard on through his pants. I feel him twitch as I touch in the right places. I tease his cock, I slide my fingers up and down, when he pulls his pants off. “Woah, you’re not messing around,” I tease him.

  “I want you so fucking bad, Addison.” I smile at him, “Then take me. I’m all yours.”

  “Yes you are, all mine!”

  He slides his cock into me. He pushes hard, with his hand around my neck, his lips on mine, claiming me hard. “Mine, Mine, Mine,” he kept saying, as he fucked me, hard.

  I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but I like this. He’s rough. Rougher than I’ve ever received, I love this kind of sex. As we cum together, out of breath, he lies next to me, wraps me into his arms, “You about killed me,” he chuckles. I smack him, “Are you kidding me? You about killed me.” I say with a stern face. He sits up, “Shit, Addison, did I hurt you?” I can’t help from laughing.


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