I Belong to Him

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I Belong to Him Page 10

by Ava Danielle

  “I’m just messing with you,” and start rolling.

  “Woman, you’re going to get it,” and he tickles me.

  What is it with this man; always finding those spots that about kill me.

  We both laugh and lie together for a while, neither of us speaking. “I love you, Addison, with all my heart,” emphasis on the word heart. Completely in love and in full bliss, we fall asleep.

  Chapter 20

  We have finally decided to see Michael together after they get out of school today, the girls and I. I’m not sure if it’s to say goodbye, or what’s going to happen. I’m nervous, extremely nervous. I want all this to be over, but not in a bad way. I don’t want my children struggling forever; I don’t want them to feel the pain of losing a parent, not at this age.

  Violet has been healing exceptionally well, she’s back to her studies, she’s back to being that social butterfly that she is.

  Cheyenne has her sports, she’s enjoying track. As to Emma, she misses her daddy all the time. She misses fishing with him and asks numerous times when she can go fishing with him again. The extents of his injuries are unknown to her, the less she knows, the better. I want her to remember the good of her daddy. We have talked about what might come, but I didn’t get into too many details with them. I’m really unsure of what’s going to happen. It’s all hanging in the balance.

  His life. Our Life.

  I take the girls to school on this cold, windy morning. I drop Emma off in her classroom, late this morning. I look around; I want to say ‘Hello’ to Benjamin. He’s found a place in my heart; I love him as if he were my own. We’ve been around each other so much lately; he’s such a joy to have. He isn’t as shy around me as he was in the beginning.

  Brandon says, after his mom left, he had a hard time getting warmed up to new people. I gave him the time he needed, and respected the little guy.

  I look around, but don’t see him anywhere, no Benjamin around, which is extremely odd. His bus usually drops him off before Emma gets there, and if Brandon brings him in, he’s always on time. Brandon has OCD about time. Sometimes to the point I can’t keep up. I go over to kiss Emma goodbye, and leave. Curious as to why Benjamin isn’t in school, I send a text to Brandon on my way to the coffee shop.

  I just dropped Emma off at school. Everything ok with Benjamin?

  I unlock the door to the coffee shop, and start to turn the lights on. Kristina and Jenny haven’t arrived, I’m first for once. It’s too cold to put the chairs out, so I opt to just get everything cozy inside with some candles. I straighten up a few things, when Kristina comes in. “Hey Dork” she says as she jumps behind the bar nearly scaring me to death.” Fuck woman,” she smacks me, “Whatever, I need coffee, ASAP.” I shake my head; we both fix a latte macchiato, as we sit on the couches and bullshit.

  Healthy girl talk.

  We talk about the guys, when I realize I haven’t received a message from Brandon. “It’s so strange not to get a phone call or text from him, you think something happened?” I ask Kristina “He probably got caught up at work or something, don’t worry.” she reassures me. She’s probably right. After everything that has happened, I seem to overreact over everything and assume shit. I guess you can call it paranoia. “I’ll swing by his place later, before I go to the hospital with the girls.” she drinks some of her coffee.

  “You ready for that?”

  I look down, “It doesn’t matter if I’m ready or not, Kris, we need to do something. I can’t keep putting it off, it’s his life, he may be suffering.” She nods her head in understanding.

  Once Jenny shows up, I get ready to go see Brandon, he still hasn’t returned my text. I debated on calling him, but I figured it’s best if I just show up. Benjamin might be sick and instead of checking his phone, he’s sitting with his sick child. He’s that type of dad. Caring, soothing, loving, and definitely there in a heartbeat when someone’s sick. That’s what I love so much about him.

  As I pull into his drive way, I see an unfamiliar car, might be someone he works with. I park next to this, I’m assuming it’s a Toyota, looks like that Prius Hybrid friggin car, who would willingly drive that must be a complete nerd. I walk up to the door, and ring the doorbell. I hear a female laughter. It takes a minute for anyone to answer. As I’m about to ring again, the door flies open.

  Brandon, in pajama pants and no shirt answers the door. Damn those fucking abs. As I lean in to kiss him, he leans back a little, and I see past him. I see a woman. A woman holding Benjamin and laughing.

  Let me introduce you to Sophia, my ex-wife. My mouth drops, and I swallow. “Ummm… I’ll… I’ll just…” and I turn to walk away. Brandon runs after me, “Wait, Addison. Don’t go.” I look at him, tears starting to form.

  I try to open the door to my car, as he pushes it back closed, he pushes me against my car, both his hands next to me, I’m cornered into him.

  “It’s not what you think,” he leans into me and kisses me hard. My mind completely fucked, I debate on whether to push him away, or let him continue kissing me like that. “I want you to come in and meet Sophia,” he says as he releases his lips, his entire body still on top of me. I blink away the tears that continue to form. “Please?” He takes my hands, holds them tight, and I give him that reassuring look. He kisses me one last time, “I’m yours,” he whispers against my lips.

  We leave my car and walk back into the house watching Sophia and Benjamin wrestle around. She gets up off the floor and stands close to Brandon, only Brandon won’t let go of my hands. “Sophia, this is Addison, my girlfriend, Addison this is Sophia, my EX-wife.” I reach my hand out to hers, but she refuses, starts to walk around the house.

  She’s rambling on and on about where things have been placed and moved, and asking where to find what she is looking for. Brandon rolls his eyes at me, still holding my hand. “I texted you earlier, I was worried about Benjamin,” I explain to him. “Oh shit, I’m so sorry. I left my phone in the bedroom, once she showed up and woke Benjamin up, it’s been a little crazy,” he pulls me into him for a hug. “Forgive me?” I smile at him, “I was never mad at you, babe. Just worried, it’s not like you,” and on queue Sophia walks in, “What’s not like Brandon?” and before I could answer, Brandon interrupts, “None of your business,” and kisses me on the forehead. “Let me go put on some decent clothes, I’ll be right back,” and starts to walk up the modern metal stairs. I stare after him, the view of his ass is something I could enjoy forever, when Sophia clears her throat, “Like what you see?” shaking me out of my trance, I turn and smile at her. “I know we might be divorced, but doesn’t mean he won’t come back to me, we have a child together,” and before I could say anything, Benjamin interrupts and stands next to me, “Addison, could Emma help me with my homework later, since I’m not in school today, the teacher might email daddy my homework.”

  I smile at him, “Of course, honey.”

  “Who’s Emma?” Sophia asks.

  “Emma is in my class, she’s Addison’s daughter. We usually do homework together every night,” and with that Sophia wrinkles her nose as I just stand and smile.

  Perfect timing, Brandon comes back down, jeans and a sexy white t-shirt. Hotness overload! “What’d I miss?” He jumps that last step and right into me. He bumps me. “Actually, I need to head to the hospital with the girls. I came over to check on Benjamin.”

  “And me of course,” Brandon butts in. “Yes, and you, silly,” I say with a big old grin. “Let me walk you out,” and with one last look I say to Sophia, “Nice meeting you,” and continue outside.

  Brandon spanks my ass on the way out the door; I stop dead in my tracks, turn around and look at him, “What was that for?” He just starts to laugh, “I know how that was intended.” He takes his index finger and presses it against my lips. “Shhh…”

  Before I could say anything else and places the gentlest kiss on my lips.

  I smile, trying to talk, but he’s just not letting me. We hav
e this ease between us.

  Once we finally make it to the car, I see Sophia looking out the window. You know what bitch, I’m going to claim him. As I wrap my arms around him, pressing my lips against his, my tongue sliding into him. His hands are all over my ass, “I love you, don’t you forget it,” he whispers as he lets me go.

  Chapter 21

  The girls and I pull into the hospital parking lot. “Alright girls, we ready?” I turn around and ask them, hands still on the wheel, pretty much trying to motivate myself to make it through this. “Yeah,” the silent whispers get thrown out there. I pull the phone off the charger in the car, as I notice a text from Brandon.

  Thinking of you, I’m here for you

  That man is something else. One last breath. “Let’s go.”

  We walk through the hospital doors, that sterile smell hits me every time. I gulp. I’m holding Emma’s hand, more for my own support than for hers. I’m so glad we have each other. The elevator doors open, and we enter, hitting floor eight. Time keeps ticking away. I feel the seconds turn into minutes. Not but a few months ago, I didn’t think I would have to say good-bye to my husband. I never imagined, a hospital, machines, his life hanging but only from a single thread. I feel so much sympathy for my girls. This is so much harder on them. We need to say good-bye though; I can’t take this moment away from them, as painful as it is.

  The elevator doors finally open, and we seem to stay frozen, none of us ready to move. As a man turns the corner, nearly running into us once he gets into the elevator, we all get out. I feel my heart sink. This is the moment. The time has come.

  We get to the door of his room.

  One. More. Breath.

  I open the door as the girls follow me in.

  Michael is still lying the same, the same as when I’ve come to see him every day since the accident. “Hey daddy,” Emma is the first to speak. She grabs his hand. This is the second time they’ve come to see him. I couldn’t grip the thought of them having to see him and endure this every day. “Hi Dad,” Cheyenne and Violet say. I walk over to him and take his hand, “We will miss you, Michael.” We all fall silent.

  It takes a few minutes for Dr. Wallis to come into the room, “Hello everyone. I’m going to give you all a few more minutes and then the nurses will come to unhook all the cables and turn the machines off. I’m really sorry you have to endure this. We have a big staff, if you need to talk to anyone. Please take as long as you need.”

  He smiles as we all nod and he leaves.

  This is it.

  The end to our love story.

  The end of our marriage.

  I will be a widow at 35 with children who have to grow up without a dad. There will be no daddy-daughter dances anymore, he won’t be at graduations, see them off to college, he won’t be there to walk them down to aisles, to dance their first wedding dance. He will miss it all. Realization hits me.

  Tears well up.

  Stay strong, Addison, for the girls.


  As I grip his hands for the very last time, I silently plead to him. There might not be more to our love story than the fact we once loved each other, but he’s always going to be part of my life, regardless.

  As I step back to give the girls the space they need for their good-byes, the machines start to beep excessively. I haven’t heard that sound before, it’s actually starting to worry me.

  I call for the nurse, as I watch Michael open his eyes. He’s fucking opening his eyes. After weeks of pleading and worrying and the tears, he’s fucking opening his eyes. I don’t know whether to jump for joy or cry some more. For the girls’ sake, I step back and just observe. There has to be a catch.

  The nurses storm through the door, they check him with flashlights over the eyes, then push buttons on the machines, and I’m frozen still watching it all happen in front of me in slow motion. I push the girls to the side to let the nurses do their job. “His heart rate is going up. We need to remove the oxygen tube.” I hear yelling. Another nurse is pulling on him.

  From then on I have no idea what happens as I completely zone out.

  “Mommy, MOM!” I hear yelling. I shake my head,

  “What?” staring at the white walls.

  Every. Fucking. Where. White Walls! White fucking walls!

  “Daddy is awake. He’s looking at me.” Emma pulls on my shirt. I look over at him, as I see his blue eyes, staring at the ceiling. Yeah, look at the ceiling. The place I stared at every night for the past few years. “I see that, honey,” I console her. The nurses are still working on him, as Dr. Wallis enters the room. “I wouldn’t call it a miracle rather than good timing. You all being here saying your good-byes caused him to fight. He fought his way back to you,” Dr. Wallis says.

  What a whack.

  I’m happy, sure, but I’m also pissed. I’ve spent this past week getting my mind wrapped around having to say my good-byes, to let him go, and then this. Leave it to Michael to throw a curve ball, he’s good at that.

  We all smile, as we sit down next to Michael. The nurses and doctor asks him questions and he seems to be able to answer them all. I have no idea what this means or how we move forward, but I’m thankful my girls have their dad.

  Once the nurses and doctor leave, we are left with Michael. He’s fully aware of his surroundings. “You gave us quite the scare,” I tell him. “I’m sorry,” his voice very low.

  I let the kids talk to him about everything, as I stand back by the window and look out.


  There’s a knock on the door. “Come in.” Who could this be? I see an officer walk through the door. “Hi, my name is SGT Brown.” he walks over to shake my hand. “Hi?” I say confused as to why he’s here. “We went over the reports of the accident. I heard your husband is out of his coma, so we had to come by and explain the progress.” I look beyond confused. “Progress?” “Yes, ma’am, since there was a bit of alcohol involved in the accident, but not over the allotted level, we have to ask if you plan to press charges against your husband for the cause of the accident.” I look stunned.

  Press charges, what the fuck??

  “So far he’s required to pay a fine for destruction of property. Other than that, we can’t charge him, this being his first misdemeanor, it won’t stay on his records,” the officer explains along with a couple of little details.

  “Can we discuss this at a later time, officer, my husband, ummm, Michael, just woke up. We need time to process all this.”

  The officer nods, “Of course. I understand. I wish him and your family well,” and he walks out the door.

  Press charges against my husband. NO! No way! It was an accident, a stupid accident, but an accident none the less. I’m pretty relieved there will not be any more consequences. He needs to worry about getting better, with a few adjustments and changes. “Girls, I think we should go and let your dad rest,” they agree in unison. I give him a kiss on the cheek, “I’ll be back tomorrow to see you, and we will talk then if you’re up to it.” He smiles and nods. “Addison,” I hear him say as we start to walk out of the door, “Go ahead and go girls, I’ll be right out,” I say as I turn around, “Yes?” He clears his throat, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything, it was all my fault, childish, and very stupid.”

  “I know, we will talk about it tomorrow. Get some rest,” and I walk back out of the door and leave the hospital with the girls.

  Chapter 22

  After dinner, that night, I dig out my phone and finally call Brandon. There was so much going on today, so many things taking a turn, in the mix of it all, I hadn’t called or texted him. I sit down on the front porch for some fresh air. Replaying everything waiting for the call to go through.

  Hey beautiful, how are you?

  Hey Babe. Well, I have a lot of emotions running through me. We left with a feeling unexpected.

  I can imagine.

  Actually, you won’t believe this. But while the kids were saying their goo
dbyes, the machines went haywire, the heart rate monitor went up, and his eyes opened.


  Yep, he woke up. Then the police came in and asked if I wanted to press charges, since his blood alcohol level was below the limit, there isn’t much they can do, he’s got a few fines to pay, but that’s pretty much it. Luckily, I guess.

  How are you holding up? Actually, I’m going to come over. Sophia is here with Benjamin, I’m going to pack a bag and spend the night, is that ok with you?

  Do you even have to ask?

  I’ll see you in a few baby

  Thanks Brandon.

  He hangs up before I have a chance to even argue with him. “Mom, I thought you might want a glass,” Violet comes out and hands me a glass of iced tea. “Thanks sweetheart, that’s so nice of you.” I smile at her. She sits down in the rocker with me, “That was a lot to take in today, I’m really happy dad is alive. This saying goodbye thing, I know it was necessary, but I think that would’ve broken all of us,” she says. “I know, I’m glad it turned out that way too,” I say to her.

  “It felt like we were in one of those stupid emotional movies, except it’s our life.” I laugh at her,


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