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I Belong to Him

Page 13

by Ava Danielle


  Yep, Fuck! How’s the place?

  We got the door repaired and ordered a new register. We’re just sitting here now.

  I would come over but I need to do some stuff at the office

  It’s alright, I’ll see you tonight for dinner?

  Of course. I love you Sweetheart.

  I love you too. I’ll see you tonight.

  Chapter 27

  The past eight months have been wonderful. Michael has been a great dad, the girls go to his house to see him a lot. The divorce papers were finalized and I became a single woman again. Well, not entirely. Brandon and Benjamin are over at our house more than anything. Kristina and Ryan come over to visit a lot as well. Friendships with Brandon are being formed, even Michael joins in and the five of us enjoy evenings together. It’s all so simple. It’s easy going, and I’m perfectly content.

  We haven’t heard from Sophia since that day, I’m going to consider it luck. Brandon filed for full custody and made sure if she ever comes back, she can’t be within a 100 feet of Benjamin. We don’t trust her and wouldn’t put anything past her. Life has been wonderful, though.

  I’m at home with the music blasting, vacuuming the living room. I faintly hear a noise. When I turn the music down, I hear a knock at the door. I’m actually a bit nervous to see who’s at the door, I wasn’t expecting anyone and the kids should be in school, it’s only 10am after all. I open it, a strange guy in a white suit holding a big ass box is standing before me. “Can I help you?” I ask him, confused as ever. “I have a delivery for a Ms. Addison Walker.”

  “That’s me.”

  He hands me this box that I’m struggling to hold. “Please sign here,” he says as he hands me a little machine with a stilo. “Thank you,” I say as I close the door.

  What in the world is this? I didn’t order anything. I take the box into the living room and place myself and the box on the floor. “Let’s see what this is,” I say out loud. I pull the red ribbon this beautiful pink box is wrapped in. Once I take the top off, I see lavender wrapping paper, a note covering the top:

  Wear me. Put on the bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Await next Delivery.

  I undo the lavender wrapping paper and see a gorgeous white and grey laced panty and bra set. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Black little ribbons that stand out. The bra is strapless. It’s sexy, yet elegant.

  I take it out of the box, run upstairs to my master bathroom, close the door, and see the bathrobe. When did he do this? Why had I not noticed? I shave my legs, rub vanilla scented lotion up and down my legs, I put on the panties. They feel soft and are the perfect size. I put on the lace bra. My breasts fitting perfectly into the cups.

  I must say, he has some exceptional taste.

  I wrap the bathrobe around me, and start to curl my hair. I’m not really sure why he’s doing all this, but he must be coming home soon, wanting to see me in this. Exciting.

  The doorbell brings me back out of my thoughts. I run back down the stairs to answer. How’s he going to top that? I answer the door, and the same delivery boy looks at me with the exact same box. I just smile. Retrieve the box and go straight to the bedroom.

  I lay the box on the bed and unwrap yet another red ribbon. My heart is racing a mile a minute. There’s white paper this time and another card.

  Dress up. Wait for doorbell.

  I undo the paper and see a stunning lilac dress. It’s silver embellished neck, sleeveless, knee length, and just absolutely gorgeous. I pull it out, the fabric is so soft. But there’s more in the box, chic silver sparkled t-strapped high-heel sandals, matching the dress. My eyes get big. I drop the bathrobe and pull the dress on. Perfect size. Sexy but elegant.

  I’m not sure where he’s taking me, but I’m going to have a hard time wanting to ever get out of this dress. I’m absolutely in love with it. He knows my style, or at least what will look good on me, all he’s ever seen me in is jeans or a nice summer dress, but this is beyond any of that. I find a matching set of earrings and diamond bracelet.

  Right as I’m clamping the bracelet on, the door bell rings. My nerves kick in. I can’t wait to see what he’s dressed in and taking me. I put on the sandals, and make my way down the stairs. I open the door, excited to run into his arms, only to find a critical looking man in a suit. “I’m here to give you a ride,” he says in a stern tone. I look at him just as stern. He leads me into the black Cadillac. Anyone else would ask why I seem to trust this strange man, I couldn’t even answer why, I just do.

  I’m sitting in the back of this Cadillac, no idea where I’m going but excited to finally get there to see Brandon. At least, I hope this is his doing. We drive the same route Brandon takes us when we go to his log cabin. It’s become our favorite get away place. We go on the weekends with the kids, my girls are in love with it because it’s not just outdoorsy, but it offers them some girly things as well. Sometimes I can’t even get them to come back home on a Sunday night.

  We get to the other side of the lake, a little further from the log cabin; it’s actually more in the background. There are candles lit everywhere, and the footbridge is lit in white lights. Everything is indescribably gorgeous. Further in the distance, I finally see my man.

  My handsome man.

  Once we park, this driver opens the door and helps me out of the car. I walk toward Brandon, along the candle covered footbridge. I make my way down to him in this beautiful dress he had picked out for me. The sun is shining through the trees beautifully, and I can’t keep from smiling.

  As I approach him, I stand still and admire him. He’s leaning against a tree. I admire his perfectly styled hair. His sunglasses, he’s wearing a white button shirt, black suit. Brown shoes that stand out and complete his wardrobe. He’s dressed up like I’ve never seen him before. This is a first for both of us. His smile, his white teeth, his perfection, it makes my heart flutter and extremely nervous. I walk to him, as he kisses my right hand, then whispers, “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. You’re so beautiful!” I smile at him, and start to stutter, “And you are absolutely… umm.. handsome… I.. I..” I’m beyond nervous at this point.

  “Follow me,” he says as he takes my hand into his. I follow him over to the bridge that leads out onto the lake in front of the cabin. “Are you going to tell me what we’re doing here?” I ask Brandon, he leads me down the bridge that is covered in flowers, beautiful pink and purple orchids, with candles, the ambiance is stunning. “Did you do this?” I ask him when he smiles at me. “Brandon, are you going to answer me at all?” I ask confused. I don’t understand all this secrecy.

  We make it to the end, and Brandon gets on one knee. Are.You.Kidding.Me?

  Tears start to swell in my eyes. He takes my hand, and it holds it tight.

  “Addison Walker, my Addison. When I look into your eyes, I see myself reflected off them. What I mean is, I see myself in you. When I’m around you, my heart beats with excitement. I lose my breath. I lose my voice sometimes, it’s usually the times I’m really quiet around you. You take my breath away with any word that brushes past your lips. When we lock eyes, I could stare into them forever. When I stress or have a bad day, I just have to look at you, and your ever-so-charming smile, and I know everything is right with the world. Our hearts beat the same rhythm and every time we’re together, I want to freeze that moment and just live in it forever. But as we stand here today, right now, I’m pouring my feelings out to you. We are meant to be together and I promise you that I will love you until the very end. I will treasure you. I will promise you the passion, the affection that you deserve. For the first time, I believe, for the first time, I belong, TO YOU. Addison, will you marry me?”

  Full out tears. There’s no stopping them. “Oh Brandon.” I just stare at him, and nod; I keep nodding because for the first time, I feel the exact same way. I belong to Him. Only Him. I feel so free. I believe in he and I. Whatever happens from this moment on, my life will never
be the way it used to be. He gives me the gift of self-belief. He is my Everything. He’s my forever.

  “Yes, Brandon.Yes.”

  He pulls me up into his embrace. He’s my future husband.

  We kiss. A deep and passionate kiss. A kiss I want never to end.

  I start to hear the clicking of cameras all around us. Cheering. Clapping. Our entire families and friends are here. Everyone we hold dear in our Life. Our children are hugging us. My ex-husband is here. My best friend Kristina. Every One!!!

  Kristina congratulates us, “How’d he do?” She teases.

  “You knew, didn’t you?”

  She smiles, “We watched from behind the trees and got gorgeous pictures of you two. It was magical. And yes, I’ve known for a few weeks now, you didn’t think I was going to let him do something shitty? Actually, to be quite fair, this was all his idea, he had it all planned out perfectly, we all just helped him put it together to make it as perfect as he envisioned it.” Tears swell up in Kristina’s eyes, “I love you Addison. And by the way, you look beyond stunning.”

  I smile at her. “Thank you, I love you too.” and we hug.

  This proposal has been perfect; it couldn’t have been any more perfect.

  Brandon has me in his arms from behind, we’re overlooking the lake. “This has been perfect.” I whisper to him. “It’s not over yet, Addison.” I look over my shoulder as I pull out of his arms, “There’s no way you can top that,” I say to him. He just smirks, “Don’t doubt me gorgeous girl.”

  As he leads me into the cabin, that he has perfectly decorated for this event, I admire all the hard work he’s put into it. He’s put thought into making this a special day, not only for me, but for himself. I can feel that. Using the log cabin, that he only went to with his son in the summers or on weekends, was a brilliant idea. It connects us in so many ways. This was our escape. Our little wonderland.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whisper as I lean into his arm.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Once we make it over to the buffet, I see a table with pictures. It’s pictures we’ve taken in the past year of us. It’s our memory lane. At the end of the table, I gasp when I see the pictures of our proposal from only a few minutes ago. He had a professional photographer take them. They are impressive, exquisite. I see pictures of everyone behind the trees. These are gloriously funny. My heart melts! Brandon walks behind me, “You like?”

  I turn around and smack his chest, “Like? Are you crazy? These are amazing.” I point to the pictures, “You’ve outdone yourself.” He kisses my forehead. “Only the best for the best,” he whispers.

  He takes my hand, let’s go mingle with our friends. “Wait,” I say, as he turns back toward me. “Yes?” I wrap my arms around his neck, “This has topped anything I’ve ever received or ever dreamed of. Thank you.”

  He smiles, kisses my lips, and says, “It wasn’t just for you, it is for both of us. We’ll always remember this. And we get to tell our grandchildren all about it.”

  I shake my head. No thank you, the thought of grandchildren makes me want to vomit.

  After getting the air squeezed out of me by my best friend, I need a drink. I walk over to the bar, when I hear the clinking of a champagne glass. I stop in my tracks; I look into Brandon’s direction. “I’d like to thank all our friends for helping me with all of this, I’d like to thank Kristina for giving me some inside scoop that only a best friend knows, Michael for giving me his blessing, and my beautiful fiancé for saying ‘yes’.”

  He looks at me as he says all this. My smile couldn’t grow any bigger if I tried. He walks over to me after everyone claps. I can’t take any more of these surprises today. “So, you needed Michael’s blessing?” I ask him curiously.

  “I didn’t need it, but I wanted it. I was actually surprised he was more than willing to help make this beautiful for you. He cares about you, that is never going to change.” I mouth ‘I love you’ and he kisses my lips.

  The photographer starts to gather us all asking for a group picture outside. The log cabin in the background. The landscape was magnificent. Brandon and I stand out in the front, and that’s when I notice everyone’s wearing white and lilac. How did I miss that before? Kristina gave away every detail about me, every dream of my proposal. Or she’s just been stalking my Pinterest Page. You never know with that bitch. I smile bigger than the photographer tells me to. Michael is standing next to Brandon. Kristina is standing next to me. I elbow her to let he know I love her, she does the same return. We have an understanding without words.

  After finally getting that perfect pose for the photographer, I see Michael talking to a very pretty woman. They are standing off in the distance, he’s holding her hand and she admires him, I see a sparkle in her eyes. Could this mean something?

  I look away in another direction, I see my girls playing with Benjamin, they are taking pictures of their own, Violet has them posing in all sorts of funny poses. I giggle to myself. I look the other direction, and I see Kristina and Ryan loving on each other. I guess a day as today is a perfect setting to tell your loved one they mean something to you. I look to my left and see Brandon’s friends; they are laughing, smacking each other, and making one joke after the other.

  I stand, overlooking the lake. The sun is starting to set as I feel arms wrap around me. This is it. My happy ever after!

  It’s taken a long time, but I followed my dreams, I followed my heart, my heart led me to him. No matter how many times I may have tried to talk myself out of it, how I tried to avoid it, it was there. That feeling of joy.


  Brandon and I married in Hawaii, at the beach. It was absolutely glamorous and captivating. Our families and friends shared that perfect moment with us. As I’m reminiscing about our beautiful wedding, I hear Brandon.

  “Baby, do you know where my blue tie is? I wore it yesterday and I have no idea where I threw it,” he screams down from the top of the stairs. After debating where to live when we got engaged, I had decided it would be best it was my house. It had the extra bedroom we could turn into Benjamin’s room. We had the master bedroom redecorated. I didn’t want anything reminding me of Michael in the house. The memories will be there for me, but I didn’t want them in the house with Brandon moving in. The girls adjusted to having a brother. They’ve always accepted Benjamin though; he wiggled himself into their hearts when Brandon and I were still dating. He’s a very easy kid to love.

  I walked up the stairs, down the hall, looking at all our pictures on the wall, and smile walking into the bedroom. “You mean the blue tie you used to tie me up to the bed post?” I point at our iron wrought iron bed and raise my forehead. He clears his throat, “Yep, exactly that one.” He pulls me into his arm, when I wriggle out, “I need to pee,” and walk away. I hear him walk around to get the tie off the bed. I lock the door; I don’t need him walking in right now. I pull the pregnancy test out of the drawer. It’s been 7 days since I was supposed to have my period. Something isn’t right. I’m only thirty-eight. I couldn’t already be hitting menopause. I start to worry, so I decide to finally take the test. It’s been in the drawer for a few days, I just kept putting it off. I’m surprised Brandon hadn’t seen it. I pull the test out of the packaging. Take my pants off, and sit down on the bowl. Here goes nothing. I pee on this stick that I hadn’t peed on in 12 years. I lay it on the counter, wait 3 minutes the directions say. I wait.


  I stare in the mirror. What if I am pregnant. How will Brandon feel? Will he be happy? Will he be upset? The latter being doubtful. He loves the girls as if they were his own, just like I love Benjamin as if he was my own. Our family dynamic is modern and loving. We could love this child, our child, like the other four. I start to get over emotional staring into the mirror. Stop thinking about it so much, Addison.

  Time is up.

  I take the test and stare at it.

  Two lines for Pregnant.

One line for not Pregnant.

  And my result?

  Clear. Undeniably clear.


  I look at it for what feels like a lifetime. A knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts. “Addison, are you alright?” I hear Brandon call out. I unlock the door, walk out of the bathroom, and show him the test.

  Brandon studies the test. He looks up at me, back down to the test, back at me, as if he’s asking for approval or explanation. I nod my head. Worry starts to settle in. Before I could say anything, he picks me up and spins me around the room. “You’re having my baby. I’m going to be a Dad again. I’m.. You’re… You’re going to be a Mom again. You’re….. We’re… ADDISON. We’re having a Baby together. You and I. Baby!!!!”

  I’m laughing, hard. “Brandon, put me down. You’re making me dizzy.” I holler at him through my laughter and my tears.

  “Yes, we’re going to have a baby. Together,” and he kisses me hard.

  We are having a baby and we couldn’t be happier.

  I Belong to Him and We Belong Together!

  The End


  I’d like to thank my family for supporting my passion and dream, for allowing me to take the time to grow. I’ve neglected you all at times, but you never gave up on me, you believed in me, and that means more to me than you’ll ever know.


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