Book Read Free

If You Dare

Page 21

by Sandy Lowe

Lauren laughed. “That’d better be a yes if you want me to fuck you. My treasure chest of erotic pleasures is back in San Francisco.”

  “San Francisco with its sex clubs and crazy vengeful bosses’ wives can stay right where it is. There’s a box in the top of my closet.”

  “I like a woman who’s prepared.”

  Lauren was going to fuck her. Really fucking fuck her. No fantasy standing between her and Lauren’s passion to claim her. Nerves, the anxiety a long lost not-a-friend, almost comforting in its familiarity, creeped into the edges of her mind. Instead of ignoring it, pushing it down and away and out of sight where it would still control her, Emma said, “I’m nervous.”

  Lauren glanced over her shoulder as she pulled a box from the top shelf of Emma’s closet, her expression full of wicked intent. “Oh, goodie.”

  Emma laughed, the unexpected sound bursting from her as the tension melted away. So what if she was nervous? Lauren’s desire for her, Lauren’s desire for the very nerves that clouded Emma’s thoughts, made them bearable. She might never fully understand how Lauren could find her nervousness hot, but Lauren did, and that made her nemesis something close to an asset for the first time in her life. Coming to terms with her condition wouldn’t make it go away, but letting go of the shame that had always been a sticky aftertaste was a gift. She didn’t have to hide, either.

  “Thank you for saying that,” Emma said.

  Lauren raised her eyebrows as she sauntered back to the bed, harness and toy in hand. “Thank you, huh? That’s a switch.”

  Emma’s heartbeat climbed into her throat as she took in the mind-exploding image of Lauren’s fingers wrapped around her favorite toy.



  “I said that thank you is quite the one-eighty.”

  Emma nodded.

  Change: check.

  Love: check.

  Excruciatingly turned on: check, check, check.

  Lauren could fuck her now. Anytime. Right away would be ideal.

  Lauren let the toy dangle from her fingers. “Want to help me out?”

  Was there a place drier and hotter than the Sahara? Wherever, Emma was there. All the moisture in her mouth dried up in an instant. Her blood began to heat, radiating out through her skin. A nine-alarm fire was imminent.

  “I’ll warn you, I don’t know what I’m doing. Someone else has always taken care of that part.”

  “Well, this someone wants you on your knees and ready for a lesson. You’ll be responsible for this task in the future,” Lauren said.

  In the future. Their future. Lauren standing there, harness in hand and a devilish grin, conjured fantasies of spending every night getting fucked. Up against the door with her legs wrapped around Lauren’s waist when they were too impatient to make it to the bed. Bent over the kitchen table with her thighs spread and her nipples rubbing against the wood with every thrust when she had a lesson that needed learning. On her hands and knees with Lauren fucking her hard, letting her have it all crazy and dirty and who the hell cared about decorum anyway. She wanted all kinds of futures with Lauren, but right now, the one that involved a lifetime of exactly this, was front and center.

  Emma barely managed not to fly off the bed and knelt at Lauren’s feet. She pressed her palms to Lauren’s thighs. Kneeling in front of Lauren provided a stimulating view. Tough looking combat boots and jeans that poured down her legs like syrup. Lauren had a body made for jeans, tall and lanky, endless, endless legs encased in soft worn denim. She was unfairly good-looking. From this vantage point Emma had a prime view of the best-looking place of all. Her fingers twitched with the need to press her palm against Lauren’s pussy. She wanted to make Lauren moan, wanted her to forget every terrible thought that had lodged itself in her head. “I’m ready.”

  “You are ready, aren’t you?” Lauren cupped Emma’s cheek, her thumb tracing the angle of her jaw.

  Emma nodded. She was ready. For her lesson. For who Lauren really was. For everything they both needed.

  She was ready for a lifetime. But she waited for Lauren’s command.

  “Take off my boots.”

  How did Lauren make such an ordinary sentence sound so blatantly sexy? She untied the laces, her fingers trembling, and Lauren toed them and her socks off.

  “Put them aside, neatly,” Lauren said.

  Emma complied quickly.

  “Now my jeans.”

  She popped the button on Lauren’s jeans. The sound of the zipper descending slashed the air. Emma eyed the sexy expanse of Lauren’s pelvis. She wanted to run her tongue along all that taut skin. “God.”

  Lauren cradled her chin and angled her face up. “Wait until after I fuck you to promote me to deity.”

  Emma just shook her head. “You make jeans look like lingerie. Only sexy, androgynous lingerie, not the frilly girly stuff.”

  “Thank heavens for that.” Lauren tilted her hips so the button on her jeans almost brushed Emma’s lips. “Hurry up. I’ve got things to do and patience isn’t a trait I possess when a beautiful woman is kneeling at my feet.”

  She wanted Lauren’s control, but there was something unspeakably erotic about testing her, and teasing her, and seeing if she’d lose it. Emma glided her palms slowly along Lauren’s hips until they rested at the small of her back, slid inside Lauren’s jeans, and squeezed her ass.

  Lauren sent her a dark look, but her breath hitched. “Are you trying to get into trouble?”

  Emma licked her lips. “My apologies. I got distracted.”

  She tugged Lauren’s jeans down, coasting her palms slowly down the back of Lauren’s thighs as she went.

  Lauren kicked the jeans off in a movement just a bit too jerky to be casual.

  “Now the rest,” Lauren said, her voice like tires over gravel. “And, Emma? If you get distracted again, there’ll be hell to pay.”

  Emma bit her bottom lip and dutifully pulled Lauren’s underwear down and off while Lauren took care of her bra. A not insignificant part of her wanted to know what exactly Lauren meant by hell and what the payment would be. That would have to be a question for another night. Lauren West, stark naked and looming over her, was enough to melt her brain and make every thought run like a waterfall down to her clit. The woman was a damn work of art.

  “Keep looking at me like that and I’ll be tempted to forgo the lesson and fuck you blind right there on the floor. Your eyes are begging for it,” Lauren said.

  “Please. I’ll beg as much as you want.”

  Lauren closed her eyes, as if Emma’s words formed a picture she couldn’t quite handle. When she opened them again, some of the edginess dissipated. “You’re irresistible, if I was in the mood to be tempted. But I’m not. Pay attention and we’ll both get what we want.”

  She’d never wanted to pay attention so much in her life. She had ambitions of graduating with honors from the University of Pleasuring Lauren. But she was having trouble focusing on anything except how gorgeously sexy Lauren looked naked, and the wetness seeping between her own thighs.

  She was still fully dressed. She’d read in books that tops sometimes didn’t ever undress as a sign of their power. Nakedness was part of what made the submissive vulnerable. It had made sense at the time. But undressing Lauren, stripping off her clothes while she didn’t have permission to do the same? That was ten times hotter than anything she’d ever read about. Lauren wasn’t following some well-worn script. This wasn’t a fantasy she’d lifted from the pages of a Fifty Shades knockoff. This was real.

  Lauren removed the O-ring from the harness and fit the base of the toy into it. “Always put the toy in and attach it first. It’s not as easy to do once I’m wearing the harness.”

  Emma nodded, not trusting herself to speak. If she so much as opened her mouth, a string of incoherent pleas would come tumbling out. Heat flooded her cheeks and spread down her chest. Stop being embarrassed that you want her. It’s sexy.

  Allowing Lauren to see her need, to hea
r her begging, showing Lauren how much she wanted her, made her heart pound in a totally new way.

  “Once it’s snug in there, you attach it to the harness like this.”

  Emma tried to concentrate while Lauren showed her how to snap everything in place. She really really tried. There was no sexier lesson on the planet, and she wanted to do this for Lauren the next time. But it took everything she had not to moan out loud. Every time Lauren handled the toy, every word she spoke in that sexy professor voice, was making her crazier. She squirmed and her panties slid against her clit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Kind of awkward if she came just from watching Lauren strap on. Was it even possible to come without being touched? That would be new, but if there was ever a moment for a spontaneous orgasm, this was it.

  “Now it’s ready to be worn.” Lauren stepped into the harness and held the straps at her hips. “Adjust these straps first.” Lauren tightened the leather. “Then the thigh straps.”

  “Can I?” Emma asked quickly, half afraid Lauren would say no.

  “Eager, are you?” Lauren grinned.

  “I think I used to be shy in another life, but not anymore. Please.”

  Lauren widened her stance and gave her a nod. “Every time you say please, my clit pulses.”

  Emma reached around Lauren’s thigh to tighten the strap. “Please, I need you to fuck me.” She did the same on the other side. “Please, I’m so wet right now.” Emma sat back and rested her hands on her thighs again.

  How the hell was she going to survive? A woman wearing a cock was vitally arousing. The genderbending. The blatant fuck you to the patriarchy and taking back that power. Using the symbol of masculinity to give female pleasure. Oh yeah. Strap-ons were at the very top of her sex list.

  “So wet, huh?” Lauren said. “Let’s see about that. Take your clothes off. On the bed, hands and knees. Close to the headboard.”

  Emma got shakily to her feet, pausing a second as her head swam from nerves and adrenaline. From all the blood that should’ve been in her head but was pounding between her legs instead. She stripped off her clothes with absolutely no desire to prolong the moment, tearing at the fabric like it burned. Lauren watched her, idly stroking her cock. No longer Emma’s favorite toy. Lauren’s cock, now—like it had always been part of her.

  Emma positioned herself on the bed, her hands braced on her pillow. Her face flamed. She could feel the heat rise from her neck as if her body were a sauna. The way she was exposed and displayed in this position not only did it for her but rendered her completely self-conscious at the same time. She was beginning to understand that a shot of nerves only served to make her even more aware of her body, more in tune with exactly what she was feeling, and heightened her anticipation.

  Lauren ran a hand down her spine in one seamless motion, as if she were smoothing a line. She stopped with her palm flat against Emma’s tailbone. “Rest on your forearms.”

  Emma stifled the automatic protest before it left her mouth. On her forearms would lower the top half of her body. It would, as Lauren had so casually put it, leave her ass in the air. Her embarrassment and awareness multiplied to infinity.

  Lauren crouched down beside the bed where Emma could see her. “You want me? The real me?”

  She nodded. Nothing she said could match the emotion in Lauren’s eyes.

  “Then do as I say so I can tie your hands to the headboard, as you so passionately requested. You’ll get it all.” Lauren held up the soft bathrobe tie she must’ve grabbed when she’d gotten the toy and harness. “But this is the last thing I do simply because you asked me. If you want more, you’ll have to earn it. Forearms. Now.”

  Emma bit the inside of her cheek and lowered into position, bringing her wrists together in an offering. Lauren looped the tie around the headboard and wrapped it around Emma’s wrists, taking her time fashioning a truly beautiful knot. It was so fancy Lauren had to have practiced. She’d tied this knot before, maybe dozens of times. But no other woman had received what Lauren gifted her. No one had the real, true, vulnerable Lauren. Vulnerability made sex meaningful, not friction, and definitely not experience. Lauren had taught her that.

  “Are you comfortable?” Lauren asked matter-of-factly.

  If embarrassed arousal and head-spinning responsiveness equaled comfortable, then Emma was kicked-back-in-a-La-Z- Boy, oh-so-comfy. “Yes.”

  Lauren ran her hand down Emma’s spine again, her palm coasting over Emma’s ass and between her legs. Shivers rained in her wake and tendrils of hot sensation fanned across Emma’s skin.


  Lauren made a tsking sound. “You told me you were wet. I have to find out for myself before I fuck you.”

  Lauren brushed fingers across Emma’s pussy in a caress so light she moaned before she was even sure she’d felt the touch.


  Lauren casually traced the crease of her ass with wet fingers, and quivers exploded through her. She willed herself not to squirm. Her head swam, consumed with the desire for Lauren to fuck her. She ached and throbbed. So, so hollow.


  “So pretty.” Lauren teased her opening, swirling a single finger across her pussy. Stroking her with an insanely slow caress. “So wet for me.”

  She was going to burn alive, or shatter into a million shards, or simply melt into hot sticky arousal. “Please.”

  “Ask me to make you come,” Lauren said.

  “Please, make me come.”

  “Tell me how much you want me to fuck you. Tell me how filthy you really are, Emma.”

  Emma let out a breath and plowed ahead before she could think too hard. “I’ve been imagining you fucking me like this for days. I want you so bad I can’t breathe.”

  The tip of Lauren’s cock pressed against her. Lauren grasped her hips, ready to pump into her. Emma dropped her head onto her arms, and a string of nonsense begging escaped. Soon. Soon now. Lauren would slide into her, fill her, fuck her…all but pound into her until her orgasm flattened her like a bulldozer.

  “Yes. Please. Please fuck me. I need you.”

  “I need you too.” Lauren pushed inside her in one long and steady stroke. Smooth enough for Emma’s body to adjust, but not a moment of hesitation. Emma clenched around her, and a strangled sound erupted from her lips. Yes, yes, yes. All other words eclipsed. Shamelessly, she thrust back. Her nerves, like soldiers under fire, bolted into action and took over. Yes, and more, and please, all twisting and twining in her mind.

  “Fuck, Emma.” The ragged sound of Lauren’s breathing was more erotic than all manner of dirty talk. She traced a finger down the crease of Emma’s ass again. “One day soon I want to take you here, fill you everywhere, show you just how good it can feel.”

  Just the thought of that had Emma clenching hard around Lauren’s cock. “Oh God. I want to come. Please. I can’t wait.”

  Lauren thrusted steadily and reached between Emma’s thighs. The dual sensation of having her clit stroked while being fucked had Emma’s orgasm boiling inside her, each stroke bringing her higher, each plunge almost toppling her into oblivion. God, she was so close, almost but not quite there.

  Lauren palmed Emma’s pussy, applying pressure without stroking her clit, and slowed her thrusts. “You’re very quiet. What do you need? How do I give you pleasure so you come for me?”

  Emma felt the tears on her cheeks before she realized she’d started to cry. God. Was there a worse possible time to begin bawling than when the woman you loved fucked you, and stroked you, and was so goddamn in tune with your experience, she knew the moment you couldn’t quite let go?

  Lauren wanted the responsibility for her pleasure, but dominant didn’t mean she was afraid to ask Emma exactly what she needed. No one had ever asked her before. The sadness at what she’d always deserved but never had, the joy of finally being seen, having her pleasure matter, coalesced inside her until her heart almost burst. Crying was so annoying right now, but the churning emotion had to come ou
t somehow. Apparently, crying and sex were her new double act.

  Lauren stopped moving. “Emma, what is it?”

  “I need to see you.” Emma gasped the words around her tears, the request choked and throaty. “I thought I wanted this. I thought it would make it easier if I couldn’t see you. But I need you to see me. Well, more of me than my ass, anyway. I need, just…more. Closer.”

  Lauren pulled out and had her hands untied almost before Emma finished speaking.

  “I’m sorry,” Emma mumbled, wiping at the tears that still ran down her cheeks. “I don’t know where all this is coming from. Usually, I love it like that.”

  Lauren’s smile was one Emma had never seen before, as if it started on the inside and the tilt of her lips was only the tip of an iceberg a billion feet deep. “You want me to watch you come.”

  Emma’s laugh came out a bit watery. “That sounds narcissistic.”

  Lauren kissed the tip of her nose. “Nope. It’s being real.”

  Real. Present. Vulnerable. That was the more Emma needed. The more that, before Lauren, had always felt like too much.

  “I don’t want to close my eyes and turn away anymore,” Emma said shyly. “I don’t want to hide. I want you to see me.”

  There was a shine in Lauren’s eyes that just might’ve been tears as she leaned down to kiss her. “You’re beautiful and brave and I’m going to make you come so hard.”

  “Yes, please.” Emma parted her thighs for Lauren to slide between them, so wet and ready she ached to be filled.

  When Lauren slid inside her again, she arched up to meet her. Lauren cradled her hips and fit their bodies together, fucking her in long, endless thrusts. Emma’s brain handed over control to her body. Passion swept like a forest fire across her skin. Finally. The war inside her ceased, the give and take of her mind, her body, her heart, all in perfect alignment and absolute agreement that she was going to come with Lauren above her, inside her, declaring her passion. Just exactly right.

  “Please. You feel so good.”

  “You’re so beautiful like this.” Lauren’s voice held awe and arousal as she reached between them and circled Emma’s clit. “You’re so sexy. So sweet. So needy and hot and crazy for me, aren’t you? Do you even know how powerful you make me feel? When I am with you, inside you, stroking you, I’m a superhero.”


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