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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 14

by J. a Melville

  “Damn, what’s wrong with you?” Chloe asked as she watched me walk into the living room. “Did you have a fall off the pole or something or have you pulled a muscle? You look like.” She paused for a moment. “Well, to be honest you look like you’ve got something stuck up your ass.”

  “It’s nothing, I’m fine.” I tried to brush it off. “Fuck I could use a drink. Do you want one?”

  “Sure but I’ll get it. You sit down and relax ok?” She jumped up and hurried off to the kitchen. “Will a glass of white wine do?” She called.

  “Heaven thanks.” I called back and carefully sat down, biting my lip when it felt like my cervix was about to end up under my ribs. Bloody hell, at this rate I’d be lucky if I could walk tomorrow let alone fucking dance.

  “Here you are.” Chloe came in carrying my glass of wine and I gratefully took it from her, downing half of it in one mouthful. “Geez Flame, that good a night was it?” She said.

  Just then we both heard the doorbell and frowned at one another. Who the hell was turning up at this time of night? Suddenly my heart skipped a beat. Surely it wouldn’t be Damien? He wouldn’t come around here after last time, and certainly not after the way I’d treated him in the club’s car park, would he?

  “I’ll get it.” Chloe rushed off to answer the door.

  “If it’s Damien, I’m not here.” I called, trying not to raise my voice too much in case he heard me.

  Chloe raised her eyebrows at me questioningly as she left the room and I tensed as she opened the door. I heard a familiar male voice; fuck it was Damien. What was he doing here? I thought I’d made it perfectly clear I didn’t want anything more to do with him. Not just tonight, but never as far as I was concerned. It was safer that way. No contact, no risk of emotional ties, no broken heart.

  I heard Chloe say something, she sounded like she was protesting and when I looked up, Damien was standing in the living room doorway glaring at me.

  “Did you really think getting Chloe to tell me you’re not here would work? Your car is in the driveway. Stop being such a fucking anti-social bitch all the time. I’m not here to ask for you damn hand in marriage.” He snapped.

  Instantly he pissed me off with his words. “So why are you here? I thought I told you we were done for this evening.” I shot back at him. I was aware that Chloe had sat down again and was making no effort to hide the fact that she was finding our conversation far more interesting than the TV.

  “I don’t suffer from short term memory loss.” He growled. “I came to give you something.”

  I tensed at his words. Was he going to push the blood on me? Well not in front of Chloe surely? I watched him reach into his pocket and pull out something and when I realised what it was, I’m sure I turned redder than my hair. That bastard, I was going to kill him. A stake to the heart, would that do it? The arrogant, fucking prick smirking down at me, obviously revelling in my discomfort, held my panties in his hand, letting them dangle from his fingers.

  “I came to return your panties babe. You rushed off so fast and were so insistent you wouldn’t come home with me, that I had no choice but to be a true gentleman and return them to you.” Humour gleamed in his beautiful eyes but I was too busy shooting daggers at him from mine, and wishing Chloe wasn’t around so I could smash something into the asshole’s head like maybe the lounge? Maybe I could smash it over his head with Chloe still sitting on it?

  I heard Chloe’s gasp and my gaze shot to her briefly but she was too busy staring at the tiny lace panties in Damien’s hand to notice my look.

  I jumped up, nearly whimpering and snatched them from his hand refusing to look up into his openly grinning face. That smug bastard was enjoying my discomfort but when I finally, reluctantly met his gaze, he’d sobered and I could see the concern on his face. Damn ass didn’t miss a bloody thing.

  “You’re sore babe. Let me help you.” He said stepping towards me.

  “What’s wrong Flame? Did you pull a muscle? Did she pull a muscle?” She firstly asked me before turning to Damien.

  “You could say that.” He replied before his gaze returned to mine. He quirked an eyebrow at me as if waiting to see how I would respond, but I wasn’t an idiot. No way in hell was I saying a damn thing.

  Finally he turned to Chloe. “If you’ll excuse us, I’m taking Flame upstairs so I can help her out with that…ah…muscle cramp.” He told her but I could hear the barely suppressed laughter in his voice.

  He slipped an arm around my shoulders which I immediately tried to shrug off, angrily whispering to him to stop touching me. Of course the asshole ignored me and began leading me from the room.

  “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” I hissed but he merely chuckled softly before steering me towards the stairs.

  “I hope whatever Damien does, helps Flame.” Chloe called out and I heard a snort of barely contained laughter erupt from him.

  When he finally got me upstairs and into my room, as soon as the door was closed, I turned on him. “How dare you embarrass me like that.” I raged. “You know what Chloe’s going to be thinking now don’t you?”

  He looked slightly puzzled. “Umm, I guess she’s going to wonder if we’ve had sex or at least done some heavy petting.” He grinned.

  “I don’t want her or Cassie to know anything has happened between you and I. Make her forget.”

  His expression darkened. “I’m not fucking going to make her forget. It’s not the end of the damn world you know, that someone has found out we’ve had sex. Stop overreacting to everything.”

  “She only knows because you had to turn up here and whip my panties out of your pocket like some damn magician.” I fumed.

  “Oh for fuck sakes Flame I didn’t come here to argue with you. I came to give you blood. I can see how sore you are. You distract me because you drive me so damn crazy. I don’t want you to get in trouble at work. It’s just’s just that you’re so damn tight…” He trailed off. Finally he raised his gorgeous eyes to mine. “Just let me help you and stop arguing with me all the time. The blood will help. Why are you so reluctant to let me help you?”

  “Because it seems so personal and I don’t do personal. I don’t get involved and I don’t get close to people. People always let you down. Eventually they fuck you up, they hurt you. I learned a long time ago not to let anyone close. It doesn’t end well. If I let you help me, I’m letting you in.” I shot the words at him, fighting the conflicting emotions I felt around this frustrating vampire.

  He studied me for a moment before giving me a lopsided grin. “Sorry to burst your delusional bubble babe, but fucking someone is about as personal as it gets. Nothing more personal than when you have a dick inside that tight cunt of yours you know. You can relax. The blood will only heal you; it’s not going to make you vampire, or make you fall madly in love with me. We won’t be bound to one another. You are free to go anytime you wish. Just let me do this for you. You’re walking like my dick is up your ass now, so you’ll be worse by tomorrow. Do you work tomorrow night?” He asked and I nodded. “So stop being such an argumentative, stubborn pain in my ass then, and let me help you.”

  His words got my back up and even though I knew he was trying to help me, I still felt a compulsion to fight him every step of the way. Right now, I really wanted to hit him, no dammit, I wanted to peg something at his head, so fuck it, I was going to. I glanced around the room and my eyes fell on the remote for the small TV in my room.

  “Don’t even think about it sweetheart.” His voice warned, but it was too late, the remote was flying at his head. Of course throwing things at vampires was probably not a good idea as he simply reached up with a speed that left his arm a blur to me, and snatched the remote out of the air, before it got anywhere near hitting him. He tossed it onto the bed before advancing on me, wagging a finger and shaking his head.

  I tried to back up, not exactly scared of him, but wary about what he might do all the same. I stumbled slightly but before I coul
d regain my balance, Damien lunged, grabbing me, and pulled me into his arms.

  I cried out, my cries silenced by his lips as they covered mine and with just one kiss, one touch, one breath which drew his gorgeous scent into my nostrils, I was lost again; desire surging through me like a brush fire. His lips teased mine until I opened to him and his arms pulled me closer, moulding my body to his. I sighed into his mouth, my hands lifting to tunnel through his hair, loving the feel of his soft and silky strands.

  As his tongue swept into my mouth, it found mine, licking it, tasting me before tangling with mine in a sensual dance, similar to the way our bodies twisted around one another. How did he do this to me? How did he have me fighting with him and almost hating him one moment, to desperately wanting him the next? He was the most frustrating man I’d ever encountered and yet I’d never desired a man as much as I did Damien. He annoyed me, frustrated me, confused and confounded me, and yet he stirred things in me I’d never felt before, and those feelings alone were enough to scare the absolute crap out of me.

  Chapter Eleven


  Damien knew he had to stop. Flame was too sore for him to fuck her again, but it was hard to let her go and his cock obviously didn’t give a shit how sore she was, as it pushed eagerly against the zip of his jeans. His mind told him one thing, his body was telling him another as he ran his hands down her back, curving her into him so he could grind his aching erection against her.

  She gave a soft throaty moan and he felt his cock jerk in reaction. Fuck he wanted her again. What was it about her? He never wanted to fuck the same woman more than for one night. Of course he’d fuck a woman more than once, but not for more than one night. The only exceptions to the rule had been Chloe and Cassie, but they were merely there for them if they couldn’t find someone else and their needs became urgent enough. They were like ‘last resort fucks.’

  With Flame it was different. She stirred him up in so many ways with her fiery nature; the way she fought him constantly, taunted him, swore at him, stirred him up and seemed to go out of her way to drive him crazy at every turn. Yet she had the ability to tease him, tempt him and turn him on like no other woman ever had. He didn’t know why she was different, but he knew he didn’t like it. He didn’t do relationships, he had no desire for happily ever after, and happily ever after was a long fucking time when vampire. He could watch his sire with Sirene, Lucian and Arissa, and even Dominick with Allegra, but never did he feel even just the tiniest bit of envy for them. He liked being a free spirit, and he doubted there was a woman anywhere that could make him want to spend eternity with her. Just the thought of looking into the same face, eyes and sticking his cock in that same old cunt day after day nearly made him break out in a cold sweat.

  With a groan, he tore his lips from Flame’s and stepped back, watching her stormy eyes as she met his, her breasts rising and falling with every ragged breath she took. Damn her for making him want her so much. He needed to focus. He wasn’t here to fuck her, he was here to heal her, that was it. He needed to stay out from between her thighs because it seemed after watching his sire and brothers, that too many times fucking the same woman was what stuffed it for them. Their cunts cast some sort of spell over the vampires and suddenly men who had been living their lives free and fucking whoever they wanted and whenever they wanted, were suddenly pussy whipped, only wanting the one cunt. Well not for him, no fucking way. He liked variety and no one cunt was going to somehow control him.

  “Is something wrong?” Flame was staring at him curiously and he shook his head to try and clear the turbulent thoughts raging through him right now. He needed to focus and do what he’d come here to do. He needed to ignore the painful pressure of his cock against the denim of his jeans, heal her then get the hell out of there before he let his dick rule him again. He could just take himself in hand when he got home; he didn’t need to risk her fucking with his head any more by putting his cock inside her again.

  “I’m fine. Come into the bathroom as this can be a little messy.” He headed into it before turning to watch her walk slowly in after him. Shit but she was sore. It was obvious in the stiff way she moved, her steps careful, her stance similar looking to someone who had spent long hours in the saddle.

  When she’d finally made it to his side, he fought to ignore the scent of her arousal which rose around her. Damn, she was going to drive him out of his mind at this rate. With an angry growl, he bit down on his wrist, tearing a chunk of flesh aside and immediately began to bleed freely from the gaping wound.

  “Oh my god Damien, are you nuts? Does it hurt?” She asked.

  “Of course it fucking hurts woman, what sort of stupid question is that? Now fucking well feed from me.” He shoved his arm in her face.

  “Don’t yell at me you asshole.” She snapped.

  “Don’t call me an asshole you fucking pain in my ass.” He shot back.

  “Me; a pain in YOUR ass? You’re the pain in the ass, not me you fucking idiot.” She yelled.

  “Don’t call me a fucking idiot.” He roared back, anger burning in his eyes. “For fuck sakes will you stop arguing with me and drink the damn blood before I bleed out all over you fucking bathroom floor.” He said, shoving his arm in her face again.

  She looked down and her eyes widened at the pool of blood already over the tiles. “Look at the mess you’ve made.” She moaned.

  “You’re complaining about the mess now? If you’d just taken my blood and not argued with me, it would be in you and not all over the fucking floor.”

  “I’m not cleaning that up.” She glared at him. “You made the mess you…” She stopped abruptly when he finally lost his patience with her and shoved his wrist into her mouth. Bloody annoying woman, he should have left her sore. It would serve her fucking well right. He tried to help her and still she did nothing but fucking complain. He was the one bleeding out all over the fucking floor not her but no, she can’t be worried about him dying, she had to be more worried about the blood on the damn floor.

  After one garbled attempt to argue with him around his bloodied wrist, finally he felt her begin to suck from the wound, drinking his blood. He watched as he eyes shot up to his and he saw the surprise then the growing pleasure as she clearly enjoyed the taste.

  Finally when he thought she’d had enough, allowing for what he’d lost all over the floor, he pulled away and rubbed his blood over the wound until it began to heal.

  Flame was standing watching him her expression stunned, and he turned from her to hide his grin. For once it seemed she was actually lost for words; for a few moments at least. Despite his initial refusal to do so, he grabbed handfuls of toilet paper and began to clean up the blood from the floor. That seemed to be enough to snap her out of her dazed state and she bent to help him. Still she was silent as she cleaned, and he wished he’d fed her blood earlier than this, if that was all it took to shut the damn woman up.

  “So how do you feel?” He finally asked, wondering why she was so unnaturally silent.

  “I…I’m not sure. It’s like a rush, like being tipsy but not quite like that, but I feel this energy surging through me. Is it always like that?”

  “It affects everyone differently but a feeling like an energy rush is quite normal. Does it still hurt? Are you still sore inside?”

  She walked away from him and back again, her movements fluid, normal looking. There was no more of the walking like something was wedged firmly up her ass. “Well you look normal. Come here.” He beckoned to her and she frowned, not moving.

  “What do you want?” She gave him a wary look.

  “Dammit Flame. Do you have to argue with me all the time? Do you ever do anything anyone asks you to do the first damn time?” He ground out.

  She frowned at his question. “You know, it’s only you. You just seem to bring out the worst in me, or is it that you just piss me off more than anyone else does?”

  Damien raised his eyes to the ceiling as if it could somehow o
ffer him some answers as to how to deal with her. When he thought he could touch her without strangling her he lunged, dragging her into his arms. With one arm tightly around her, he pulled up her dress with his free hand and reached between her legs to push two fingers deep inside her.

  Big mistake, she was soaked, almost dripping and his damn over eager cock immediately stood to attention, ready for some action. Fuck her for having this effect on him. He couldn’t stay, he had to get the hell out of there. He’d done what he’d come to do. He’d given her blood so it was time to go.

  Still he stood though, fingers still buried in her, feeling her heat, feeling how wet she was and he wanted her; he wanted to fuck her. He couldn’t though. He’d just given himself the huge mental lecture about not getting involved, not allowing any woman to pussy whip him, being a free spirit, and with just one touch of her warm wet cunt he was ready to do the very thing he’d vowed he wouldn’t do.

  Flame gave a soft moan as he twisted his fingers inside her, grazing over her sensitive spot and he felt his cock jerk in reaction. Dammit, he had to walk away.

  He felt her muscles close around his fingers, clenching, and drawing them in deeper. He ground his teeth together when the scent of her arousal rose around him but he had to go. It didn’t matter how good she felt, how much her scent drove him wild; it didn’t matter how desperately he wanted to sink into her wet heat, he had to go.

  Damien flinched when her hand came out cupping the rigid length of his cock through his jeans and he surged forward against her palm as she rubbed him, teasing him, making him want more. He groaned, torn between wanting her and yet needing to go. Dammit, he had to go.


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