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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 19

by J. a Melville

  “Well are you just going to stand like that all night?” Sirene asked.

  “We can’t move, the lights have gone up.” Damien ground out.

  Francesca erupted into another round of laughter and I was tempted to hit her for getting so much enjoyment out of our discomfort. She was pissing me off with her constant amusement over the situation I’d allowed Damien to get me into, and when she made one more joke at our expense, I saw red. I mentally snatched up a beer can I saw sitting on a table to the side of the dance floor and threw it at her.

  Before it hit her, Fabian reached up with blindingly fast reflexes and grabbed it. “Not the wisest thing to do oh fiery one; we are in a very public place and you are in a quite compromising position. Perhaps not the best time to potentially draw attention to yourself.” He warned.

  “What the fuck was that?” Fran snapped. “You threw that at me?” She looked both surprised and annoyed when she turned to me. “Don’t piss me off. You’re a mere human, I’m vampire and ask anyone here, I don’t have any problem causing others embarrassment. I’m well known for not having a filter on my mouth. I will always say whatever the hell I want to say. I’m sure you wouldn’t like me to let everyone here, know you’ve been having sex on the dance floor.” She deliberately raised her voice and I cringed, my eyes darting around to the people near us but no one appeared to have heard anything.

  “Enough Francesca.” Fabian warned. “Come, we will position ourselves strategically around you and give you a chance to remove yourselves from this situation you are in.” His voice was serious but I could see the humour in his eyes. Well at least someone found this funny. I ground my teeth together for being stupid enough to let Damien talk me into sex on the dance floor. Damn man and his damn sex appeal, and that fucking cock of his that could always turn me to putty when he brought the thing anywhere near me.

  “Are you going to be much longer Fabian because Cassie’s really not feeling too well?” I groaned when Chloe suddenly turned up; I was beginning to wish the floor would just open up and swallow me. Why had I let him talk me into this? This was getting beyond a joke now.

  “Oh for fuck sakes, how about we sell tickets.” I snapped and Chloe gaped at me, her eyes filled with shock at my outburst.

  “Flame, what’s wrong?” She asked. “Are you coming with us? Cassie’s not well and Fabian’s offered to drive us home but he needed to…” Her voice trailed off as it finally registered with her that Damien was standing behind me, his arms circling my waist.

  “Oh so you two are back together then?” She asked.

  Francesca burst out laughing again and I glared at her. “Yeah, they’re back together alright, in fact you might say they’re attached to one another.” She just managed to get the words out before dissolving into another round of laughter.

  “Francesca.” Damien warned her. I could feel the vibration of his voice through me since he was practically glued to my back. He just about was too, with us still joined together, although he was softening a little. The man wasn’t fazed by much obviously but it was more than that, I remembered that he’d said being vampire meant he would need to come more than once to lose his erection.

  “I have to go.” Sirene suddenly announced. “It’s time for my last set.” She turned to Fabian. “You will be ok and get the girls home?” She asked him and he smiled down at her.

  “We will all be fine my beauty.” He bent and kissed her, his lips moving gently over hers for a moment before he straightened. “Don’t worry about us. I shall sort this situation out.”

  When Sirene got back on stage, as the first strains of the music started, the lights were blessedly lowered again, plunging us back into near darkness.

  “I trust you two will be able to sort yourselves out now?” Fabian asked. “I wish to get the ladies home and I will take Francesca with me.” He gave her his penetrating stare when she went to protest. “I think you have stirred things up enough. You are coming with me.”

  She shot another glance at us. “Have fun you two.” She said before laughing softly. “Oh wait a minute. You’ve already had your fun. That’s what got you into this position in the first place. Might I suggest a less public place, next time you two feel the need to fuck?” She gave that sardonic smile of hers and followed Fabian off the dance floor and from the club.

  As soon as they were gone, I twisted my head around to look up at Damien. “For fuck sakes, get out of me now.” I snapped. “I can’t believe how this night has gone. Why, why do I let you talk me into these things? Fucking on a dance floor? Was I fucking nuts? Could that have gotten any more embarrassing? Bloody hell; your sire, Sirene, that bitch sister of yours and Chloe, damn Chloe, she’s going to give me hell about this. She’s a true romantic. She’s going to turn this into us being so overcome with our desire for one another that we gave into our urges and fucked here. Not what it really was, more a dare, a thrill to have sex in public and risk being caught. Well we got caught, by damn near all of your fucking family.” I groaned. “Why, why do I keep letting you in?”

  His arms tightened around me, not quite the response I’d expected. “Don’t do this Flame. Don’t turn this into a reason for you to run again. The sex was incredible; sex with you is incredible. I have little control around you; I wanted you, and yes the thrill of potentially being caught added to the intensity of it, but it’s not just that, it’s you. You turn me on like no other woman ever has; I can’t pretend that isn’t so. Don’t shit on this now, and don’t fucking run from me, or I won’t ever remove my cock from your cunt.”

  I wiggled defiantly at his words but that didn’t help at all when I felt him harden inside me again. The brush of his piercings made me clamp down around him and my heart rate picked up as a wave of excitement coursed through me. Dammit, just like that, despite the embarrassment I’d just suffered through, I wanted him again. What was it with him? Why did all rational thought go and the demands of my body take over?

  “Oh fuck babe. You’re so tight and wet and fuck it, I want you so much.” He began to lazily move his hips again in time to the music and I gasped, my gasp turning into a whimper when the movement rubbed the metal in his cock against my highly sensitised flesh. “I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you until you come, I want to make you scream and I can’t do that here.” He murmured in my ear.

  Abruptly he pulled out of me and hastily zipped his hard cock back into his jeans. I felt our cum start to run down my legs, but there was no time to worry or think about it, before Damien took my hand and began to pull me off the dance floor.

  His stride was long and he seemed to be in a hurry, making me have to run a few steps to keep up with him. Even when we were off the dance floor he didn’t stop, continuing to drag me towards the doors that led to the club’s car park.

  When we finally stepped outside, he hesitated for the first time and his gaze was wary when he looked down at me.

  “I want you to come home with me babe. I want you to do it without regret, without freaking out, flipping out or running off like you always do. I’m tired of fighting this attraction I have for you. I know you feel it too. You have fought it every bit as hard as I have; but for me I’m done fighting it. Wanting you to come home with me does not mean I’m going to try and control you or hold you back. When you want to leave town, I will not stop you.” His bright green eyes searched mine. “Will you come home with me, please Flame?”

  I stared up at him, and my immediate thought was to throw some flippant, sarcastic comment at him, like I always did when in a situation I couldn’t control. I opened my mouth, ready to say something to piss him off, before doing exactly as he was accusing me of, running. Before the words could pass my lips though, I stopped.

  My eyes moved over his face; he was so handsome, stunning in fact. He was gorgeous, magnificent; he was sex on legs. He was also right. Sex with him was mind-blowing. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. It was funny too because with him, I had no issue with thing
s flying around the room, and for the first time I realised it wasn’t only me. Sure other men had made me come, but no one had ever made me come the way Damien could. It wiped me of all coherent thought because all I could focus on was him, his touch, his cock, the sheer impact he had on me when we had sex. It was almost profound and I think somehow, he grounded me, even while he was shooting me to the stars with the most amazing orgasms.

  I shivered, that tiny frisson of fear making its way up my spine. Somehow, somewhere along the way, while I’d fought hard not to let this vampire get to me, somehow that was exactly what he’d done. It wasn’t love, I didn’t love him; these feelings I had couldn’t be love. I couldn’t ever love him. I had to be careful I was never that stupid. To love a man like him would be a huge mistake; to love a vampire an even bigger one. There was no possibility of a future together for us. Even if we could have a relatively normal relationship, nothing would change the fact that I was human so I would age and he as vampire wouldn’t.

  I realised I’d left him hanging waiting for my reply, and when I focused on him again, dragging my thoughts away from my fears and concerns, he was still watching me, still waiting for me to respond.

  I could see the wariness in his expression; a hint of impatience, desire and his need for me burning in those bright green eyes. My gaze dropped from his face and landed on his waist before shifting lower, to the bulge of his erection. Could I walk away? Did I really want to? I stared at the large ridge of his cock and finally conceded that I didn’t. I wanted him, just thinking about him inside me made my pussy clench with need, and suddenly the answer was clear to me. I would go home with him.

  “Babe are you ok? You’re really quiet. What’s going on behind those beautiful eyes?” His deep voice flowed over me filled with concern.

  “Nothing.” I replied. “I had to think about it and you’re right, I do run but I do what I have to do out of self-preservation. I move around a lot, and I prefer not to be emotionally tied to anyone.” I tried to explain.

  Damien simply gave me a hint of a smile. “I keep telling you babe, I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m not looking to lock you up in my sire’s dungeon; I just want to fuck you and spend some time with you, maybe get to know you a bit. Don’t over complicate it. You’re not the only one battling unfamiliar feelings. I fuck and I don’t go back for seconds normally. That’s how it’s been for decades, until I met you. I don’t know why you’re different; why I want you over and over again, but let’s just enjoy it while we can. When we’re done, you go do what you have to do and I’ll move on too. What do you say?”

  “Ok.” I said, giving him a tremulous smile. “Take me home with you Damien. Fuck me, spend time with me, let’s enjoy the here and now; we don’t think about tomorrow.”

  I saw the heat of his desire flare in his eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.” He said, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Come on.” He held out his hand and with a shaky breath I placed my hand in his, feeling his cool fingers close around them and on suddenly trembling legs, I followed him to his car.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Damien couldn’t believe it. Flame had agreed to come home with him. Shit, just thinking about having hours to fuck her every way possible made his cock ache with need.

  As he drove towards his sire’s home, he couldn’t believe he had her. Flame was in the car with him and willingly this time. Normally it was her giving in because she couldn’t say no, then afterwards she’d practically beat him around the head and run off, hurling insults at him as she ran.

  He couldn’t help grinning to himself. They were quite a pair as it turned out. He was determined not to end up like his sire and siblings, and Flame was determined not to find herself tied down by anyone who could interfere with her need to be a free spirit. Yet here they were together, on the way to Fabian’s home where he lived too. It felt surprisingly good to have her with him, to know he was going to have her with him for hours. For the first time ever, spending time with a woman and not just all for sex excited him. He had to face it; she had wormed her way in under his skin. He liked her, really liked her. She challenged him, gave him no end of shit, mouthed off at him and was one huge pain in his ass, but he liked her, he liked that she argued and gave him hell. Fuck, he was in trouble; inside he knew there was more going on here than his burning need to stick his cock in her.

  “So does Fabian really have a dungeon?” Flame’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  “He glanced over at her, grinning widely. “He sure does babe. It’s an elaborate home my sire has. Big and with the dungeon, plus rooms that he once used to open to people who wanted to play.”

  “Play, play what?”

  He chuckled at her question. “Sexual play babe; Fabian has rooms where people could act out sexual fantasies. They’re all still there, but no one really uses them anymore.”

  “So none of you have any sexual fantasies then?”

  Damien silently groaned. Did they have to have this conversation now? His cock was about to burst free of his jeans and she wanted to ask him about sexual fantasies? He was already primed for sex and talking about sexual fantasies might push him over the edge. Damn, he needed to get her under him or on him as quickly as possible, and he sure as hell didn’t need to play games to get her there.

  “We’ve all played at some stage but I don’t need a lot of bells and whistles to get off and I carry my toy right here.” He cupped himself as he shot a quick look at her. “I got the fucker pierced for mine and the woman’s pleasure and so far no one’s ever complained it wasn’t enough. Why, do you want to play?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve never really thought about it. I don’t normally get too involved with anyone. I haven’t, since the man I accidently hurt during sex. Acting out fantasies and playing games aren’t really the things to do with a stranger. I think a deep level of trust would need to be established first.”

  Damien felt a surge of relief at her answer. He would take her to the dungeon and show her the rooms if she wanted to see them sometime, but not tonight. Tonight he just wanted her, naked, his cock buried deep inside her. The only toy that might be useful for her at some stage was a butt plug to start preparing that tight little ass of hers for his cock. He wanted to fuck it badly but she was so damned tight, he couldn’t risk hurting her or that would be it. She’d never let him anywhere near her again.

  They were both silent for the rest of the drive and it was a relief to him when he finally pulled into the driveway of Fabian’s home. He helped Flame from the car and watched her expression as she stared up at the imposing but sprawling home of his sire’s.

  “This house is huge and it kind of reminds me of something out of a horror movie.” She flashed a grin in his direction. “Sort of fitting for vampires to live in I guess.”

  “Are you implying we’re creepy and scary?” He grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs to the front door.

  “Well, given I’m standing at the front door of the home of one vampire and with another one, I think it would be unwise to imply anything wouldn’t it? I am in a very vulnerable position.”

  Damien laughed out loud. He was surprised. Flame actually had a sense of humour, but it was the first time she’d used it around him. Normally she was insulting him and arguing.

  “I think you’re more than capable of looking after yourself babe. It’s me who is more vulnerable to you than the other way around I suspect.”

  Once he’d let them into the house, they began the walk down the long corridor. He could see that she was looking all around her, obviously curious, but she didn’t say anything and neither did he. His only objective right now was to get her to bed and not to sleep either.

  When they passed by the living room he glanced in hoping to find it empty since he wasn’t in the mood for talking to anyone, but he wasn’t so lucky; Adrian, Fabian and Sirene’s legitimate son was there.

  “Damien, you’re home and who do we have he
re?” Adrian climbed gracefully to his feet and walked towards them. “Oh wait a minute. I know who this is. You’re Flame aren’t you? I’ve heard so much about you.” He said, holding his hand out to her and she took it, her eyes widening when rather than shaking it, he raised it to his lips and brushed them against her skin.

  Damien shot a look at Flame’s face to see her reaction to Adrian but he couldn’t see any obvious interest showing in her eyes. Women tended to go crazy over him, although they’d never seen him show obvious interest in anyone, and he’d never brought a woman to the house. Maybe he was gay, Damien didn’t know and he wasn’t going to ask his sire or Adrian.

  “Father was here after taking Cassandra and Chloe home. He’s gone back to the club for mother and then they were going hunting. You’ll probably miss seeing them again tonight since I’m sure you’ll be...busy.” He paused briefly, a smile flashing across his face. “Father did tell me about you and Flame.” He smiled, his eyes alight with humour. “I heard you got your dick caught inside her at the club. I know you’ve never been the shy retiring type Damien, but perhaps stick to busting some moves on the dance floor from now on that don’t involve flopping your cock out.”

  “Oh very fucking funny Adrian. Good night. We’ll leave you and your smart mouth now.” He snapped and dragged Flame after him. He led her down the hallway towards the wing where all the bedrooms were. Normally he’d head straight for the communal room when he brought a woman or women home, but this woman was different. He wanted her in his room, in his bed. He wanted to share his private domain with her. He wasn’t sure why she was different, he wasn’t sure why having her in his own bedroom was important to him, but he wasn’t going to spend too much time thinking about this evening. Right now he just wanted her naked and in his bed.


  I let Damien lead me down yet another long hallway in this vast home of Fabian’s. I was still cringing after the embarrassing encounter with Fabian and Sirene’s son. Did these bloody vampires share everything that happened? What was the deal with Adrian? How was he Fabian and Sirene’s son given they were both vampires, and how many fucking rooms did this house have?” I wondered as we passed door after door.


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