Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

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Passion And Fire (Passion #4) Page 21

by J. a Melville

  Now as he lay looking at Flame’s sleeping form, he waited, expecting to feel some sense of panic, maybe even a restlessness or a desire to get her the hell out of his bed, but there was nothing. It was actually nice to have her next to him. It was really nice to have her not hurling some insult at him and running like he was used to. Of course she wasn’t awake yet, so that could change once she was.

  He grinned as he stared at her. She was on her side, facing him, one hand over her head and the other one tucked under her cheek. Her lips were parted slightly and her face was partially obscured by her riotous mane of red hair. Fuck she had some hair, and right now it was spread out over her pillow, her face and some was even on his pillow. He lifted a few strands to his nostrils, breathing in the fresh vanilla scent of her shampoo.

  Suddenly she moved, stretching in her sleep, her body bowed, her back arched, which caused the sheets to slip enough that one of her breasts popped out, playing peekaboo with him. He might have been ok staring at the curve of her full breast, but when she made some throaty moan as she stretched, the sound was so sexy his cock immediately stood to attention.

  He leaned towards her and closed his lips over her nipple, sucking on it, feeling it harden in his mouth. Slowly he circled the erect peak with his tongue, before gently taking it between his teeth and pulling on it.

  Flame made another low sound in her throat but when he shot a glance at her face, her eyes were still closed. He hooked the sheet with one finger and began to lower it, watching as more and more of her gorgeous body was revealed to him. He could see the bumps of her ribs in her side, the muscles of her stomach which still looked firm despite her body being at rest.

  When he got the sheet low enough, leaving it so it sat on her thigh his eyes dropped to the delights she kept sheltered and protected between her legs. Unfortunately with one knee raised it blocked his view of her sweet cunt but he could still smell her. The scent that rose around him, teasing his nostrils was her sweetness and him. He could smell the evidence of their mutual release on her, and it was a heady mix that instantly made him want back inside her again.

  His gaze lifted to her face and he caught her, eyes opened to just the barest of slits as she watched him. He grinned and shifted his hips forward bumping his rock hard cock against her stomach. “Good morning babe. So are you ok, or is this the bit where you hurl a few insults at me, remind me what a loser I am, gather up your clothes and high tail it out of here?”

  “I don’t know Damien, would you like me to do that?” She asked her voice husky with sleep. “Oh and isn’t it night time now, so shouldn’t you be saying good night?”

  “Yeah it’s night time but we still say good morning. It’s morning to us. Soon we will all rise and go hunt for blood meals.” He arched his hips, pressing his cock more firmly against her. “I’m hoping that I can persuade you to help me with this little problem and let me sample more of that mouth-watering life force you have. You have the sweetest blood babe. It’s hard to stop drinking from you sometimes.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “Little problem? Don’t give me that shit Damien. False modesty does not become you. You know you’re fucking hung like a damn horse; everyone who's ever been with you would know that. Why do you think I nicknamed you Megadick? You have the potential to split a gal in half with that cock of yours so don’t try and act like you don’t already know how big you are.”

  He chuckled at her outburst. “Good old Flame, always so sweet with the compliments. Well, now that you have set me straight, you still haven’t answered my question. I would like to put my ‘huge cock’ inside your beautiful little cunt and fuck you until we both come. I will then feed you some of my blood to make sure you don’t suffer any lingering effects from me putting my ‘huge cock’ inside you and then perhaps if you are interested, we can shower together. What do you say?” His lips twitched with amusement each time he emphasised the words big cock.

  He watched as her eyes widened and her lips parted. His eyes followed its path as her tongue came out and swept along her full bottom one and she shifted on the mattress until she was closer to him. One hand disappeared under the sheet and grasped his swollen dick, caressing it, plucking at the piercings before giving him one hard squeeze and releasing him. He groaned, trying to stay focused on her, but wanting her so much.

  “Well…” She stopped and again licked her bottom lip driving him that little bit closer to insanity. “I would definitely like to do what you are proposing but I have one problem with it.” She paused and he groaned. What the fuck was she going to come up with next? Damn this woman was so unpredictable. He couldn’t figure her out half the time. Perhaps that was why she intrigued him so much. “I really, really, oh so badly want to…pee.” She finished, lowering her tone until her voice flowed over him seductively, making him horny as hell until her words registered, and then he burst out laughing.

  He bent towards her, noisily kissing her; nothing more than a loud smacking kiss, rolling onto his back with his hands propped under his head as he watched her climb from the bed and walk naked through to his bathroom. The good thing about her job was she had no false sense of modesty; no desire to try and cover her body from his gaze. She simply walked past, not attempting to shield her stunning self from him. God damn, she was magnificent to look, at and he didn’t take his eyes off her until she’d closed the door behind her.

  He waited for the door to open again, growing more and more impatient and frustrated when she took longer than he expected. He stared at the sheet which rose up from his cock pushing it up like a tent, noticing a tiny wet spot where the over eager damn thing had already wept some pre cum. No one but Flame could get him all worked up and horny as a school boy all the time.

  Growing more impatient as his bathroom door still remained closed; he slipped a hand under the sheet and grabbed his cock. Curling his fingers around it firmly, he slowly began to jerk off, not putting in much effort; just doing it almost absentmindedly. Even when the door to the bathroom suddenly opened and Flame stood there, he still didn’t stop what he was doing.

  She propped herself up against the door frame watching him. “Aw did you get bored did you?” She asked amusement in her voice. “Found yourself something to play with? I bet you do that a lot don’t you?”

  Damien grinned at her, but didn’t stop what he was doing. She’d brushed her hair because it was no longer sticking up all over her head like it had been, and he could smell the scent of peppermint so she’d brushed her teeth. “You know you could always come here and help a man out. It’s not fair to leave him to take care of matters on his own.”

  “Well I was actually thinking of going home.” She said, stretching before folding her arms over her chest and giving him a challenging look.

  Damn her, his stomach plunged. Was she bloody serious? He was fucking not letting her out of his bedroom until he’d had her again. He leapt to his feet and was by her side in a split second. Her eyes shot open wide and she looked up at him, surprise on her face.

  “You’re not going anywhere babe. I know you don’t have to work tonight so don’t even think about trying to go home now. I’m not driving you and I’ll tie you to the fucking bed if I have to.”

  “Promises, promises.” She whispered and Damien felt his cock jerk in reaction to her huskily spoken words.

  “You’ve got me horny as hell for you now babe and I had something I wanted to try for both of us, but I can’t wait that long now. I’m going to fuck you hard and fast up against this wall right here.” He pointed to the wall alongside of the bathroom doorway. “Then I’m going to do something for both of us that will give us the most incredible, intense, mind blowing orgasms. Are you prepared to let me do that? Will you trust me to take care of you and make you come in ways you have never come before?”

  He felt Flame tremble against him as his lips crashed down on hers, his tongue plunging into her mouth; kissing her, hungrily, urgently. Whenever he touched her, the intensity of it was
always explosive and as his tongue licked over hers, he felt an answering passion, in her response to him. She groaned low in her throat, and he felt his cock get even harder at the sound of it. His need for her grew and he knew she felt the same; he could feel it in the restless movements of her hands through his hair.

  Finally he lifted his head and suddenly hoisted her up in his arms, pushing her against the wall with an audible thump, which made some paintings sway slightly on their hooks.

  As her legs closed around his hips, he thrust up, slamming into her, feeling her stretching and opening to him; letting him into her. When he hit against her womb, he paused, feeling every hot, sweet, wet inch of her amazing cunt tighten around him. He held himself still, fighting the desire to pound into her. He’d fucked her a few times now and not given her blood; he needed to let her adjust to him. Part of what made sex with her so fucking good was how tight she was. Her cunt was like a vice around him, but he knew because he was such a tight fit, it was easy to hurt her.

  He couldn’t keep still any longer; he needed to move, he had to fuck her. Slowly, keeping his thrusts shallow at first, he began to slide gently, in and out of her. It wasn’t enough though and his teeth slammed together as he struggled to contain his overwhelming need to fuck her hard and fast. Swearing under his breath, he tried to focus on something that would take his mind off being inside Flame’s hot little cunt. It didn’t work, and with a guttural growl, he gave up, his head dropping back, his control gone and he thrust into her harder, his hips driving her against the wall.

  Cursing under his breath because he knew he was probably hurting her, he tried to rein in his hunger, but a tiny rational part of him, that fraction of him that was human and not the animal, knew he was out of control. He could feel the pressure building in him; he was seriously close to coming too soon, before Flame did. She was just too good, too fucking amazing and too incredibly beautiful, and he couldn’t fight this any longer. He had to make her come first; he needed to bring her orgasm on quickly and feeding from her would guarantee that.

  He slowed the pace of his hips, fucking her with almost lazy movements as he leaned in to kiss her neck. He could feel her pulse beating frantically under his lips and without any warning; he buried his fangs in her. She cried out, her cry becoming a scream as he drank from her. Her scream turned to a cry and he heard her gasping and sobbing his name over and over again just before she started to come.

  When her internal muscles clamped around him, squeezing him, working along his cock in rhythmic waves, he gave in to his own orgasm. With a hard jerk of his hips, he began to pump into her, filling her, feeling her body tighten around him even more, milking him, draining him of every last drop.

  Damien leaned into her, holding her against the wall still. He was surprised at his behaviour. Normally he wanted out of the woman’s body quickly once he’d come. In his mind women were really only vessels for holding his cum, a warm wet place to put his dick, nothing more.

  She was crying again, and he was in two minds about how her emotional displays were affecting him. This was not normal behaviour for Flame. Was the sex that good it triggered a rush of emotions that were expressed through not just her coming, but also with tears? Was she perhaps regretting that she was here; that she was giving herself to him more than once, when this was not typical behaviour for her? Shit, dipping his cock in the same woman wasn’t typical behaviour for him either, but he wasn’t sobbing about it.

  Dammit, he couldn’t think like that, but emotional displays always freaked him out. He didn’t know what it was that resulted in the waterworks from some women. He knew they could use tears to get what they wanted; they could be used as a tool to control a man, but fucked if that shit was going to work on him. Something told him Flame wasn’t the type to cry as a means of control though. There had to be a reason for her tears and as she continued to sob, tears dripping from her chin and landing on his chest, he knew he had to find out. The thing that surprised him the most was he wanted to know because he genuinely cared, and not because he felt he should ask just to be polite. Just as well because polite wasn’t exactly something he was very good at.

  Gently he reached out and cupped her cheek, sweeping his thumb through her tears in an attempt to slow them, but they were coming too quickly. “Babe, what’s wrong? This is twice I’ve brought you to tears after sex and I’m starting to get a complex about it.”

  “Nothing let me go.” She tried to push him back to get him to lower her to the floor but he wouldn’t let her. “Damien, please, I have to go, I can’t stay, let…me…go.”

  “No babe, not until you tell me what’s wrong.” He leaned against her that little bit more to make her realise he meant it. He was still hard inside her; she was impaled on him, and he had no intention of letting her off his cock until he was good and bloody ready. With his arms holding her, his body against hers and his cock wedged firmly inside her, he definitely had the advantage.

  “Why do you cry after sex Flame, and stop trying to avoid the question? I’m not letting you go until you answer me.” He shifted his hips, feeling her tighten around him again. “I’m keeping my dick inside you until you tell me what’s wrong. Now that could really fucking cramp your style next time you’re working, and trying to dance on that pole.” He warned her and saw the reluctant smile curve her lips.

  “’s…you don’t need to pretend you give a shit Damien. I know you enough to know you don’t give a shit about women. We’re simply here for you to fuck and feed from, and I’m sure you’ve done plenty of that over the decades, centuries, however fucking long you’ve been vampire for.”

  “Well yes, normally but you’re different, I told you that and don’t ask a vampire his age. It’s rude.”

  Flame snorted in his arms and it triggered a burst of sensation in his cock. He needed to get out of her. No way in hell could he have a serious conversation with his cock in her. His every instinct was screaming at him to say to hell with it, slam into her and not stop until they’d both come again, but he genuinely did want to know why she had cried the last couple of times they’d had sex.

  “Damien, for fuck sakes, let me down now. This is stupid. We don’t have a fucking relationship. You don’t give a shit about me anymore than I give a shit about you.” She wiggled in his arms and he groaned.

  Damn her she was fucking wrong; as much as it scared the absolute crap out of him to admit it, he did care about her. If he was honest with himself, he more than cared about her. He had to, he felt very different with her; he’d never felt like this before. The fact he wanted to fuck her over and over again was different. Only Cassie and Chloe had ever been fucked frequently by him, but that was because as far as he was concerned, they were little more than service fucks. He had been known to call them Clayton’s fucks. The fucks you have when you can’t find anyone else to fuck.

  Flame definitely stirred feelings unfamiliar to him. Hell, he had trouble getting it up with anyone else, but one look at her and he was hard. No, he couldn’t deny it any longer. She was slowly but surely worming her way in, and for the first time he was fearful for his heart.

  “I told you I feel something with you Flame, I don’t exactly know what it is, or why you make me feel different, but you do. Believe me, I do care about you. I don’t do this shit normally. I don’t have women in my room, in my bed, and no woman has ever slept with me; I mean to actually sleep. I like you, despite the shit you give me, I like you. Don’t do your usual shitting on me crap, to make me mad. You do this all the time. You try to make me so pissed off with you, I’m happy to let you run away. Well not this time.”

  “You’re a vampire Damien and a man whore. Let’s face it, have you ever given a shit about a woman before?” She quirked an eyebrow at him, her lips twisted.

  He could feel the familiar frustration and anger rising that she always seemed to stir in him. Why did this damn woman drive him so crazy? For fuck sakes, he wasn’t going to let her win this one though. She
admitted she pushed people away to protect herself; well she wasn’t going to do it to him, not while his cock was still inside her. They were about as close as they could be physically, but already, emotionally she was trying to back away.

  “You’re not going to do this to me babe. I’m not a fucking idiot. You piss me off to push me away; well forget it. My cock is inside you, feel it?” He pushed up into her and watched as her eyes closed, her lips parting on a soft sigh. “You can treat me like shit, insult me, push me away, but you can’t change this. You can no more control your body’s reaction to me than I can control mine to you. Now, stop pissing me off, stop trying to drive me away, and for fuck sakes stop trying to avoid the question. I want to know why you’re crying when we fuck? It’s more than just the release isn’t it? Talk to me, please.” He pulled her head down to him, brushing his lips over hers. “Come on babe. I’m not taking my dick out of you until you talk to me so don’t bother trying to get it out of you because it won’t work. You can throw everything you want at me but I’m not budging.” He wrapped his arms around her and straightened before carrying her to the bed.

  Carefully he lowered himself to the mattress, his arms locked around her so she couldn’t escape, and when he finally had them both lying down, he positioned them on their sides, his arms around her, and one leg helping to hold her down. He raised her head to meet his gaze but she seemed reluctant to look at him.

  “Talk to me. I told you and I’m serious, I’m going to keep my dick in you until you tell me what’s wrong. It’s going to get really awkward going everywhere joined like this, but hey, I don’t have to work.” He laughed softly. “Well, if you continue to be stubborn, I’ll be pole dancing tomorrow I guess. Is it tomorrow night you work next?” He asked and she nodded. “Seriously, why can’t you speak to me Flame? Why do you stay silent? Please babe, talk to me.”


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