Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

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Passion And Fire (Passion #4) Page 22

by J. a Melville


  I reluctantly met Damien’s eyes when he asked me again why I wouldn’t speak to him. It was hard to meet his eyes because revealing aspects of me to others was not something I was generally comfortable doing. Basically I’d avoided getting close to anyone for years.

  I wasn’t entirely sure why I’d broken down twice now after reaching orgasm. Ok the sex was intense, amazing and even now, lying here, my face pressed into Damien’s chest, his gorgeous scent filling my nostrils, it was hard to focus on anything but the feel of his large cock inside me. I was sure if I moved around, if I clenched my pussy I’d be able to distract him from pushing me for answers and appeal to his inner man whore and get him fucking me again.

  “Babe? Are you thinking about how to answer me or are you plotting my death?”

  That made me smile. He could come out with the funniest things. Dammit, I didn’t want to like him. It was Damien, he was a fucking vampire. We had no chance for a future. I knew that the minute I left town he’d be between the thighs of another woman and he’d forget all about me. The thing that terrified me was I wasn’t so sure I’d walk away without leaving a little of myself behind. He was inside me now. Well, literally he was. I was still full of his cock, but emotionally he had already left a piece of himself within my heart.

  “I’m not plotting your death and anyway you’re already dead. How does one kill a vampire? Is it like in the movies; decapitation, fire, wooden stake to the heart?”

  “Well I’m not sure it would be in my best interests to answer that one babe. Avoiding that sharp tongue of yours is bad enough. I don’t particularly wish to be ducking stakes, swords, knives, whatever you can find to use on me. The only thing I will tell you is that sunlight would normally have us all going up in flames but this stops that.” He pointed to the funny tattoo on his neck that looked like a barcode. “Ok, now you’ve deployed just about every stalling tactic you can, talk to me because I’m serious.” He tilted his hips, pushing his cock more firmly into me and I gasped at the feel of him sliding over my tender flesh. “You’re going to have my dick in you forever if you don’t speak to me.” He cupped my cheek, brushing his lips over my temple and pushing his fingers gently through my hair. “Please Flame. Just talk to me otherwise I’m going to have my self-confidence shot to shit. You’ll have me thinking I’m a lousy lay and that’s why you’re crying.” I felt his lips curve up against my skin where they still rested near my cheek.

  I snorted. “You know it’s not that Damien so stop with the false feeling sorry for yourself bullshit. You know how well you fuck. I bet the girls tell you that all the time.” I laughed before sobering. I would just say it quickly, tell him what he wanted to know, and maybe then, I could get it over with before the pain had a chance to truly surface. “My parents abandoned me when I was eighteen years old. Ok, not exactly a baby I know but there was no warning, no nothing. I came home from work one day and…and they’d gone. I…it was hard to suddenly have to go it alone. They’d left me nothing, no money, no forwarding address, not even any fucking furniture. The house was empty of nearly everything but my things and a few things to survive a couple of days until I was able to move in with a friend of mine.” I paused, the pain of what my parents had done colouring my voice. Could Damien tell? Did he know how much it had broken my heart?

  I felt his arms tighten around me and he kissed my temple. “Have you seen them since they left you? Did you ever get a chance for an explanation?”

  I gave a hollow sounding laugh. “Oh I know why they left. They were good to me.” My voice dripped sarcasm. “They left me a note. Every painful excuse for abandoning their only child was in that note.” I felt tears prick at my eyes again and fought to hold them back. “It’s because of what I am. I’m a freak, nothing more than a huge fucking freak and they didn’t want a freak for a daughter. See my parents were wealthy people, considered highly by the community where we lived and a daughter who is a telekinetic was not only embarrassing but quite simply, socially unacceptable.”

  “Fuck babe. That’s shit, and parents can be shit. Some people should never be parents and yours were obviously prime examples of people who should never have been allowed to breed. You’re not a freak, trust me. You’re gorgeous, stunning, the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I can say that confidently because no other woman has ever made me want her more than once. When it comes to you I can’t seem to get enough. You’re strong and independent, you’re smart too and I don’t just mean that mouth of yours. You are different, the way you make me feel is different and that’s not because you’re a fucking telekinetic. It’s not even a big part of you. I’m not exactly ducking flying objects babe and you haven’t nearly knocked me out during sex yet either.”

  “I had wondered about that.” I mused. “I don’t understand why sex with you isn’t leading to my telekinesis becoming unstable. It’s normally unpredictable, but especially when I come. When I lose control, I lose control of my telekinesis too. The only thing I can think of is that because the sex with you is very intense and yeah, don’t let it go to your fucking head ok? “I tilted my head back to shoot him a warning glance. “I think somehow you distract me enough, or ground me; basically I’m so focused on what you’re doing to me, my mind, my body, even my fucking soul, all of me, is totally engrossed, totally consumed, totally overcome with you.” My voice dropped to a whisper and this time when I tilted my head back, I expected to see that look in his eyes, that cocky, macho, full of himself arrogance that he liked to bandy about all the time, but there was nothing. In fact there was a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite decipher and after a few moments of us staring at one another, not speaking, he finally leaned forward and touched his lips to mine.

  He kissed me for what felt like hours although it was actually just minutes and his kiss was different this time. It was soft, gentle, just a slow movement of his lips over mine. He made no effort to push his tongue into my mouth or deepen the kiss. There wasn’t even anything necessarily sexual about it. It was more a comforting thing, a kiss which made me feel he understood what I was saying to him. This was a kiss that showed he really did care. It was reassuring that he hadn’t made any attempt to blow his own trumpet over his sexual prowess. Fuck he knew he was good, I knew he was good, half the damn population of Hobart probably would have known that if he hadn’t wiped their minds. He really didn’t need to climb up on his soapbox and tell me that.

  For the first time I looked at him as more than just some man whore vampire, hell bent on fucking his way through the population of Tasmania. When he released my lips and pulled back to study my face, for the first time I saw him as someone who despite my frequent attempts to not let him in, had in fact managed to get under my skin. For the first time I realised there was more to this beautiful vampire, than met the eye.

  It was comforting to learn Damien did actually have a heart but it terrified me to discover that there was more to him than I had initially realised. I didn’t want to like him; I didn’t want to care for him. I didn’t want to have anyone who would make me even consider not leaving town as I always did. I didn’t want to have anyone who would make me wonder why I felt I still had to leave town. Damien knew what I was and he didn’t care, but it didn’t matter; I couldn’t let him in and I couldn’t let myself love him. If I let myself love him, then eventually he wouldn’t want me and he would go away. If you love someone, they will always break your heart. This was my belief and this was why I moved around. It was protection; protection from detection and protection of my heart.

  I must have been lying there for too long just staring at Damien, nervously chewing on my bottom lip because his voice interrupted my musings. “Ok babe, I’m not sure if you’re stalling but I know there’s more to your story than your parents abandoning you. Talk to me my Firebird and stop trying to distract me by chewing your lip like that. Tell me why sex with me has reduced you to tears not once but twice.”

  I met those beautiful bright
green eyes of his that were studying me so closely and I realised, I had no choice but to answer him, to give him some sort of explanation. He wasn’t going to let up or back down, so with a deep sigh, I continued.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Damien waited for Flame to continue her story. He was still reeling from what she’d told him about her parents. He had been vampire for a long time now, decades in fact, but although his memories of his childhood were a little sketchy, he could still remember his parents. They had been loving, caring people and he had never one day of his childhood felt unloved.

  He couldn’t imagine what it would have been like for Flame to come home after a normal day at work and find hers had abandoned her at just eighteen years of age; leaving her to spend the rest of her life feeling like she was a freak, unworthy of love. No wonder she moved around a lot. Suddenly things were becoming clearer to him, regarding her. She moved around to avoid not only commitment but to avoid caring about anyone. If she didn’t love anyone they couldn’t let her down. If she didn’t care, then no one could disappoint her or hurt her like her own parents had done.

  That made him wonder if she might like him; if she might actually care for him? Was that why she tended to fight with him, give him shit and run off? Was it because she liked him and she was fighting it? That didn’t explain the tears during sex though. She hadn’t always cried when she came; it was only the last couple of times. He had to know. He had no idea why it was so important to him. Fuck he didn’t normally give a shit what went through a woman’s mind. They’d never been anything more to him than walking cunts and blood banks. He was only interested in what was between their legs and what pumped through their veins. He had no interest in what went on inside their heads and yet Flame was different. He had no idea what made her different, he had no idea why he wanted her so much. Hell, even now, all this time later while they’d been talking, his cock was still inside her and ok, it had softened slightly, but he knew one move of his hips and he’d be ready to go again.

  “Tell me babe, what is it that is making you cry? Is it because of your parents?”

  “I’m not thinking about my parents when we fuck Damien and I sure as hell am not thinking of them when I’m coming.” She sighed. “I think it’s an accumulation of things. It’s been hard doing it alone. I’m nearly 29 years old. You do the math, and I’ve had no one to care for me, love me, nothing. I had the boyfriend who didn’t take kindly to me nearly knocking him out because of my telekinesis becoming uncontrollable during sex. I had cared for him. I thought we’d be together for a while at least. That maybe we could have travelled together and...and…” Her voice trailed off. “But we know how that went. I only just avoided being charged and I had to go. See, I was a fucking freak in his eyes too. I’m just a freak, a fucking freak Damien. No one will ever love me or care for me. I’m always going to be alone and I…I...I’m not…” She fell silent again before beginning to struggle, pushing against his arms. “Let me up, I have to get out of here.”

  Damien tightened his grip on her. “You’re not going babe. You’re not fucking running. You and I are more alike than you would probably want to admit to. We’re both commitment shy and yet underneath it all, I think we’re both scared of ending up alone. I used to tell myself that I’d dodged a bullet and I intended to stay that way. I look at my sire and my brothers with their women and you know what I’ve finally figured out? I bullshit myself and try to tell myself that they’re all crazy, that they’re all fucked up for wanting to have partners. I can do it too, I can convince myself of that but then I see them together, the love they have for one another. Dominick who you haven’t met yet nearly died from a broken heart when he and Allegra split up for a short time. Fabian was a complete unfeeling, asshole before Sirene. He had no patience for anything. He didn’t give a shit about anything or anyone. His past proves that and don’t ask me for the story of his life because it’s not mine to tell. My point is now he has Sirene, he’s happy, settled, he fucking cares about things, about people. Then there’s my baby bro Lucian. He used to come out hunting with me. Fuck the stories we could tell you about the women but he meets this tiny little skinny blonde bit who had been abused and suddenly he’s trailing after her, acting in ways he’s never done before and then he’s in love. Now there’s only Fran, Adrian and I left. I’m not sure there’s a man alive who can handle my sister and Adrian? Fuck, I have no idea what’s going on with him. He never brings women to the house and he’s all dark and fucking mysterious all the time. When he’s not putting shit on me of course though.” He reluctantly smiled at the memory of Adrian’s smart assed comment to him. “My point is, I don’t know what’s happening between us. I think we’re both fighting it, both determined to convince ourselves there’s nothing between us and maybe there’s not, or not enough to last forever anyway. All I know for me personally is I want you. I think you’re beautiful, sexy, and smart and you make it interesting because you aren’t predictable, well not normally. This, you trying to run again; now that’s predictable. Why don’t we just accept that there’s this attraction between us. It’s volatile but it leads to the hottest fucking sex, because trust me; this clawing, all consuming need is not unique to you. I feel it too and right now, I just want to fuck you again. What do you say? Are you prepared to stop overthinking this and just go with it? Just take it one day at a time? Say yes babe.” He whispered in her ear, his arms tightening around her and with a smooth lunge of his hips, he drove his cock into her making her gasp. Fuck she felt so good, her cunt like a vice around him.

  “Yes.” Her voice was so soft even he with his vampire hearing almost missed it but quiet or not, it didn’t change the fact that she’d told him yes. He felt a flood of relief and kissed her before pulling out of her and climbing from the bed. When he looked down at Flame she was staring at him in surprise and what looked like disappointment.

  He walked to a cupboard in the corner of his bedroom and dug around inside until he found what he was looking for. Armed with them he headed back to the bed where she still lay, that glorious mane of hair spread out around her.

  Damien stood looking down at her watching as her eyes moved over him. They shifted over his chest, stomach, moving on down until they reached his cock and he fought not to laugh when her eyes widened as she stared at him. If he said anything, chances were she’d accuse him of being an egotistical ass again, but he didn’t have to be an egotistical ass and he wasn’t, not really. He knew his cock was huge, hell he’d had it yelled at him often enough, and he’d had opportunities to compare himself to others. Ok, his vampire siblings and his sire were all pretty well hung too. Maybe it was a vampire thing but he knew Flame thought he was big and fuck it, with her, he was huge since she was so damn tight. He loved her cunt. It was tight, hot, so wet for him and he couldn’t seem to get enough of it. He couldn’t wait to get his cock back inside it but first things first. He had something for her. He wasn’t sure how she was going to react, but he was about to find out.

  “Babe, I have something for you. In fact I have something for both of us, and I’m hoping you will agree to let me do this to you, as I will allow you to do it to me. So what do you say Firebird? Are you game?”


  Damien’s words got me curious. It was hard to focus on much besides his cock which stood huge and rigid in front of him. Damn but it was big, rising up higher than his belly button, the head broad, the whole fucking thing broad for that matter. Then there were those piercings. The pain he must have endured to get them were well worth it, given the level of pleasure he could give a woman, and it had to be beneficial to him too, or he’d never have put himself through that kind of agony.

  I reached out and circled his instrument of ecstasy, just one of the many nicknames I had for it, tugging lightly, and heard a muffled groan from him. “Babe, stop trying to distract me. I’m not putting my cock back inside you until I’m good and ready.”

  I found myself pouti
ng at him teasingly, which wasn’t characteristic behaviour for me, but it was fun with Damien. One could never accuse him of being dull and boring.

  “That’s not what you were saying earlier.” I reminded him. “You were telling me I’d be working tomorrow night with your dick inside me. Now you’re telling me that was a lie, and you won’t be sticking your dick in me until you’re ready? Well, what if I decide I don’t want your dick inside me? Do I get any say in the matter?”

  He gave me a lazy grin. “That’s an awful lot of dicks babe and don’t be a smartass. You know what I mean. I want to put my cock back inside you. I mean look at the fucking thing.” He waved his hand over it. “He’s all for getting back inside that sweet cunt of yours, but I have something for you and I need to find out how you feel about it. It’s for both of us actually. Something that will take the sex we’ve had and increase the pleasure even more. Are you game?”

  “So what is it you’re proposing?” I asked suddenly nervous. What was he hiding in his hands? I took a deep breath. Something told me I needed to prepare myself for this. “So what exactly is it you’re hiding in your hands?”

  I tensed as he pulled them out from behind him and slowly raised them so I could see what he was holding. When my eyes landed on both of them I felt my heart rate kick up a notch. “Holy…fucking…hell!” I whispered as I stared at the two butt plugs he held in his hands. They weren’t ordinary butt plugs though; they must be vibrating ones since they had switches on them. Was he going to use one on himself? I sure as hell hoped so because I was nervous about one, no fucking way was he coming near me with two.

  “Has anyone ever used a butt plug on you before?” He asked.

  “No, like I said, I move around a lot. Sex was casual to me, and toys require a bit more intimate knowledge of the person before using them. I never picked up a man and said ‘here stick this up my ass and let me shove this one up yours.”


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