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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 33

by J. a Melville

  “That’s good to hear Flame because the punishment I have in mind for you and my son will be for you two to kill them. Sirene will take care of the removal of their bodies, but their actual deaths are for you two to perform.” He gave them a lopsided smile his strange pale eyes trying to gauge their reaction to his punishment.

  “Fine, we shall do that then Fabian. Thank you for not killing us instead.” Flame bowed her head and Fabian chuckled quietly.

  “I am not quite as terrifying as you seem to think Flame. Love has mellowed me a lot.” He turned to smile at Sirene before looking back to them. “Ask any of my children but you still have to be punished and I think cleaning up the mess you created is fit punishment. Of course your parents are only part of the problem. We don’t know yet who your father called and whether that person will go to the authorities. There is not much we can do about that problem until it arises.” Fabian stood, pulling Sirene up with him. “Now, my beauty and I need to…rest.” He said, smiling and Damien silently snorted. They were not going to rest unless that was the new name Fabian had for fucking. His sire had a huge erection clearly visible through his clothing; he could see it. Obviously the drama and tension of the evening must have been a turn on for him. Did he get off on the thought of death as well? There was probably a lot to his sire none of them really knew. He’d been vampire for over six hundred years after all. Still, Damien simply nodded and stood too. Flame quickly climbed to her feet as well and they all bid each other goodnight.

  “Come on Flame. Let’s get to bed. You will sleep in my bed won’t you?” He asked.

  “Of course Damien, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. It’s been an eventful night and despite all that has happened…” She fell silent and stepped towards him, her eyes bright with excitement. “I was hoping we might be able to fuck before we sleep if you feel up to it.” She said, her eyes searching his.

  Damien pulled her towards him and took her hand in his pressing it over the zip of his jeans, knowing she would feel his hard cock. “You tell me babe. Does that seem at all like I feel up to it?” He asked and smiled when she laughed softly at his words.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  As soon as the door closed, shutting us away in Damien’s bedroom, I launched myself into his arms. Despite the fucked up nature of the evening I was suddenly overcome with a strong need to fuck him. I was beginning to understand that as a vampire, we thrived on excitement and drama, and tonight had been filled with drama following my parents’ unexpected arrival. Because of their arrival and all that followed, the shine had been taken off Damien and I finally being together. I’d told him I loved him, he admitted he still loved me, we’d fucked and then it had all gone to shit.

  “I’d love to have a shower babe, wash away the shit from the evening and all that with your father. Are you ok? I’m sorry you have such crappy parents and I hope you’re going to be ok with what we have to do. We got off lightly with Fabian really. He could have got Sirene to put a spell on us so we couldn’t have sex anymore or something.”

  “She wouldn’t do that surely?” I scoffed.

  Damien chuckled. “Don’t underestimate her babe. When she and my sire first met she was hired to make his life hell and trust me, she did. She fucked him one night and I don’t mean fucking as in sex. Well they did that too, but she made it so he couldn’t come at first. Poor bastard thought he was going to die, the final death kind of dying. It was really painful for him. She got him all worked up several times and nothing. Then the crafty little bitch switched it so he couldn’t stop coming. Lucian and I got the job of taking her home that night before he killed her. Damn, he was a mess. On the floor, covered in his own cum; it…was…everywhere.” He grinned.

  I laughed, I knew I shouldn’t but the image in my head was hilarious. “Wouldn’t it be every person’s dream to come and come?”

  “You’d think babe, but trust me, I saw my sire. He was lying in a foetal position on his bathroom floor, nearly in tears and covered in his own cum. I’ve never seen him in such agony or so vulnerable. Sirene nearly broke him that night and I’m surprised he didn’t kill her. He was going to but the sappy bastard fell for her before he could kill her.”

  “Are you going to call him a sappy bastard to his face?” I grinned and Damien swooped suddenly pulling me into his arms.

  “Hell no and enough of my sire, I want to shower and then fuck the woman I love.” He ground his erection into me. “Strip for me babe or I’m going to be forced to tear those clothes right off you.”

  I pulled out of his arms and stripped for him, working my body like I would if I was at work, and Damien watched me as he hastily ripped his clothes off, nearly tripping himself over when he forgot to take his shoes off before his jeans, and they got stuck around his ankles.

  I burst out laughing at his antics to get naked and when he finally stood before me in all his natural beauty, I sobered, my eyes heating. I stepped up to him and ran my hands down from his shoulders over the hard muscles of his chest, feeling his stomach clench as I trailed my fingertips down his happy trail until I ran into that huge, straight, gorgeous pierced cock of his. I curled my hand around it, squeezing gently, watching his face the whole time. His eyes closed and I saw a muscle ticking in his jaw.

  “Enough.” He suddenly growled and I was swung up into his arms and carried into the bathroom. Once he had the water running he lowered me into the shower and I stepped under the warm spray to make room for him to hop in with me.

  He’d barely joined me under the water when his head descended and I felt his lips close over mine. This kiss was different, it was gentle, loving, a sweet caress of my mouth with his. His tongue made long sweeps over mine, before he shifted to nibble my bottom lip. I moaned under his lips when I felt one hand cup a breast and squeeze it, then pinch my nipple before he moved on down until he was pushing his fingers between my legs, delving into my wet pussy. It was his turn to groan when he felt how ready my body was for his. It had always been ready for his though. From the moment my parents abandoned me, the years spent travelling, drifting, never settling, it was all to bring me to him. This man was the one I was destined to spend eternity with. He was the only man who could turn me on in ways I’d never have thought possible. He was the only man I’d ever loved and I knew as his lips left mine and trailed down my neck that there would never be another for me. Damien was my happily ever after.

  When he finally lifted me and I felt his hard cock at my pussy, I sighed when he lowered me, slowly. I felt him stretching me, filling me, pushing me to my limits as he was so big. He stopped, once he was as deep as he could go and he paused for a moment just letting us savour the intimate connection of our bodies.

  Slowly at first he began to lift me and lower me. I could do nothing but wrap my legs around him, my hands in his hair, hanging on, gasping with every delicious slide of him in and out of me. God he felt amazing, so big, so beautiful, and so perfect for me.

  Gradually he increased the pace and I moaned as I was pushed closer and closer to my orgasm. Damien’s lips pressed against my neck as he turned us so my back was to the wall and I grunted when he pushed me against the cool tiles and slammed into me, the force of his hips driving me up the wall. I felt the graze of his fangs and he bit down, drawing on my blood, every pull of his lips against my neck spearing down between my legs, triggering small bursts of pleasure which began to build. Finally with a broken cry, I came, clenching around him as he thrust, working towards his own release.

  While I drifted on my orgasmic cloud, I nuzzled into Damien as he drove into me, his expression twisted with the pleasure and pain of his own need to come. I bit into him, taking nothing more than a couple of mouthfuls of his blood, but that was all it took. With a ragged cry of my name, I felt him pulsing inside me as he came.

  When he’d finally settled, he lowered me to the floor and we bathed one another before climbing from the shower and drying off. Suddenly exhausted with the events of
the evening we collapsed into bed in one another’s arms and drifted off to sleep.


  Three days later and things were progressing nicely for Damien and Flame. She’d officially gone back to work, and he’d accompanied her the first night to see how she handled the temptation of all the people there. He smiled to himself when he thought back to the first time he’d met her and how she’d given him more than one or two lashings from that tongue of hers. She could drop a man with one insult, one flash of those stunning green eyes, but most men were too drunk to notice much besides her beauty. One flash of those stunning eyes in his direction earlier giving him the full impact of her love, had nearly brought him to his knees. God she was incredible, amazing, she was everything, the perfect companion to him.

  The only dark cloud over their future was that of her parents who were still locked away down in the dungeon of Fabian’s home. They were going to have to take care of them soon or his sire would start putting pressure on them to deal with the problem. The main hold up was Flame. She couldn’t seem to make up her mind how she wanted to kill them. Damien didn’t think it was because of a reluctance to take their lives, more a case of not finding the punishment to suit the crime in her mind.

  It was early in the evening of the fourth night that her parents had been locked up that there was a knock at the door. Everyone except for Adrian and Francesca were home. She’d gone hunting with Lucian and Arissa and then they were all meeting up with Dominick and Allegra before coming to the house. Since Flame had still not met Dominick or Allegra, Allie was curious to meet the woman who had finally cured him of his man whoring ways. Of course no one knew where Adrian was, but that wasn’t any real surprise.

  Everyone immediately straightened at the sound of the knocking but it was Fabian who rose and headed for the door. “Be ready in case it’s trouble.” He warned. Everyone had been slightly on edge ready for a potential battle if the person that Flame’s father had contacted had in fact gone to the authorities given they never returned.

  Damien heard the door open and was surprised to hear what sounded like a woman’s voice. She had a soft melodious voice but he couldn’t quite make out what she was saying.

  Sirene’s head came up and when she turned to the living room doorway, everyone else did too. The voice of his sire and the unknown woman were drawing closer and Damien was surprised. No one ever came to see them, or rarely anyway, and the fact that Fabian was bringing a stranger into the house was even more shocking.

  When he stepped into the room, he looked slightly tense. For anyone who didn’t know him, it wouldn’t be so obvious but Damien saw it instantly and so did Sirene as her expression showed concern when she met her lover’s pale eyes.

  The woman was tall, slim, quite delicate looking though. She couldn’t have been any more than twenty one or twenty two years old. Her hair was blonde, a mix of honey blonde with paler streaks through it. Her skin was like porcelain, so smooth and soft looking. It wasn’t until she turned to them that they all nearly gasped. They were stunned by her eyes. No one could have eyes the colour hers were surely? They were the most intense, deep blue/green Damien had ever seen. It was like staring into the waters of the Caribbean and they were framed by ridiculously long lashes.

  As Damien stared at her he couldn’t shake the feeling that she looked slightly familiar. He racked his brain trying to remember if she was one of his one night fuck and feed women, but he’d fucked a lot of them over the years so he couldn’t be sure. The more he looked at her the more he decided he couldn’t have fucked her. She was young but there was an air of innocence about her and he suspected she was a virgin, unless she was just one of those women who had an angelic face even if she was a street corner hooker.

  Those brilliant eyes of hers fell on Flame and she squealed before launching herself in the arms of his woman. What the fuck? Flame tensed up and he saw her nostrils flare when the woman’s hair brushed her face. When Flame looked over at him, with a mixture of confusion, shock and hunger, he knew he had to remove the extremely forward young woman before she ended up on tonight’s menu.

  Before he could do anything Fabian grabbed her and extracted her from Flame. “Perhaps you can tell us why you’re here and why you were so familiar with…” He was cut off by the young woman interrupting him.

  “Flame; you don’t like me hugging Flame?” She said in that melodic voice.

  Fabian’s expression darkened. “How do you know Flame? It would seem that you have her at a disadvantage. While you may know her, it’s quite clear that she doesn’t know you.”

  “Oh that’s easy. Flame’s my half-sister.” She said, dropping a bomb that had everyone’s eyes swinging from her to Flame. No wonder she looked slightly familiar. Now as Damien studied her more closely he could see that there were some similarities in the shapes of their faces, noses and although the eye colours were a little different; the shape of them too were alike. The question of course was where the hell had she come from, and why show up now? Flame seemed quite shell shocked so she obviously knew nothing of her.

  “How…how can you be my sis...sister?” Flame asked. “I...I don’t remember ever being told I had a sister and there’s no way you can only be ten or eleven years old, which is how long it’s been since I saw my parents.”

  “Oh we don’t have the same mothers. Our father had an affair while he was still married to your mother. He wouldn’t acknowledge me though. He wanted nothing to do with me. My mother died years ago and he refused to take me in so I was passed around foster homes until I was old enough to get out on my own.” She shrugged as if she was telling them something that was no more interesting than what she intended buying at the supermarket.

  “How did you find me and why are you here?” Flame asked, still staring at her half-sister in bewilderment. Damien hated to see her looking the way she did. Why did all this shit have to happen now? She was happy, they were happy, she was working again; she’d learned to control her natural urges and then it was the crap from her parents and now some surprise half-sister.

  “Oh, your mother and our father tracked me down out of the blue about a year or so ago. Seems he’s been in trouble with the law and was after money. I don’t have any, well not the kind of money he’s after. He’s not a very nice man but you know that. I wanted nothing to do with him, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. Then he found out what I was.” She gave a fleeting smile at them all.

  This was getting more and more bizarre by the minute as far as Damien was concerned. Fabian was glued to the woman though, never taking his eyes off her. “So what are you? What you mean he found out what you are?”

  “Oh I’m a visionary.” She shot them that fleeting smile again.

  “Which means what exactly?” Fabian prompted.

  “I can see things, visions. I can see things that are coming; I can see the future I guess you could say. It can come to me suddenly or often it happens in dreams. I saw all of you and I know who you are, what you are and what you have done.” She said, casually and quietly dropping that bomb on them all.

  Fabian’s expression gave nothing away. “Perhaps you could explain that to all of us.” He said.

  “Well obviously Flame is my half-sister. It was our father who found me and then he insisted I help him find you.” She grimaced as if biting into something unpleasant and Damien suspected she wasn’t too fond of her father. “He can be very insistent too.”

  “Your father has some ability like you, does he? Can he see the future too?” Fabian asked.

  “Oh no, he’s not a visionary; he’s nothing really. He’s the same as Flame actually just not very good at it. He’s stubborn and has fought his ability all his life I suspect. It’s like the saying goes, Use it or lose it.”

  Flame leapt up at that. “Are you fucking kidding me? That bast…our father is a telekinetic like me?” She began to pace before stopping again. “You still haven’t told us who you are. We know what you are and that we’re half-siste
rs but what’s your name?”

  “Faith, my name is Faith, Faith Baxter. Nothing fancy unfortunately.” She gave that fleeting smile of hers again. “I always wanted a pretty name, something exotic. You at least have a name that fits your appearance. Flame suits you with that red hair.”

  “So Faith, please tell us what you are doing here. What do you know about us.” Fabian’s voice was quiet and when Damien looked over at him, he was watching Flame’s younger sister with an expression that was almost tender. He snorted to himself because he got it too. There was something so sweet and innocent about Faith, it brought out that desire to protect.

  “Father wanted me to find you Flame which I did and that’s why they were at the club in the car park that night. They saw you.” She grinned at Damien. “You were having sex in public. Not a wise thing to do, given what you all are.”

  “What are we?” He asked.

  She giggled a soft musical sound. “You’re all vampires of course. I know that you are Fabian.” She turned to his sire. “You are with Sirene.” She smiled at her. “You are Damien.” She pointed to him. “You’re with my sister but you haven’t been together long and she hasn’t been vampire long.”

  “So you helped your father track down Flame but why? Did you owe him in some way?”

  “I had to help him. I wanted to meet my sister. I didn’t even know I had one. They never spoke of you.” She met Flame’s eyes, hers filled with compassion.

  “If you’re a visionary, why couldn’t you find your sister on your own?” Fabian questioned.

  “I can’t see everything. I need contact with people sometimes. I need to be in their lives or hold things of theirs, something like that. When our father came to me, he opened a flood gate of emotions, memories and visions for me.” Her expression suddenly darkened. “He never wanted me. He was married so when he got my mother pregnant he ordered her to abort but she wouldn’t. He told her he wanted nothing to do with her or me and if she came after him, he would make her pay. She never did, she raised me alone.”


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