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Speak to the Wind

Page 9

by Mary Tate Engels

  Laughing at his antics, Maria felt relief as she picked up the offending obstacle and tossed it into the water. “It's only an oyster shell crusted with barnacles."

  "Vicious little critters, aren't they? Now I know why I've never been much of a shell collector. They attack!"

  "You run by them so fast that you don't have time to search for and find the pretty ones. That's another advantage of walking. It's slow. You have time to look around."

  "And time to think," Joe added.

  "Yes, sometimes too much." Maria knew that was why she stayed so busy most of the time. It didn't leave her any time or energy for thinking.

  "And what do you think about when you're alone, Maria? If I weren't here this minute, what would you be thinking about?"

  She kicked a spray of sand in front of them. "Oh, probably some aspect of my business or my family. Sometimes I ponder about life in general. Where I fit in the scheme of things."

  "And where's that?"

  "I used to think I was stranded, all alone on an island. That was right after Wayne died." Her voice grew pensive. "But I've discovered that my feet are on pretty solid ground."

  "I suppose we all feel stranded at times," he said, interpreting her solemn mood.

  "Do you, Joe?"

  "Yes, especially now. I'm out on that island alone. Not stranded so much as standing alone. What I've undertaken is a tremendous responsibility. But it's my decision, my personal challenge."

  "You aren't completely alone, Joe. I'm in it with you. My goals are yours. I told you I won't be content until you're elected chairman of the Apache Nation. And I'll always be available for any future help."

  "As my own private consultant? Thanks. Y'know, it's funny." His voice was low and thoughtful. "Here you are a non-Indian and my main ally."

  "I can't believe that. I found my friends and family invaluable when I needed them."

  "Most of my friends are Anglos in California, and they don't really understand. That's why you're so unusual. And my family is supportive, but from a distance."

  "I thought you said your brother was going to help with the campaign."

  "Yes, Josh will be a part of this endeavor and head up my campaign. I'm not sure that even he understands, though."

  "And your other family?"

  "They're divided into two camps. My adoptive parents are Anglo and live in Phoenix. They're proud of me, but my father has been in poor health, so his participation is quite limited. My Indian relatives are cousins, uncles and aunts. They're enthusiastic about my return to the reservation but are a little distant because they don't really know me well."

  "Your work is extremely important, Joe. Sometimes work takes the place of people."

  "That's a strange thing to say. Is that what you've done, Maria? Put your work in place of people?"

  "I desperately needed the work, the preoccupation."

  "So you became a workaholic."

  "I accomplished my goals. My business is successful and growing. And my sanity is—" she laughed "—still somewhat intact."

  "What about your family? What do they say about your obsession with work?"

  She laughed. "I come by it naturally. They're workaholics, too, especially my mom. She doesn't even take time anymore to go up to the cabin."

  "I'm glad you do. I would never have met you otherwise."

  "I can't stay away. Something keeps drawing me back. The mountains give me a kind of strength. Sounds mystical, doesn't it?"

  "My Uncle Will would probably agree with you. Does your family live in Phoenix, too?"

  "Yes, although we're scattered in different areas. I live in Scottsdale. My mother is in Carefree. She has a new career in real estate and a new gentleman in her life. We're still adjusting to that, although he's very nice, and she seems happy with him. My brother, Rob, is married and lives in Tempe. He and Phyllis are expecting their first child in the spring. We get together occasionally, but they have their own lives and... I have mine."

  "Which is...?"

  "Mostly work. But," she added quickly, "it takes that kind of dedication to make a new business successful. You know that, Joe."

  "And there's no one else in your life?" He couldn't help wondering if she had another lover and that's why she seemed so intent on resisting him. "No love interest?"

  In the uneasy quiet that followed they could hear the gentle lap of the waves caressing the shore.

  "No. I haven't wanted—"

  He slowed his step. "Until now?"

  She slowed with him and waited before answering. "Until now."

  He stopped completely and turned her to face him. "Maria, look at me. I haven't been involved with a woman in a long, long time. But when I first saw you in the mountains, I knew. Since then I've been able to think of no one else. Of nothing else but having you!" His hands rested lightly on her shoulders. "For a while I tried to stay away. This is really bad timing for me to get involved with a woman. But I can't help it. Do you understand? Do you believe me?"

  "Yes, I... I've thought of you, too, Joe. It's the first time since..." Her voice quavered, and as he drew her closer, she placed her palms on his chest. Somehow the pounding of his heart reassured her, for she knew it was pounding for her. He wrapped both arms around her and held her in his embrace for a long time. He was strong and secure, and she knew she needed a man like him.

  When they started walking again, they were headed back toward the casitas. His arm rested across her shoulders, and her arm circled his waist in the back. It was comfortable, an easy way to stroll, arms hooking their bodies together, hips rubbing, side by side.

  "What does your brother think about your returning to the reservation, Joe?"

  "Josh thinks I'm nuts." Joe chuckled. "But he's taking a year off his job to manage my campaign. Actually, he's taking a year out of his life since he's in the midst of a nasty divorce that involves child custody for his son, Mick. You'll probably meet him next week when he comes down for a strategy session. We’ll be coordinating schedules and discussing plans. He wants to issue some press releases. Maybe you could help with that since it has to do with communicating and the media."

  "Be glad to." She was quiet for a moment, then decided she had to know. "I can't believe there's no woman in your life, Joe."

  "I'm divorced. It happened a long time ago. No kids. It just ended and we parted." He paused, then decided to add, "I'll admit I've spent the weekend with a few women since. But none I cared about. I, too, have been building a business."

  They walked the rest of the way to the casitas in silence, arm in arm. When they reached Maria's little porch, they stood in the sand, bare toe to bare toe, fingers laced, clinging to the moment.

  "Thanks for dinner, Joe. It was wonderful. And the walk in the moonlight was... marvelous." She couldn't begin to tell him what his kisses had done to her. "Actually wonderful is an inadequate word. And marvelous is overused. I can't think of the right—"

  "How about extraordinary?" He leaned forward and kissed her. "Magnificent." Another kiss. "Remarkable."

  "Yes, all that," she murmured between kisses.

  "And more. Excellent, jim-dandy, super-duper—"

  She laughed aloud and he kissed her again, molding his lips to hers, barely dipping his tongue inside, then pulling it back. Once they touched and were caught in each other's embrace, there was no parting, and they drew closer, completely wrapped together, lost to everything save the sounds of each other's heartbeats and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.

  The night breeze picked up and sent her shivering against him. She put her cheek to his and whispered, "Don't leave me yet, Joe."

  "Wouldn't think of it."

  "Let's go in. I have that bottle of wine you sent last night. Only one glass is gone."

  "Wine..." He caressed the silkiness of her cheek with his fingertips as if trying to absorb her softness. "Couldn't be as intoxicating as you." Turning her face up to his, he kissed her again, this time with great tenderness.<
br />
  She led the way inside and poured them each a glass of the expensive Chardonnay.

  They raised their glasses, clinking them together without words. Clichéd quotes seemed out of place now. They sipped silently, dark eyes exchanging expressions of smoldering passion.

  Joe examined her face for an answer to his unasked question as he tried to control the desire that raged through his body. Working with Maria today and being alone with her tonight had brought them closer. He knew more about her. Knew—more than ever—that he wanted her. And now thinking that they would soon sleep in separate beds drove him crazy.

  "Maria, I—"

  "Would you like to have a seat, Joe?"

  "Not what I want—" He halted and lowered his voice. "Maria, you know what—"

  "Would you like to stay awhile?"

  He glared at her from across the room. He was serious. Why the hell was she smiling? "Yes. You might say that. I want you."

  She turned away from his intense gaze, reading what was on his mind. It was on hers, too. "Would you like to stay the night?"

  "And you, Maria? What do you want? I think we're of the same mind. Or am I misreading the signs?"

  "No, Joe. You aren't misreading. I'm just... I need a little time."

  "Not tonight, then?" he responded quickly. "Is that what you're saying?"

  "I... didn't say that."

  "Then what's wrong?"

  "It's too fast."

  "I have known... have felt this way since I first saw you, Maria. It's been weeks. That isn't fast."

  "I've felt it, too. But I denied it until I saw you again. Until now."

  Slowly he moved across the room. "Maria, I don't want this to be one sided. I'm sure about me, but I want you to be sure, too. And no regrets. Two volunteers. Both willing or not at all."

  She faced him squarely, a little smile playing around her lips. "This is crazy. You know I want you, too."

  “Then why wait? Our time is limited, and it's slipping away."

  She shrugged and laughed a little. "I can't think of any good reasons right now."

  Joe closed the final space between them and took her in his arms. His fervent kiss was filled with promises of passion and tenderness, his body revealed the vitality of his desire. He raised his head and looked deep into her eyes. "Maria, we have each other. We're stranded on that island, alone... together. Just us two tonight. And for the next few weeks..."

  Her arms crept around his shoulders, her fingers playing with the dark hair on the nape of his neck. "I volunteer..."

  “Two volunteers," he murmured, kissing her again. Then he lifted her in his arms and bent to nibble her earlobe and bury kisses in her tawny hair. "God, I want to love you, Maria. To love you until you can't catch your breath."

  "Promise?" She already felt breathless, even before he whisked her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

  Her blond hair spread fanlike over the pillow, and he reached for the golden tresses while he rained kisses over her entire face. "Oh, woman, what you do to me..."

  She slid her hands across the width of his broad chest, feeling the warmth beneath his shirt. "Show me," she taunted bravely and tackled the flat pearl buttons keeping that shirt closed and his muscular chest from her touch. She felt desperate to see him undressed, to caress him intimately. Her slender fingers worked diligently until she reached his belt.

  Abruptly she halted, suddenly aware that beneath his clothes Joe was hot and boldly aroused. Soon nothing would be hidden. And there would be no turning back.

  "Don't stop," he encouraged and jerked the shirttail out of his waistband. With a flick of his wrist he unbuckled his belt and the waist of his slacks.

  In another moment his shirt was gone and his broad, brown chest hovered over her. He was beautiful. So smooth and tempting. Spreading her fingers against him, she explored his skin's texture. "You've been in my fantasies since we first met, Joe."

  "I want to see you, too, Maria. All of you. Then my fantasies can be completely acted out." He unbuttoned her blouse and helped her out of it. With feverish fingers he unsnapped the front closing of her bra and slowly released her breasts from their lace prison. Then he removed the rest of her clothes. His eyes flamed with dark fire as he looked at her, not touching but wanting to touch everything.

  She lay back on the bed, smiling seductively. The hiss of his zipper told her what he was doing. Maria tried to keep her gaze trained on his but failed miserably. She was compelled to peruse his body, to address the awesomeness of his arousal, to look him over from broad, smooth chest to tight, brown hips. He was magnificent. And soon he would be hers to hold, to feel. Deep inside she ached to fulfill that long dormant sexual yearning. When she lifted her gaze back to his face, she saw he was watching her.

  Maria grinned sheepishly, suddenly embarrassed that he'd caught her admiring him.


  "Beautiful," she said softly.

  He moved closer. "Maria, are you..."

  "On the pill? No."

  “Then I'll take care of it." He scrambled for his discarded slacks, mumbling gruffly, "I know how this must look, but it's not what it seems. I just want to be ready."

  "You expected us to get together."

  "I hoped." He turned and moved beside her, their bare bodies only inches apart. "Oh, God, I hoped, Maria." He kissed her again, hovering but not letting their bodies touch. She could feel the heat of him, and it nearly drove her crazy. With one hand he swept down her length, fingertips brushing her breasts, past her waist, pausing to stroke each thigh until her legs relaxed open. "Ahh, sexy," he murmured.

  Smiling, she reached out to caress him softly. "I love the way you feel, Joe. So strong and wonderful..."

  His skin rippled beneath her petting, and he groaned, forcing himself to be still and let her explore him with her feathery fingers. Joe's instincts commanded him to take her— and hurry—but he knew she needed time. And he also knew he should take it easy with her unless he wanted this time to be the last.

  And he definitely didn't.

  He turned to her, pulling her hands from him and placing them above her head. She gazed up at him, nude and wanting and willing. There was nothing to stop them now. Nothing to slow them down. They could go at their own pace.

  At long last they came together, smooth and hard, thrusting and accepting. His kisses trailed from her neck, over her breasts; her hands caressed every muscle.

  He nuzzled her breasts, his tongue stroking their rise and slope, circling their hardening peaks. He planted moist kisses along the heated valley of her cleavage, then laved each pink-crowned nipple with his tongue until it was a swollen pebble. As passion overpowered her, she thrust her breasts upward, and he sucked each one until she moaned softly.

  Maria had forgotten what such driving desire for a man was like. She writhed with the almost unbearable pleasure of his love making. She wanted him, urged him to come to her by arching her back, reaching up for him with her body.

  But he held her at the brink as long as he could stand it, skimming his large hand over her smoothness, the slight roundness of her tummy, her golden mound of pleasure. Fingertips feathered her inner thighs, then pressed them open. He could wait no longer!

  Maria felt the weight of his large body sliding over her, between her legs. She responded to the pressure of his arousal and experienced joy as he entered her slowly, surely, completely.

  They lay very still for a few moments, both relishing the sensations. Her hands stroked his back, trailed along his spine, cupped his buttocks, urged him farther into her.

  Then he could be still no longer, and the rhythm he set was fast and furious. She met his thrusts with a force of her own, gripping his back muscles, digging her fingers into his skin for leverage. Spirals of uncontrolled zeal creating unimaginable pleasure swirled them to the highest peaks, enlivening their senses, sending them into a realm of their own.

  "Joe, Joe!" she cried out again and again.

  “I’m with you
, baby. Every move." His response was a breathless moan. "Oh God, Maria!" Then all was quiet except for their labored panting. They stayed like that, with arms and legs entwined, clinging to the rapture as long as possible.

  When their breathing finally returned to normal and heartbeats slowed to a regular pace, he kissed her tenderly and rolled from atop her. After a quick trip to the bathroom he curled her to his body, hooking his arm around her waist.

  Maria hadn't felt so content and fulfilled as a woman since she'd lost Wayne. With Joe the newness and exploring had been exciting. One of the wonderful things about Joe, she thought as she drifted into that hazy state before sleep, was his honesty. Even in his lovemaking. He had admitted his passion and acted on it. And she could no longer deny a woman's natural urge for a man's fulfillment.

  During the night he held her securely in his arms, held her lovingly while they both slept. Content. Fulfilled. Loving.

  When morning came, the sun made a pattern on the Mexican tile. Joe sprawled, reaching for her with one arm. But her side of the bed was empty. He launched from the bed and quickly swept through the rooms, calling her name. Maria was gone. "What gives?" he muttered aloud. "Where the heck is she?"

  Cursing, he thrust his legs into his discarded slacks, not bothering with underwear or his belt. On his way out the door he grabbed his shirt.

  "I thought I’d find you here."

  “It's so peaceful. Just the water and the sand. And the sky." She sat on a jutting point of lava rock where the waves crashed high and sprayed the air with misty saltwater. They were a good mile from the casitas.

  "Been thinking, Maria?"


  "About what? Or should I say who? Me?"

  "Mmm-hmm. You and me."

  "Want to talk?"

  She stared into the distance over the water. "This was the first time since... since my husband."

  Joe crawled across the uneven rocks and sat beside her. He took her hand and sandwiched it between both of his. Hers felt cold, and he wanted to wrap her up in his arms. "I was afraid of something like this. It seems unfair because it's beyond my power."


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